《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter 2 Black Raven


Black Raven


The Fortress of Mynydd Caer had guarded the fronteer of the Kingdom for years. The massive construction had built by dwarves back when there had been a firm alliance between the two races. It had been a time of friendship between the two races and many of these great constructions had been built to defend the Elven Nation. The massive fortress had never been breached despite many assaults by monstrous hordes that lived beyond the borders of the Elven nation.

So it was with a sense of unease that Claddyf Brywdr rode out of through the stone gates of fortress. He was part of a Calvary strike force, a show of Elven might. Over five hundred soldiers rode out the gates and into the Tir Gwastraff plains that bordered the Kingdom. The plain was more of a waste land where only the hardest of creatures could survive. He commanded a squadron of one hundred soldiers. He singled to his second in command a young inexperienced Jon Ap Cadfan, to tighten up the formation.

This was Claddyf Brywdr first command; he saved up and paid a commission as a Knight Captain. As A knight Commander he commanded a squadron of Cavalry. He had recruited his command and made sure they were all armed with lances and swords and covered in the finest Elven Chainmail. Each soldier carried a kite shield which had a large black sword.. His troop had been assigned the job of escorting the supply wagons and two large cannons that were accompanying the force. This assignment was meant to be a punishment from his commander.

When the Knight Commander had first proposed this expedition Claddyf had been called into the commander’s room in the fortress. The commander sat behind a large desk. "I really don't know how dwarves can live, encased in rock all their lives, I really miss the forest and my abode within the white woods. I know you understand. When you were a Kings Guard and living in the Palace within the Coden Wen Wych."

"I was so glad that you had been assigned to my command. You a real knight of the King's Guard, now under my command. I am not sure why you want to be posted in this backward miserable fortress. But I have got an idea of how to liven that up. I am proposing a show of force against the beasts of the Tir Gwastraff. I have been informed of a few dens of the foul orcs and I plan to wipe them out. So what do you say about my Plan."

Claddyf Brwydr thought about the proposal. "Sir I don't believe this is a good idea. Attacking the Orcs like this will probable stir them up. It will increase the raids into the Kingdom. Also I think you are underestimating the dangers of the Tir Gwastraff."

The Commander went silent for a while. A cold furious look came to his face. "I see now why you are here, Sir, you could cut it in the King's Guard and thought you could hide here away from the action. Well you will be accompanying us and I will show you how true Elves act, you are dismissed."

Since that meeting the Commander had treated Claddyf with contempt and assigned him the worst jobs. So he now found himself at the back of the formation guarding the supply wagons. The supply wagons were been pulled by Ceirw Anferth, these giant deer’s were used as beasts of burden by the Elves. Standing almost three metres tall these fleet footed beasts were able to pull the wagons with ease. One of the beasts had the largest antlers he had ever seen on a deer.


In two of the wagons which were pulled by the Ceirw Anferth two large metal tubes, he heard them called Cannon's. He had seen them demonstrated at Mynydd Caer. The elf in charge of these destructive devices was Llaw Haearn an unusual elf who had travelled widely and trained with the dwarves on how to use the Cannon's. He also had a number of smaller fire sticks, Claddyf believed they were called arquebus fired a small lead pellet.

He had been told that what enabled these weapons to work was a substance called gun powder. Claddyf had heard that monks or necromancer working on an elixir of eternal youth had come up with the formula. Though the dwarves calmed they had invented gun powder some even claimed that the deep gnomes or svirniblin had invented this magical black powder.

Accompanying the troop were four Orc guides, one in particular seemed to have the Knight Commanders ear and was giving him directions to where they should attack. The other advisor to the commander was a war wizard who was accompanying the expedition to provide magical support.

After a travelling for a couple days before they arrived at the first Orc den. It was a small encampment surrounded by a wooden fortification. A large wooden gate blocked the Elves entry into the encampment. On top of the wooden fortification a large Orc was yelling a challenge in his goblin tongue.

One of the Orc Guides relayed the challenge to the Knight Commander. The Knight Commander did not seem to be very pleased and indicated to his soldiers that ehy should fire their bows at the Orc. The Orc looked like a pin cushion covered in arrows. But still he stood challenging the Elves. Llaw Haearn had one of the arquebus set up and lit the match and the arquebus spewed out its contents with a large Thunder. The Arquebus hit its mark and the Orc collapsed. A large hole in his stomach as the bullet smashed through the Orc armour and tough Orc hide.

The gate to the fortress of was still firmly shut. The Commander called the Wizard over and commanded him to open the gate. Un Tywyll which was the name of the Wizard, faced the gate and casted a powerful spell. However up on the wooden wall hidden from view was an Orc Shaman used his magic to counter the spell. Un Tywyll than began a magical duel with the Shaman. This duel lasted several minutes with both magic users in a stalemate.

Frustrated with the lack of progress the Commander asked Llaw to bring forward the two Cannon's that had been brought for this situation. The Commander voiced his scepticism that the Cannon's would be any use when a trained battle wizard was unable to break open the gates.

Llaw and the other Elves that tended the Cannon prepared them to fire. Then they lit the fuse and Cannon's fired their load at gate. The cannon balls smashed through the gate and blew apart the log which had been keeping the gate closed to Elves. The Gate now opened and the Commander led his soldiers through.

Claddyf kept his soldiers back to guard the Cannons. He was also not keen to get involved in slaughter that was happening within. Flames and smoke rose from destruction within. The Commander finally returned covered in blood and bringing back trophies from the attack. A large Black Raven Statue been dragged by a couple of the Commanders soldiers.

The Orc guides seemed to be arguing amongst themselves. With one of them approaching the Commander telling him that statue was a holy artefact and that it was wrong of him to take it from this place. The commander ignored the Orcs advice and told him he was getting paid well to show them where to go.


Claddyf felt that there was something wrong with what had occurred. Although he had not been part of the slaughter inside the Orc fortifications he wondered where all the fighting orcs. He tried to bring this up with Knight Commander. But he dismissed Claddyf saying Claddyf lacked fighting spirit.

When they continued the journey one of the Orc scouts rode up to Claddyf and shared his fears that the warriors of Qara Qarga were not present when they assaulted their village. The Orc was called Tek Qurd. He told Claddyf that he did not trust Yalmanci who was the Orc that seemed to have the Commanders ear.

That night two of the Orc Scouts disappeared. The Commander made a terrible rant. However Yalmanci maintained that they did not need the traitorous Orcs assistance and guided the Elves to the next Orc encampment to attack. Tek Qurd had also stayed behind but he kept silent and started riding with Claddyf and his soldiers. The new Orc encampment was smaller than previous one. It seemed to have more Orc warriors defending it. These defenders put up a brief fight but they were no match for the Elves and the Knight Commander lend his troops to massacre another village.

The next day followed another slaughtered village, Claddyf was wondering when all death and mayhem would end. Yalmanci was leading them to yet another Orc Den. When suddenly there was a commotion at the front of the column. Claddyf rode up to see what the fuss was. Staked out in front of them were two Orcs who had been crucified and flayed. Birds had pecked out their eyes. Although it was hard to distinguish who the Orcs had been Claddyf knew they were the two Scouts that had disappeared a couple nights in the past. He later learnt their names were Bitini Itirdi, and Boz Gozler.

Claddyf assigned two elves to assist Tek Qurd with burial of Bitini Itirdi, and Boz Gozler.. Tek Qurd confided with Claddyf that Boz Gozler had asked Tek if he wanted to desert the Elves. Tek had refused because he was a long way from his tribe and he feared what the tribes would do to him if they captured him.

The Commander had decided that he would go on a hunt for wild beasts. He told Claddyf that he intended to get a trophy to adorn his office back at the fortress. With ten soldiers, the Commander and rode out onto the wasteland. Most of the day had gone by the time the commander returned. Three elves were missing from party that had gone with commander. Two Elves that returned clung to their horses and were critically injured they had to be placed in one of the wagons with the supplies.

Apparently the Commander had come across a Catoblepas. This swamp dwelling warthog headed beast was considered bad luck by most common folk. The commander had decided to engage the beast. Before he realised that the beast was more than he could deal with. Three of his Elves were dead and two others were critically injured. The Commander told everyone about how he boldly lead the retreat from the creature. Apart from the dead scouts these were the first serious casualties of the expedition.

The Commander demanded that Claddyf to go and bring back the three dead Elves. Claddyf choose a handful of his best men. He asked Llaw a few other elves armed with arquebus to also be part of the party. Tek Qurd also accompanied them back to where the Commander told them the Beast dwelt. Tek was able to follow the Commander tracks back to a swamp and what looked like the site of the conflict however there was no sight of the Catoblepas or the three dead Elves.

It was with sombre atmosphere that they bedded down for the night. Claddyf decided he would take the first watch and joint the sentries on guard duty. It was nearing the changeover of guards when Claddyf spotted Yalmanci making his way through the sleeping elves. The Orc seemed intent to make his way to Tek Qurd who was sleeping on the other side of the camp. Claddyf watched as Yalmanci sneaked closer and closer to Tek Qurd.

Claddyf watched as Yalmanci pulled out a large vicious looking dagger and looked like he was going to kill his fellow Orc. Before this occurred Claddyf made his present known. With his sword drawn and pointed at Yalmanci Claddyf shouted "Halt what you are doing, and explain yourself."

Claddyf was almost caught off guard when the Orc transformed into a feral beast and attacked Claddyf. The creature attacked with a frenzied speed that was way beyond that or a normal Orc. Claddyf only just managed to parry the creatures’ attacks.

In fact Claddyf might have been overpowered if not for two of the sentries who had spotted the fight and had rushed to his aid, giving Claddyf a reprieve. The three to one odds did not seem to bother the creature. Even when Tek Qurd who had woken by the commotion joined the fray making it four on one odds the beast still looked like it would overpower its attackers.

It was only when a blast of magic hit the beast, cast by UnTywell, who had also been woken by the ruckus. Un Tywell cast another magical blast which hit the creature. This allowed Claddyf to slice his sword through the creatures’ neck and decapitate its head. Claddyf watched as the beast dissipated and turned to dust.

The Knight Commander was awoken at first he refused to believe that Yalmanci was a monster rather than an ordinary Orc. "Are you trying to convince me that Yalmanci was an Bargarst. Bargarst are what goblins make-up to scare their children. Do not bring these lies to me. I am ashamed that you were once a Kings Gaurd. I should have you stripped of your command."

Yet again the two sentries that had assisted in the fight came to Claddyf defence; however the commander still expressed his disbelief. It was only when Un Tywell vouched that Claddyf account was accurate and that it was in fact the beast was much like a Bargarst. The Commander was forced to concede that Yalmanci had been a beast in disguise though he still thought Claddyf exaggerated how powerful the beast fought.

The next day the Elves continued their mission and they arrived at another Orc Den. This Den seemed to be the largest they had come across. Its walls and gates were currently undefended and the gates lay wide open inviting the Elves to attack. Claddyf felt there was something wrong.

The Commander wouldn’t listen to Claddyf warnings and charged through the gates leading most of his command into the Ors den. Claddyf had Llaw deploy his arquebus and had the remaining Elves remain vigilant as the sounds of battle echoed through the night.

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