《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 3 ⋙


"Sometimes in life, you have to accept someone else's choice even though it will hurt you more than they will ever know."


"...kindly repeat that again?" I choke out, my eyes getting wider by the minute. He looks at me weirdly, it was like I've just sprouted another head or something. "Ren Mattings and Amy Sanders." He repeats, handing me an envelope. I take the envelope with shaking hands, looking at the engraved letters: ACE. I open the envelope to see the location of the venue.

Maryann avenue, 21st street.

He hands me a folder of files.

ACE, the joint company of the mattings and Sanders.

I sucked in a deep breath. Flipping the page, I began to read. It talked about their investments and their shares in real estates. I closed the folder and placed it in my bag. "Pick you up at 6?" He asked. "Okay." I answer, hesitantly.

I take my bag and threw my empty cup in the trashcan. "See ya soon Shawn." I forced out a smile. We exchanged small goodbyes as I left the office.

I quickly grab my car keys and immediately headed down to the basement. I get in my car and turn on my radio. When I got out, I was met by the sounds of cars beeping.

Shoot, I forgot it was rush hour.

I sigh, tapping on the steering wheel. I'll have to see him again huh? Such luck. I've waited for years just to see him again but now that he is here, I can't bear to. I should have a little faith in Ren. After all, he did promise.

By the time I got home, it was already 6 pm. I quickly took a shower and slipped into a warm turtleneck sweater and a skirt with leggings underneath. It was just too cold so of course I'll wear something warm. Besides, it looks okay. I was about to head out when the doorbell rang. My phone vibrated as well.


I opened it only to find a message from Shawn. It reads:

Shawn: your prince charming is here;)

I laugh. Since when? I slipped on some boots, opening the door and I see Shawn standing outside. He widens his eyes as his eyes scan my face. He just stares at me, without blinking. It was getting creepy. I clear my throat loudly.

"What's wrong?" I ask, getting bit conscious. Do I have something on my face? Is there a fly buzzing around my head? "No! Nothing!" He answers, sweating profusely. "You sure?" I ask, concerned. His face was turning redder by the minute. I gasp loudly. Does he have fever? What if he is sick?

"Y-yeah!" He answers. He looks away, frantically looking everywhere but at me.


"You have a nice painting!" He blurts out of the blue. Silence fills in the air between us. "What." "Uh, the painting!" He answers quickly, pointing at the wall behind me. His forehead was now glistening with sweat. I turn to see something else.

Facing back at him, I quirk an eyebrow.

"It's a clock."

Awkward silence fills the air.

"Um, wanna go now?" He asks, changing the subject. "Okay." I answer. I got in his car hastily, nearly missing a step and falling face flat on the ground. The drive was really quiet. The only sounds you can hear are the occasional beeps of the cars around us. Soon, we arrived. We were escorted to a private room.

I feel my breath hitch. My heart starts to beat fast like it did before. Let's get this over with Maddie.

Ren stands up with a very pretty brunette. Is this Amy? Wow, she could pass as a model. I thought to myself.


"Good evening miss Madilyn." The brunette says, politely shaking my hand. "Good evening to you too madam." I reply. "Don't be silly. Please, call me Amy." She smiles. Shawn shakes her hand as well. "Wait, you are that girl." Ren says, looking at me. "Who?" Amy asks, curious.

I felt a bit of hope as I await for his answer. Does he remember now? Unconsciously, I started to smile wider. Maybe he does...

"The girl I bumped to this morning." He states. "Miss?"

The smile on my face falls. I felt my heart get crushed all over again. Am I that easy to forget? Was our friendship not that important to him? Maybe it was.....maybe I was.

He really doesn't remember me...

"Miss Madilyn." I say, forcing a fake smile on my face. He shakes my hand. Unwanted tingles rushed through my body as I blink back tears. I immediately retract my hand from his grip and placed it behind my back.

"My name's Ren." He smiles. We locked eyes for a moment.

"Come and sit with us! Please!" Amy cheerfully says. I sat down beside Shawn. Hang in there Maddie. This will be over soon. I fumble with the hem of my skirt. The waitresses place food in front of us. "Ms. Madilyn and Mr. Shawn, we invited you here today because we'd like to announce two very special things." Amy smiles.

"Go on." Shawn says. "We would like to propose a project." Ren says. I decided to put my feelings aside and act professional for just a bit. He hands us a blue print. It was a picture of a large skyscraper. "We'd like to do a collaboration of both of our companies to this."

Ren points at the picture of the skyscraper.

"This is a blueprint of the estate Mr. Enrique would like to own. He wants a hundred floor skyscraper complete with pools, sports rooms and guest bedrooms."

"So we are politely asking you to do a collaboration with us. For we both know that your company is the largest estate company in the entire world, famous for building outstanding architectures."

I nod my head slowly. "Are all the expenses on you?" Shawn asks. "We will split it fifty-fifty." Amy answers. "How about the people you have. Surely you cannot depend on us for that." I added quietly. "We will provide men for this." Ren answers.

"Then we have a deal." Shawn cheers. We signed the contract and received a copy of the paperwork.

They all began to converse and soon enough, they were talking like old friends while I just sat there quietly, not even saying a word. However, they didn't seem to mind. Shawn has tried multiple times but I refused.

"How about the other announcement?" Shawn asks out of curiosity. My eyes travel to the two sitted in front of me.Amy's cheeks turned pink. "Ren tell them." Amy says, nudging his arm lightly. He laughs and ruffles her hair.

Ren takes a deep breath.

"We would like to invite you to our engagement party." He says. I dropped the sushi I was supposed to eat. I was shocked, still processing the new information I've just received.




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