《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Twenty One •
I am officially finished with my final exams. They last three weeks have been difficult and long, but I survived. I'm confident that I did well, but we will only get our final grades two weeks from now.
What my school does is: after we have finished with finals and all of our senior duties we have the next two weeks off of school, before we have to come back for the last day of school to receive our last report card.
Due to the two week 'holiday', Caitlyn had the amazing idea that our whole group should go away to the beach house, that her family owns, for the next week.
The house is only two hours away from where we live, is huge and sits right on the beach. I've been there once with Caitlyn, her family and my family, when I was fifteen.
Everyone is super excited about the whole thing, including me. The only problem is that I had to convince my family to allow me to go. They weren't extremely happy about the fact that my boyfriend would be going with us and that I'd be staying under the same roof as him, but I promised that I'd behave. They eventually caved and agreed to let me go. After all I'm almost eighteen and can take care of myself. I've never done anything to betray their trust.
This brings us to now. It is six in the morning and I'm doing some last minute packing. Archer will be arriving to pick me up with both Cody and Devin in the car as well.
We've all decided that we'd take three cars down to the coast: Archer's, Ethan's and Jake's, because there are a lot of people coming with. It'll be me, Archer, Cody, Devin, Ethan and his boyfriend, Erin and her boyfriend, Alice and Caitlyn. The two guys that we met at the pizza parlor (Eli and Martin) are going with us as well, but a day after we arrive and in their own car.
Caitlyn has been hanging out with Eli for the last three weeks, whenever she gets a chance, and things have been going well. I've met him a few times and I can honesty say that I approve.
Back out of my thoughts, I zip up my bag after doing my fifth and final check of what I needed. I picked it up and headed for downstairs to leave my bag by the door, ready for when we go. I ran back upstairs to get my other bag, which contains things for the car ride, and my phone.
When I pass my mirror in my room I take one last look at my appearance. I went with a pair of light denim shorts and a plain white shirt, because of the warm weather at the coast. I did however grab Archer's jacket, the one he let me use that night after his match, to use while we were still experiencing our cold weather.
I walked over to my parent's room and slowly creaked open the door. I stepped inside and made my way over to where they were still asleep and gently woke them up to say goodbye.
"Bye mommy, bye daddy. Love you guys." I said softly giving them both a hug and a kiss on the head. They both returned my goodbye.
"Let us know that you get there safe and remember to check up with us as often as possible." My dad instructed.
"And be safe, Aurora." My mom added.
"Okay guys, love you." I said as I walked out.
I made my way over to my sisters room and creaked it open to say my goodbye to her as well. Luckily for me she was already up and getting ready to shower.
"Bye Wil." I said walking over to give her a hug.
"I still can't believe they're letting you go." She said laughing.
"Me neither."
"Bye, be safe. Love you hey." She said approaching me with her arms open.
"Love you too."
I walked out and shut the door and made my way back downstairs to get a snack from the kitchen.
There was a knock from the door a few minutes later (I told Archer not to ring the doorbell, because my parents would be sleeping.) I ran to open it with my suitcase in hand.
"Hey." I said cheerfully.
"Hey." He greeted with a smile. "Nice jacket." He teased. I blushed at his comment.
He came in to give me a tight hug and a kiss atop my forehead. He removed my suitcase from my hand and took it to the car for me. Such a gentleman.
I sat in the passenger seat of the car, with Cody and Devin in the back.
"Why are you two in the back seat? You're both obsessed with sitting up front?" I asked amused.
"Archer's car, Archer's rules." Cody said annoyed, looking to the side.
"Archer said that you had to sit upfront and if we had a problem with it, then we could walk to the beach." Devin explained.
I laughed at their explanations and sat comfortably facing the front. Archer is my hero.
It was a long two hour drive to the beach house, but it was one filled with interesting conversation and one stop at a gas station. The three of us desperately had to pee and Archer couldn't handle the whining any longer, so he pulled over.
It was a dram themed side stop, which had a paddock that held two horses, a large windmill and a small river at the bottom of the hill. It was the only thing for miles along these roads.
After emptying our bladders, we all decided that a snack from the little shop wouldn't hurt anyone, but after that we were finally back on the road.
"How many rooms are in this house?" Cody asked randomly.
"It's a massive place, so quite a few." I explained. "I don't think we'll have to double up."
"How many than."
"I'm not completely sure. Maybe... eight bedrooms?"
"What!?" Devin exclaimed.
"That is huge. Caitlyn's family must have some real money." Cody half whispered, as if Caitlyn might hear.
I laughed. It's true, the house is massive. Every room that isn't the kitchen, living room or bathroom was turned into a bedroom. They wanted to ensure that they could fit as many people into the house as possible.
"Well, I'm just glad I won't have to sleep with these two." Devin said gesturing between Archer and Cody. He earned two glares and a laugh from me.
After our final hour of driving we finally made it to the house. Before I could even see the ocean I could already smell the salty air and the horrible heated humidity. That is when Archer's jacket severed no purpose.
When I opened the car door I was hit completely with the smell of the salt water and could feel the warm, damp air sticking onto my skin.
The house was exactly as I remembered it. It was the same white exterior double story house, with large glass windows, several balconies and a large front garden that held three large palm trees.
Archer removed his and my bag from his car and we made our way to the front door. It was already unlocked, because Caitlyn, Ethan and Barry had already arrived a half hour before.
We walked into the main area and took a look around. It had been remodeled since I was here last. It was filled with new, modern furniture, the floors had been laid with wood and there were new industrial styled lights hanging from the ceiling. Wow.
Archer and I made our way upstairs to find our bedrooms. Hopefully, because there are only three others here, there was still a few beach view rooms available.
I chose the room that I saw to the right of me as I met the top of the stairs. It was one of the only rooms that had a massive balcony and a beautifully themed room. The room had blues, greys and yellows everywhere. It had grey bedsheets, yellow pillows, three light blue walls, the other wall was grey, the dresser was grey and had yellow detailing on it and there was a fluffy yellow carpet on the floor. The floors themselves were a black-ish wooden style and there was a dark gray dressing table in the corner nearest the door. There were also two large glass, sliding doors that took up most of the one wall, which lead to the balcony, showing off the ocean view.
Archer took the room next door to mine, who's balcony connected to my bedroom.
From the bedroom's glass doors, we could see the other three hanging out on the beach, so I decided that I'd join them. I changed into my bikini, packed my beach carry on and my towel, while Archer did the same.
I put the clothes that I was wearing, on the way down, over my bikini.
While I waited for Archer I unpacked my bag and opened the glass doors to allow the oceans breeze through the room.
When Archer and I were both ready we made our way down to the beach where our friends were sitting.
"Hellooooo!" I cheered.
"Look who's finally arrived." Ethan said throwing his hands in the hair to greet us.
"Yes girl, I can't stand being alone with these two for much longer." Caitlyn said standing up to give me a hug.
"Hey!" Barry said acting hurt, "We're delightful." He insisted.
"No you're not. Shut up." Caitlyn stood in front of Archer and myself. "But I guess I'm going to be a third-wheel with you two as well."
Archer smirked and planted a quick kiss onto my lips. I giggled when he pulled away.
"You might be right." Archer said smirking at Caitlyn, who rolled her eyes in response. I smacked him on his arm.
"Sometimes, I hate you." She said joking. We all laughed.
"Don't worry, you won't be a third-wheel." I reassured her, but she gave me a knowing look. Maybe just a little bit of third-wheeling, I thought.
Caitlyn, Archer and I returned to the other two and laid out our towels to sit on. Our towels were laid out closely next to each other. Ethan and Barry sat on the one end, Caitlyn next to them, Archer and myself next to Caitlyn, Archer at the end. Thankfully the other three had brought the large beach umbrella to provide some shade, because it was extremely hot here. The umbrella towered over all of us perfectly, providing each of us with enough shade each.
The beach was empty, because it is a private beach for the residents of the area. Beside form the few people that would walk past every so often, we were the only ones on the beach. Later joined by some more of our friends.
"You guys took all the good bedrooms!" Erin said shouting as she approached us, Jake and her hand in hand. Alice was bolting ahead towards where we were placed on the sand, struggling to find speed due to the sands resistance. Cody and Devin trailing behind them, having their own conversations, not worried about Erin's comment.
All of us laughed at Erin's complaint.
"At least Eli and Martin get the bedrooms downstairs, they're the worsts ones!" Ethan shouted laughing.
"Yeh, yeh. That doesn't help me." Erin said in response. we al laughed again.
We spent the rest of the day out in the sun, tanning and swimming. We even brought out the beach ball and volleyball net. We played girls against guys and we basically thrashed the guys, but according to Devin, we had been cheating. Asshole.
I haven't had that much fun in ages.
When it started getting dark we all packed up our thinks and headed for the house.
"So, where are we going to get food?" Alice asked.
"Oh yes! I'm staving." Cody said.
"I saw a Greek restaurant on the way over here." Devin informed us.
"That sounds great!" Caitlyn cheered. "I love Greek food."
"Okay, lets go then." Archer said, eager to eat.
"Okay, but we need to change." I said.
"You look fine." Devin said.
"We're going out, Devin. We need to change." Erin informed him.
"Girls." Devin muttered rolling his eyes and taking a seat in the couch.
I laughed, "Okay see you in fifteen minutes." I said as I ran up the stairs.
When I got up to my room I grabbed my towel and showering things, walked across the hall to the bathroom and started the shower. I washed as much sand out of my hair as possible and cleaned up my body as well. When I was washing off the sand I noticed that I had gone a small shade darker, which I couldn't be more happy about.
When I was finished I hopped out and went back across the hall to get dressed. I only had seven minutes to get ready and I didn't want to keep Devin waiting much longer. I rummaged through the closet, that I had packed before I went down to the beach, to locate an outfit for dinner out on the coast.
I decided to go with a white, long sleeve, off the shoulder shirt and a denim skirt. I added a pair of white sneakers and a bag.
It was already 7:12, but it was still warm outside despite the later hour.
I headed downstairs to join the others, eager to fill my stomach with a delicious Greek meal.
"That makes two." Devin said impatiently as I reached the bottom of the stairs. "Only two more to go." Alice and Erin were probably still busy upstairs.
I went and sat down next to Archer on the couch igniting Devin's comment. "Hello, beautiful." He said kissing me softly.
"Hello." I smiled up at him.
"Oh my word you two are cute." Caitlyn said from the other couch.
"I can think of another word." Devin said smirking. He turned his head toward the stairs as he heard the other two coming into the room babbling about something. "Finally." He said standing up from the couch.
We laughed at his reaction.
"Who's cars are we taking?" I asked.
"We can take mine." Archer offered. "Well only need one more."
"I'm happy to drive." Jake offered.
"Great. Devin, Cody, Caitlyn and myself will go with Archer. Alice, Erin, Ethan and Barry will go with Jake." I instructed, ready to finally eat. "Can we leave now?"
"Yes ma'am." Barry said laughing.
We all got into our designated cars and made our way to the restaurant, driving along the winding roads of the coast.
When we arrived I noticed that the restaurant was placed atop a hill, overlooking the ocean. It was amazing.
We all made our way into the building and were escorted by a waiter to our table.
"Welcome, I am Ben. How may I be of service tonight?"
"Hey Ben," I greeted politely. "I'd like a vanilla milkshake please."
"Two Coke's, please."
"Virgin daiquiri, strawberry."
"Oh! Same."
And they went on ordering their drinks, Ben leaving the table once we had finished.
"A milkshake? What are you, twelve?" Devin said teasing.
"I'll have you know, there is no designated age for milkshake drinking. The beach is the perfect place for a milkshake." I defended.
Someone has been crabby lately.
"Sorry." Devin said laughing.
Our drinks came and Ben asked for our food orders. We all ordered and Ben left again.
"I'll admit, that milkshake looks amazing." Devin said. I smirked at him mockingly while taking an extra long sip to piss him off.
It really did look amazing. It was in a large cone shaped glass, topped with cream and sprinkles, and was thankfully an okay-ish consistency (A little on the solid side, but that's better than milk.)
"Guys, What are we doing after we eat?" Ethan asked.
"I don't know about you, but I'm going to the house, hiding in my room and doing nothing but watching a movie on my laptop." Cody said. "It's been a long day."
"That sounds amazing." Caitlyn agreed.
"Cody's right, it'll be past nine when we get back and I want to read my book." Alice said.
"But tomorrow... we're doing something fun." Erin insisted after a small pause.
"I saw a flyer on the restaurant's board about a carnival at the docks." Alice said.
"Yes! Let's do that." I cheered.
"Sounds like a plan." Ethan agreed.
We went through our dinner continuing our conversations and when we finished our food, our bellies were happily full. We paid our bill at sometime around nine and left the restaurant satisfied.
I spent the car ride back to the house looking out the window, staring at the darkened scenery. I just love the coast.
I love the kind of plants that grow around the area, the smells, the relaxed atmosphere and the sounds of the animals.
I was brought out of my thoughts when we finally arrived at the house. Archer parked the car in the garage and we all go let out and said our goodnights and went to our bedrooms.
I said goodnight to Archer outside of my bedroom door. He stood close to me and ran his hand through my hair and placed his lips softly on mine, lingering for a moment. He moved away slowly and said, "Before we have to go to the carnival tomorrow, you and I are going on a date."
"Is that so?" I smiled at him, raising an eyebrow.
"It is." He gave me his signature smirk.
"Well okay. Sure thing Archie." I stood only my toes and kissed him softly on his cheek.
"Goodnight, Blondie."
I turned and slipped into my bedroom. I changed into my PJs, which was a large t-shirt, pajama shorts and a short pair of socks.
I know everyone always says that sleeping in socks is impossible, but I cannot sleep without them.
I closed the glass doors and curtains, then rolled into the warm sheets of the bed. I only got under the covers for comfort, not because it was cold.
I lay in bed for a while, listening to the crashing of the waves and the light breeze blowing through the slightly opened window, that was situated on the wall beside the glass doors. The air smelt amazing, the ocean salt wafted through the room.
That still couldn't get me to sleep.
After a while of tossing and turning, I leaned over the side of my bed and checked the time, 12:18.
"Com'on." I whispered to myself, running a hand over my face.
I stepped out of bed and tiptoed out of my room, quietly closing the door behind me. I quietly eased open the door beside mine and peeked inside.
"Archer?" I whispered into the room.
I walked in farther, shutting his door behind me. His curtains were open, which allowed the moonlight to flow into the room. The light illuminated Archer's features.
I moved over to his head and sat next to him. I pocked him softly.
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