《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Twenty Three •
Archer and I got back to the house at around four o'clock. We still had an hour before the group would be leaving for the carnival, so we both decided that we should go our separate ways and join our friends.
I went toward the patio to find Caitlyn, Alice and Erin. I saw them through the glass doors sitting in their bikinis, on the deck chairs, with Eli and Cody. They were playing a card game, which looked like bullshit. I heard them laughing as I walked onto the patio to join them, each one of my friends looked up at me.
"Well hello there." Caitlyn greeted with a grin.
"Hey." I replied.
"How was you date?" Erin asked innocently, not looking up from the cards in her hands.
"Amazing." Was all I could say.
"You guys are so cute." Alice squealed.
"Awe." Cody mocked. Him and Eli exchanged humorous looks.
I ignored their teasing and turned to the girls, "Where are the others?"
"They're all in the game room." Erin answered.
"According to Martin, Devin, Ethan, Barry and Jake, 'we are too boring'." Caitlyn explained. I laughed at her comment.
The house has a bar with a few game tables inside and a couch, but we refer to it as the 'game room'. It had ping-pong, pool, foosball and a 'gambling games' table. It is one of my favorit rooms in the house.
"Where is Archer?" Alice asked.
"He's looking for the others." I answered. "Can I join?"
"Yes, please. Maybe then this would be more interesting." Caitlyn said.
"Hey! Rude." Eli exclaimed. "And you were the one who was offended when they left."
We all laughed.
It was five o'clock and time to leave.
We all gathered our things and grabbed jackets for protection against the cool night air. I decided to use Archer's jacket, that I had brought with, rather than one of my own, but who could blame me.
We all piled into our designated cars and drove down the road toward the docks. The drive was filled with car karaoke and laughter, mostly from the girls. It was a short drive, which meant that our fun was brought to an end too soon.
I looked out of the car window as we pulled up. I saw the towering rides with large banners and signs that held the ride's names. I could smell caramel and popcorn as it wafted through the air. It looked like a dream land.
"This is going to be so much fun." Erin cheered.
"I so agree." I replied giggling beside her as we jumped out of the car.
Archer walked up behind me, as the others were getting out of the car, and he paced his arm over my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.
"You know, you're not completely horrible at singing." He teased in my ear.
"Shut up." I joked. That only caused Archer to laugh.
"Share the joke?" Martin said as he stood next to us. He looked at me with a smile, waiting for an answer.
"Archer is delusional." I teased and lightly slapped Archer on his chest.
Archer didn't laugh, he kept quiet with a firm look toward Martin. I could see that he was uncomfortable under Archer's gaze, but he let out an awkward laugh, in response to my comment, attempting to mask his uncomfortableness.
"Are we going or not?!" Devin yelled. The group had just been standing in the parking lot talking about going in, but not actually going in.
"Lets go!" I instructed to the group. I wanted to remove myself from the awkward situation that was 'Archer's jealousy'.
We all made our way toward the ticket booth with an excited pace. The sky was starting to go a pink and orange colour, due to the setting sun. It gave the atmosphere of the carnival an added sense of magic.
We paid for our tickets and walked through the entrance. We were standing on a dark brown wooden dock with the sand and waves beneath us. The ocean air whipped around us causing my hair to do flips and tangle in my face. I pulled Archer's jacket tightly over my shoulders.
The wind is going to make tonight slightly difficult.
"Okay, where to first?" Erin asked once we were all inside.
"Rollercoaster!" Jake cheered.
"Yes." Cody agreed.
"As our first ride?" Alice asked.
"Yes, it makes logical sense." Jake started.
"We haven't eaten, so there will be no throwing up." Cody continued.
"Or 'cotching', if you will." Jake added with finger quotes.
"And we begin the evening on a high." Cody finished.
We all laughed at what looked like a planned explanation.
"Okay. Only because it's 'logical'." Archer chuckled, teasing his friend.
We headed for the rollercoaster, lead by Cody and Jake - obviously.
The line wasn't too long, so we were only in line for five minutes.
Archer and I took a seat next to each other in the cart as it opened. Caitlyn and Eli were behind us and Devin sat with Martin in front of us.
The lady manning the ride explained the rules and precautions before she readied the ride.
"Hold on." She teased playfully.
As the car began to slowly ease forward, I could feel my stomach tightening in anticipation.
The tracks beneath us made a squeak and a rhythmic rumble as it moved against the car's bottom. Soon we were outside of the tunnel and out in the open air, slowly rising up the tracks. The ocean was in clear view and looked stunning with the sun set sky joining at the horizon.
"You had better hold on, Blondie. We're about to dip." Archer joked as we reached the first top curve of the track. I let out a small scared squeal, which caused Archer to throw his head back in a laugh.
As it went over the curve and started to fall down the slope, I let out a scream. I heard a few other screams, which sounded like Erin, Alice, Caitlyn, Jake and one more that I couldn't figure out. My body was thrown backward as we plummeted downward, damn G-force.
Not only was my body confused, but my stomach was still sitting at the top of the curve, left behind.
I reached out and took hold of Archer's hand. I heard him laughing hysterically next to me, so I couldn't help but join him. We were laughing like freaks by the next upward curve and I found that it was more fun then screaming.
We continued like this for another two minutes, before the ride come to a slow halt. My stomach muscles were in pain after all the laughing.
When everyone tried to exit the car, they stumbled and swayed as they tried to regain their balance, because the rollercoaster had made our legs a little wobbly.
"That was so much fun!" Alice yelled.
"Where to next?" Devin asked.
"How about a few booth games?" Eli suggested.
"I wanted to go get some candy floss." Erin said.
"And I need to pee after that ride." Alice winced.
"We'll go with Archer and Aurora, and whoever else wants to join us, to the games." Caitlyn informed us.
"Ill take Alice with me on my way to get candy floss." Erin said.
"You guys want to go find another ride?" Cody asked Devin, Martin and Jake.
"Yes. I'll get too bored at the games." Devin said.
"We'll meet at this spot in half an hour... Everyone good with that?" I asked.
Everyone agreed and we went our separate ways.
We started at a ring toss booth.
"Oh my soul, how adorable is that giant teddy?" I said in awe.
"Archer, why don't you pull a romantic, cliché move and win my girl that bear?"
Archer stood smirking at Caitlyn and then turned to me.
"Would you like that giant bear, Blondie?"
"Please." I smiled sweetly. He smiled at me in response.
After a moments pause, he turned to Caitlyn again and said, "And she's my girl, not yours."
I internally melted.
"I will never relent that title. She will forever be MY girl." Was Caitlyn's response.
Archer just chuckled and turned to the booth man. "I'm playing for that bear, over there." He turned and winked at me after he payed the man.
"You need to get all five rings onto the bottles." The man instructed.
This honestly could not be very difficult for Archer considering his natural athletic ability. So, I was not surprised when his first toss was perfectly placed on target. I cheered in response to his victory.
Archer managed to get a ring on a bottle each time he threw it.
"How is he so perfect?" Caitlyn whispered in my ear. "It isn't possible."
"I don't know." I giggled.
When Archer was done, the man reluctantly handed over the big, black, fluffy bear with a baby blue ribbon tied around his neck. He clearly wasn't expecting Archer to get that many rings on the bottles.
"This bear is my new favourite thing." I stated once it was in my hand and gave it a hug. "Thanks." I said placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Are you going to do that for me?" Caitlyn asked turning to face Eli.
"I can get you something slightly smaller. I won't get all five on, but maybe three." Eli stated.
"That works for me." We all laughed and Eli took his place in front of the booth, ready for his attempt at pleasing Caitlyn.
He managed to get four rings on the bottles, which is more than he expected. Eli was excited about his victory, considering that he was more of the artistic type rather than the athletic type.
The booth guy told Caitlyn choose between a medium sized crocodile, giraffe or bunny. Naturally she went for the giraffe.
We made our way to the next booth, where the objective the game was to pop as many balloons with the darts provided. I decided that I would play this game and attempt to win a toy for Archer, as a joke.
The man handed me five darts and I took my place on the spot marked 'x'. The balloons were only three meters away from where I stood, so it didn't look too difficult. My first throw hit my target, popping the first balloon, which allowed the paint to escape and run down the wooden board.
"Yes!" I cheered with Caitlyn.
"My girl." Archer said satisfied, looking over at Caitlyn challenging. "Not that I'm surprised that you hit it."
I laughed.
I threw the next two darts, hitting a balloon each time. My second last throw I missed the ballon, unfortunately, but luckily my last toss was another on-target throw.
I chose the Medium sized, fluffy, light blue whale and handed it over to Archer. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me on the forehead.
"You were right, they are cute." Eli said.
"I can't promise you that I'll win anything for you." Caitlyn said, "I'm not very athletic."
Eli chuckled and placed a kiss on Caitlyn's head as well. "You're all I need." That is cute.
We continued to play some more games and tried different booths and eventually ran into Erin and Alice. They joined us, so we started betting and making mini competitions about who was better at each game, or the winner instructs the loser to do anything despite protests.
Not long after, it was time for us to meet up with the rest of our group.
As we were walking to find the others, the lights of the carnival started to switch on. The slowly darkening sky was lit up by hundreds of flashing colours. There were lit signs, rides and booths that invited you in with bright childlike illumination.
"Wow." I said.
Archer put his hand in mine and pulled me in close to him. His warmth was inviting.
The other three guys joined us at the meet up spot soon after we got there.
"Food time." Devin said.
"Yes, please." I pleaded.
So we made our way over to the food area, which had wooden bench tables placed out neatly. Each table had a red and white umbrellas siting over it, which were usually for the day's sunny rays. We pushed two benches together and took our seats.
"I'll go order our things. What would you guys like?" I asked.
Both Archer and Caitlyn offered to help. "I'll be okay. Don't worry about it."
After hearing their orders I went to the stand that was selling the food and placed my friends orders. I stood waiting for a while, but was joined by Martin while I was staring at the sea.
"Hey." He greeted kindly.
"Hey." I responded. "How did you manage to come over here without Archer stopping you?"
"I snuck away when Jake started to ask Archer things about his boxing." He said smirking.
No one can pull off a smirk like Archer.
"Wow. Those are some ninja skills." I said joking awkwardly.
Its no secret that Archer doesn't like Martin, due to the fact that Martin tried to hit on me. Archer thinks that Martin has a thing for me and has a tendency to get jealous, but Martin says that he doesn't have a thing for me, but Archer is convinced otherwise.
"Apparently the group is going to make a bonfire tonight on the beach." Martin said, breaking me away from my thoughts.
"Caitlyn and I were talking about that last night. It sounds like fun."
In that moment the lady handed me the drinks that I had ordered. Martin offered to take the food, which was luckily in a take away bag, and we headed for the table.
"Food's up." I said interrupting the groups conversation.
"Yes! I'm starving." Cody said reaching for the food.
Archer was sending a look toward Martin, who didn't even notice. I think he was avoiding looking at Archer on purpose.
I took my seat at the table, next to Archer, and began eating.
I heard Archer whisper under his breath:"Slimy asshole." I let out a stifled laugh. Wow, Archer.
We finished our food, played a few more booth games, wondered around aimlessly and eventually decided it was time to go home.
The car ride was filled with the same activities as it was on the way to the docks. It was a lot of fun.
After we got back most of us decided that it would be a good idea to change into warmer clothes, while Archer and Devin started the fire.
I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I walked over to Archer's room to find a hoodie for him to wear, like he had asked me to. He was already wearing jeans and a t-shirt, so all he needed was a warmer top. While I was at it, I stole one of his hoodies and placed it over my head.
Definition of comfortable.
I joined the others outside on the beach and handed Archer his hoodie, he smirked when he saw that I was wearing one of his other hoodies.
"I see you had not trouble finding what you were looking for."
"Yes, indeed." I said grinning.
Archer took a seat on one of the deck chairs that was set up around the fire. I was about to take the seat on the other chair next to him, when he grabbed my hand and pulled me down to sit on the chair with him instead. I laughed in response.
"You'll be more comfortable here." He said, "And frankly, so will I."
"I'm sure." I said teasing.
We were joined by Ethan, Alice and Cody soon after. They were discussing whether anyone would want to play a game.
"Why don't you just as us if we'd like to play, rather than talking about whether or not we would." Devin said smirking.
Alice glared at him, but said: "Would you guys like to play Two truths and a lie?"
"Oh, that sounds fun." Erin said.
"Please tell me I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to play." Barry asked.
"You're the only one." Caitlyn teased.
"The game is simple: You share three facts about yourself, but only two of the facts are true. The one has to be a lie and the other players must guess which one." I explained.
"I'll go first." Eli offered. "I've met a president; I cannot say who, but I have. I play violin and I have a pet iguana."
"You've never met a president." Cody offered as an answer, "That's the lie."
"Anyone else want to get in on the guessing?" Eli asked.
"No takers? I have indeed met a president Cody, but I do not have an iguana."
"You sneaky little-."
"Thats the point!"
"Guys, lets rather just play truth or dare." Erin suggested. "It's a classic."
"Agreed, I'm bored." Archer said.
"Okay then you go first, since you suggested it." Alice said.
"I pick Devin." Erin said. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare." He challenged.
"I dare you to go skinny dipping, but leave you underwear on until you're at the water. We don't need to see all of you, thanks."
"You're so predictable." He said laughing.
Devin ran over to the water and began to undress. We waited for him to finish before we started the next round.
We heard him swearing and ranting from where we were sitting, unhappy with the oceans cold temperature.
When he returned he said, "Shit! That was freezing. Thanks for that Erin."
"You're welcome." She mocked.
"Devin, choose someone." Cody said.
"I choose, Caitlyn."
"Goodie." She said. "Dare."
"Give Erin a lap dance." He said mischievously.
"Dude, that's a good one." Cody said laughing.
"Fine..." Caitlyn stood up and walked over to Erin who was sitting awkwardly, awaiting her punishment for her dare.
She started doing basic moves, making sure not to touch Erin. She looked uncomfortable as hell, but it was shortly lived when Devin though that they had been embarrassed enough.
The whole group was laughing.
"Hysterical." Erin said annoyed, but even she couldn't contain her smile, which she tried to hide.
"I choose, Martine." Caitlyn said when the laughter died.
"Truth. You guys take dares too seriously." He said chuckling nervously.
"Dude, lame." Eli mocked.
"Do you, or do you not, have feelings for Aurora." I felt Archer tense against me.
Oh Crap.
I shot Caitlyn a glare, but she didn't notice.
"Dare." He said suddenly looking spooked.
"Thats against the rules. You have to answer." Cody said interested.
The whole group was quiet, waiting anxiously to hear his reply.
"Maybe a little." Martin said, "But it's nothing."
Archer scowled at him, but Martin never looked his way.
"Well damn." Devin said. The group stayed silent for a few seconds.
"Okay who's next?" Alice said trying to break the awkward atmosphere.
"I choose, Cody." Eli said, playing following Alice's lead.
The others continued playing, while I looked over at Archer and saw the anger in his eyes. He looked down at me and his face softened slightly.
I whispered: "Archer, it means nothing. I'm with you and that's where I want to be."
He smiled and whispered back, "I Love you, Blondie."
My heart dropped to my stomach. Did he just... he loves me?
"I love you too, Archer." I said softly.
I've know about my feelings for Archer for a while, but I never knew when it would be the right time to tell him, because I didn't know if he'd fell the same.
He leaned into my space and places a soft kiss on my lips, lingering for a few moments before pulling away. He put his arm around me and pulled me into him.
That is how we sat, playing the game and enjoying conversation with out friends.
It lasted a while before we all felt tired and wanted to sleep.
I stayed in Archer's room again, but this time it was because I wanted to, not because I couldn't sleep. I fell asleep easily in the presence of Archer, with his arm slung around waist, thinking about the words we had shared earlier that evening. My heart was still fluttering.
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