《Primrose》Chapter 29


"Stop," I order Kade. He stops the video. "Rewind it one minute earlier," I order him and he does so.

After Prim, May, and Clyde's disappearance yesterday, we had the security take us to the camera room where all the security cameras are placed. One of them is in May's shop so we took the video and here we are. Looking back to see what happened with Prim.

What we see on the computer screen makes me want to punch someone right now. We watch as Prim reaches for her phone in her back pocket, then a shadow approaches her and soon she gets knocked unconscious. The shadow carries her body and her phone drops to the floor, right where I found it the other day. By the end of the footage, my hands are balled in fists.

"Check the camera outside," I order once again and Kade does as told. We watch as the mysterious man carries her into a black van and drives off. The stupid kidnapper didn't even think about blocking the driver's license. "Write the license down, we're going to the police station," I say.

Nash quickly writes the plate down on a piece of paper and we all quickly gather into my truck and I drive off, speeding down the road. I don't care if I'm going past the speed limit right now, someone fucking kidnapped my girl, and they are not about to get away with it.

I pull up to the parking area and we storm inside the little place. Nash shoves the paper into the front lady's chest. "Look up the license plate and tell us where the van is," I order her. She gives us a look but does it anyway with a shake of her head.

"Boys, what's the problem?" A voice says from the side of us. A police officer stands there with both eyebrows raised and his hands on his hips.

I quickly walk over to him. "My girlfriend has been kidnaped last night, we're trying to track down the vehicle. If you can help us that would be the best thing ever," I plead to him. He sighs and walks over to where the lady is.

"Is this the van?" The lady asks and turns the screen to show us. That same stupid black van. I nod my head and she turns the screen back, trying to locate its destination. "Alright boys, looks like it leads us to this abandoned warehouse about 2 miles down the road. It should be somewhere behind a restaurant that's being demolished to form into a hospital," The lady says.


"What's the girl's name?" The officer asks.

"Prim, Primrose Hendricks. She has beautiful brown eyes and long black hair. About this tall," I say using my hand and measuring it just below my shoulders. The officer writes it down and nods his head.

"We'll be sending 3 cars with you, good luck," He says and walks off.

"Alright, guys, time to get my girl back," I say and we all hurry out of the station and back into my truck. I drive us onto the road, making sure to go the speed limit as 3 police cars are right behind us. Wouldn't want to get caught as I'm trying to save my girlfriend.

I drive my truck 2 miles just like the lady at the front desk told me to and behold, a rusty restaurant appears in our line of sight. We all hop out of our cars and make our way to the back where a crusty house is. The warehouse that Prim is being held. My girl is in there.

"Careful," I tell the guys and they nod.

"She better be in there," Jed says coming to walk next to me. The police officers have their guns out. We approach the warehouse and walk up the creaky steps. The door is probably unlocked considering there no doorknob.

I push the door open and we all walk inside. "Prim?" I call out, but there's no answer. "Split up," I order and we all go separate ways. Kade and I make our way up the stairs, but nothing. Not even a single soul.

"Yo, check this out," I hear Kade say. What the--

"May? Clyde?" I ask panicked. Their mouths are gagged and their hands are tied behind their backs. "Untie him," I tell Kade while I untie May's hands. Two police officers rush inside. "May you're okay," I say trying to calm her down. "Where's Prim?" I slowly.

"I-I-I don't k-know where she is. Please, please f-find her," She says crying. I nod my head while the two officers escort them outside. May and Clyde are both here, which means Prim must be somewhere in this hell hole as well.

"Heath down here!" I hear Jed's voice call. We all rush to where he and Nash are and points down to the basement. "She's gotta be down there," He says. I start walking down into the dark basement, everyone following closely behind me.


"Get. Away. From. Me," That familiar voice grits out.

"Don't worry sweety poo, gladly," A man's voice says followed by a laugh.

The police officers get their guns ready as we approach a metal door. The man opens it and his eyes grow wide. "Uh-oh," He says and one of the officers grab hold of his hands, cuffing them behind his back.

I rush into the room where I find my sweet princess in a fucking cell. Her hair is messy, her cheeks stained with tears, and her clothes are ripped. "Prim," I whisper and try to open the door cell.

"Heath!" She says and her eyes light up. "Get me out of here,"

"I'm trying," I bang on the door. It's not fucking opening.

"I got this," Kade says, he grabs the key from the desk and opens the gate. "And voila," He says and bows. I rush inside and take Prim in my arms, she's shaking.

"You're okay," I whisper in her ear. "Can you stand?" I ask. She nods her head and attempts to get onto her feet. She falls over a bit but I manage to catch her.

I give her to Jed who holds her tightly in his arms as I make my way over to the kidnapper. I don't even hesitate to snatch his mask off and oh my god. What in the prison cell? "Jace?" I ask. Huh, luckily I remembered his stupid name. He was the one who Sasha fucking cheated on me with when I came home for the night. The one with some thin-ass stick figured dick.

"Come on man, don't do this," Jace pleads, shaking his head. "I'll tell you where she is if you let me go," He says.

Oh man, solding out your partner in crime is not being a very good partner in crime. "Who is 'she'?" I ask.

Jace scoffs. "You really don't know? Man, where have you been? She's been stalking you ever since you left her,"

"Still not following," I say unamused. "Get on with it,"

"Fine, Sasha was supposed to be here for Prim, but as soon as the alert system notified her that you people are here, she fled and left me," He says with disgust in his tone.

"Where did she go?" Nash asks.

"How am I suppose to know?"

"You are in a lot of trouble young man," An officer says walking over to us and stands in front of Jace. "You're coming with us for questioning," He says and tilts his head. The rest of the officers follow him outside.

We follow soon after and once we reach the bright sunlight, Prim runs straight to May and Clyde. Hearing her cry makes my heart ache for her. "Prim, are you okay honey?" May asks as she cups her face.

"I'm fine, are you guys?" She asks back. They nod their heads and she pulls them into a hug once more. "The flower shop, i-it's all ruined. I'm so sorry May I should've come sooner,"

May shakes her head. "This is not your fault. You didn't know this was coming. I'll find a way to fix it up," Prim nods her head and buries it on Clyde's shoulder.

I hear sniffles from beside me and turn to face the ugly crying guy I just, unfortunately, ended up standing next to. "You're crying?" I ask Kade.

He wipes away his tears. "Something got in my eyes," He says and sniffs.

"We're headed back to the station for the questioning, trust me, we'll find Sasha soon," Jed says and walks over to where the officer is holding Jace.

"I'm coming too," Prim says.

I shake my head. "You need some rest,"

"But I--"

"Prim, go home and rest. I'll be there when you wake up," I interrupt her from saying anything further. She huffs and stalks back to May. But she stops mid-step and turns to walk to Jace.

She points her finger in his chest. "I hope your nail chips in jail," She says and walks back to May. Jace gasps and attempts to attack her but is restrained with the cuffs behind his back. Huh, so this was her kidnapper?

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎

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