《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Thirteen •
We all decided that my house would be the best place for our movie night, because I have enough space to fit all eight of us on the couches. Willow and dad were at Wil's weekend dance competition, so only my mom would be home tonight, which meant we'd have the place mostly to ourselves. Ethan has another date so he can't come, but Erin is brining her boyfriend with her. We've all met him before, except the guys, so it won't be wierd.
Caitlyn and I went to the store this afternoon to buy snacks for tonight. We bought two bags of chips, three chocolate bars and four bags of assorted jelly sweets. The boys were on drink duty and Alice and Erin were going to buy similar things to us.
Everyone agreed to bring a movie that they wanted to watch and we decided that we would choose the best four by vote.
Our first movie was planned to start at five o'clock.
Just before four thirty, Caitlyn and I went upstairs to gather some blankets and pillows from the spare room. We took them all downstairs and placed them around the couches and on the floor.
The door bell rang, interrupting my blanket work, so I ran to open the door. When I opened I gasped at the sight I saw before me.
"Oh my shit! Archer, what happened?" I said though my hands that covered my mouth.
Archer had cuts and forming bruises on his face. There was till some blood oozing for a few of the cuts. I hated those guys for hurting Archer like this.
He smiled weakly at me. "I'm good, Blondie. You should see the other guys."
"Other GUYS? There was more than one?" I asked. Dah, of course there was more than one, if it was only one guy, then Archer would be okay.
I pulled him inside and shut the door.
"Caitlyn, I'm going upstairs. Let the others in when you hear the door." I called out as I pulled Archer upstairs to the bathroom.
After we were inside, I shut the door and moved him to sit on the basin. He obeyed my instructions to sit still and don't complain.
I took a look at his face. It was bad. He had cuts on his left eyebrow, his lip, his nose and huge forming bruises on his left eye and cheek. I reached out to touch the bruise, but he flinched in pain.
"Archer, what happened? You never loose a fight."
He looked at the floor, but then back up at me. I reached for the first aid kit and opened it up, exposing its contents.
"I went the the grocery store to get stuff for tonight, but when I got out of my car I was jumped. Four guys, they said that they were there to 'teach me a lesson'. That sound familiar?" He said. "Three of them were friends with the guy who cornered you the other day and he was the fourth. He wanted to prove a point or something. The bastard didn't even attempt to take a shot at me, he just laughed as he watched the others do it."
"Oh Archer." I sympathized as I began to clean up his face.
"Sorry that I didn't get a chance to buy drinks." He said in attempt to lighten the mood.
I giggled at his words and I ran an alcohol swab along his cut above his eye. Archer gently grabbed my arm and brought it down from his face and held it on his lap.
"Blondie. I'm okay." He said softly locking eyes with me.
"Just let me clean you up, okay?" I said. "It's all I can do to help, so let me have this."
"Okay." He said. "And just so that you know, I knocked two of them out." He said.
I giggled again. "I have no doubt."
I continued to clean his cuts, one by one. Archer stayed still the whole time, keeping his eyes on me. When I was done I threw away all the used swabs and packed the first aid kit away.
When I turned around Archer was standing, but not where I had left him, he was standing in front of me. He was close, very close. He looked down at me, a look on his face that I haven't seen before.
"Archer?" I asked softly.
"Mm?" Was all that he said.
He slowly walked me backward until my back came into contact with the wall. Archer placed both hands on either side of my head, trapping me between them. His body closing the space between us.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered, lowering his head.
I knew I was going red. His closeness was making me dizzy and his scent encased me.
"Thanks?" I said softly, unsure of what to do.
He chuckled lowly. "You're welcome."
He leaned in closer to me.
"Do I make you nervous, Blondie?"
"N-no." Yes.
He smirked down at me seeing through my lie.
After a moments silence he whispered, "Thanks, for using your first aid skills on me."
"Anytime." I said smirking.
He leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead. After that he made the small distance between us larger. I visibly let my shoulders relax, which caused Archer to chuckle.
"Lets go." He said gently grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs.
When we reached the living room everyone was there, crowded around the movies arguing about what to watch. They turned tgeir heads when they heard us enter.
"Dude, what happened?" Devin asked.
"Long story." He said smirking.
Caitlyn looked down at my hand in Archer's, then up at me with a smile. She winked at me and announced that we would vote on the movie.
"Okay everyone, it's time to vote."
Archer and I found our place on the couch. Archer sat closer than expected, but I was okay with it. I moved slightly to get comfortable, which caused Archer to wince.
"Are you Okay?" I asked panicked.
"Yeh," he chuckled at my panic, "the guys got a few kicks to my ribs. It's just a bit tender. I'll put an ice pack on it tonight." He explained.
"Okay. Sorry." I said feeling bad. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him as an indication that he doesn't care.
Everyone voted on which movies we'd be watching tonight. We all placed our snacks that we had bought onto the table and put in the first movie.
We began with a true Disney favorite, Frozen. We got votes from all the girls and Cody.
"Who even brought this movie?" Asked Devin.
"Me. And what are you complaining about. It's an amazing movie." Erin said. With that, Devin said nothing more about the matter.
Archer used his thumb to trace circles on my arm with the hand that was around my shoulders. "No crying this time okay?" He said teasing.
"Ana almost dies. I'm going to cry." I said. "Now shh. I'm watching." He smirked at me.
We all sat in silence enjoying the movies with a few comments, about the characters and the corny lines, from the boys. Admittedly their commentary was amusing.
We had watched two movies before I desperately needed to use the bathroom, so I stood up ready to burst.
"Where are you going?" Archer asked me, his arm still raised around the area where I was sitting.
"The bathroom." I said desperate to realest the pressure from within.
"I'll come with you." Caitlyn said.
"Hurry. I'm going to burst."
I heard Devin ask them, "Why do girls insist on going to the bathroom together?" i chuckled as I I ran upstairs.
After using the bathroom Caitlyn and I were headed back to the others, but I was stopped when she blocked my path to the stairs.
"So, when were you going to tell me, 'your best friend', about you and Archer." She asked.
"What? Archer and I are just friends." I defended.
"Com'on. He looks at you all 'googly-like', I've seen it. I'm not blind. And when you came downstairs together, he was holding your hand, guys don't usually do that with 'friends'." She explained. "Shall I go on?"
"Okay. I admit that I may have a crush on Archer, but I don't think anything will happen. I was only cleaning his face up, he must've really appreciated the gesture."
That is the first time I've actually admitted that I liked Archer out loud. I've always know that I liked Archer more than the other guys, but I never really admitted it to anyone. I do feel bad that I never mentioned anything to Caitlyn.
"I so knew it!" She cheered throwing her hands in the air.
"Okay, okay. Don't tell anyone." I warned. "I don't need the embarrassment."
"I won't. I'm just glad I got you to admit it." She said victoriously. "And I think he has a thing for you, just saying."
I rolled my eyes playfully. Yeh, No.
We made our way back downstairs and saw that Cody was putting in the next movie. I took my seat next to Archer, his arm finding my shoulders again. I looked up to him thinking about what Caitlyn said, he just smirked at me.
I saw Caitlyn look at me from the other couch, smiling like a crazy fan girl.
"What you put in?" Devin asked.
"Jurassic park."
"Which one?" Alice asked.
"The first." He replied.
"Why does it matter?" Erin's boyfriend, Jake, asked laughing.
"The second one was boring." Alice said.
"It was not." Cody defended. "They're all good." Agreed, especially the newer ones with Chris Pratt.
"Okay, press play." Archer instructed, bores of this conversation.
Caitlyn and I laughed at me grinning once more, but I shrugged her off.
We all went back to our movie marathon, with less commentary this time. Everyone was probably getting tired.
At the end of the last movie everyone was asleep, confirming my suspicions. I was woken up by the movements of Archer next to me as he attempted to get comfortable. He was still asleep, but he had moved closer.
I watched his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, but then opened his eyes slowly probably feeling my gaze.
Damn you sixth sense.
"What?" He asked in a groggy voice, shifting up slightly running a hand over his face.
"Nothing." I said, looking away.
He fiddled with my hair with the hand that was around my shoulders. I looked back up at him, he just smiled.
Devin stirred awake, woken by the loud music playing over the movie credits. "Shit, did I fall asleep?"
Archer and I chuckled at him.
"What's the time? Crap, We'd better be going." He said, struggling to stand up. He poked Cody and then he too woke up. "Let's go man." Cody groaned.
I got up to help him wake up Alice. They were her ride.
Caitlyn woke up too. She sat up slowly, then stood up half asleep. "I'm going to bed." She said walking up to my room. It's a good thing she's staying the night or this would be awkward.
"Thanks Aurora. This was fun." Cody, he said half asleep as he walk through the door.
"A lot more fun than I though it would be." Devin said.
"Bye." I said to them, closing the door behind them. "Wake up properly before you drive!" With that Devin slapped Cody in attempt to wake him up.
"Ow!" I laughed, while turning around and saw Archer getting off the couch, moving his hand through his hair. I smiled at him as I walked into the kitchen for a glass of water. I took a seat at the kitchen counter.
Archer walked in looking a mess, the cuts and exhaustion make him look older than he actually is. I don't like seeing him like that, it makes my heart ache.
"You Okay?" I asked him.
He nodded, "Just tired."
He walked over to me and grabbed my glass of water, smiling. He lifted the glass to his face and finished it. "much better." He said letting out a sigh.
"Hey!" I giggled.
He put the glass down and took a step closer to me. "Is there a problem?" He asked smirking.
"You drank my water." I stated the obvious.
"Oh well."
I stood up, making a failed attempt to look tough, but he towers over me, so that didn't work.
"Cute." He said, running a finger down a strand of my hair. His finger traced down my shoulder and then my arm. I shivered.
"Like that, Blondie?" Yes I thought, but I didn't say anything.
Archer gently pushed me against the counter and placed his hand on my hip and the other on my face. Running his thumb across my cheek. "Archer, what are you doing?"
He moved closer and looked at me with emotion swirling in his eyes. I touched his cheek softly with my fingers.
He lowers his head to whispering something against my cheek, "Aurora."
"Yes?" I said running my fingers down his cheek and placing my hand in his neck.
"I like you... a lot."
I'm sure my heart rate sped up to 150 bpm. I realized that I liked him, but I never thought that he'd return my feelings.
I took my other hand off the side of the counter and placed it hand on his arm that extended to the side of my face. He leaned his face closer to mine, close enough for me to feel his warm breath against my cheek.
He softly kissed the side of my jaw and slowly trailed more kisses down the side of my neck. My body irrupted with goosebumps. He brought his face up to meet mine. He locked eyes with me for a moment scanning my face, then leaned in slowly and placed his lips on mine. I returned the kiss and he started to deepen it, sliding his tongue along my bottom lip asking for permission. I granted it, allowing his mouth to move perfectly with mind mine. He kissed me slowly and gently allowing me to enjoy every movement he made. He put both hands on the either side of my face and I moved my hand from his neck and slid it up into his soft hair.
We stayed like that for a few moments longer enjoying each others touch, but then he bit down on my lip and I let out a small yelp. I pulled back slightly.
Archer smirked at me amused at my reaction.
"You bit me." I said laughing lowly.
"But you liked it." He said smiling.
I blushed looking away. He placed his finger on my chin, lifting my head up. He placed a peck on my lips, before pulling away again.
"I have to go." He said.
I nodded smiling up at him. "Okay." Disappointed.
"As much as I'd hate to." He said running his finger down my cheek.
"I'll walk you out." I lead him to the door and opened it for him, letting the cold air blow in. That reminded me, "I still have your jacket. Let me go fetch it." I said as I began to turn away.
Archer gently grabbed my hand forcing me to turn around. "Keep it. It looks better on you." He said softly.
"Bye, Blondie." He stepped out the door and began to walk toward his car.
"Archer." I called, pausing for a second, "I like you, too. If that wasn't obvious." I said smiling, I'm definitely turning red.
He turned around and looked at me with a soft gaze, then made his way back up to the door. He grabbed my face and planted another kiss on my lips. He moved his one hand to the back of my neck. Mine found its way to his hair. We stood like that for a few seconds longer before he pulled away and smiled. "I've wanted to do that for so long." He said.
I giggled.
"Bye, Aurora." He said as he slowly turned away again.
"Bye, Archer." I said softly. I closed the door and leaned against it for support.
"Wow." I said, touching my lips, the feeling of his still lingering.
The events of just a few moments ago not quit registering in my brain.
Archer Smith actually kissed me.
It finally happened!
Hope this was worth the wait. I enjoy making the guy behave anyway I feel he should. The power is getting to my head.
Hope you enjoyed.
Don't forget to vote💕
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