《I Need You》Chapter Twenty-Four


I was currently in the dressing room, looking at myself.

I had the sweater that I picked out a couple minutes before on. The deep red held a good contrast against my olive skin tone. It was oversized but it seemed to fit me. And I don't like when sweaters fit closely either. In my opinion, they don't look right to me.

Slightly turning to get a better view of the back, I felt Adrian's presence get closer to the door. My heart beat quickened, like it always does. "Sweetheart, do you have anything on yet?" he asked softly. I still heard him over the busyness of the store.

"Yes, I'm coming. Give me one second," I said as I glanced myself over one more time. I had to make sure it fit me the way I wanted too. Which I know will be harder since I'm not considered the healthiest right now. Body type wise.

I opened the door a little bit to let him know I was done. I didn't really feel like walking outside of the door where everyone could see me. Adrian understood I'm guessing since he just poked his head in hesitantly followed by the right side of his body. His face lit up with a smile. First, he looked at the sweater and then me.

Coming in a little bit more he asked, "Do you like it?"

"Yes, I love it actually." This would be a perfect thing to wear for the upcoming season. And the holidays I've been waiting to celebrate for a while.

"Good because it looks good on you," he stated, looking at it again. I blushed, embarrassed that I was honestly seeking his approval on it. I did a little spin again for him to see the rest of it. I must look weird with the sweater paired with these sweatpants, but that's the whole point of today. I'll look for jeans, I guess next. One of my favorite things that I used to wear was blue jeans. I cant wait to be in them again hopefully.

"Okay so we are getting that one," Adrian said with a light laugh, crossing his arms. I looked down at the price tag to see how much a beautiful sweater like this was. It was $55.

"Wait Adrian," I hesitated. Wasn't this to expensive? I know at my old pack the girls would spend this much on them but that was because of their parents and everything. And I would often have to sort out and put their clothes back whenever they came back from their shopping trips. And the girls that didn't have as much money would still buy cute clothes but they would be cheaper. I did not want to be like those rich girls that treated me so badly. "Isn't this too much?"

"Kayla, you need this. I'm not thinking about the price right now," he said, putting his hands in his pockets, "And this day is for you," he smiled. All I could do was nod at him. He treats me like I'm so special. But if the roles were flipped, I would do it for him too.

Closing the door to the dressing room, I tried out the other sweater that he picked out for me. It was the same price which made me not want to show him because I didn't want him to say I looked good and then spend all his money on me. But like he said I did need this and I appreciate it so much, but that still doesn't mean I want him to spend his whole bank account.


Sighing, I told myself that I needed to just listen to him. He is the only one that can help me adjust back to the world around me. Especially after I've been kept from it this long.

We left the store with both sweaters. Adrian has a content smile on his face when I looked up at him. He seemed very energetic and was walking confidently. I admired him so much already, and I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful he was.

"Quit staring love. You're making me blush," he said with a chuckle. He looked down at me with one corner of his mouth going up and a dimple appearing right above it.

I turned my head right away embarrassed that he caught me staring. It felt like I couldn't help it. Everyday Im more drawn to him.

"I-I wasn't staring." I tried to defend myself. It wasn't working.

Adrian sighed, "Mhm. Whatever you say."

After a couple hours we've been to three stores. All of it consisted of me trying on things and Adrian helping me make decisions. He did make me feel better about myself in about everything that I tried on. And of course if I complained about how pricy something was, he would brush it off and say that it was nothing every time. When we were walking, I started to get tired and I just felt drained. Adrian noticed my change of mood and figured that I was most likely in need of something to eat. Since I wasn't used to having a normal eating routine, I'm not used to knowing what exactly meant when I was hungry. He told me it was important to remember the things Doctor May told me to be aware of.

Now, we have made our way to the food court and so many smells were hitting me at once. The bustle of the crowd was live with it being later in the day and talk was everywhere. I felt weak, but I was so eager to get something to eat now that Adrian mentioned it.

"Where do you think you'd like?" he asked me.

"If I'm being honest with you, I really don't know where to start. Or even what to think." I replied. He was holding most of the bags of everything we've bought today so far.

"Well, we have Antonio's over there. They sell pizza and pasta and everything. An Italian place. Then we have the local Chinese restaurant. And then the others are just normal fast foods with the burgers and fries. McDonald's, Steak and Shake, Burger King, oh and there's Taco Bell over there," He motioned, pointing his finger. We were standing a little out of the crowd where I would have a good view of everything.

Everything sounded amazing right now. Burgers, pizza, pasta, tacos, all of it sounded good. My eyes kept drifting to the Taco Bell in the middle and soon I began to smell it out of everything.

"Adrian. Taco Bell is calling me." I said without exaggerating.

"Great minds think alike Kayla."

That's all I needed to hear when I grabbed his arm and my feet started carrying me to the purple and white bell. Adrian's footsteps fell closely behind me. I probably looked crazy with how eager I was to eat something.

"Kayla slow down sweetheart," I heard Adrian say to me, which caused a slight giggle to come out of me.

I'm hungry.

We finally made it to the line. I let Adrian's arm go and stood in front of him to see the menu. The people around us were looking at us, but throughout the day, I've gotten used to the stares, even when Adrian told them not too because of the way I'd feel. I'm just trying to tell myself that it would be normal for them to wonder more about me. They all knew I was his mate.


"What do you normally get?" I asked and turned to him. He gave me a slight glance at then he looked back at the menu. He sat one of the bags down. His eyebrows furrowed together, "I usually go for the chicken quesadilla, sometimes two of them and then whatever else I feel like."

That sounded good, but honestly anything would sound good to me at this point.

"I think i'll get that but only one of those."

"Okay," he said. He turned to me, " Why don't you find us a table while I order for us and I'll be right over there," I nodded in agreement, "What do you want to drink?"

"Anything is fine," I'm so used to drinking water, it didn't really matter to me.

He nodded while I started making my way to find us a table. I found a two seater that was against the wall that looked good enough so I went ahead and sat there. Patiently waiting. Eagerly waiting.

A couple minutes later, the smell of chicken and cheese invaded me. It made my mouth water just thinking about what I was about to eat.

As soon as he sat down with the bag, I couldn't help myself and opened the brown bag and took what was mine out. It's been so long since I've had some type of fast food.

I opened up the wrapper containing the quesadilla and started eating it like I was food deprived. Well I used to be.

I looked up to see Adrian with his food in his hand but he didn't even have his open yet. He stopped midway to look at me and he had one eyebrow up. I was still chewing.

"Woah woah woah, you might want to slow down there," he said with amusement. I swallowed and looked down embarrassed. I didn't realize how hungry I actually was. Adrian reached over the table and wiped at the corner of my mouth with his thumb. I looked at his hand.

"You had a little sauce on your cheek," he laughed.

I could just feel myself turning red again.

Starting to eat slower, I watched Adrian begin to eat too. After he took his first bite, he looked up at the people around us. It seemed like he had something else on his mind though, like he was concentrating.

I took this time to appreciate the view. He was so perfect. His jawline was sharp, his eyes a pretty blue green, skin tan and toned, lips pink and looked soft. There was just so much. And this man was my mate. He is supposed to be destined for me of all people.

He smirked, "You're staring again love. What is it?" Adrian was still looking at the rest of the mall, maybe trying to figure out where we were going next.


He finally turned to me, "What do i have something in my face?"

Yes. Perfection.

I didn't answer him but continued to look at my food.

We both started eating in a comfortable silence, watching the people around us. The people handing out free samples, the kids whining to their mothers, the teens enjoying there days off. I think we were somewhere in November cause i heard something about Thanksgiving. I wouldn't know. I lost track.

Adrian through our stuff away and we were on our way again.

"Adrian," I started.


"Where's the bathroom, I have to go really bad," I said, realizing that getting a large Pepsi was not the way to do it.

"Here. I'll take you to it and while you go, I'll go out to the car to put some of these bags up okay?" He reasoned. Then I got the idea of why don't i go ahead and put some of the clothes we bought so I don't have to wear his clothes anymore. Maybe it'll draw some attention away from me if I looked like everyone else.

"Can I change into one of the outfits?"

Looking at me with surprise, Adrian nodded. I guess he wasn't expecting me to be so eager to wear the clothes? I have no idea. I took one of the bags with me that had one of the outfits we bought and headed to the bathroom.

Walking in I saw some girls standing by the mirror. They all looked at me when I walked in. All of them seemed to be about my age. I awkwardly walked past them and into one of the stalls.

Their conversation became more hushed, and it was really hard for me to hear them. Before they were talking about the latest Youtube beauty person or whatever that means.

I walked out in the other outfit and they were still in the same place from before. They seemed surprised at my outfit change, but one of them looked like they recognized me.

I don't know any of them.

One girl came up to me. She had dirty blonde hair that was curly. She had a cute jacket on.

"Hi. We couldn't help but ask but are you the alphas mate?" She asked. The other girls looked like they were eager to know the answer also. I looked up at her, but looked down quickly after. She intimidated me because of how beautiful she was. Even the girls behind her were very pretty.

I just nodded in response. What if these girls hit me like my last pack did? This place is different right?

They all giggled like little girls.

One of the other girls, she was brunette with dark green eyes, she then spoke up, "Whats it like?"

Confused, I spoke quietly, "U-um what do you mean?"

They gave me a look like i was stupid, "You know," she wiggles her eyebrows, "Everything," she said, lowering her voice.

Standing there confused for a few seconds, I finally knew what she was talking about. She was talking about that.

I instantly blushed profusely.

"Brandy, look at her, she hasn't even been marked yet let alone fully mated," the third girl said.


Brandy, I'm pretty sure is what that girl acknowledged her as stood up for herself, "Well I'm sorry. I didn't think asking was that big of a deal. Mates usually do that when they meet each other."

Dirty blonde spoke to me again, "I'm sorry for her. We just wanted to meet our future Luna and tell you how lucky you are to have Alpha Adrian as a mate. He is the full package. He's sweet, kind, and especially sexy."

"Olivia!," the third girl acknowledged dirty blonde, "Oh my god that's her mate."

I mean they aren't lying about him looking the way he does, but other girls saying this made me feel a certain way. Jealous probably.

Not even going to lie about that.

But i can't blame them. I was looking at him like he was a piece of candy earlier and I'm probably the most innocent out of innocents.

I don't even know if that made sense.

I smiled at them but didn't say anything. I just kinda wanted to get away from them. These girls seemed very different than the ones from before. I'm just still not exactly that comfortable with people coming around me or talking to me. I want to trust people more though and I think I'm getting there.

"Hopefully we will see you around soon. You are very pretty and that sweater looks amazing on you." The brunette said. Brandy.

"Oh. Th-thank you," I weakly responded.

The three girls left the bathroom giggling away, probably just talking about or conversation. I looked at myself one more time before heading out of the bathroom.

Adrian was standing right outside of it. He turned to me when he noticed I was out.

"You were in their for a while. Were you okay?" He did look concerned. I forgot he probably would've wondered what was going on.

"Yes. I'm fine those girls were just talking to me."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "They talked to you? And you talked back to them?" He was clearly not expecting this I guess.

I hit him in the arm playfully. I put my head down.

"You make me sound so bad," I joked quietly.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, yeah."

"What did they say to you? What did y'all talk about?" We started walking back into the bustle of the people. His hand and mine kept brushing against each other.

I looked up at him. His side profile coming into view.

"You actually."

"Me? Why?" He laughed lightly when he heard me say this.

"Well.." I started, "They know I'm your mate."

Adrian nodded in approval still not looking at me.

"Um, by the way.." I lead on. I wondered why he didn't tell me this part.

"Yes love?"

I got a little closer to him because we were going through a bigger crowd . I grabbed his hand unconsciously.

"Whats 'being marked'?" I asked him.

Adrian's head turned quickly in my direction.

"That's what you guys were talking about?" He asked, surprised yet again for the third time, and also he looked nervous.

What's so bad about it?


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