《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 25 ⋙


"I don't know what to say since the twist of fate when it all broke down. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now."



I straighten my tie as I exhale sharply. After a few moments, I'll be a married man. Other than that, it will be broadcasted around the world. Which does not help calm my nerves at all.

News reporters are gathered outside for an exclusive cover of our wedding. The press will be seated at the near back were they can see everything that happens. It scares me. I've already asked Amy to cancel the invitation of the press but she insisted that it'd be huge for our company. So, I had no choice but to comply.

Besides, maybe it will help us gain more benefits. After all, our company will be joined together making us the strongest one in the market.

I scan the table for my handkerchief when my eyes landed on the letter that Madilyn gave me. Unknowingly, my hands have already moved on their own picking up the pastle blue envelope. It was as if they had a mind of their own.

I smile finds it's way on my face as I take out the note. My heart beats abnormally fast, my stomach doing double flips. It was a strange and new feeling to me.

Dearest Ren,

Congratulations on your wedding! May you stay happy and contented with your marriage.

Amy must be so lucky to end up with someone like you. Anyways, I'm sorry I won't be able to attend since

I have some business in London, I hope you'd understand. But here's something to make up for it:D

Two tickets to the country of our choice was stuck on the note with a small happy face sticker.

It isn't much but I hope you and your wife will enjoy. Once again, cheers!


I notice that there were a few droplets of maybe tears were stained at the corner of the paper. I felt my stomach churn with an unpleasant feeling as I read the note once more. It was as if she wanted to tell me something else.

Suddenly, my head starts to hurt. I whimper as the pain grows even worse. It felt like my skull was being compressed. Falling to the ground, I immediately reach for the pills my doctor prescribed to me.

This would happen at times. I would get occasional headaches and I'd have to drink the pills. But recently, ever since I've met Madilyn, the pain seems to grow even worse. It would be unbearable at times causing me to lose control over my body. I'd collapse at times or get random flashbacks with the people's faces blurred.

I've consulted my doctor about it but he said this was normal. He also told me that she might be triggering my memories. Once I've swallowed the pills, my headache immediately stopped.

I let out heavy sighs as I struggled to stand up. Once again that same repetitive scene comes into my mind. The same girl had her brown hair cascading softly down her shoulders. She smiles at me and reaches out her hand though I couldn't really see her face clearly.


"What's your name?" I would always ask. Her light laughter echoes in my ears as she shyly tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. She smiles even wider. The trees would rustle in the background as cherry blossom leaves slowly fluttered down.

"My name is M.."

Then, it stops there. I come back to my senses once more, nervously gulping a lump down my throat. Beads of sweat had formed across my forehead and my face was quite flushed.

"C'mon man, it's your dude Shawn." A familiar voice echoes outside the door as the man knocks on the door. I chuckle lightly as I wipe the sweat if my forehead. Ever since Shawn and I bumped into each other in the arcade, we decided to be friends. I don't know how it happened but now we are really close.

Opening the door, Shawn pats my back. "Are you sure you are okay with this marriage dude? Cause it isn't too late to turn back." He asks, slightly nodding towards the exit. I chuckle lightly. "I'm okay."

He gives me a small smile and brings me to the altar. "Good luck dude." Was the last thing he said before leaving me to stand by myself. After a few minutes of watching the guests arrive, Shawn takes his seat in the front row next to his date, Capella. People around me exchange fond gestures, some fawning over how cute Amy and I were together.

Then, the organ starts to play the entrance song. After everyone settles down, the marble doors of the chapel opens, revealing Amy.

Everyone gasps in awe as they watch her take small steps. She was wearing a ball gown that you may see in disney princess movies. Those huge puffy gowns that reassembles puff pastries. Her face was covered by a long veil and jewelry adorned her neck.

"She looks stunning in her simple but elegant ball gown. Her gown was said to be design by the one and only Macy Martinez." The news reporter announces to the camera as Amy passes by her. Her gaze never left mine as she continues to walk down the aisle. All eyes were on her as she walks slowly towards the altar.

Once she was there, she faced me and gave me a small wink. I manage to muster a smile as she laces her fingers with mine. We both face the preacher as he stares at the bible.

"Do you Amy take Ren's hand in marriage? To promise to be a loyal and faithful wife and to make him happy for the rest of his life?" He asks curtly, looking at Amy. She hesitates, her body freezing. Her eyes quickly scan the room. It was in as if it was frantic. Then she looks down, her eyes seeming to be brimming with disappointment.

"Yes, I do." She replies, her grip on my hand tightening. He smiles and shifts his attention to me. "Do you Ren take Amy's hand in marriage? To promise to be a loyal and faithful husband and to make her happy for the rest of her life?"

Suddenly, my head starts to hurt. I shut my eyes due to the amount of pain I was experiencing.


Slowly, familiar memories began flashing in my head one by one. The faces if these people were no longer blurry and their way of speaking was clear. I could understand everything.

"Hey Ren! Remember to meet me outside the school's garden!" Was the last thing Maddie told me before running off to Valery, Capella and Leah. I chuckle at her cute behavior. "Of course!" I yell back, cupping my hands over my mouth.

I walk slowly when my phone rings in my pocket. I swipe to answer. "Hello son, I have to inform you about something very important." I stop walking as I allowed my father to continue.

"You'll continue studying in London. I've found a good school for you to attend. Pack up your things and I'll pick you up tonight." My eyes widen as I open my mouth to protest.

"But father, I have friends-" "Friends are not important, whether you like it or not, you'll be leaving tomorrow. Do you understand?" He asks in a stern tone. "Yes father..." I reply, ending the call.

I immediately walk to the school's garden and sat on a bench. I look down in disappointment. I want to tell Maddie about how I feel but I guess the timing didn't work out.

"Hey." Her sweet voice cuts in my thoughts. My mouth immediately curls up into a smile as soon as I see her. I pat the space next to me, mentioning her to take a seat. She sends me a cute smile and sits.

I look away. I should tell her that I'm leaving, after all she deserves to know. She suddenly clears her throat causing me to look at her. Fiddling with her fingers nervously, her face turns into a shade of red which I find adorable.

"Yes?" I ask. "I have something I've wanted to say for a long time..." She mumbles, looking at the ground. "Same..." I trail off, bending down so I can meet her eyes. Her eyes widen immediately.

"You first!" She stammers, pointing at me. "No no, Ladies first." I reply, making a dramatic bow to lighten the mood. We ended up bantering, fighting about who will go first.

After a while, I gave up. "Okay, I'll go first." I manage to chuckle out. Her face turns into a deeper shade of red. I take in a deep breath. "I'm leaving." I whisper.

The smile on her face fades as quick as it came. She faces me squarely and laughs nervously. "Wait, did I hear correctly? You are-"

"Leaving..." I finish, looking down. I didn't want to leave this place. I didn't want to leave my friends and I didn't want to leave her.

"Where?" She asks, looking down as well. "To London, tomorrow." I say.

"Oh...." She mutters, her voice cracking in the end. I wanted to confess so badly but I couldn't. "I wanted to tell you because..." I trail off, pausing abruptly.

"The closest friend I have." I finish. As I said those words, my heart ached. For it wasn't the truth but a lie. She grew silent.

"Anyways, what did you want to tell me?" I ask, staring at her face. "Ah..." She mutters, her eyes glistening. "Nothing important."

I grew genuine concern for her because eyes were laced with moisture. "Hey....are you okay?" I ask, moving closer to her. "I'm A-okay!" She says in a too enthusiastic tone. She grins as she held a thumbs up. I can clearly see her eyes that her brimming is with tears.

We both fell quiet. "Hey, we'll stay friends forever won't we?" I ask, plastering a fake smile. I stare at her face for a reaction. The word 'friends' just felt so wrong for me.

"Yeah..." she mutters, moving away from me. I felt a pang of hurt hit my chest.

I grab her hand and lift up my pinky. Her eyes widen as they lock with mine. Her eyes were the kind of eyes I could get lost in. I gave her a grin. She lets out a small smile as she links her pinkies with mine.

Before I could control myself, I found myself hugging her. I will miss the warmth she gave me when I feel sad. Her smile and her open armed hugs she gives to her friends. Except guy friends of course.

My back becomes wet. Then, the rain pours. She immediately pulls away as she wipes her tears. "I have something to give you." She mutters, handing me a small package.

"Don't forget me." She whispers, turning her back on me.

"I won't I promise." I assured. Once she left, I opened the gift and found a picture of us in disney land. I feigned a smile as tears streamed down my face. The memory of us first meeting flashed in my mind.

Her brown hair was cascading down her shoulders. She smiles at me and reaches out a hand. "What's your name?" I ask. Her laughter echoes in my ears.

"Maddie. My name is Maddie."

"Sir Ren?" The preacher's voice brings me back to reality. I snap out my gaze as I stare at Amy and the priest.

Everyone's eyes were on me, all awaiting my answer. "I'm sorry but I can't." I state firmly. Everyone gasps in surprise. The preacher had his mouth wide open and the news reporters began to go nuts. I knew that there would be consequences for my actions but at this moment, I didn't care at all. I just felt the need to see Maddie.

I immediately ran out of the place. Stepping in my car, I call up my secretary. She picks up after three rings. "Hello sir?" She asks, the clicking of her keyboard can be heard. The reporters began swarming around my car, asking numerous questions.

"Can you do me a favor?" I hurriedly ask, buckling my seatbelt. She stops typing and averts her attention to me. "What favor sir?" She asks.

"Book me the next flight to London."



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