《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Twelve •


Back to •Aurora's POV•


"Archer hurry up." I said looking over at Archer. I'm waiting for him at the weight section of the gym, while he takes his sweet time in starting his last set.

Thank the lord it's Thursday. I can't handle too much more of this week. It's been cramped with assignments, assessments and has overall been too much work. Ive barely gotten any proper sleep since Tuesday, I'm exhausted.

Archer chuckled, looking up and smirking at me. "I'll take however long I like. I'm your only ride, you have no choice but to wait."

"Ugh, whatever." He is right though. "I'm going to wait outside, I can't sit here and watch you do another bench press." I said standing up and grabbing my bag.

"Your choice." He said smirking. "Sorry that you'll be missing out on the pleasure of watching me work out." He said emphasizing his muscles as he lay back down for his last set.

I groaned as I walked away.

when I stood outside, the roads were quiet and I could hear the birds in the patch of forest from across the road. It was peaceful, I must've been waiting outside for a whole of three minutes before that peace was destroyed. I was interrupted when a sketchy, large man with large muscles approached me smiling creepily. He had a casual stalking kind of walk, which didn't help my suspicions of his character. As he got closer I noticed that his face had slight stubble where his beard would be, and a scar on his nose.

Is he walking to me or is he going somewhere behind me? I mentally asked myself. Maybe I should go inside.

That thought came too late, because he had approached me directly and said, "Hello angel." as he reached where I was standing.

I looked at him and began to turn away, but before I could he grabbed my forearm. He had a strong grip, rough hands and he yanked me back toward him.

"Why you leaving so soon?" He drawled out. "I haven't had a chance to introduce myself yet. You don't want to be rude."


"I realized that I forgot something inside."

"Is that so?" He said. "And why is it that you're out here by yourself?"

Because I should be able to stand outside my the gym without being harassed by some guy...

"Yes it is and I'm not alone, im waiting for my friend. He will be out in a second." I tried to convince him, so that he'd leave. I emphasized the 'He' to try scare him off. He silent budge.

I tried to pull away, but his grip tightened.

"Let me go."

He shook his head. "You have such lovely skin."


"Let. Go."

"If you need a ride home, I'm always happy to oblige." He offered, which made my skin crawl. This man is the kind of guy your parents warn you about when you're a kid.

He is probably around his early thirties, had a breath that smelt of cigarettes and a tattoo of a snake starting at his lower ear and disappeared down his shirt. So cliché, which was alarming. An embodiment of a dangerous man, cliché looking man, is never a good person to have offering you a ride, or even be around for thy matter.

I lifted my leg in attempt to kick him where the sun don't shin in an attempt to him to force him to let me go

Before I could, "Is there a problem?" I heard Archer say through gritted teeth from behind me. Thank you God.

"Is this your girl?" He asked not seeming to phased by Archer's presence. I'm not sure how he didn't get even the slightest bit nervous when he saw Archer. Archer is tall, strong and agile, which isn't to difficult to tell when looking at his appearance. Creepy guy took hold of my other hand and pulling me closer to his body.

Archer had a scary look on his face. Anger. I'm just grateful to not be alone in this exact moment, but I desperately needed to escape this horrible human being.

I tried to pull away again, almost slipping out of his grip, but he tightened his hold on me once more. His stench engulfed me and his close proximity made me start to shake.

"Let her go, or there is going to be a problem." Archer said sternly.

"You think you can take me?" He dared Archer. "Ha. Com'on kid."

Archer just looked at him. He looked at me concern flashing through his eyes, then he looked back at the man.

I took this his masculinity complex as an opportunity to take my shot as his... area. I landed a clear shot.

The man let me go and crouched over in pain. "You bitch!" He yelled. He looked up at me and took a few advancing steps toward me. I took that as my cue to take my place next to Archer, who grabbed me forearm by his side, almost as if to reassure himself more than me.

"Leave." Archer warned.

"After what that it's did? Com'on kid, I'm going to put you under."

I rubbed me arm where he had his hands around. I'm starting to worry about Archer not, but I'm confident that he will kick this guys ass. I worry that this man has a knife and puts Archer's life in danger.

Archer stepped forward and there it was, the look of determination I'd seen in Archer's eyes each time that I had watched him fight. Each time he had won.


I looked at the man who took a fighting stance, he looked strong and intimidating, but looked sloppy. Arrogance does that to you.

Archer looked more laidback, not yet in fighting stance. Is he trying to intimidate him or? When the man advanced slightly forward, then Archer drew his hands up in a defensive position. Oh, he was hoping that the man would back off.

I could now tell that Archer didn't want to make the first move, incase the man wanted to back out and avoid a fight.

Creepy man took a swing in the direction of Archer's head as soon as he came close enough to Archer, but he ducked out of the way. This left the man falling slightly forward with the force of his attempted punch. Archer took that as an opportunity to swing at the side of the mans head and then he landed another on the guy's nose.

Archer stopped and stood back.

"I will give you ten seconds to leave or I'll continue to kick your ass." He threatened. "One... Two.."

"Okay!" The man shouted. "Okay." He said one last time, staring to leave. He fast walked over to his car, which was parked outside the pharmacy.

I went over to Archer and gave him a hug. He was taken by surprise, but wrapped his arms around me anyway. His hands hung around my waist and then he squeezed me tightly. His embrace was strong and he smelt so good. I placed my head on is hard, but comfortable chest. I'm truly thankful for Archer.

"Are you Okay?" He said into my hair, before pulling out of the hug to look at me. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"Yes I'm okay. I'm not hurt. Just a little shaken up." I said looking down at my shaking hands.

He pulled me into another hug, placing his chin on the top of my head.

"Archer." I whispered into his chest. I pulled away looking to look up at him, "Thank you." I said.

I really was thankful. I'm glad things didn't escalate with the creepy man or when Archer was beating him up. It could've ended badly either way.

"No problem, Blondie." He said after letting me go. His warmth leaving with him. "Anytime." He said smiling at me. Archer is a good guy.

"Thanks, but let's just hope there isn't a next time." I said smiling and he chuckled under his breath.

And we walked to the car, Archer's arm slung around my shoulders.


"Can you please at least have a spoonful of my ice cream!" Caitlyn cried out to Archer. "It doesn't even have to be mine, it can be... Cody's!"

Caitlyn is trying to convince Archer to cheat on his boxing eating regimen.

Archer is sitting slumped back in his seat, watching Caitlyn, amused as she fights her loosing battle. I've never seem anyone more disciplined than Archer, so I already know that Caitlyn will lose this battle.

"Com'on, Caity. Give it up." I chuckled. "He'll never cave."

She groaned, crossed her shoulders and slumped back into her chair. "Humph. I'll get through to you someday Mr."

Today Caitlyn, Archer, Cody, Devin and myself are spending our Friday afternoon at the ice cream parlor, by Devin's suggestion. Shocking, I know.

Our group has officially merged with Archer's. Caitlyn likes the guys, and she doesn't like many people, so it's really quite amazing. Devin has taken a particular liking to Alice, which I don't think will ever go anywhere. He's not Alice's type, she's too... 'innocent'.

"Never." Cody said. "I've known him a long time, he'll never cave. I once had the brilliant idea, that only lead to frustration, of getting Archer to eat a chocolate bar outside of a Saturday night."

He just smiled smugly at the two of them. I rolled my eyes playfully at him when our eyes connected.

"You have a match tomorrow?" Caitlyn asked Archer in an attempt to change the subject of her failure.

"Nope, I have a weekend off." He said happily. "No match, no 'post match Sunday jog'."

"No show for Aroura." Devin continued for Archer. Cody and Devin snickered at his comment. Archer scowled at him.

"Hilarious." He said rolling his eyes, unamused.

I could feel my face heating up.

"What are you guys planning on doing?" She asked.

"Who knows." Cody said.

"Why not have a movie night?" Caitlyn said her face lighting up at her suddenly brilliant idea.

"Fun." I agreed with her. "Let's do that!" I insisted.

The guys looked at each other clearly unsure of what to say.

"Movies?" Devin asked.

"Yes. With snacks and all kinds of junk." I said now excited. "And Archer, it'll be a Saturday. Cheat day." I said sweetly, leaning across the table encouraging them to agree.

"I'm in." Cody said. Of course he was.

"Eh, me too." Archer seconded.

"Seriously?" Devin said shocked by his friend's agreement , "Oh alright." He gave in after Caitlyn and myself pouted like children.

Archer chuckled at Caitlyn and I.

"Yes!" Caitlyn cheered. "I'll text the others." She reached for her phone and began frantically typing.

The guys looked at each other. I could tell they were thinking that maybe they had made a mistake.

"It'll be great." I said to the guys in an attempt to reassure them.

It will be great.

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