《RE: Choice》Chapter 15 - Childhood - Murder


Chapter releases will probably slow down to once every few days. I'll try to get twice a week minimum.

Something inside my mind clicks. I smile as I increase the number of bone cells in right hand. Heh. I'll finally get to test out this baby. I figured out a while ago that this power is not limited to creating cells… I can create proteins too. As I increase the number of skin cells, I also increase the number of collagen and elastin proteins in my skin surrounding my right hand. I nearly double the size of my hand.

"What… what's wrong with you?!"

A grin appears on my face as I get up from the ground. I charge at him and punch him in the face with my augmented right hand before he has a chance to get away. His bones crackle as my fist drives into him. The force of the blow launches him across the room, and he crashes into the wall. The left side of his face swells up as blood drips from his mouth. The only thing holding him up is the wall he's leaning against.

I walk up to him and hold him up with my left hand. I punch the center of his face repeatedly with my right fist. After about five more punches, his face is a complete wreck; blood leaks from every part of his face. But I don't stop there. I feel a thrill inside me as I hear his face make splattering noises with every punch. The 16th punch finally bashes his entire head open; pieces of his brain get stuck to my hand. His body goes limp on the ground.

Hahahaha… An unfamiliar smell of flesh enters my nostrils. I gag suddenly and vomit. I laugh. That was satisfying. But I should have at least asked him where the key to this stupid choker is… Oh well… If I destroy this contraption on the ground, I'll never have to worry about that handicap again. I augment the muscles in my right leg, walk over to the contraption on the ground, and smash it to pieces.


Hmm… now that I think about it… killing him was a really dumb idea. As much of a useless fatty he was, I could have figured out exactly where he bought me from. Then I could use that to find Lucy… but now I have no leads.

I wonder how people will act around me if I'm still wearing this thing outside? One way to find out.

I turn back to my special corner one more time before going up the stairs. It was a good few months… kinda… I go up the stairs and wait about six minutes for my augments to run out before running out the door.

The streets are crowded with people walking about while minding their own business. I stop running and stand in the middle of the road.


I yell at the top of my lungs with my arms raised high.

"Another escaped slave…? What a careless owner…"

"Someone should call the Slavehoarders…"

The people walking down the street barely give a second look at me despite the commotion I caused. What the hell is wrong with these people… and this world?

"Hey, Boris! That's not a good joke!"

I cock an eyebrow and turn around. A thin old man dressed in robes stands there. Is he talking to me…?

"I leave you out of my sights for one second, and you're causing a commotion here! Jeez! Come on, follow me back to home."

"Hey! What are you trying to do here, old man?! That's my slave! I know all about you! You run a little 'orphanage' of slaves in that rundown church of yours. Well, you won't be getting with my property!"

I turn around and see a busty woman standing there. She's dressed in skimpy clothing.

"Now, come back home with me, Michael!"

She beckons me over with her hands.

What should I do…?

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