《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter 4 The Sword Maiden


er earliest memories were spent hours perfecting her swordplay. Under the shade of the Great White Tree that resided at centre of the city. She had spent endless hours of practice. She still remembered the day her mentor inducted her as a full-fledged member of Daughters of the Glade, the mysterious priestess who tended the young saplings of the great White Tree that stood centre of Elven culture and religion.

It had been a hot summer afternoon she was in the middle of one of her normal practice sessions in which she had been practicing some of the more complex moves of the Althros school of swordsmanship. The Tower of Althros was the premier school for blade masters in the Kingdom. That day she had been surprised by her mentor had suddenly appeared next to her.

She was the High Priestess of the order and had watched her perform the advance technique. But instead of praise for the perfection of the technique her mentor had stated "Good your mastered the basics now it's time for you to learn the real arts of Maidens. Then she asked "Shall we dance" which was her mentors way of commencing a practice bout. From this time she had begun learning the secret style of the Daughters of the Glade and became a true initiate of the order. That had been many years ago.

Now she was the High priestess of Gellifew. She awaited the response from the scruffy old Elf who thought of himself as an expert on swordplay. She needed to show the crowd that the Daughters of the Glade were a force to be reckoned with. The old elf talked like he knew about swordsmanship perhaps he was a drop out from the Tower of Althros.

The old elf looked over at her. She stared into his deep blue eyes that seemed to boring into her soul as if appraising her abilities. Finally he spoke "Alas I do not process a sword" he began trying to turn down her challenge. She found an unexpected ally in the crowd. "You can borrow my sword" all eyes turned to focus on the General of the Army as handed over what looked to be a family heirloom. The High priestess wondered if the old elf would realise the worth of the sword been offered him.


The Old elf reached out and accepted the sword from the General in one motion he pulled it from its scabbard and faced the high priestess. "Well shall we dance" he stated.

She knew that comment shouldn't have made her angrier; however she couldn't help herself that had been the catch call of her mentor. He had no right to use it. She was just going to use this duel to show the superiority of her order. Now she was going to humiliate this pretender.

She began with some basic opening combinations used by the Althros School. The Althros school held precise flawless combinations to defeat their opponents. Her opponent was able to deflect them with ease. His defensive style was defiantly not of the Althros school his movements held more freedom and didn’t reflect the precise movements of the Althros School. She switched into some different styles, using some that were preferred by the elves of the Union. Perhaps this old elf was a spy sent to infiltrate our army she mused. Again her opponent was able to defend against these different styles with ease. Again her opponent defended against the styles but showed no affinity with them. She was using more advanced complex attacks. She circled around her opponent looking for an opening to his defence. She took notice of his excellent footwork. At least the old fool had some talent and perhaps he had been talking from well-deserved experience.

Still he showed how ignorant he was when he decided to accept her challenge. She knew that she was regarded as one of the best Sword Masters in the Kingdom. Now she would show him why it was foolish to duel with a Sword Maiden.

The crowd was unusually silent as it watched the duel unfolding before it. The sword maiden began to use the secret techniques of her order. Her strokes and movement became more electrified the crowd could see the increase in power and speed of her attacks.


No normal person could stand against these attacks. For a full minute she kept up her powerful attacks. Much to her surprise she was unable to get through her opponents defence. So focussed on her attacks she stopped analysing her opponent as she was expecting a quick victory. Now that she regained some of her composure she realised her opponent was defending using the same advanced techniques and fighting style.

This left her mystified here was a stranger who knew the secret techniques of her order who she realised she had just tried to kill for if he hasn't been able to defend himself against her attacks she would have carved him up

With a smile on his face and a glint in his eyes he spoke for the first time since they began the duel. "I think we have shown everyone how a proper duel is conducted. If we proceed I fear one of us may not walk away without serious injury. Then you would have to use your famed priestess healing magic to heal me”.

This strange elf seemed to be joking with her. Even though he should have known that her intent had been to kill him. She felt deeply ashamed. She bowed her head and acknowledged the end of the bout. She watched as her opponent as he attempted to give back the sword he had borrowed to the General. Only for the General to say “ I have my Cavalry Sabre I have no need for a duelling sword, take it and use it in the coming battle once we have won then return it to me.” She turned and left the crowd. Deeply puzzled as who this strange sword master who was travelling with the army. She would have to keep an eye on him

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