《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 26 ⋙


"If one day we meet again, I promise you I'll hold on to you tightly and never let you go."


"Ren Mattings fled his own wedding, leaving everyone in shocked. It was said that he did it out of—" I shut the radio off in annoyance. It has only been a few minutes since I've left the church and the press wasted no time in delivering the news.

Social media sites exploded with pictures of the wedding. Most of them showed me exiting the church.

Ren and Amy over?? Hottest couple of the year gone? Ren rejects Amy on their own wedding? These news titles were the trending searches in Ytube and Gambles. I really hope that these will be over soon.

I ruffle my hair, allowing stray bangs to fall over my eyes. I do feel bad about Amy but I can't afford to lose Maddie again. I've lost her once and I am not repeating the same mistake again.

I wasted no time in stepping on the gas pedal as soon as the stoplight turns green. I whisk in and out of the traffic, taking sharp turns.

"Hey! Watch where you are going you stupid sick bastard!" A man with a man bun yelled as I nearly bump into his car. His muscled arm that was inked with tattoos was flashed at me as he pointed his bad finger at me. I yelled a quick 'sorry' as I continue to drive. Numerous people shouted curses at me as I barely miss their cars.

My phone screen lights up, signaling that I've received a new message. I immediately swipe to read.

Secretary: Hello sir. Your ticket is purchased and the next flight will be at 2:30 pm at local time. You'll might have to wait a few minutes though. The chauffeur will be picking you up and will be assisting you to first class. May there be any needs or concerns, kindly inform me.


Ren: Alright, thanks. Also, I'll be fine. No need to fetch me all the way there.

I quickly park at the airport and dialed an all too familiar number. It's been more than 3 years since I've last contacted this number Taking a deep breath, I press the call button.

I am going to tell her everything. From beginning to end. I'll tell her. I will tell her how much I missed her when I left for London. I will tell her how I couldn't focus because she was always in my mind. I will tell her how much I regret letting her go. I will tell her how I feel.

After a several rings, there was a click. For a moment, I thought she picked up. But my smile fell when an all too familiar line repeats itself again and again. The number you have dialed is out of the coverage area. Please try again later. A beep blares out and the line was dead.

I let out an exasperated sigh. She is in London. Of course she won't receive it.

Suddenly, I had an idea. If I can't call her, maybe I could ask her friends. Quickly dialing Leah's number, I pressed the cold surface of my phone against my ear. Please pick up. I thought to myself desperately.

I open the radio to check if the rumors were gone when on the third ring, she picks up. "Hello? Who is this?" She asks in a curious tone. I clear my throat slightly and mumbled a small 'hello'.

"Oh, it's you Ren. What do you want?" She questions. I can hear whispers in the background. Sighing out loud, I rake my fingers through my hair. "I kind of need help." I blurt out at last. I'll admit that I'm a bit scared if her friends since they can get overprotective at times.

I remembered when I accidentally made Maddie scared, they were all carrying heavy books and were waiting outside my door to give me a good smack on my head. I still get the shivers when I think of that.


"Oh~ About Maddie??" Leah asks, almost excitedly. "Yeah...." I trail off, still slightly trembling. "Good luck!" She cheers as the line gets muffled. The next thing I knew, I was on the phone with Valery.

"Hi Ren. Long time no see." She states in monotone. "Same." I answer. "You need help with Maddie right?" She queried, her tone getting dead serious. I can't screw up now. "Yes."

"Well, she's in London as you probably know. You better hurry before your 'Din Din' falls for someone else." She answers. "I will. In fact, I'm on my way." I tell her politely. "Oh, okay. Well then hurry." She says. "We'll try to bring her to the airport."

"You better treat her well this time. You don't know how bad you hurt her." She adds in a low voice. I felt my stomach churn as I heard that sentence come out of her mouth. I was determined to change that. I treat her with only the best of care.

"Ren, it's been a while." Capella's voice rings through my ears. "Listen, I'll do my best to persuade Maddie but under one condition. You better not hurt her and you should take care of her as well."

"She waited for you. For three whole years. So you better not treat her like trash because once you do, you'll get home with a bloody nose." She says. I let out a small 'yes', not wanting to say more.

She could've just forgotten about me and moved on with her life. So why did she have to wait?

"Okay. Good, you better not screw up or else. " Capella says from the side. Then, the call ends. I check my watch and realized it was nearly departure time. Okay, you can do this man.

Before stepping outside, I put on a black mask and my shades to avoid the press. Moving quickly, I dash out of the car and inside the airport.

It felt like I was a spy in one of the movies that I used to watch when I was younger. They would hide from people and throw cool stunts. Wearing cool masks and shades, they do awesome stuff. I had all of those except for the stunts.

Anyway, I was personally met by my chauffeur, who handed me the ticket and a small bag with a smile. "I hope you know what you are doing, kid." He chuckles lightly. "I hope so." I returned to smile as I thankfully took the items from him.

He has been my chauffeur since high school so he knows a lot about me.

"Go get her, boy!" He laughs heartily, playfully smacking me on the arm. He pats my back and flashes me one last smile before leaving. Without thinking twice, I put on my hoodie which was inside the bag and went through the entire process.

Luckily, there weren't any paparazzi at the gate where I boarded the plane. After a while, I was escorted to my seat. There weren't much people which was another bonus. I sigh in relief. I hope I land there soon. I thought to myself as I settled down.

Wherever you are, may it be at the opposite end of the world, I will still come and find you. Not a moment will I give up. Even though I'll have to go through the toughest of challenges and the hardest of hurdles, I promise you, I will not give up on you. On us.



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