《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter 3 Lancia




After making the long and arduous journey to the city of Gellifew, Lancia was saved at the last moment of being rejected for enlistment into the army due to them considering him a minor. Only the timely intervention of the stranger he met on his way to the army barracks allowed him enlist. He told his new friend who vouched for him by claiming to be his grandfather that his real family may make his life difficult when they found out. The old Elf just laughed it off and told him we would have to survive the war for that to be a problem. Lancia had not even got a name for his new benefactor so had to keep calling him grandfather.

In fact he reflected he had become closer to this fake grandfather than is real grandfather. The old Elf had taken him under his wing and introduced him to army life. The first thing that his new grandfather had him do was to learn how to load and fire his rifle instinctively. It was during these drills that they had met the General who was in charge of the Army. It did not take the Silver Fox long to see the saw the potential in Grandfather as the General promoted him to a Sergeant. Then they had met the rest of their line, or section. He learnt that a line was made up of ten elves. These were the elves that would fight next you in the formation during a battle. It was very important to get to know the members of your line as they would be the ones protecting your life in battle.

The first of these members was Cyn he was army veteran and had spent many years in the army he was actually one of the few survivors from the last battle with the Union. Cyn Filer y Fyddin was a professional pikemen. He carried a long pike which was apparently a family heirloom and had some magical enchantments. Grandfather had asked him many questions about that battle he survived and about the current army assembling. Cyn explained that prior to the invasion by the Union the Prince of Gellifew did not have much of a standing force. A few palace guards acted as protection for the Prince The city relied on its local militia to see off most threats. So when the Prince who was named Tywysog Bach decided to form an Army. He was able to form two regiments from the local militita. The first Regiment he placed under the command of his good friend Ceg Uchel. Ffwl Cyfoethog who was also member of the Princes inner circle and was given command of the second regiment, the regiment which they found themselves.

The army was also made up from contributions other princes who had sent regiment to support the young prince. Prince Ceidwadwyr was one of the more conservative Princes he had sent two regiments these regiments which were traditionally armed. For centuries the traditional backbone of Elven Armies had been the regiments of Archers, so Ceidwadwyr had sent a regiment of Archers as well as a regiment of pure pikemen. Prince Teyrnfradwr had only sent one regiment. They were dressed in the Bright Blue Uniforms and armed with the latest flintlocked muskets the soldiers in this regiment to not interact much with the rest of the Army. The Regiment in Drab Green belonged to Prince Pren Gwyrdd. These soldiers were similarly armed to those of Prince Teynfradwr though these troops interacted more with the rest of the army.


Prince Tywysog had not expected the Silver Fox to arrive bringing with him a lot of the garrison forces under his command. A regiment of infantry under Knight Commander Wachodlu all of them harden veterans. More importantly Knight General had brought several regiments of Heavy Calvary almost five thousand strong. In addition to these numbers would be the Warband of Orcs almost four thousand strong, Cyn explained that Xalqın imperiyası, which is what the Orcs called their empire had been seeking closer ties with its neighbours. Cyn was sure about the details around the alliance but assured Grandfather that the Orc Soldiers would be needed to fight off the Union.

He went on to give his version of what had happened in the previous battle with the Union. Cyn explained that he was part of force of about three thousand that had been thrown together to combat the threat of the Union. Lead by the experienced Knight General. Cyn told them that he had been near the back of the army which was in the middle of a river crossing when they had been ambushed. Cyn told us of an explosion from one of the enemies cannons had knocked Cyn into the river, this had saved his life because by the time Cyn had extracted himself from the river and walked back up the river bank to the battle site the army had been completely wiped out.

Cyn was not able to answer many of Grandfathers questions about the political setting of the Confederation this is where Yshlohaig or scholar as we nicknamed him stepped up and was able to Grandfathers questions on the princes who were vying for power; he was an academic who studied history down at the temple. Yshlohaig knew a lot about the politics of the Princes and those in power. Lancia was actually surprised when it appeared that Yshlohaig knew more about what his own family the Ap Brwydr and its political leanings. Yshlohaig wasn't the only one to study with the Elders, there was also the apprentice wizard, Devin. He wasn't far enough in his studies to be included in cadre of War Magicians that were accompanying the Army. So he joint army in the hope watching true magician’s fight in a battle. Devin spent a lot of his spare time following the Wizards trying to improve his craft.

Another apprentice was Teiliwr his trade was the more mundane trade of a Tailor. He made sure that they were all dressed in stylish clothes and uniforms and seemed to have a real flare for what looked good. He made sure that everyone had a new leather jerkins and white cloak, the matching Cavalier hats.

Brydyddoon was a would be bard. Who assured everyone that he would make them a song to make them all legends. Before they left the city Brydyddoon had taken them to a Tavern and they had drunk elven wine whilst he played some of music to entertain the crowd. Brydyddoon played a small violin as he sang some rowdy songs and even started composing some songs about their exploits in the Army.

Lancia wasn’t sure if the songs Brydyddoon planned to compose would include Cryffoddol. A pious elf had joint the army out of sense of duty. He preached to the rest of the group that it was the duty of all elves to protect the nation. Cryffoddol was against the alliance with the Orcs. He would loudly decry that the beasts as he called them should be expelled from the city. Most of the rest of the line didn't pay much attention to Cryffoddol.


Ffermwr was the most down to earth of line. A farmer who normally supplied the food that kept the city feed. When the army had moved out from the city, Ffermwr had taken him to one of the farming groves to collect some food to supplement their supplies. Elven farming was symbiotic with the rest of the Forest. Ffermwr took great pleasure in explaining how Elven farms produced greater yields than farms of the other races. Ffermwr appeared to be part forest mage or druid, though Lancia thought the real magic was the Elven Wine that Ffermwr produced for the group which Ffermwr had brewed himself. Ffermwr had gifted everyone in the line a bottle of wine.

The last member of the line was Dyn Blaidd a hunter like Grandfather. Dyn Blaidd was a great marksman. He seemed to have a six sense when out in the woods hunting game to supplements the Armies supplies. Lanica had watched Dyn Blaidd hunt down a lone Stag and bring it down with one shot from his musket.

Since leaving the city the army had travelled a couple days. The speed of the army was greatly reduced by all extra food and ammunition they needed to carry with them. The giant Ceirw Anferth deer carried most of the extra luggage. A large number of the deer were assigned to the Archer regiments burden with carrying spare arrows. The army also had a number of Cannon's been dragged by the deer.

A makeshift camp had been set up by a river, whilst supplementing their supply's by hunting Lancia was walking through their allied Orcs camp. His Grandfather had pointed out the different tribes of Orcs that made out the Warband. "Over there are the Bloodfoot and next to them there were a couple orcs from the Razor Eye Tribe." Also letting Lancia know how best to differentiate the different tribes. Lancia didn't even notice when a large Orc approached them. "Most of your kind can't tell the difference between the tribes" he stated looking very hostile "Where did you learn about us" he asked speaking perfect common tongue.

Grandfather just stared down the Orc and stated "Once I travelled your lands, it was a very long time ago". Both stood looking each other over. Grandfather than spoke again "So I know by your facial tattoos that your member of the Black Ravens" For a few minutes they faced off each other. The Orc said something in his own tongue to one of his companions. Lancia surprised when grandfather spoke the same language. Whatever grandfather said the Orc did not seem happy. Then Grandfather turned and left. It was only after they had left the camp that Lancia realised the Orc that had spoken to grandfather was the chief of the Warband.

With his grandfather’s help he was settling in to life on the march with the Army and it was starting to feel like a proper soldier. Then the army had been joined by a small contingent of the Priestess of the Glade. These reclusive Priestess normally tended the saplings of the Great White tree however in times of war they were known as the Maidens of the Blade. They made quite a stir when they arrived. As they were marching into the camp one hundred maidens clad in silver green chainmail armour. A silver veil covered their faces. Lancia made eye contact with one of these Warrior women. Her deep blue eyes shone out from beneath metal veil that covered her face.

From that time on Lancia had tried to make contact with her. He used polite nods and smiles and then actually trying to engage in conversation. Lancia had never had this feeling before. He wasn't sure on how to proceed. Brydyddoon suggested that to get a blade maidens attention he would have to challenge her to a duel. Lancia wasn't sure this was the best way forward but without any other suggestions he had acted and had challenged the blade maiden to a practice duel.

So now he found himself facing off against the blade maiden. When Grandfather when he learnt that Lancia had challenged the blade maiden he had laughed and asked did Lancia know what he was getting himself into. Was he aware that Maidens of the blade were trained from an early age in various different forms of sword play. Like all high born noble Lancia had some basic training of swordplay. However he did not feel very confident when he began to cross swords with the maiden.

The make matters worse a large crowd had come to watch the contest. He could hear Brydyddoon laughing as he spoke to Cyn. He could just imagine the song Brydyddoon would make out of this bout. Still he wanted to impress the Sword maiden. Morwyn Ifanc was her name which was something he had gained from this experience. At least he now knew her name.

He looked over at the maiden, instead of the heavy chainmail that the maidens wore to go to war. Morwyn wore a thin leather jerkin which showed off her figure and made it even harder for Lancia to concentrate. She still wore a silver veil and her deep blue eyes were the only thing he saw of her face. She singled over to him to begin the duel.

He instinctively parried one of the sword thrusts by the sword maiden. He tried to return a stroke but quickly found that he had to instead parried a barrage of other strikes from the maiden. He could hear advise coming from the sidelines. Brydyddoon was again laughing. Grandfather had the most constructive advice. Telling him to concentrate on his footing. “Foot work boy, concentrate on footwork” Grandfather again cautioned him. “Watch her eyes not her sword” Grandfather again advised him.

Although it was probably good advice Lancia could not bring himself to look into Morwyn .in the eyes. He felt he would get lost in those eyes. In fact he was already lost. He parried another strike and even managed to make a counter strike. “Don’t over extend yourself” grandfather provided more advice. Grandfather was about to give more advice when he was interrupted. “You seem pretty well verse in swordplay old timer how about we show these youngsters how to do it properly”

Everyone seemed to focus on the person who had offered up the challenge dressed like the rest of the blade maidens however even Lancia could tell that an ancient elf resided behind the silver veil. She was the head priestess of the maidens of the blade. Morwyn disengaged from the combat and went to stand next to the Priestess and wait for Grandfather to respond.

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