《Primrose》Chapter 30


I awake with the bright sun shining in my eyes. And just as promised, Heath is lying down beside me, his heavy head sleeping on top of my chest. I comb my hand through his soft wavy hair as he lets out a groan.

He tilts his head up and I smile down at him. "Goodmorning," I say. He places a sloppy kiss on my chest, just right above my boobs. Woah, that was pretty close. Heath and I have never done anything intimate, well, besides kissing and cuddling. But that's okay because we're taking it slow.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me as he caresses my cheek. I close my eyes and hum in response as I lean into his soft touch.

"A lot better now that you're here," I reply.

Heath sits up and looks at me with adoration in his eyes. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, if only I--" I shush him by placing my finger against his soft lips.

"Heath, you can't blame yourself for this. If you blame yourself then I blame myself too," I state.

"Fine, but I think I owe you a date," I tilt my head to the side in confusion, scrunching my eyebrows together. "I told you that if you win then I would take you to the most extravagant date ever," I say.

"Oh, did you now? Huh, I almost forgot," I say sitting up and leaning my head against the headboard. "Say, where are you taking me?" I ask curiously.

"It wouldn't be extravagant if I were to tell you now would it?" He teases.

"Okay, just let me know how you want me to dress, and what time you'll be picking me up,"

"How about dress casually, and would now be a good time?" I smile at him. "I love you," He says and leans in to kiss my lips.

I pull my head back and away from his. "Nope, not until we brush our teeth first," I say and he groans. "Get your lazy fat ass up," I say hopping out of bed and walking to the bathroom. I jump in surprise as I hear a loud smack and my butt burning.

I turn my head to glare at him but only see him smirking down at me.

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"Why are we at the gym?" I ask.

"Just picking up some few things before we leave," Heath says as he gets out of the car and walks inside the gym. I sigh and wait for him to return back. A few minutes later, a loud knock sounds on my side of the window.


I roll it down, letting the hot sunny air hit my face. "Kade? What do you want?" I ask.

"Ouch, way to greet your buddy," He says and pulls open the back door and slides in. "So, we are we going?"

My head whips to face him. "Nu-uh, you are not coming with us,"

"Oh, but we are," Jed says sliding in along with Nash. I groan in annoyance just as Heath enters back in the car and reverses out of the parking lot.

"Why did you decide to bring them?" I ask.

"I'm sorry baby but they forced themselves, even if I said no they would've shown up anyway," Heath says.

"Are you still personal training Emily?" I blurt out. That has been a question on my mind for a while now. I mean I haven't seen Emily around the gym lately, or even Kara. I mean Kade and Kara are dating but I haven't seen much of her lately.

Heath shakes his head while still keeping his eyes on the road. "Nope, not after that stunt she pulled," He says and I couldn't help the smile that forms on my face.

"Good," I say looking back at the road. "So Kade, how have you and Kara been doing?" I turn my head to look at him.

He sighs. "I don't know, I feel like she's been a bit distant lately. But she still calls and texts me from time to time," He says sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear," I say. I really am. I thought that after Kara was basically fangirling over Kade at the movies, I thought she would be clinging onto him like the plague, but I guess I thought wrong.

"We're here," Heath announces as he pulls into a parking spot. He stops the engine and we all hop out of the car.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"It's a little something to get you running," He says with a grin on his face. We enter the building and I look at the sign.

"Laser tag?" I ask. Heath just nods his head as we approach the man working on the counter. "I'm going to be so bad at this. You're all going to get me out first I just know it," I state crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Kade says, slinging an arm over my shoulders.

"Let's go," Heath says as he reaches his hand out for me to grab and we follow him inside the little arena. They had us where these vest things. Well, here goes nothing. Our names are listed on the board.


The timer starts and once they announce we begin, I run off to find a hiding spot. I find a little pole that I crouch down behind before I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I let out a started scream. "Kade!" I say slapping his shoulder.

"Can I hide with you?" He asks.

"What happened to protecting me?" I ask back.

"Shoot, they're coming, move!" Kade whisper yells and shoves me to the side.

I can hear footsteps. 3 sets of footsteps. And voices. 3 sets of voices. Yep, the rest of the guys are hunting us down. Wow, they go after the weak ones, and me. "Where do you think they went?" I hear Nash's voice ask.

"Hmm, let's move. I don't think they're here," Jed says and I hear their footsteps fading away. I breathe a sigh of relief. It feels like we entered world war right now.

"Boo!" Heath says startling us from behind. Kade screams and I had to cover his mouth with my hand.

"Shhhh," I say and turn to Heath. "Heath, come on your my boyfriend? Please don't get me out," I beg him.

He taps his chin before finally speaking. "Alright, I won't shoot you," He says and aims his gun at Kade. "But I will shoot you," Heath says with a grin before firing at Kade. Poor Kade. See what I mean, the weak ones always go first. "I'll give you a 10-second head start. 1........2....." I dash out of there as now Kade gave away my hiding spot.

I find a little thin wall that I hide behind this time. "Prim, where are you?" I hear Jed's voice ask. "I got Nash out, I see you and Heath are left with me," He says as I hear his voice coming closer. "Come out come out wherever you are-- aww man!" He whines.

I peak my head out to see what happened, but to see that his vest is red, meaning that he's out. So if I didn't shoot him, then that must mean-- I gasp. Heath is here. My heart is pounding so fast right now.

"Prim, we're the only ones left. I can see you," He says as I now hear his voice getting closer to me. I close my eyes and get my gun ready to aim at him. "If you don't come out, I might just have to get to you instead," I hop out of my hiding spot and aim my gun at him.

"Hi Heath," I say holding my gun still.

"Hi there princess," He says before aiming his gun at me. "We'll see who's the victor now shall we--what the--?" His vest suddenly turns red. Huh?

"What? I didn't even shoot you," I say confused.

"I did," A voice says from behind me. I turn my head to see Victoria standing there with a smile on her face. "Nice to see you again Prism," She says saluting me. I laugh at her.

"You too Bitchtoria," I say back. She lowers her gun and sets it down. I give her a confused look on my face.

"Go ahead, I'm allowing you to take the win just this once," She says.

I eye her. "Is this a trap? It feels like a trap," I say looking around myself. She laughs before shaking her head at me.

"Go, hurry up or else I'll pick my gun back up and shoot you myself," She says. Oh, she's serious. I aim my gun at her and press it, her vest turns red and soon the timer stops.

"I won? I won!" I say jumping up and down happily.

"Yeah, you only won because my stupid sister just had to interfere," Heaths says pulling me against him. "What're you doing in here anyway?"

"Well, I was actually here with my girlfriend, got her out too," Victoria says with a smile. Wait, girlfriend?

"Wait, you have a girlfriend?" I ask. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being bisexual, gay, lesbian, or even part of the LGBTQ+. I was just asking since I'm a curious girl.

Victoria nods her head. "Yep, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I don't let her around mom or dad because I know how they feel about this stuff," She says looking down sadly.

"I would love to meet her one day," I admit genuinely.

Victoria's face lights up. "Really?" I nod my head. "Well, I think she would love to meet you as well," She says. "Well, this was fun and all but wouldn't want to keep her waiting. I'll see you guys around," She says and exits the arena.

Wow, Victoria has definitely got better. She was certainly not who I expected her to be. I think she puts on this rough and confident face every day, but in actuality, she's a softy for her girlfriend and I love that about her.

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎

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