《RE: Choice》Chapter 8 - Lucy


Something inside my mind clicks. I guess I'll cry too. When I think about the time my first friend was killed by the bullies in elementary school, my eyes get teary. It was the classroom's pet hamster… the only one who didn't reject me. It was my fault for choosing him as my school project which led to his death…


I cry. Come on... someone get in here already. Two babies are crying their eyes out! Seriously, can anyone hear us?

A minute passes.

Oh, god… I don't think I can keep this up. My throat is getting kinda painful from all this screaming. How do babies scream for so long…? Loud footsteps approach. Finally! The door opens.


Oh, shit. It's her. I continue to cry as she stands at the doorway.


She shouts as she runs toward me, eventually kneeling down, picking me up, and hugging me.

"Where have you been…? It's okay; mommy is here now!"

Is it appropriate to stop crying now…? I guess I'll tune it down a bit.

"There, there…"

She says calmly as she pats me on the back. I stop crying completely.

"All better!"

She puts me down and turns her head toward the other crying baby.

"Huh…? I didn't even notice you were here too!"

What? She knows him? She picks him up and gives him a hug the same.

"Lucy, don't cry…"

What did she just say?! Lucy?! Are you telling me this baby is Lucy?! She's a girl?!

"Don't cry Lucy… don't cry…"

I notice my mother starting to cry too. What the hell? Why is she crying? She cries alongside Lucy in an embrace. What do I do…? Hmm… I guess I'll try to help.

I crawl over to her knees and lightly slap her legs. I put on the most neutral face as possible and stare at her confused.



She mutters as she gives me a glance. She sniffs, stops crying, and closes her eyes.

"Lucy, it's okay…your mother… your mother just had to go somewhere… she didn't want to leave you, but… she loves you very much… I'll take care of you from now on, okay…?"

Wait… that sounds like Lucy's mother is… What the hell is going on in this place…? Subsequently, Lucy stops crying. My mother holds her up with her left arm.

"Come on, Durrendal. Let's go back to our room!"

She sweeps me off the ground and rests me against her shoulders with her right arm. She walks out of the room and closes the door. She makes a turn toward the left, where I came from.

What should I do…?

You guys sure are blowing it up in the comment section. That's a good thing, keep it up.

Since I added something in the synopsis, I'll mention it again here. Basically, there will be consequences for certain actions in regards to the mentality of Durrendal. For an example... if you do a bad action and survive often, then the MC will turn toward the dark side. The consequences of that are sometimes you won't have a choice in what bad things he does. The choices that come up will be dark too. I haven't decided if he's allowed to reverse the effects, but since I want this to be a game for the most part... I'll have him able to convert himself back to the polar opposite if the choices are picked correctly. I think I'll let his pervertedness be adjusted in that manner as well. His current status is leaning toward pervertedness (obviously), but it can still increase. His morality is neutral.

Now... will you lead him down the dark side or turn him into an upright citizen? Do you want him to pervert the fuck out of his mind or go the other way? The choice is yours.

If you'd like, leave additional comments about how you want the morality system to work. Do you want the changes to be reversible like I currently plan to...? Or do you want it to be reversible, but still not be able to change everything?

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