《Lost Child》Chapter 25: a Punishment, a Raid and a Death
Howdy! Back with a new chapter. Find more of my stuff on https://yougots.wordpress.com/
It's been three days since their party entered the labyrinth. They slept in rotation and were fed properly, so even though they have not seen the sun in three days and the air is dank and oppressing their morale was unexpectedly high. The party has cleared out at least a dozen large rooms so far without a single casualty. All the rooms they have come across were populated with insects of similar size and level as the first. This had led to a festive atmosphere that Cave Hunter Zufto had given up on controlling.
At first Zufto was tense, he expected a trap to be spring around every corner. But after three days there was nothing and all reports from the Command Center stated that none of the other parties had experienced any traps. Many of the other parties have increased their pace and have dove deeper into their cave than Zufto’s party has. They too have only met with lower level insects. Command assured them that this was because all combat insects are on the battlefield attempting to slow down the march. Violet Collective’s absence from the battlefield has led to an unprecedented amount success for the insects. Also, Goliath class insect combatants have increased their presence during the battles leading to a large amount of Farg casualties. This has caused Command to push the soldiers in the caves deeper and have encouraged them to increase their pace. The soldiers have not uttered a single complaint since the cave hunt has been easy work with a promise of high rewards.
“Gack! This one cannot sleep, he needs to see the sun, to feel its warmth.” Caeanos rolled around on the floor in frustration. “Lieutenant, give this one some heat. Share your warmth.”
“Sorry, I don’t swing that way.” It was Violam’s turn at watch even though it was Rose Team’s rotation for sleep. He required one of Rose Team to always be on watch. It meant they all got less sleep but he did not want to leave their lives in someone else's hands. Violam noticed that the others in this expedition have gotten a little too comfortable. He on the other hand had grown more suspicious. The steady pulse from his [Aura Sense] did not help his disposition and neither did the constant draw from the Bloodrage. The cave set him on edge. The rest of Rose Team did not feel it but they knew to trust Violam’s instincts. He never told them about his [Aura Sense] but they relied on it just the same. He had saved each of them a number of times on the battlefield and just in the nick of time before they were surrounded or scorched by fire or cut in half by a wind blade or skewered by a beetle’s horn. So if he was on edge they were on edge even if their surrounding showed otherwise.
“And what way is that?” Caeanos scrambled over to sit next to Violam to steal his heat. The Linnare were a hardy people that did not have many faults even Caeanos was unusual for his complaining. But if that had one thing they lacked it was the idea of personal space and if they were cold it meant that there was no such thing as personal space. Even the silent and reserved Kavdiir pressed close to Violam or Sonashi as the explored the cave.
“Reptilian.” Violam pushed the lizard off his rock. “Go get another blanket from the supply master. They have extras.”
“But it’s so far and you are so close. Just let this one sit next to you for a while, you burn hotter than the rest.”
“I am not your personal space heater. Now go get another blanket or I will knock you out myself.”
“Gack! Fine, this one goes.” Caeanos sulked and put on his best poor child impression before wandering off in the darkness. His pathetic expression needed some work but there was not much you can do when you have the horns, fangs, claws and clammy lizard skin but Violam gave him an “A” for effort.
Violam set up Rose Team’s camp a good distance from the main force. He believed that while there is strength in numbers there is also stupidity in the masses. He intended to protect his own and being surrounded by the other soldiers would only inhibit that. He hoped that in a surprise attack the main force would attract the bugs but if it didn’t Violam believed that the extra space would give them more room to operate. A better chance at survival when it all goes wrong.
Violam spotted Cave Hunter Zufto meandering through the resting soldiers. He was steadily moving towards Rose Team. Must be time to start moving, he thought.
Violam had grown to like the brash cave hunter. Well as much as you could like a Farg but Zufto was not much of a Farg to begin with. Violam had assumed it was because being a cave hunter meant the man did not visit the Legion much. He was the hermit type and that was something Violam could agree with. Violam envied the cave hunter; no people just a sword and a forest or a cave.
“You should get some quick rest. We will move out soon.” Zufto finally made it to Violam’s rock. “I don’t know why you insist on staying up. I always have watchers posted. It’s like you don’t trust me or something.” The cave hunter spoke with a wry grin.
“I trust you the most outside of my team and my Captain. And its fine I never needed much sleep to begin with.” Violam continued to whet the sword that sat across his lap. Caeanos classified it as cool pose fourteen but the Linnare refused to show him the thirteen prior cool poses. ‘A master never gives away his secrets, you have to learn them on your own’ was the reason why he would not show them. In reality, Violam had already destroyed two swords in the fighting. He took meticulous care of his three remaining swords just so they could last just a little while longer.
Zufto’s eye quirked up in suspicion. “You trust me more than our Commander? More than the Ambassador? A lesser man would turn you in for those thoughts let alone those words.”
“Oh and are you one of those lesser men?”
“No, I am the lowest.” Zufto said with a smirk. “Remind me to report you when we get back. I may even have them punish you by making you a cave hunter.
Violam’s hands suddenly stopped working the sword. “Really? What about my team?”
Zufto smiled pleased with Violam’s reaction. “There will be a place for them as well if they wish it. But is that one included?” Zufto pointed at the Ogrite snoring to the left of Violam.
“Mort? Well he is the Team Leader.” Mort had rejoined Rose Team now that the cave was illuminated by the light blue gas orbs.
“Are you sure? I mean he could just get lost in here right. No one would know if...” Zufto’s statement was cut short and he recoiled at Violam expression. The cave hunter straightened himself and sighed. “Fine, but he is going to need training, a lot of training. And I am not going to be the one to do it.”
“Yes I will get him properly trained if he wants to be a cave hunter.”
Zufto’s eye quirked up again. “Who said you can teach him you’re an amateur. Though if we get the Queen, he may not get to do much cave diving. None of us will but we might become an advance force. That means the first spoils will go to us.” The cave hunter licked his lips. “I cannot wait to taste a Dwalun woman. I hear their hair looks like waves of star light and they scream so nice.”
Violam did not hear much of Zufto’s reply, something else had drawn his attention. His [Aura Sense] changed from a pulse to a beat. It was a beat that he recognized, he had felt this rhythm on the battlefield. The [Aura Sense] drew his vision upwards to the ceiling. For the first time he could see the aura. Spots of pale white littered the ceiling of the cave. It formed lines moving in unison at incredible speed. The white lines of aura highlighted hundreds of smaller tunnels in the ceiling. Those tunnels must have been what the low level bugs had been working on. He used his enhanced vision to look more closely at the pale white aura, it outlined their bodies and their scythe like arms and legs.
[Armored Mantis]
“Violam, what is it?” Zufto noticed Violam’s heightened state of awareness and began to panic.
“Raid. Armored Mantis by the hundreds coming hard and fast from the ceiling.” Violam spoke in a whisper, his eyes never leaving the ceiling.
Zufto did not doubt Violam for a second. He knew Violam had a keen intuition. The cave hunter turned and ran screaming at the top of his lungs. “Attack! We are under attack! Wake up! Sound the alarm! Wake up you dogs! Attack is coming from the skies!”
The soldiers in main force woke up in confused, some cursed the crazy cave hunter. It was valuable time lost as the bugs descended. Violam swung his short sword upward bisecting a falling bug. He tossed Caeanos’s bow over his shoulder and slid the Linnare’s knives into his spare sheathes. He had destroyed most of his hidden knives in the previous battles as well.
[Armored Mantis] fell all around them. Despite the long fall the bugs touched down without injury. They skittered through the main force stabbing any who had not woke. The rest of the Farg main force woke to the screams of their dying comrades.
“Sona, watch over the camp. Caeanos is with the main force I am going to get him.
“This one will come with.”
“No, the fight here will already be tough. Stay here with Sona and wake Mort up before he is dead.”
Violam left Rose Team behind and dashed into the party of Farg soldiers. He stayed as low to the ground as he could to dodge the errant Farg swords. The soldiers moved frantically to defend themselves. But the mantises were small and nimble sometimes the Farg blades missed the bug only to stab an ally. The soldiers were packed tightly together and the enemy was using it to their advantage.
Violam was confronted with a wall of Farg and insect. He could not move fast with all the bodies in the way but without fighting the enemy he skillfully stepped through the battle. The only time he brandished his sword was to block and ally’s weapon or kill a bug that appeared in front of him. He used his [Aura Sense] to keep track of his surroundings. His only purpose was to pull Caeanos out of the conflict. Only after that Rose Team would move to attack the enemy. They did not owe their allies anything and would only join the fray once Violam knew they were all safe.
Violam deflected a blade that had originally targeted a mantis and pushed aside it’s wielder with far more strength than he had intended but the Ogrite would live unless a mantis found him first. Violam was drawing deep from the Bloodrage, his every movement was precise, his senses grew stronger and the world moved a step behind him. He felt he could push himself further, to draw deeper. He had once tempted to exceed his self-imposed limit. But there is a physical barrier that obstructs him. His human body cannot keep up with that amount of strength and agility. When he drew too deeply his body broke; punches ended in mangled fist and kicks shattered his legs. Even knowing this he continued to brush against that barrier and when he walked that fine line he heard a question in his mind that he does not dare to answer.
Violam ignored the voice. His [Aura Sense] was enhanced by the Bloodrage as he now felt the aura of his enemies and allies all around him. He slid under a Farg blade, he was almost to the supply masters in the center of camp. The number of bugs increased the closer he got to the center. There was no doubt in his mind that the bugs were targeting their supplies. A bug was going to appear a step before Violam but his short sword was there first. The [Armored Mantis] was sliced in half, Violam stepped between the two halves without losing speed and ran into the supply area. The carts were crushed, food and water were spread over the ground. A group of [Armored Mantis] carried equipment crates, they were stealing what they could not destroy. Violam was forced to stop them. Caeanos was deeper in and the bugs would not just allow him to pass. The mantises that guarded the thieves attacked Violam but they were a step too slow. His blade intercepted their charge, it cut through the low level mantises easily. Violam also took a moment to disassemble the thieving mantises that carried the goods.
[Level 32]
Caeanos was laying in the debris, despite his state he was fine and only had a few cuts and bruises. He was pretending to be dead. Violam understood why, there was a bug rampaging through the supplies. He had seen it on the battlefield but never fought it.
[Leader Armored Mantis - Level 38 Elite]
“Caeanos get up!” Violam heard the Linnare’s lip smack in return. “I know you’re awake I brought your bow and knives.” Violam threw the equipment in the Caeanos’s general direction.
“But it is so warm here.” Caeanos growled while catching his affects. Upon closer inspection Violam could see the smoke and ash on the crushed supply cart.
“Well let’s just kill this one and we’ll go.”
“Gack! You woke this one up for that? You can handle it on your own.” Despite his words, Caeanos stood up with an arrow nocked. In a fluid motion he fired and nocked another arrow. In an instant three arrows flew one taking an eye, one in the throat and one striking off the bug’s exoskeleton before bouncing off to the ground. A faint “Gack” sounded out in annoyance.
Violam was on the move too. The bug noticed him when he woke Caeanos. Shards of exoskeleton shot out of the protrusions on the bugs shoulders. The shards were the shape and length of a knife. The shards were a step too slow. Some Violam deflected with his sword and other he dodged. He had to keep moving, to stop would cause him to be impaled several dozens of times. A few caught him, cutting his cheeks, legs and a couple of veins on his arms. His healing ability increased the more Bloodrage he took in. His veins had sealed quickly but he doubted that it surpassed his recovery ability he had before he became one of the Farg.
He reached the [Leader Armored Mantis]. The step before it was in front of him, his sword was on its way. It stabbed deep between the head and abdomen where Caeanos’ arrow had once struck. It let out a dying screech before its head left its body. A command of some sort, no doubt. Violam returned to Caeanos who looked more cut up and worn out than he had before.
“Need some help?” Violam laughed.
“Why are you laughing? This is your fault!”
“I never said for you to attack. Of course it will attack you if you nail it in the eye.”
“Gack! How could this one not attack? This one will not let you steal all the coolness of slaying the enemy leader.”
“It’s your damn fault then.” Violam said as he continued to laugh. “It looks like they are retreating now that the leader is dead.”
“Yes, thanks to me.” Caeanos stood attempting to shrug off his injuries.
“I guess you’re well enough to kill off any stragglers on our way back to camp.” Violam picked up the [Mana Crystal] from the leader mantis. He started to pick them up now that his broken swords freed up slots in his bag. Though he planned to remedy that by stealing a couple swords from the supplies on their way out.
“Gack!” Caeanos cried out in annoyance and readied his long knives. The two of them cut their way through the scattering bugs. Violam saw a few other doing the same. Outside of the leader mantis most of the others were low level and died in one hit. He could see Ugogan swinging his hammer as fast as he could to smash bugs. No doubt a majority of Farg deaths will be attributed to friendly fire. As the bug were too low of a level to do that kind of damage.
They returned to Rose Team, there was a modest pile of mantis surrounding the camp. Sonashi and Kavdiir looked totally relaxed while Mort much less composed.
“What the hell just happened? Are they running away now?” Mort screamed to himself.
“Leader Mantis is dead so they are retreating.” Violam answered even though he was not asked.
“Where the hell were you? I wake up and you two were gone in the middle of a damn attack.” Mort was stunned at first to see them but adjusted quickly and screamed with his hands in the air.
“I was saving him.” Violam waved his hand as if to brush off the question. “And if it wasn’t for me you would not have woken up from this attack.”
“And this one had to get a blanket. It was his fault.” Caeanos moved over to his blankets and stretched out pulling his new blanket over his head.
Violam ignored Caeanos’s accusation. “Team Leader, see what can be harvested from these bugs. We may need to eat it later.”
Mort looked down at the pile of [Armored Mantis] in disgust. “Eat these things? Why”
“Just do it.” Violam answered and quickly left camp taking Kavdiir with him and leaving Sonashi in charge much to their team leader’s chagrin.
“Why did the bugs just not kill these ones?” Kavdiir questioned while walking uncomfortably close to Violam. The two of them had moved through the injured soldiers. Many of them only had minor wounds if stabbed by a bug but those few who were stabbed by their allies were left with grievous injuries.
“They were too weak. They plucked a few of us off in our sleep but once the surprise wore off we would have quickly suppressed them. They mainly wanted to destroy the supplies. If they caused us to kill our own it's just an added bonus.”
“Gack! They were after the supplies.” Kavdiir nodded in support. This tactic must have agreed with the battlecode. “How much did the bugs get?”
“That’s what we are going to find out and how large were the attacks. I doubt we were the only ones.” There was chaos around Cave Hunter Zufto. He was ordering scout runners to take reports to Command and some runners were delivering information. There were also annoyances like Ugogan there demanding answers. Violam was there for answers too but the difference was that he could also provide information.
He pushed past the group of Farg soldiers each of which looked down at him in rage. “Yo! What’s up Zufto?”
“Don’t yo me asshole! Where the hell have you been? Did you plan to leave this all to me?” Zufto ushered the two of them into his command tent.
“So what’s the damage?” Violam turned serious as soon as the tent closed.
“Ten dead.”
“How many from friendly fire? And how much supplies lost?”
Zufto sighed and rubbed the sides of his head. “The idiots killed six of their own. And you knew about the supplies, huh?”
“I was there. I killed the leader mantis with Caeanos. The bug’s mission was to destroy the supplies.”
“Yea and they got too damn much but thanks to you it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. We lost about a third of our food and water but we surprisingly did not lose much equipment. By the way, nice sword is it new?”
Violam shrugged in response and shifted his sheathed sword out of view. “Are we going to have enough?”
“Looks like the supply line is secure. We will be short for a bit but it will not be a threat.”
“What about the other caves?” Violam took a seat across from the cave hunter and Kavdiir sat off to the side closer to the fire.
“What do you mean?”
“How many others were attacked?”
Zufto’s expression twisted a bit. “I haven’t been given that information yet but it makes sense. The runners looked stressed and overworked tonight.”
“Do we leave this place now?” Kavdiir spoke up. Kavdiir may have not like the climate but he would not leave a mission. But he could see that this mission was lost and Violam agreed. If bugs are attacking multiple caves and can move in secret it was only a matter of time before they put in a concerted effort to wipe their party out.
“No, orders remain the same from command. We move deeper and find the Queen.” Zufto spat the words out in disgust, evidently he also agreed with their assessment. “We cannot disobey orders.”
“What’s next then?” Violam took a drink from the water pouch he had stolen earlier.
Zufto’s eyebrow quirked up but he ignored it and carried on. “We move after everything is repacked. I am pulling the rearguard up, luckily they were not attacked but I cannot leave them so far behind now. They need to be closer to the main force so they can be protected. Your team is going to drop back to help in protection. You move fast enough that Rose Team can go between the forces and help the one that needs it most. But your priority will be with the rearguard. Their fire power is too important since arrows can cut down hundreds of bugs quickly.”
On the fourth day scout runners stopped bringing information from command and the ones sent by Zufto never came back. On the fifth day the supply lines ended. Zufto’s scouts reported that bugs destroyed the supply carts and it looks like new ones were not being sent. Zufto had no choice but to push forward. Including the last received supplies they had enough to last five more days if rationed. Violam had also informed the cave hunter that the abdomen and legs of the [Armored Mantis] is edible if boiled in its shell. Before cooking the bug's insides were liquid but after boiling it turns into a soft meat. Zufto notified the party’s cook and quietly substituted the bug meat for protein. Rose Team also switched to eating mantis saving their dried meats for emergencies. There had only been one more raid since the first and none of the Farg were killed. The remaining supplies were so heavily guarded that none of the bugs could get anywhere near it.
In these two days the atmosphere had completely turned over. The soldier were tense and lacked sleep. They were still clearing rooms of low level insects though the amount of insects were less. Their equipment was in tatters as the bug’s acid had finally made its mark. Violam was again down to two swords. Fights routinely broken out within the ranks as many wanted a new leader. Ugogan was the vocal leader calling for Zufto to step down so he could lead by strength.
Violam policed many of the disputes and as much as he wanted to he never killed any of them. He only knocked them around a bit to set them straight. He considered it as very unsatisfying work. It left a weight on his shoulders, an itch he could not scratch, a release he cannot open. Rose Team’s routine did not change much. They already slept in rotation and were always on guard. Their change was that they moved around more often in protection duty. It kept them out of the main battles. Caeanos and Mort were secretly happy but they were the only ones. It left the others angry and annoyed. The main force thought Rose Team was too weak to engage in battle and the rearguard thought they were too weak to protect. The only ones who knew the difference was Rose Team and Zufto. They were Zufto’s only allies and he relied heavily on them. The other cave hunter in the rearguard was a lower level and relatively new to his role so Zufto relied on Rose Team to keep the rearguard in order and everyone hated them for it.
“Atruus, you and your men will halt here.” Violam addressed the rearguard’s cave hunter.
U-understood Lieutenant.” Atruus did not like Violam and did not see what Zufto saw in him. But he never spoke out in defiance. Whenever he was in Violam’s presence he felt that his body was being suppressed, it was a similar too when he was in the presence of the Ambassador.
“Sona, take Caeanos and Mort to the back of the rearguard something is coming. I am going up to the main force, something bigger is coming from that direction. Kavdiir, you are with me. Sona, after you are finished lead the rearguard forward.”
They all knew the ‘something’ he mentioned was [Armored Mantis] but they have not encountered a ‘bigger something’ in the cave yet. Violam had recognized its rhythm from his [Aura Sense]. It was a beetle, Goliath Class. He needed to warn Zufto otherwise the main force will fall. They were in a small tunnel and there would not be much space to move if a goliath class beetle caught them unaware.
“Zufto, there is a surprise attack coming.” Violam ran up to the cave hunter. He had stationed himself in the back of the main force so he could receive messages from Violam more easily.
“No Shit!” Zufto yelled. The [Armored Mantis] had already arrived and were attacking.
“I am not talking about the mantis. There is a Goliath beetle coming.”
Zufto paled as he stared at Violam. He was hoping Violam would break into a laugh. That it was a joke. He quickly realized that was not going to happen. “H-how? W-where?”
“Straight ahead. It’s charging this way now.” Violam pointed at the soldiers engaged in battle with the [Armored Mantis]. “We need to get them out of the way or the bug will crush them.”
“H-how do you know?” Zufto still held onto a glimmer of hope that Violam was wrong.
“Shut up and do it.” Violam’s anger flared there was no time to waste.
“Shit!!” Zufto hesitated, this was not a situation that the cave hunter had experienced before. In that moment of hesitation an inorganic and almost mechanical roar came from the approaching beetle. It froze every Farg in fear.
[Mind Manipulation: Fear Resisted]
Violam was the only one not affected by the negative status effect. “Zufto!” He shook the cave hunter bringing him out of the abnormal state. “Make them press their backs against the wall and push the small bugs to the center!”
The cave hunter stared blankly at Violam before nodding and running off to relay orders.
“Kavdiir are you with me?” Violam gave the Linnare a push to draw him out of the state.
“T-this one is here.” Kavdiir spoke after a dry swallow. “Do you think these ones can kill the bug?”
“We have to otherwise we fail the mission. The beetle will charge the wall we need to pin it there and kill it. If we don’t it will wipe us out.”
“What about the soldiers that are caught in the charge?” Kavdiir asked while he readied his bow.
“Necessary sacrifices. This will be the easiest way to kill it.”
“This one understands.” They both ducked into the shadows to avoid being the bug’s primary target. The roars grew closer at a frantic place. The stomping of the beetles steps reverberated off the walls, stalactites fell from the ceiling crushing Farg and small bugs alike. The Farg that pressed against the wall avoided the majority of the falling rock.
The Goliath beetle appeared out of the depths of the cave. It was much larger than any of the beetles they have seen on the battlefield. It also had streaks of green on its abdomen.
[Horned Earth Dynastinae - Level 46 Elite]
It reared its head back and slammed its body into the wall opposite Violam. The bug dragged itself forward crushing the Farg between its hard shell and the cave. Violam and Kavdiir rushed forward through the [Armored Mantis] horde to stop the beetle.
Sonashi arrived with the rearguard and soon arrows began to descend into the group of mantises. Violam used his [Aura Sense] and his sword to deflect any arrows that neared the two of them. After they passed the group of mantises the two split up, Kavdiir stationed himself away from the bug and took aim with his bow. Before he had come to a stop an arrow was in flight. It somehow struck its mark, the arrow stabbed into the beetle’s leg joint. The beetle’s side slammed into the ground at the unexpected loss of its leg.
Meanwhile Violam had charged forward. The bug would not be down for long. He ran up the side of the beast that laid against the ground.
Kavdiir loosened several more arrows targeting the bugs exposed joints. But before they could strike, pillars of earth shot up from the ground intercepting them. A rock extended from the cave wall smashing into Violam’s chest throwing him from the back of the bug. He had seen it coming a step before it happened so he was able to mitigate the damage a little by jumping backwards. The magic attack had been completely unavoidable. Violam flipped in the air landing on his feet. The ground beneath Violam flashed a green light then it softened and he sunk down to his knees.
It had only taken Violam a second to pull himself out of the powdered dirt, but a second was all the beetle needed to pull itself off the wall and charge him. Violam jumped out of the way, nearly getting the beetle’s horn. The rest of the Rose Team joined the battle. Sonashi had the best of the rearguard target the insect’s joints while she and Mort kept it distracted with impotent sword attacks. Their speed allowed them to evade all of the beetle’s attacks. Violam joined the two of them, his sword skill was far higher than their so he aimed for any weaknesses his eyes could see.
Between his attacks and the arrows the beetle lost its ability to move lurching to a stop and slamming down to the ground. The bug was still alive. It began to erect earthen walls to protect itself and slowly sank into the dirt. It gave up and wanted to flee.
“You’re not running away from me!” Violam growled as he drew deeper into the Bloodrage. He lowered his shoulder into the wall that appeared in front of him. He felt his bones break as the rock crumbled. His ruined arm dangled at his side as he leap onto the beetle's back. Violam raised his sword and jammed it down in the gap between its head and abdomen. But before it could strike home stone rose up from the ground and around the bug's head cover the weakness. The sword struck stone shattering the blade.
“Gwraaaw!” Ugogan leaped from atop of the wall screaming with his hammer held high above his head. He fell bringing it down on the beetle’s eye with a sickening crunch. The head of the hammer could no longer be seen as it sunk deep into the bug’s eye socket. He ripped it free without ceremony, the beetle stopped moving and its walls crumbled.
Violam still stood on the back of the dead beetle with a broken sword in his good hand. The blood that ran off his other hand sizzled as it hit the ground. He stared at the bastard that stole his kill. He was going to kill that Ogrite, it was about time he took the hammer that should have been his.
“You got something to say asshole?” Ugogan grinned as he hefted his hammer to his shoulder. “You’re lucky I came to clean up this mess. I am in charge now, so go back to the rearguard. I don’t need your pansy team.”
Violam drew himself out of his anger. The clash between the main force and the smaller bugs was fading away and the fight was ending. Many of the party began to gather around the dead beetle.
“Watch your mouth. Cave Hunter Zufto is in charge of this expedition.” Violam’s voice came out like ice and his stare made Ugogan take an unconscious step backwards. Once the Ogrite came back to his senses a grin widened across his face. “That dumbass got himself killed in the bug’s charge. The bug went straight for him. The look on his face when he got skewered. It was great!” His callous laugh echoed in the now quiet cave.
“Violam stop!” Violam had blanked out and when he came to his good hand had Ugogan by the throat. Sonashi’s voice had brought him back to reality. “Don’t kill him!”
“Why not?” Violam snarled.
“Because then you will have to kill the rest of them. He has already been made leader of the party. And besides it would be breaking orders!” She said in a rush trying to think of things that would calm him.
Violam released the Ogrite. Ugogan’s legs crumpled beneath him, he laid on the floor gasping for air and rubbing his throat. He struggled to stand wanting to regain his visage of authority. “Take you shitty team and leave. You are not wanted in MY cave party.” Ugogan said with a hoarse voice from one knee.
“Fine. Sona let’s go.”
“Are we leaving the cave?”
“No we push forward. We still have our orders to complete.”
The surrounding men laughed and Ugogan urged them on. “What can your shitty party do?
“Vee, Ignore them.” Violam spared a passing glance to the soldiers that lay dead along the wall of the cave. They were unrecognizable but Violam was certain that Zufto was among them. Zufto’s rhythm that the [Aura Sense] had once keyed into was no longer present. Violam acknowledged that with Zufto gone there was nothing binding them to the party. Rose team could move on their own now so they left the main force without notice. They packed light and moved fast.
Any one know an easy way to color code things? It is such a pain.
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The Picture Of
Moving to live on a remote island, the President high-school debut was marked by a strange phenomenon of rotting smell that only he could sense. Determined to uncover the cause of this supernatural occurence, the President found two others like him to form the Paranormal Activity club (unofficial). However, their routine interrupted by a seemingly innocent outsider, heralding a rotting storm to come. * Completed.
8 82 - In Serial30 Chapters
Daddy, I love you.
Cassidy is 19 soon to be 20. She works from morning till night just to make ends meat. She ran away from home when she was only 16 and sometimes she gets sad. The only thing that makes her happy is when she sucks on her pacifier and wears her favorite onesie. She befriends a man with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes but she doesn't tell him shes a little and she has yet to find out that he's a daddy dom.
8 172