《RE: Choice》Chapter 13 - Consequences (Infant Epilogue)


You know that saying actions have consequences? Well... in this case, inaction has consequences.

Results from poll:

Something inside my mind clicks. Ugh… I guess I'll check out what's going on outside. I hope no one sees me… I need to augment nearly all of my muscles. I take up to 30 seconds starting from my legs and working my way up the body. I climb out of the crib and head for the door. I jump up and grab the handle while letting my weight turn the knob. Alright! I let go and pull the door open with my tiny hands.

HOLY SHIT! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?! I run to the railing and see a large fire on the first floor. Why hasn't anyone stopped this yet?! Oh, there's someone!

I perceive someone walking on the other side of the mansion on the second floor. Huh…? Isn't that the woman from earlier…? I think her name is Madam Chamomile… Wait a minute… she's not pregnant anymore?! I think of the small possibility that she went through childbirth within a day, but then I notice something on her left shoulder. It is obscured from my view so I can't see exactly what it is. She knocks on a door.

"Excuse me! There's a fire! Evacuate quickly!"

She shouts as she bangs on the door. About fifteen seconds later, the door opens. It appears to be a maid.

"What's going—"

Some tentacle-like things pop out from the body of the woman and stab the maid in at least ten different locations. HOLY… SHIT… The maid's arms go limp in a few seconds. Whatever on the woman's shoulder leaps onto the maid's head and takes bites out of her head. I gape at them. Where the hell is that old man when you need him?!

It is then I realize as I remember Madam Chamomile's words from yesterday. Are you fucking kidding me…? Please don't tell me he's dead… The scene that is in front of me can't exactly refute that statement. I think back on the old man's words from yesterday. Something about a seer and demons manifesting in members of the Hawxie household… So he was right…

The small demon completely consumes the head of the maid at this point. Shortly afterward, the maid's body explodes. Another small demon appears to have emerged from inside the maid. Well… that's one mystery solved… I need to get the fuck out. It looks like they're about to move to rooms further down. They won't be able to see me once they go into that hallway. I go back into my room and take Lucy into my arms. I can at least save her.

Should I take the stairs…? Probably not… Well… here goes nothing. I hope this works. I augment the muscles in my legs further and jump over the rail. I bend my knees slightly to prepare for the landing. As I land, I extend my legs to negate some of the force from falling. I did it! I avoid the fire on the first floor as I make my way to the front entrance.


Lucy cries loudly. Oh, shit… I put my hand over her mouth, reducing her noise level. I feel her slobbering all over it. I carry Lucy over my left shoulder as I jump for the door handle with my right hand. My heart beats rapidly as I finally open the door. I picture the demon coming after me with every passing second, so I don't even turn around to check. As soon as the door is open, I sprint forward. I notice several guards around the premises.


What the hell are they doing?!

"Who's there?!"

God damn it… I change direction and make for the tall fence near the side of the building.

"What the hell is that thing?!"

"More importantly, the mansion is on fire! Hurry and put it out!"

They ignore me and probably are running toward the front entrance. At least I know that demon isn't following me now… I think I should still have at least five minutes before my augments disappear. I easily jump over the fence with my super buff legs. There is no one at the street I land on. Ugh… where do I even go now…? This seriously sucks. Do I have bad luck or what?

I run around aimlessly in these empty streets with buildings I don't recognize. I run endlessly, hoping for a miracle to come by me. I feel my legs get smaller. Shit… At least I still have the additional augments on my legs, but my arms won't last much longer. I guess I'll apply some more. I make an attempt to, but nothing happens. The thought that I have already drained my power comes to mind. I gulp.

Now that it's come to this… there's only one thing to do… We should be safe at this point… I remove my hand from Lucy's mouth.


She cries louder than before. I set her down on the side of the street next to this building. I lay down next to her. Two minutes later, all of my powers disappear, and I return to a normal baby again. I cry too.

I don't know how much time passes before two people come into my sights. Oh, thank god! A miracle happened! Yes! Come over here and take us to safety!

However, my smile quickly fades as they get close enough for me to see. One of the men snickers.

"Hey, hey… It looks like these poor babies got abandoned…"

The other man snickers back.

"It's fortunate that we came across them then… Fortunate for us, that is…"

Oh… you've got to be shitting me. Please, no… One man picks me up while the other picks up Lucy.

"Oh! This one is a girl! She'll be worth a lot when she grows up…"

The man holding Lucy takes something out from his pocket. He takes out a cloth and puts it over her mouth. A moment later, her crying stops and appears to have fallen asleep. At this point, I know her fate is sealed, and there is nothing I can do. Well, I tried… It's not like she's the same Lucy that I knew. Oh well. I consider scaring them off by talking to them or yelling for help, but I refrain. I figure that would be worse for me. I do the only thing I can think of.


I bawl my eyes out.

"Damn. This one started crying too. I have no choice."

He takes out a similar cloth and puts it over my mouth. Soon after, my eyes get heavy. I pass out.


You guys really screwed this one up. I'll just start Chapter 6-2.

Chapter 6-2 - Lockdown: What did we learn in this chapter? Nothing we don't already know that I mentioned in the other SOLUTION thread. I guess you learn about the lockdown and the character finds out about the time limit on the powers is about it. I would like to point out that I gave a huge hint too, that you guys completely ignored by the way.

Here is the hint again. There's two actually.


Scary men thinks you're a demon(HINT HINT HINT HINT) Why? You don't know

Here's another hint. if you want to progress the story, then you have to think. If you have questions about what's going on in the world... then try to make choices that don't lead to death and possibly lead to situations where you might discover the answer. Sometimes it may be helpful to purposefully choose an obvious death trap to discover curious information.

Basically... the first hint tells you that you should discover why they think you're a demon, but you should also be able to reason that since they didn't kill you for the demon there is definitely another demon out there. If there's any possible choice that leads to discovering a conflict that's probably going to be the better option especially when you know nothing.

You guys chose "Wait a few minutes then crawl out to explore" which was the best choice for this chapter.

Chapter 7 - Identical Room: Durrendal learns that he can't undo his powers and must wait for time limit. Durrendal finds some suspicious men and a room where a room number is noted. Room 328. You guys chose "Cry and wait for someone to come" which was a safe option to go with, I suppose. Nothing wrong so far.

Chapter 8 - Lucy: You learn the baby is Lucy. Her mother implied to be dead. You guys chose "Let out a whiny voice and put your tiny hands over her breasts" which was quite stupid. You missed the first chance to investigate the room.

Chapter 9 - Scream: Learn that old man's name is Von Hawk. Notice how absolutely nothing happens in this chapter and you learn nothing other than that. Then at the end, you hear a scream in the direction of room 328. If that doesn't scream investigation I don't know what does. Granted, this is the choice that the poll exploiter exploited so I can't say it's your fault. "Strip Lucy of everything" was chosen.

Chapter 10 - Strange Pleasure: I decided to make this one easy on you guys because of the last chapter. Turned out to be worthless. Well, based on the information you know nothing really new pops out here, but you guys literally picked the worst option. I'll explain that later. Again, this is just like chapter 9. Nothing happens, yet you guys choose a neutral passive answer. "Take this time to practice your powers" is what you picked.

Chapter 11 - Demons: This is the chapter where I literally wrote that spelled out almost everything you missed. You learn something about his powers, but that doesn't matter much at all. You learn mother didn't come back. Then you are taken to ground floor where they appear to have assembled everyone. You learn three people are missing. Namely, your mother, Madam Chamomile, and a guard. Then you learn that the guard said the adult demon was claimed to be found yesterday and that this person was Madam Heartfilia. She was apparently strangled. You can pretty much guess that this is Lucy's mother and plus if you watch Fairy Tail it is quite obvious. That's hardly important, though. You also learn that the woman in room 328 was indeed raped and she is Madam Chamomile. You also learn about two blood splatters. One found this morning and the other one from yesterday. Remember that scream? Can easily piece the two together. Another detail mentioned later how "That must have been Madam Pancakes..." meaning that the other blood splatter is the mother. Also two holes in the ceiling.

Then Madam Chamomile starts screaming demon demon demon like a maniac. Sure, you might assume that this is normal behavior... but... descriptions such as "Why is she being so dramatic?" How she was so calm after the fact... She literally asked where the old man's room was and smiled then left. Nothing suspicious about that at all. Nope.

Lockdown is now over by the way. That's what stopped you from leaving the mansion before. Everyone was on alert and the old man was present.

Time skips to night time. Nothing suspicious about that at all. You guys picked: "Go back to sleep" which is literally THE WORST choice you could have picked! You'll see why down below.

Chapter 12 - Sloth: Like the chapter says. Durrendal is a lazy piece of shit that never did anything this entire arc. Literally skipped over everything. And I mean everything. If you had chosen go back to sleep, then you would have gotten the worst ending possible for the arc.


Choices that can lead down to path where mother is alive:

CH8: "Wait until we walk to room 328. Let out a whiny voice and point toward the door" or "Tell her the truth about everything"

In particular, if you choose point to the door… It would lead to a scenario where Madam Chamomile is discovered early and their crime is revealed. Then they would still be vigilant about both possible demons roaming around.

If you choose to divulge everything… you would basically have the mother as a source of information and someone to help hide your secret. She would do so because she has had a suspicion already and she would protect you regardless because of her love. You can see this in the early chapters from her reactions of watching you die despite being revealed as a demon by the old man.

CH9: "Leave the room and follow her"

If you pick this choice… MC would be more aware of what's going on around him. You would learn exactly what happened i.e. the blood splatter among other things like presence of a demon. There also wouldn't be a time skip to the night where you are sleeping in CH10. Still would need to make some good choices after to save the mother.

You guys ignored two critical choices here that involve investigating the stuff going around that room. His body doesn’t have augments on = exploring isn't exactly a bad thing. Besides, a bad end gives you sources of information. I don't recommend playing it safe when there is no apparent danger. That is probably the worst thing you can do.

How to get the best ending after mother is guaranteed to be dead:

CH10: "Climb out of the crib and follow the right hallway"

Find another hallway that leads to bathroom. You would discover the dead mother in a bloody pile of blood and find both demons. The demons would become aware of you and try to kill you. Then you just run the fuck away.

If you choose the left hallway, you discover new sorts of information to the reader such as remnants of blood, the hole in the ceiling, where the stairs are etc… and you wouldn't discover the dead mother to be suspicious of anything yet. You run into Madam Chamomile suspecting nothing. Then you dead. Either way, you can learn some pretty damn helpful information with this option.

Different paths in CH11:

1. Escape from the mansion: Pretty much you lose everything but it will lead to a quicker end of the arc. You let the demons live and you lose everything. This is possible because lockdown isn't there anymore and people think the demons are dead. You would later learn the demise of the mansion but don't learn the reason why.

2. Go to room 328: Make it to outside the room. Hear 2 people exchanging dialogue. Based on dialogue MC freaks out and is about to leave and door is opened. MC augments his body and run toward Old man's room. End result is old man is saved and he doesn't murder you. Demon is also killed by old man. Best possible ending at this point.

3. Go to room 300: You make your way to room 300 and you don't know why you came here. On your way back you run into Madam Chamomile. You dead. Learn she is the real demon for sure.

4. Explore the rest of the mansion: Old man dies. You discover the real demon and multiple paths available including running away (everyone dies and mansion gone + learn reason why) save lucy (mansion gone, everyone dead besides Lucy, and learn reason why) join demon (everyone dead, mansion gone, lucy may or may not be dead)

5. Go back to sleep: This is what you guys chose. Do nothing. Old man dies. Demon can now roam freely and murder everyone because no one can kill her.

6. Exploit Lucy: You would basically cause Lucy to cry and make noise. Eventually Madam Chamomile would walk past your room because it is the shortest path to room 300. She will come inside and want to kill you because you might wake more people up. She will discover what you are doing and basically offer you to join her. Lucy lives and you have the option of joining the demon if more choices are picked down the line. For now, you live and the old man is guaranteed to be dead.

Well... If there was a rank available for the arc, you'd guys get like a D. I even suggested to choose riskier options to discover information but you guys constantly played it passive and chose safe decisions despite not being in a risky or dangerous situation. Now Durrendal is super handicapped for the next arc. Choose the age you want him to be during the next arc.

Poll link: http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=56ef6f67e4b02ebb0f618e1d

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