《Primrose》Chapter 23


Today is the last day of training before I have to fight against Bitchtoria tomorrow. Yep, that's right you heard me. Bitchtoria. That's the nickname I gave her. I thought long and hard right after she called me Prism.

Heath has been training me harder than before and I am for sure grateful for that. "Alright, you ready for your big day tomorrow?"

"I am. And it's not like it's the actual fundraiser anyway," I say.

"That's true," Heath says as he leans against the wall. He grips my waist and pulls me close to him so that I'm somewhat standing in between his legs. Our lips meet in a sweet kiss. "Don't die tomorrow," He says.

I roll my eyes and slap him playfully on the chest. "I'm not going to war," I say laughing. He pulls me closer to him and with one arm around my head securing it and the other holding my waist, he smothers kisses all over my face. I giggle and attempt to push him off of me. Soon, we both fall to the ground with Heath landing on top of me.

"Woah, did we interrupt something here?" Jed asks as he and the guys follow behind. I shove Heath off of me and sit up.

"No, we were just finishing up for today," I say with a smile. Heath pouts and pulls me back towards and so that I'm now lying down once again. He tangles his legs with me and buries my face in the crook of his neck. "I can't breathe," I say laughing but my voice is muffled due to my face pushing against Heath's soft and tatted skin. I breathe in his scent but then I forgot I can't breathe.

Heath pulls back, allowing a gush of air to enter my lungs. "You guys are so cute," Jed says.

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna look so cute with all the cuts and bruises I'll most likely be receiving by Bitchtoria herself," I mumble.

"Bitchtoria? Is that what you call my sister?" Heath asks with an amused smile on his face.


"What, she is a bitch. and her name is Victoria. So I combined the two," I shrug. He pulls me back to him and smothers some more sloppy kisses all over my face.

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Today is the day. I'm so nervous that I naturally woke up early this morning. I plan on telling May that I'll be staying at Jed's house for the weekend. So I quickly get dressed. I decided to wear grey sweat pants and a white cropped tank top shirt. I put my hair back in dutch braids and make my way downstairs for breakfast.

I know I'm not the only one nervous. "Morning May," I greet her while taking a seat on the stool. "So, Jed asked me if I wanted to have a sleepover at his place tonight. I'll be staying at his house for the weekend," I state.

"Of course, call me if you need anything," She says. Thank goodness, got that out of the way.

"I'm actually going to head there right now so I don't need breakfast," I say grabbing my phone and bag. "And I'll call you later," I say as I kiss her cheek goodbye. I grab my duffel bag on the way out and meet Jed's car outside.

I hop in with a nervous smile on my face. "Nervous?" He asks me.

"A little but it's best to get it over with," I say. Jed reverses out of the parking space and drives us to the underground arena.

"We're here," He says. I take a deep breath in and let it out. "You got this, and remember. Let the opponent know that they're about to get Jed-ed" He says causing me to laugh.

We both hop out of his car and enter the double doors. There is definitely a bunch of people here. Probably more than there was at the boy's one. People will do anything to see two girls go up against each other nowadays.

We walk to the back where Heath, Nash, and Kade already are with nervous and worried looks on their faces. "You and Bitchtoria are up against each other first," Kade says putting his hands on my shoulders. "You got this. You are better than me in every single way and I admit that truthfully," He leans in close to whisper against my ear. "Heath forced me to say that or else he'll kick me in the balls," I laugh at that.


"You'll do great out there," Nash says and I thank him. He gives me a kiss on my cheek. "My turn to give you a good luck kiss," He says and winks at me.

Heath grumbles something under his breath and pulls me away from Nash and wipes his kiss away from my cheek. "Good luck babe," He says and kisses my lips.

Jed takes me outside to where I spot Victoria on the other side of the ring. She looks at me and gives me a smile that looks like she's saying 'Hi there, we can be the best of friends!' but is really saying 'I'm going to beat you up to the point where you won't look like a pretty little flower anymore.'

I smile back at her.

The announcer does announcing stuff and soon Victoria and I are both in the ring, ready to rip each other's heads off.

I see the guys from the sideline with supportive smiles on their faces. We circle each other for a bit before Bitchtoria throws a punch my way to which I was able to dodge. I keep circling her. She kicks from underneath me but I also managed to dodge. "Ha! You just got Jed-ed," I retort. She gives me a confusing look, scoffing at me, and throws another hit my way.

This goes on for almost the whole entire round until Bitchroria decides to call a break. Is that even legal? I don't know. I hop down and Heath pulls me into a hug. "You're doing great. Keep that up and soon my sister's gonna be the one with her teeth knocked out,"

"I'm not sure I want to knock anybody's teeth out," I say. Soon, we're both back in the ring and here I am circling her once again. I can see her body grow tired as she keeps swinging at me. I may or may not have taken a hit from her but nothing too bad. But they will sure form bruises tomorrow.

As I see her body growing tired, I take that as a chance to strike. I jab her side and throw a right hook her way. The crowd cheers as I finally make a move on her. I guess she senses that she's about to lose the fight as she looks perked up once again and starts attacking me. I take punches to my face and body. I can hear Heath's voice call out to me saying that I need to get back up.

Both Bitchtoria and I hear his voice as she freezes for a moment. I take that as my chance to knock her down. She falls to the floor and the crowd goes wild. Soon someone takes my hand and holds it up, declaring me the winner. Did I win? No way. No way.

A smile forms on my face as I look at the crowd, applauding me. Though I sort of does feel a bit bad for Bitchtoria though.

I step out of the ring and am enveloped in hugs from the guys. They take me back to the room where they place me to sit down on the couch. Kade rushes to grab a first aid kit and I sit there wondering what that's for. Then I start to taste blood in my mouth and reach my hand up to my lips. Yep, my lip is busted.

"I can't believe you won. I only kept saying that to myself but I didn't exactly believe it but wow," Kade says rushing back to me.

"Thanks for the support," I say sarcastically. He wipes my lip with an alcohol pad, causing me to wince back from the sting.

"When we head back, I'm taking you out on another date," Heath says plopping down beside me. I rest my head against his shoulder. "I'm so proud of you, my little boxer,"

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