《RE: Choice》Chapter 7 - Identical Room


Something in my mind tugs me to crawl outside and explore. But first, I'll wait here for my powers to fade. Hmm… I guess I'll stay in this room in the mean time. I look at my bulked up right arm.

I wonder if I can just undo this somehow… I focus on my arm. Arm, go back to normal! There is no change. I figure it doesn't work like that. Hmm? I see the top drawer of the nightstand next to the bed is open. I practice my crawl across the room. It feels a little awkward because my right arm is huge.

I almost trip when my right arm returns to normal size. That was fast… My legs should be back to normal anytime now… I leave the drawer alone for now and crawl toward the exit of the room. I hear indistinguishable voices that echo outside of the room.

I remain in place until I feel that the rest of my body returns to normal. I crawl outside toward the rail in front of me. Whoa… This place is… HUGE… Based on what I see down there I deduce that I'm on the third floor. I also perceive that old man down there by the entrance. He is talking to three different men.


Oh, shit… I hear my mother's voice coming from one of the hallways leading into this path on my right. I decide to turn left and follow the hallway there. Eventually, I make a left turn into an enclosed hallway with no railings. There are closed doors with numbers on both sides of this hallway with expensive looking vases placed on more expensive looking furniture throughout. One of the doors ahead of me opens. I make a quick decision to hide behind one of the pieces of furniture lined up against the wall.


"Are you sure this was a good idea?"

I hear a man ask quietly.

"Well, you tell me… Wasn't it good?"

A second man laughs.

"Yeah… I guess… but what if the Master finds out…? Then we're screwed…"

The Master?

"He's not gonna find out… and even if he does… I doubt he would care. Well, I'm going to have at it myself. I'll catch you later."

His last few words end with a door close. I gulp as footsteps get closer to me. Soon, the man passes by me without noticing me. He is dressed the same as the men I saw the old man with. He goes down the hallway I just came from. I sigh and start crawling down the hallway again. I look at the door number to where that man went in. Room 328, huh… I put my ears on the door to see if I can hear anything inside. The only thing I can distinguish is the creaking of a mattress. Since there is nothing else I can do here I leave and go down the hallway again.

Exploring this entire place is going to take forever… I just gotta find the stairs… Hmm…? I notice one of the doors was slightly open as my view passes by a piece of furniture. My curiosity brings me there. Room 308, huh…? I try to push the door open through the opening with my tiny hands. I struggle a little, but I manage to open it enough to fit my tiny body inside. I immediately notice a baby sleeping on the floor in the middle of the room. This baby has clothes on, unlike my naked ass wearing only a diaper.

I crawl toward the baby while looking around the rest of the room. What the hell? This room is like... exactly the same as the room I was just in! What is going on here…? The mother doesn't appear to be around… I move closer to the baby to get a closer look, when suddenly, he wakes up. I give him a half-assed smile.


He starts crying. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

"Hey, shut up! Quiet!"

I say aggressively in a quiet voice, but it is ineffective against the baby. What do I do with this…?

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