《RE: Choice》Chapter 14 - Childhood - Slave


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"Fucking useless!"

"I'm sorry! Forgive me!"

My owner kicks me down. That hurts you fat fuck. I hold onto my stomach. I said I was sorry!

"I can't believe I paid a gold coin for you. I can't even get a refund. I should have bought someone from the official market instead."

He says while continuing to kick me in the same spot. I shake and curl my body with every blow.

"Your job is to make my life easier, you dumb shit! Whatever. You better have this cleaned up by the time I'm back."

With that, he walks out and slams the door behind him. I sigh. One day, I'm going to murder that asshole. I start picking up the pieces of the shattered plates and dump them in the trashcan.

This is the worst… I wish I could have lived in that mansion my entire life. Why did demons have to show up and ruin everything? I hope those bitches died by now. Well, leaving that mansion had a plus side, though. I would have rarely got any time to practice my powers in there.

And then there's Lucy… I still have no idea where she is. I need to find the two that took us if I want to make any real progress. I think I've learned enough of this power to have a fighting chance against adults now. Temporarily increasing my muscles has been quite useful to train natural muscle mass.

Still, I can't believe how fucked up this world is. I've been beaten so many times and yelled for help on the streets. Everyone treating me like some disposable animal...

I pick up the last of the plates I dropped on the ground and dispose of them in the trashcan. I stand up and grab the metal choker on my neck. I smile.


I can't wait for the day I part with this thing. With nothing else to do right now, I sit against the wall in fetal position. Fifteen minutes later, the overweight asshole comes back.

"What the fuck? Who said you could take a break?!"

He yells while walking closer.

"You didn't tell me what I should do after I cleaned up the mess, moron. If you're going to order me around, at least do a good job."

"Is that any way to talk to your master?! Damn kid!"

He kicks in the knee. I smile.

"You're so weak; I didn't even feel that. I recommend losing some of that weight."

"Fucking kid… you'll regret saying that."

He leaves the room again in a fast walking pace. What was that about? I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me. Well, whatever. I guess I'll go take a nap while he's gone.

I get up and open the door to the basement. I go down the stairs and find my comfy corner in the room with the ragged blanket, but it's really just an area where I swept most of the dirt and dust off the ground. Ahh… finally some peace and quiet. I lie down and close my eyes.

I fall asleep for an unknown amount of time before I wake up again. I hear stomping noises from above me. Did that fatty come back? Soon, I see him running down the stairs.

"I told you that you would regret it!"

He holds out some kind of small rectangular contraption in his hand. I cock an eyebrow.

"Are you going to shove that up my ass?"

He laughs.

"You haven't seen one of these before? You're about to wish you were dead."

What's he talk— OH, SHIT! I grab the metal choker on my neck. All of a sudden I feel like it's closing in on my throat. I can't breathe!

"Hehehe… It can do more than that."

I see him moving around his fat fingers around the thing he's holding. Soon, an intense amount of pain shoots through my entire body. It feels like electrocution. FUCK! I flail my body around on the ground, trying to shake off the pain. I can't take much more of this…

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