《Primrose》Chapter 22


"Okay, we can take a break," Heath says. I sigh in relief and plop myself down on the bench. Grabbing my water bottle I practically poor it all over my face, which is probably red considering how hard I worked today.

When Heath told me that we were going hardcore today, I didn't actually think he meant hard hardcore. He used his boxing techniques on me, and let's just say that he won all the rounds. Heath gave me tips as well on some of my punches.

Ever since I told Heath what his sister had said to me, he seems more than pissed off. I've had more hurtful things said to me other than a slut. I'm fine. Well, that's what I tell myself. I don't know what I did to piss Victoria off. It might be the fact that I'm spending more time with her own brother than herself, but that's her problem. If she wanted to have some alone time with her brother, by all means, go ahead. Don't attack me just because Heath had agreed to help me.

"I'm going to take a shower, I stink," I say. Heath laughs and nods his head. I wave him goodbye and head home. Just then I walk past the devil herself.

"Prism," She says with a fake ass smile.

"Bitchtoria," I greet her back and walk away.

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I watch as Prim heads out of the gym and starts her walk home. Victoria and Prim exchange a few words before Prim walks off. I wonder what that was about? Just then the devil herself enters the room. "Heath, what did I tell you about hanging with her?" Vic's annoying voice says as she stalks towards me angrily.

"It's really none of your business Vic, go away," I say walking away from her.

"I'm your sister. Older sister to be exact and I know what's best for you. She isn't. Heath I don't want you to go through that again," She takes a step closer to me. "I don't want you to be used again," She says quietly.

I know Victoria is just looking out for me. I told Prim that she and I aren't on talking terms, but the truth is, Victoria and I have been through so much together. I don't tell anyone this because it's a sore subject for both her and myself. Victoria has suffered through depression, she and I both got our hearts broken. That's what made Vic who she is today. A woman with no heart, just a fist that can knock your teeth out in less than 30 seconds.


While I'm still hoping. There's a little chance that I may not go through that again, but a huge chance that I may turn out like her.

"I'll be fine Vic. Prim's probably the best thing that has happened to me. I'm not going to take her for granted," I say as I push past her.

"Fine, whatever. But don't think I didn't hear about what went down between you and Sasha," She calls out just as I was about to exit the door.

"I'll tell mom but not tonight, you just keep your mouth shut,"

"She expects both of us to come to dinner tonight with her and dad,"

I groan and throw my head back. I fucking hate dinners. This is a once in a while occurrence. Mom invites both Victoria and me to dinner, she asks us a bunch of questions on how we're doing. It's really not like she cares anyway, what a mother she is.

"I'll be there when I be there," I say as I walk out of the gym and to my truck. I practically slam my door shut and place my forehead on the steering wheel. Tonight is going to be a long night.

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"Heath, could you help me set the dinner table please?" My mother dearest asks me so kindly. I nod my head and set the plates and utensils down. "You're father should be here any minute,"

I roll my eyes as I make my way back to the living room where Victoria is on her phone, texting away. She sets her phone down just as I approach the couch and slump down on the seat next to her. "Tired of helping out mother already?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

"Just shut up," I sigh.

"Kids your father's here! Come to the dinner table now!" Our mom shouts from the dining room.

"This is gonna be interesting," Victoria says smiling at me as we both make our way to the table. Sure enough, our father is here, in his business suit looking all professional, smoking a cigarette.

"Henry what did I tell you about smoking?" My mother asks sadly to my father. She hates anything to do with drugs or things that can kill you. So that includes me and my sister's boxing matches.

"Relax Eliza," My father says as he puts out his stick and tosses it on the floor. "Let's get dinner started shall we?" My father says clapping his hands happily.


Please take me away now.

"So, how have you been Victoria?" My parents ask my sister.

"Fine, I guess. But let's face it, it's not like you guys cared in the first place," Victoria says stabbing her meat.

"Now now let's not blow this out of proportion--" My dad starts but Victoria cuts him off.

"Just shut up! I answered your question so just leave it,"

My mom places a hand on my father's to calm him down while glaring at Victoria. "Enough, do not raise your voice at the table do you understand?" She asks harshly to Vic who just rolls her eyes and nods. "Good," My mother turns to me now. "And you dear?"

"I'm doing fine mom thank you for asking," I say shrugging my shoulder.

"And what about Sasha?" Dad asks.

Victoria smirks and whispers softly so only I can hear her. "This is gonna be good,"

Someone stab me right now. I put on a fake sad smile as I look at both of my parents. "Sasha and I are no longer together," I grit out.

My mother puts on a shocked expression on her face. "Why?" She demands. "I put you two together, nothing can come in between you,"

"That's not the only thing not coming," Victoria sneers beside me.

"She cheated on me so let's drop it okay?" I almost raise my voice at my parents. Almost, I would never do that. My mother taught me better than to disrespect my elders. But Victoria is an exception.

"I'm surprised that you even kept her for as long as you did. Now thanks to you her father refuses to make a deal with my business," My dad says, anger lacing his tone.

Drop it, Heath. Don't think much of it. You have better things to do than to waste your time on someone not worth it. "That's not my problem. I broke up with Sasha, not her father," I retort back and everyone goes silent.

"Okay, then." My mom says breaking the silence. My father just sits there glaring at Victoria and me. I could snap his neck in two if I ever wanted to. "So how's boxing, doing?" My mother spits out the word 'boxing' as if it's poison. Well, boxing could be dangerous at some point.

"It's going great. Did you know that Heath is actually helping a girl win a fundraiser fight? That's crazy, and she's going up against me for the little preview," Victoria says with a smirk on her face. I turn my head slowly to meet Victoria's gaze.

"You are now? Say, who is this girl you are training?" My mother asks me.

"Now that's none of your business is it now? You seem to always have no interest in our boxing life but as soon as Victoria mentioned a girl you suddenly have piqued interest," I state talking as calmly as I can as to not raise my voice at my own mother. I don't want to talk about Prim to my parents. Especially my mother. She always seemed to be the judgmental type, even when she tries to hide it it's always so obvious.

"That's no way to speak to your mother, boy," My dad chimes in. "Now tell us, who is this girl?"

My hands form into fists and my jaw clenches. I can see Victoria trying to hold in her laughter by chewing on her food and avoiding my gaze. "Why do you wanna know so badly? What, so that you can hunt down her father and try to get him to make a deal with you?" I ask back.

"Listen I don't know what's gotten into you and your sister's head tonight but you have no right to talk back to us. We're you parents--"

"Who practically ditched us as soon as we learned to speak," Victoria cuts our mother off.

Our father slams his fists down on the table and stands up from his seat. "That's enough, both of you. Shut your mouths and speak politely," He raises his voice and everyone goes silent once again. He sits back down on his seat. "Now, let's talk about business,"

I'm already fired up, mad, angry, pissed, tired, and a bit hungry considering I was talking more than I was eating. And the dinner had just started. I can only hope that when I lay my head on the pillow tonight, my dreams will be filled with those beautiful brown eyes and that smile I love so much. Love is a strong word.

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