《Primrose》Chapter 31


"Alright be careful, we have no idea of what she's capable of," Heath says as we arrive at an old apartment building. There are still residents here, so I guess it is still in good shape.

We located where Sasha is after a hard questioning with Jace. So he was the guy that Sasha cheated with. He seems a bit not so manly in a way, not trying to be rude. All the guys are here and a few officers as well. We all hop out of our cars and make our way inside the building.

Heath holds his hand out for me to take and I place my hand in his. "Hi, we're looking for McKayla Jones?" Jed asks the lady in the front as we enter the building.

McKayla Jones is Sasha's cover name. Obviously, she is way smarter than her partner. The lady types on her computer and looks up at us with a tired smile. "Room 305 on the fifth floor," She says.

Heath thanks the lady and we all follow him into the elevator. Since there's quite a few of us, we took two elevators and met on the fifth floor. We walk down the hallway, looking at the room numbers.


"Here," I say and we all come to a stop and stand in front of the door.

Heath raises his hand up to knock on it, everyone is silent as we wait for Sasha to open her door. The doorknob jingles a bit before the door creaks open slightly, we see a pair of eyes looking out to us from behind the door before quickly rushing to close it.

Jed's foot keeps the door from closing all the way as Nash pushes the door open. Everyone barges into the room while Sasha runs to the window. She quickly opens it and steps outside. "Sasha don't!" I yell at her. I know what she's about to do and in no way in hell am I allowing her to do it, even if she may have put my life in danger.

She turns to give me a cold glare. "Get away from me," She says as she grips the window tighter.

"We're five stories up, Sasha you don't want to do this," I say calmly and slowly.

Tears start to spring in her eyes. "Why? My life is practically over. I have nothing. I'm crazy Prim!" She screams back at me. "I'm a psycho. A crazy lady. No one wants me," She whispers the last part out. "I'm sick,"

My eyes soften for just a moment before I shake my head. I know she's just saying all of this so we can give in to her. But it isn't working, at least not for me. "Sasha, step away from the window," Kade says slowly as he makes his way over to her.


She quickly hangs both legs out of the window, as if she's about to jump any minute now. "Get away from me," She hisses at Kade. She turns back to face me. "You took everything from me," She says as a tear falls from her face.

"Stop," I warn her. "Don't put up this act Sasha. You know what you did. I had nothing to do with you and Heath's relationship,"

She scoffs. "Heath never loved me," She mumbles.

"I would've if you weren't being petty and clingy," He says.

She glares at him. "So you didn't want me to be myself?" She turns to face back out the window. The breeze hitting her face as she closes her eyes.

I turn back to look at the officers. They give me a nod, saying to let her jump. I sigh. "Okay, you win," I say as I back up. "Go ahead. Jump," I tell her.

She gives me a confused look before facing back out the window. She shakily stands up and jumps. The police officers know what they're doing. I quickly rush down the elevators and back outside to where I see other officers down there. There is a giant mattress that they have and Sasha lies in it. I breathe a sigh of relief as I did not just see someone commit.

The officers drag her off the mattress with her screams and kicks as they cuff her hands behind her back. "You bitch! I'm going to kill you!" Sasha screams as she attempts to lunge at me.

"That's enough. You're coming with us," One of the officers says as they guide her into the back of the police car and shuts the door. "We'll meet you at the station," They say and hop into the driver's side and drives away with a screaming Sasha in the back seat.

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"And so we're going to have to put her in a psychiatric hospital to make sure she gets the treatment that she needs," The lady finishes with a soft smile.

"When is she going to be let out?" I ask her.

"It depends on how she's feeling and if she's making any progress," The lady answers. Although I do feel somewhat bad for Sasha, she needs to get some help. We thank her and make our way out to Heath's truck.

The officers told us that she hasn't been taking her medication lately, which causes her to end up like this. Sasha was telling the truth. She's been acting all crazy because she needed pills but she wasn't taking them. I wonder if Heath knew about this.


"So," Heath says and trails off. Here we go again.

"So?" I ask him, returning his statement.

"So, what are you going to do now that this is all over?" He asks. That's a tough question. I guess I was so caught up in what the drama was happening today that I didn't even realize what would happen once Sasha is caught.

But who knew she turned out to be the villain of this story? I just thought once Heath broke up with her, she would be out of the picture for good. I guess I thought wrong.

"Hmm, I don't know," I say. "I think I might just take a break and focus on helping May get her flower shop back into its beautiful state,"

May was really upset about the flower shop. She doesn't show it to me, but I know she is. Yesterday, I caught her crying about it with Clyde. She has had that shop even before she decided to foster care for me. That shop was the start of how she and Clyde met. And I am determined to help her get it back in shape.

I'll try to earn some money in a way and pay May for it. I told her what I was planning to do but she denied it and said that she wanted to fix it herself. It was her shop and so she wanted to do everything.

But of course, I'm not going to let that happen, I'll find a job and at least try and help her pay for the fixing. It's the least I could do.

"I can help you with that," Heath says.

I shake my head. "No, you don't need to. It's a family problem and I'm not saying that you're not family, I just wanted to be the one to help May with it," I say.

"Okay, then how're you going to find the money to fix it up?"

"I'll find a way, trust me. I think there's this little coffee shop just down the road that's looking for someone to hire. I might apply there,"

"Or," He says and trails off.

I groan and roll my eyes. "What is with you and not finishing your sentences?" I ask him.

"You can come and be a part of the gym,"

I raise an eyebrow. "And what happens if I agree to be part of the gym?" I ask intrigued.

"Well, they want people to be part of the boxing tournaments. You get paid a lot of money and whoever bets on you to wind during a match, you get the money. That is if you win. There's also a training helper too. I train some of the kids, and you can help me." He says. "Plus, you would get the honor to work beside your boyfriend,"

"And you're best friend," Jed says coming up beside me. "It'll be fun,"

"Yeah, you would get to see me almost every day!" Kade says jumping up and down.

"Umm, that's a downfall for me," I say teasing him. "But I'll think about it. I just have to talk to May first. She freaked out when she found out that I was entering a boxing match, imagine what she'll react to when I tell her that I would be part of the boxing gym for a living?"

"Don't you worry, I'll help you convince her. And if that doesn't help, you still got your techniques from what we taught you right?" Jed asks.

"I am not using violence, Jed. Though I think she'll be a little worried but she'll probably just accept it,"

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎

"Please, please, please?" I beg May for at least the hundredth time today.

"No Prim, you are not helping me fix the shop. It's mine and you have nothing to worry about," May says shaking her head at me.

"But it'll make me so happy to know that I'll be helping you. And with the money that I earn, we can make the shop a thousand times better," I try to convince her. I know May loves the shop as it is, but I think we can really install a little sunroof thing for the plants instead of having to depend on the windows of the front store wall.

"Will it actually make you happy?" She asks. I nod my head without hesitation. She gives out a defeated sigh. "Okay, you can help me. But the money that we don't use goes to you," She says and I jump in joy and pull her into a bone-crushing hug.

Well, I guess I'll be working with my boyfriend from now on, it won't be so bad right?

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