《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 24 ⋙


"It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does."


"Thank you for coming." Ren says in a professional tone. He hands us a copy of the contract and bows politely. I ignore the churning feeling in my stomach as I bow as well. The burning gaze of his fiancé never left me as we shook hands for the last time.

Shawn wasn't able to make it since he was currently with Capella. So, he asked Tyler to come in his place. I remember that when we entered the conference room, Amy started to make too much eye contact with Tyler. She would move closer to Tyler and bat her false eyelashes at him.

I was actually surprised how it did not come off yet.

"Tyler~" A shrill voice cooed. He winces at the sound as he turns to see Amy. I cringe at her movements as she swings her arm around Tyler's neck. From the corner of my eye, I could see Ren just watching the scene unfold. He had a blank expression as he continues to stare at his fiancé and back to Tyler.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" She asks, twirling her hair around her finger. Tyler immediately pries away from her touch. He isn't afraid to show the amount of disgust he was feeling. His face immediately scrunches up as he tries to distance himself away from the girl.

After all, she does have a fiancé. It will not be appropriate. At least he knows his morals, unlike someone....I take a quick glance at Amy, who was struggling to get near Tyler, who was shooing her off like a fly.

"Actually, I am seeing someone and don't you have a fiancé?" He asks, smirking slightly as he cocks his head to the side. Before she could even speak, he was already striding towards Ren. Amy tosses me a glare before running up to Tyler. I scoff as I fold my arms. Is she that desperate?


I let out a huge sigh as I trail behind Tyler. The last words I heard him tell Ren was a tiny 'good luck' as he pats him on the back.

He then turns to me as he reaches out a hand. I stifle a laugh as I watch his face turn into a pout when I do not take his hand. We bid our goodbyes to Ren and immediately left for the airport.

With our baggages taking up most of the back seat space, we had to sit in front next to the driver. Of course we still had our own personal space but it was a bit cramped. So, the rest of the ride was silent. It wasn't an awkward silence but more like a comfortable one.

After we got off, we quickly headed to get our tickets. The process was pretty quick actually. Maybe it was because Helen already prepared everything. Or maybe it was because we were reserved under VIP. None the less, it took a lesser time.

While waiting for the plane to finish it's final preparations, Tyler and I wait in a branch of starbars. As I sip my cup of hot cocoa, I felt my phone vibrate.

I checked the caller ID and saw Valery calling. Giggling slightly, I slide to answer. "Hello?"

"Maddie! You better call us every day. We already miss you~ It's not gonna be the same." My friends whine out loud. I can imagine them smiling. I stifle a laugh. "Okay okay, calm down. I will call y'all I promise."

"When's your flight?" Leah's squeaky voice asked. My eyes immediately dart to the ticket in my hands. 4:30 pm it read. "A few more minutes." I sigh out loud.

"Just wanna let you know that we love you, be awesome and stay hydrated~" Capella blurts out, laughing towards the end of the sentence. I could imagine her holding a water bottle as she does a commercial smile. She would probably be wiggling her eyebrows.


"We love you." Valery adds in a sing song voice. Then the line gets cut. Unconsciously, a smile finds it's way into my face.

Soon, it was time to leave. "All flights for London at 4 please head to gate 20 now." The speaker blares loudly, enough for everyone to hear. Tyler and I exchange glances. He gives me his signature smile and he puts my hand in his.

We entered the business class. I was so happy that the seats were bigger and less cramped. So after settling down, I stared outside.

While the plane slowly took off, I gazed at the city I lived in for all my life. The beautiful sunset paints the sky with hues of purple, orange, magenta and red. The sun slowly sinks behind the mountains.

The sight was breathtaking. After a while, I was able to have the entire city in my view. Lights of different colors made the city shine as they twinkle softly. I felt a sudden tug in my heart.

I am sure I'll miss this place. I shift my attention to my phone as it vibrates slightly.

Two messages were sent to me. One informing me of the time of the broadcast about Ren's wedding and the other from the man himself. Unknowingly, my fingers already pressed Ren's message and it immediately went to our chat.

Ren: Thank you for your congratulation letter! Will read it tomorrow after my wedding;) I wish you can attend though

I felt my stomach twist into a tight knot as pain swallows me whole once more. It's for the best isn't it? Things were going to end up like this anyway..It's funny how people can hurt you emotionally yet you can still feel the pain.

Maddie: I lied because I don't want to let you know how much it hurts me to see you with her|

Maddie: I lied because I don't want to let you know how much it hurts me to see|

Maddie: I lied because I don't want to let you know how much|

Maddie: I lied because I don't want to let|

Maddie: I lied because I|

Maddie: I lied|

Unconsciously, a tear slips out and I quickly wipe it away. I don't want Tyler to see me this way. This isn't the Maddie everyone is used to seeing. I can't burden other people with my problems.

Maddie: I am so sorry...I am quite busy ehehe:3 Wishing you happiness and the best of luck!



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