《Lost Child》Chapter 26: a Bee, a Tunnel and a Betrayal
And we're back with a new chapter. This one was fun but really rough to write. Hope you guys enjoy it. Find more of my stuff on https://yougots.wordpress.com/
Rose Team was a small group and all of them had at least a basic level of stealth movement so they could push deeper into the labyrinth at an incredible pace. The large rooms they entered were still filled with low level bugs. They skirted the edges of the rooms and only engaged the patrols. They left the rest to the main force.
They never encountered another goliath class bug but they could hear echoes of hard battles behind them. Violam kept track of the main force though [Aura Sense]. He had it keyed to the main forces general rhythm which made it easier to keep track of them over a large distance. There were times that the rhythm would drop out when they had gotten too far away. During those times Rose Team would slow its pace or take a longer break. Violam did not do this because he felt obligated to help them if they were in need. Instead, he needed to know the circumstances of the expedition's failure as he would have to report it to Commander Dina. Now that Zufto was no longer leading them Violam concluded that the expedition’s failure was imminent. From what Violam could tell, Ugogan lead the party headlong into conflict without proper planning. Despite the rush their battles took much longer causing the party to move at a snail's pace. The main force was also harried by surprise attacks more often than they had before. Violam could not tell how many had been lost in the attacks but their rhythm had lost many notes.
The death of Zufto weighed on Violam, his orders had led directly to it. He did not witness Zufto’s death so he could not tell if the bugs intentionally targeted the cave hunter or if Zufto was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. In either case Zufto was the one commanding the men in the fight and had died for it. Of course there were other ways they could have handled the beetle, ways that could have lowered the casualties. They could have drawn back and slowly wore the enemy down but Violam choose the plan he thought would take the insect down the fastest. And now the party only had a little less than half its soldiers less. Probably less than that now that Rose Team split from the group.
Zufto’s death also signified a lost opportunity that Violam tried dearly to cultivate. Zufto offered to make them Cave Hunters or at the very least an advanced force. Violam did not care what it was as long as he could leave the march behind. It was the first blossom of hope he had in a long time and it was quickly squashed. Now, after his orders there was little to no chance the expedition would be able to complete their mission. A force of twenty would not be enough to handle what lay deeper and there was something that laid deeper. A lot of somethings.
Sometimes a rhythm would trickle in, it was far past the normal range of his [Aura Sense]. Rhythms from tightly packed large groups seemed to travel further. This fact had helped Violam sense the [Armored Mantis] and their well-coordinated sneak attacks before he would have it was just an individual bug. The rhythm that came from deep within the cave was not chaotic like a normal bug, no this one came from the humanoid bugs. This faint rhythm is what pushed Violam to drive Rose Team deeper. He did not believe that they could beat their Queen but he would not return to the march empty handed. He had orders he must follow.
“Vee, have you slept, yet? I will take over the watch while you get some.” Sonashi gave a short concerned smile.
Violam stirred from his thoughts. “No, I am fine.” His words were curt and direct. “We should get moving soon.
“Well do you mind if I sit. We have not spoken just the two of us for a while.” The smile slid from Sonashi’s face. Violam had become withdrawn from the team, only speaking to give orders. She knew he was still drawing from the Bloodrage as the red veins had moved past his collar and were now openly on his cheeks. It has been seven days since they entered the cave and two since they were kicked out of the main party. In those two days the veins had grown faster than before. They were all desperate to get Violam to out of the Bloodrage even if it was just for a moment.
He grunted in response and gestured to the ground beside him. There was no fire or seats just cold hard ground behind a large rock. Large rocks were plentiful in this cave, they provided good cover and a good obstacle to place between you and a bug. They only made fire to cook when it was absolutely necessary and it was neither large enough to supply light nor warmth.
“What’s on your mind?” Sonashi questioned and took a close seat next to him to share warmth.
“Nothing, I am just trying to be alert. We never know when we will be attacked.”
“That is not what I am asking and you know it. I know that look on your face. You know we’ve been through a lot together, so I should be able to tell at least that much. Now tell me what’s on your mind.”
Violam continued to stare out into the darkness, seeing that things that no one else could see. “I just don’t have much to talk about. I want to finish the mission and leave. I have grown tired of this cave, its wet air and darkness.” Violam sighed and looked at Sonashi. Her beauty was covered by grime and blood that refuses to dry but she still had a certain appeal. “I am tired of this smell, why can’t we find some water and why can’t we find this damn queen?”
Sonashi’s eyes narrowed but there was a slim smile on her pursed lips. “Are you trying to say that I smell? I could swear you looked right at me when you said that. It’s not like you smell like roses either.”
“What?” Violam said in shock at her reaction. “I wasn’t trying to say you smell. I mean, it could be something else.”
“In other words, it could still be me.” Her eyebrow quirked upwards.
“No, I would never say you stink!”
“OH and now I stink, huh? Are you trying to piss me off? Should I kick your ass now or after I bathe?”
“Wah.” Violam’s mouth fell open letting out an odd sound. Sonashi face twitched as she tried to retain her mask of indifference but she could not restrain herself. A slight laugh leaked from her lips which she tried to cover with her hand. Violam watched as she tried to recover herself, his shoulders sagged as he exhaled a deep breath. He could feel himself relaxing and the Bloodrage lessen. He wondered to himself how she can put his at ease so easily.
“I am sorry to push everyone so hard. I just got so focused I forgot about everything else.” The words were out before he had even realized it. “Let's take some time to relax before we push on. This area should be cleared out for a while.” Violam said it just loud enough for everyone to hear. They had all secretly woken up to eavesdrop on the conversation.
“I didn’t think teasing you would be this fun. Maybe I should do it more often.”
“Please don’t.” Violam pleaded. “At least let me rest first before you twist my poor heart.”
Sonashi frowned close to a pout but she would never let herself go that far. “Fine, I will take up the watch so you can get your beauty sleep.”
“Get Down!” Violam twisted around to lay flat pulling Sonashi underneath him.
“I didn’t think my teasing would get you this worked up. Maybe if I could bathe first.”
“Quiet they’re coming.” Violam filed away something good that had entered his ears. He was about to speak again when a humming noise drowned out his thoughts. It was the rapid beating of insect wings. Like a bullet the large bee flew past them, it was followed by four smaller and slower bees.
The bees had paid no attention to them as they passed. Violam hoped it was because they had not detected them but he didn’t put much stock in it. He got up pulling Sonashi with him. “Let’s go. That was a [Pepsini] and I don’t want to stick around here when it comes back around. We need to either find the Queen or find a place to hide.”
“But what about the others?” Mort spoke up in concern. Unlike the rest of Rose Team he had been in the Violet Collective fighting beside those soldiers for a long time, he considered them brothers.
Violam shook his head. “They are already dead. If we go back to help we will be dead too.”
“This one agrees that bee would kill us all. I cannot even hit it with an arrow.” Kavdiir replied. He was their best shot with the bow if he could not hit it they did not stand much of a chance against an aerial attack.
“We need to move fast grab your things.”
“Why would there be a [Pepsini] in a cave? What kind of bees live in a cave? Mort complain as they moved. Rose Team clung close to the walls of the cave. Violam slowed down from time to time to inspect the wall for something that the rest of them could not see
“The commander did mention an exit to the other side of the mountain. This one believes that the bees must come from there.” Kavdiir thought out loud as they ran.
“Halt! Be quiet.” Violam raised his hand to signal for them to stop and looked intently at the wall.
“What is it?” Sonashi asked in apprehension, she was tensed and ready to run.
“There are bugs on the other side of this wall. I am going to break it down.”
“Bugs? These ones are running from bugs, no?” Caeanos looked as if he swallowed something sour. “These ones should not go looking for more.”
“No. We are running from the bees but they will catch us before too long. You and Kavdiir ready your bows, they will likely be coming back soon. The main force is almost dead.” Violam was probing the wall with his hand to find any weaknesses. The wall itself was at least a meter thick. “Shit. I am going to have to make some noise. Be on guard.”
The bottoms of Violam’s fist hammered the wall. He had to be careful not to use too much strength so he would not destroy his own hands. The rock shook and some fell from the ceiling. “Oi!” He heard so complaints but they barely registered. The Bloodrage flowed back into Violam. The power of his pounding grew but he still restrained himself. The Bloodrage could only do so much for his bones.
The pale white aura of the worker bugs scurried away from the noise deeper into their tunnel. The tunnel went so far that the bugs fell out of the range of his [Aura Sense].
[Aura Sense] warned Violam of an incoming threat. “Be ready the bees are coming back!” Rocks from the stone wall tumbled down to his feet as he hammered. Almost there just a little more, he thought
“Well then hurry up with whatever you are doing!” Sonashi yelled and crouched down readying herself for a fight.
The humming of the [Pepsini] wings grew louder reverberating off the walls until that was all that was heard.
“Keep them off the Lieutenant! Lizards fire at your own discretion!” Sonashi struggled to raise her voice above the noise. “Mort stay here and sacrifice yourself if needed. I will take the little ones.”
“What?” Mort complained but he was drowned out by the noise.
The [Pepsini] flew directly at Rose Team as the Linnare loosened their arrows. The monster bee moved chaotically from to the left and right and in circles to skillfully dodge their arrows. Its movements were sluggish as it was carrying something but it did not inhibit it enough for their attacks to work. After so many days away from the main force they only had a few arrow left. Everyone was down to their last set of weapons except Violam all of his swords were already destroyed. They shattered time after time as if he wielded glass.
They alternated their arrows and fired at a slow and steady pace. Kavdiir and Caeanos split up to attack the bee at different angles in hopes of pinning it down. The bee broke off to attack Caeanos fearlessly turning its back to Kavdiir.
The four smaller bees had caught up and darted for the Linnare the [Pepsini] ignored. A single knife caught the first bee in its side. The bee careened off of its course slamming into the cave wall. If the knife had not killed it the wall had.
“Go to Caeanos I will take care of them!” Sonashi ordered as she threw another hidden knife. This time the bees were prepared. The bee jerked to the side to dodge the knife, the bees streaked after Kavdiir but Sonashi stepped in their way and slashed her long knife through the air. The bees moved out of its path and attempted to follow Kavdiir again. Sonashi growled flashing her canines. There was something in her threat that they could not ignore.
The bees attacked Sonashi in earnest. The first dove at her with its stinger while the others circled around. She rolled out of the way of the incoming stinger breaking their formation and came up with a slash. It caught one of the surrounding bee’s wing as it attempted to dodge. There was resistance at first on the ridge of the wing but with a little more effort the knife cut into the hard material. With the two wings on the side of the bee cut off it crashed into the ground. Sonashi raised her knife once again to attack the second bee. The bee was too fast, it bypassed her knife and drove its stinger into her hip. Shock and numbness ran up her side causing her to drop one of her knives. She grabbed the bee with her free hand before it could retreat and broke it against the ground. She had it pinned down but it was still alive and fought against her. It scrapped its claws against her arm that had it pinned, she stabbed her second knife into its face. The third bee attacked, she pulled her knife free and blocked its attack. She was clumsy but the bee was not pressing her hard. It was content to just let the poison paralyze her. She backed away from bee dragging her right leg with her as it was completely numb. She swung her knife in a haphazard fashion to make sure it kept its distance. Her only choice was to get back to Violam before the poison took full effect.
The [Pepsini] closed the distance between itself and Caeanos in an instant despite his arrows. At this distance Caeanos could clearly see what the monster bee had in its claws. It was Ugogan, there was a hole in his stomach where he had been stung. The Ogrite was alive but paralyzed and swung limply in the bee’s grasp.
Caeanos jumped out of the way of its attack to hide behind a nearby large rock but it followed him. The [Pepsini] raised Ugogan to reveal its stinger. A stream of liquid shot out at Caeanos but he used the terrain to his advantage and ran around the rock putting it between him and the bee. The liquid splashed onto the ground. Caeanos lapped the rock a few times with the bee following him. When he figured he would just keep letting the bee chase him until Violam finished whatever it is that he is doing the [Pepsini] showed up in front of him. Caeanos fired his last two arrows in fright though he had not realized that his quiver was empty until he reached for a third. He had placed the arrows to the left arrows to the left and right of the [Pepsini] expecting it to dodge. The monster bee charged forward and Caeanos could swear he saw the bee smile.
In a practiced motion Caeanos reached for the knife he had hid next to his quiver and let it fly. The [Pepsini] with either sides blocked by the arrows in flight it could not dodge the knife. Instead it raised its paralyzed prisoner. The knife sunk deep into Ugogan’s chest and the Ogrite let out one last exhale. The [Pepsini] casually dropped the dead man and streaked towards Caeanos. The bee stopped in an instant. An arrow flew just in front of it stabbing into the large rock. Kavdiir fired two more arrows and Caeanos pulled out a long knife. With a bow in one hand and a knife in the other Caeanos ran away around the rock.
Violam hammered his fist into the wall he was at least a meter deeper. This is enough, he thought to himself. He let a torrent of Bloodrage into his body. His blood boiled and his muscles burned with power. This is going to hurt. He drew back his left and hand and threw his entire weight and power behind the punch. The stone crack and sunk where hand is struck until it exploded outwards revealing the tunnel within.
Violam looked at his hand, it did not look like much of a hand in fact his whole arm was wrecked. He shook his head at the sight, it was going to take a while to heal. He grabbed a rock the size of his head from the ground with his good hand. He could see the Linnare in the distance dancing around a large rock with the [Pepsini].
“Mort make yourself useful, draw the Pepsini’s attention.” Violam grunted and tossed the rock to Mort and grabbed another in similar size. “Get the Linnare and bring them to the tunnel.”
Violam threw his rock with just enough force to not injure himself and ran after it.”
Sonashi’s legs had finally given out, she could not move anymore and her body had gone completely numb. Her remaining long knife feel to the floor with her. It was the moment the last bee had waited for and it made its move. It dove at her and exploded, its icor and exoskeleton flying violently in all directions. Before she knew it Violam was beside her.
He looked down at Sona, she was wounded and bleeding. The sight of her condition drove the Bloodrage from his body. He gently smile at her. “Sorry I am late princess.” Her mouth quivered as she tried to speak but the poison had spread through her body. “I see you like being called princess, I will try to remember that.”
Violam turned serious as he pulled her to his chest. “You will be fine the poison will wear off soon. We need to go and I only have one hand so forgive me.” He held her tightly across her lower back but she could not feel it. She could not help but wonder what he would need forgiven. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts other than the Goliath Class [Pepsini] that could wipe them out in an instant.
Violam rush back to his man made tunnel entrance. Kavdiir and Caeanos were almost there as well, Caeanos roughly dragged Mort behind him. “Why did you send this one? Gack! He nearly killed us with that stupid rock!”
“Did he get stung?”
“No the dumbass stepped in the poison and it soaked through his clothes.”
They arrived at the entrance and the [Pepsini] realized that the Linnare were no longer running around the rock. It raced towards them to stop them from getting away.
“Get in the tunnel.” Violam ordered and handed Sonashi to Kavdiir. “I will slow it down.”
Violam grabbed whatever rocks he could and launched them at the [Pepsini]. It was the first time he had a good look at it.
[Paralytic Pepsini - Level 39 Elite]
The bee wove its way around the rocks slowing its assault. It fired its paralytic at Violam causing him to stop and leap out of the way. The [Pepsini] pressed forward and in an instant its stinger dove towards Violam. He stepped to the side and used his good hand to deflect it. Before he could counter the bee retreated in shock. It had not expected Violam to be capable of moving at that speed. It redoubled its efforts now that it considered Violam a threat. It attacked in flashes almost imperceptible to the eye; it stabbed, retreated and then stabbed again. It tested Violam’s defenses stabbing at him in all different angles and directions. Violam continued to dodge growing winded as he tried to pull the monstrous bee away from his escaping team. His left arm still hung loosely at his side and the [Pepsini] began to focus its attacks there. Violam changed his stance to cover his weakness but the room he had was shrinking every time the liquid paralytic missed him. It had pooled on the floor around his feet cornering him. He kicked a rock at the [Pepsini] which it dodged but that gave Violam a chance to move. Violam darted past the distracted bee, it soon recovered and pursued him. He glanced at his team they were nearly in the tunnel. Violam did not run toward them instead he ran at the wall. The bee caught up to him and aimed its stinger at the center of Violam’s back. Before the stinger could reach him, Violam kicked off the wall that blocked his way He used his momentum to rotate his body, his right hand redirected the stinger as his left leg connected with the side of the [Pepsini]. The insect was blasted away by the kick and it tumbled to the ground.
Violam did not watch the bug tumble away instead he ran to the tunnel. He could hear the hum of the [Pepsini’s] wings. It would not stay down and soon it would be on him again. He made it to the hole he created. It was about three meters deep until it reached the worker bug tunnel. The tunnel was crawling room only. The hum from the wings shook the walls of the cave as the [Pepsini] flew furiously towards Violam. Rose Team was not completely in the tunnel, Caeanos legs and tail were still outside it as he pushed Mort deeper.
Violam lowered his shoulder into Caeanos’s backside giving the Linnare the push he needed to get inside. Violam dove inside after him falling down on his wounded arm. Pain lanced through the side of his body as he pushed himself and Caeanos deeper.
“This one does not swing that way! This one does not swing that way!” Caeanos’s frantic voice was cut off by the [Pepsini] crashing into the outside of the tunnel.
“Shut up and go!” Violam shouted. “It can still paralyze us.” Caeanos shut his mouth and scurried faster and deeper into the tunnel. Violam painfully followed, he could not afford to turn to turn to see the insect but his [Aura Sense] told him that the [Pepsini] lowered itself to the tunnel entrance. It was too large to fit instead it aimed its stinger and shot. The poison splashed against the walls behind Violam. “Go Faster!” He shouted at Caeanos as the bee shot several more rounds of the liquid. Once the [Pepsini] realized that its poison would not reach them it crashed itself into the wall repeatedly. Dust and rocks fell but the tunnel never collapsed.
They crawled further into the pitch black tunnel none of them wanted to rest with all of the wall pressing in on them. Eventually the walls gave way and they reached an area where they could all sit comfortably and rest. The ceiling was not high enough for them to stand but there was several blue gaseous orbs floating above them that dimly lit the small room. They had all crawled on their bellies for at least thirty minutes to get there. Violam had not thought they could get any dirtier than they were before but he had not expected they would have to crawl through the dirt and gods know what else the worker bug had left behind.
Violam sat next to Sonashi she was still paralyzed by the small bee’s poison. Her waist was wrapped in cloth torn from Kavdiir’s shirt to stop the bleeding.
[Rose Team Sonashi - Level 29 Farg Legion Paralyzed 24:05]
“You are going to be fine. The paralysis will wear off in about half an hour.” He summoned a health potion from his bag. This is the first real injury the faced since coming to the cave but they had used a couple of potions during the expedition. After this they would only have two left. Violam’s left arm was still disfigured but he decided to just let time work its magic. It was not the time to needlessly waste a health potion. Now that he had stopped dragging it against the ground he could feel the bones and muscles pull back into shape. It would be painful but he has dealt with worse.
Violam pulled Sonashi over to rest her head on his lap. She was covered in cuts and scrapes from dragged through the tunnel. He brushed the wet matted hair from her face. “Here drink this it will make you feel better but it won’t cure the poison.”
He put the health potion to her lips and slowly poured to make sure he did not spill any. The wound on her side sealed and her cuts and scrapes healed over. “See this is what happens when you tease me. And only good things happen when I tease you. Nod your head if you don’t agree. Excellent, I am glad you agree with me.” He said through a goofy grin.
There was a slight twitch on her face but Violam ignore it as he wiped the dirt from her face. “I really don’t know what I would do without you.”
“This one is sorry to interrupt...that.” Kavdiir pointed at the two of them. Sonashi’s eyes looked as if they were screaming in embarrassment. “But what should these ones do now? Go back after the [Pepsini] leaves?”
“No, it's still there. We continue going down the worker bug tunnels. They have to lead somewhere. We will rest for now and head out after Sona is ready.”
“What about the team leader?”
“The Pepsini’s poison is much stronger than the small bees. He will be paralyzed for 24 hours. I will tie him to my leg and pull him behind me.” Violam looked over to Mort whose eyes were screaming for a whole different reason.
“Get some rest. We have some more crawling to do.”
Sonashi shrugged off the poison a little later. She laid in his lap for a while because it was warm and comfortable. She hoped he did not realize that she had already recovered. Eventually she popped up and scooted herself against the wall. It was strange to see her immediate recovery after the time expired with no lingering effects.
“Thanks.” She whispered to Violam. She avoided looking directly at him and the tint of blush did not fade from her face until she fell asleep.
Violam kept watch as the others slept. The worker bugs flooded back into their network of tunnels. They were still wary of Rose Team and kept their distance. There were also mantis scouts among them but the scouts did not travel too deep into the tunnels. They only just entered into the range of his [Aura Sense]. Violam wanted to know what those mantises were guarding. The worker bugs also seem to originate from beyond the mantis.
Violam pulled a bit of the Bloodrage into himself. His [Aura Sense] expanded and his senses to threats sharpened. He traced the pale lines of aura through network of tunnels watching the flow of bugs until he followed them back to their den. It was not the den he was concerned with it was the adjacent room. It was filled with hundreds or more yellowish auras. From their rhythm he knew it was the humanoid insects. In a room just above them a single dull golden aura surrounded by yellowish ones.
“Found you.” Violam whispered to himself. A cruel smile ran upon his face. “Just wait for me.”
Rose Team pushed on down the tunnel under Violam’s guidance. For all intents and purposes the tunnels were a maze and one that was far more complicated than the caves they had been traveling through earlier. But Violam navigated it without hesitation. He explained to Rose Team after they awoke that he had found the Queen. A day had passed since then. Mort had regained feeling and the team was back to a hundred percent minus various weapon and if you ignore the hunger. They were all ready to be done with their dried meats and stale bread.
“The humanoid bugs are on the move.” Violam announced. “I think they are leaving the cave. The must have detected us but we are almost there, no breaks.”
Their tunnel opened up to a small cliff a couple of meters above the ground. Only two of them could fit on the cliff at a time. Violam and Kavdiir pulled themselves forward to look over the edge. The room was dark as the light from the blue orbs filtered through spider webs to reach the floor. There was what could best be described as a throne suspended from the ceiling and constructed entirely of spider webs. The walls and floor were flat and made with stone bricks. Behind the throne was two sets of stairs leading in opposite directions. The room was filled with hundreds of humanoid bugs, a majority of which were low-level children. Several of the higher leveled bugs were directing them up the staircase on the far side of the room. A bug with the dull golden aura caught Violam’s attention. She was halfway up the stairs giving what he assumed was orders in a language he could not understand. She was too far away from him to see her title but Violam assumed she must be the Queen and his target.
The scouts were already alerted to their position and two of them skittered towards them. Violam had no choice but to push himself over the edge, it was better than Rose Team getting caught and trapped in the tunnel. He landed feet first on a mantis crushing it. He grabbed the second one by its head and bashed it against the wall. Kavdiir landed next to him seconds later. Their appearance threw the room into chaos. The child bugs screamed running and pushing each other over to reach the stairs. Five insect soldiers pushed through the children with their weapons drawn.
[Jixuek - Level 32 Rantide Soldier]
“Finally some exercise I could use a stretch.” Violam’s laugh was filled with heat and the hate of the Bloodrage.
The Rantide’s sword slashed downwards. Violam caught the bug man’s wrist mid slash, he lightly punched the elbow snapping the arm in the wrong direction. The soldier screamed in pain. Violam did not stop at its cries, he bent the arm in the wrong direction and jammed the sword into the Rantide’s chest. He pushed the dead Rantide away, its lifeless body flew into the fleeing crowd. Violam stepped out of the way of the next sword that stabbed at his chest. His hand shot upwards to grab the soldiers jaw and twist. Violam enjoyed fighting barehanded. There was a closeness to killing that could not be felt through weapons.
Their ‘skin’ was hard and smooth, it looked as if they were wearing tight fitting black armor with streaks of color. Rose Team landed behind Violam. One of Sonashi’s knives caught a Rantide in the throat and the two remaining were quickly dispatched by Kavdiir’s arrows.
“What is this?” Sonashi asked.
“They’re fleeing! Hurry kill the Queen!”
A light flashed above Violam, he could see it before it happened but he was not able to move quick enough to dodge. Lightning arced down and ran through Violam. Its blast blew Rose Team back to smashing them into the wall.
It had been a while since Violam had been hit so hard. The Bloodrage fed on his anger burning him with its power. He darted toward the mage ignoring the lightning’s blast effect. The mage hurriedly chanted another spell but the crowds worked in Violam’s favor. Their frantic running interrupted the spell. Violam on the other hand ran through them as if they did not exist. He pounced on the mage and slammed the Rantide mage into the ground. Violam felt the bug man be crushed under his weight.
Violam looked up to find the Queen missing. Through his [Aura Sense] he could see she was running up the stairs but not quite to the exit. Several mages and the remaining soldiers broke off from the group and followed their Queen up the staircase. Violam made to chase only to be stopped by vine of nature magic. He broke free almost immediately but was forced to jump backwards to dodge a pillar of flame that rose up from the ground. In the crowds the mages were limited in which spells they could use. As always Violam felt the biggest threat was the nature mage. The poison from the vines earlier had already entered his system. The Bloodrage fought against it effects by burning it off but still it slowed him down. His most useful ability was being able to dodge an attack and any mage that could take that from him needed to be dead.
Violam turned from the fire mage to attack the nature mage. There was two of them and a wind mage. The crowd of small Rantide had scattered away giving them room to fight. This also removed barriers for the mages to use their more elaborate magic.
[Lyzlex - Level 33 Rantide Nature Mage]
Violam jumped and twisted his body through blades of wind. The wind cut into the walls of the cave leaving scores of slashes behind. He rotated himself to land on his feet. A green flash entered his vision just as he touched down. He was one step ahead and jumped to the side as a large stone hand jutted out of the ground. The stone hand just caught him by the ankle. It jerked him out of the air throwing him to the ground. Violam crashed hard into the ground. The hand extended out of the ground turning into an arm. It used that arm to pull the rest of its stone body out of the floor.
[Stone Golem - Level 34]
The stone golem took its position between Violam and the two nature mages. It stood fifteen feet tall and strangely it did not leave a hole in the floor from where it came.
The golem swatted its palm down to crush Violam. [Aura Sense] rang in his mind in time for him to roll out of the way. Violam came up to a knee as the golem palm slammed into the ground. Before the golem could pull its arm back Violam grabbed its hand.
It’s lighter than Carriage 42, Violam thought. He shifted his weight and fell into a stance that Milo had taught him long ago. He felt his connection to the earth and drew that energy through his body. Violam yelled as he pulled its arm throwing the stone golem. It arced through the air, it looked as if it was in slow motion as it flew in the direction of the fire mage. Bolts of fire blasted the stone golem with no effect. Instead, a strong wind buffeted the golem off its course. The creature broke against the ground. The fire mage had avoided getting crushed by the massive golem but could not dodge it debris. The mage laid on the floor still alive but unconscious and under a pile of rubble. The wind mage rushed to the downed fire mages side. Violam ignored them and pressed the two nature mages. He was confronted by stones the size of fist that they shot at him. He ducked down to dodge the first few stones. Explosions boomed in the background but his attention was on the mages chanting in their indiscernible language.
The stone projectiles increased their rate of fire as time passed. Violam could not draw closer to the mages as the stones held him to a standstill and they were only firing more. There were too many stones one struck his shoulder and exploded.
It blasted him into another stone then another. The explosions expanded catching more stones in their aftermath exploding them as well. Violam was bounced around between six stones as others exploded around him. He was thrown from the area that had become a flying minefield.
The Bloodrage pounded in Violam’s ears as he laid on the ground. He fed his anger into it pushing deeper into the Bloodrage than he had before. “Ascend?” He heard the question in his mind. He did not have time for that now, he must kill the mages and their Queen. He must kill them all. Kavdiir was next to Violam shouting something and helping him stand. Sonashi and the rest of Rose Team was there\shouting at him as well but he could not hear them over the Bloodrage.
Violam stood up straight, his [Aura Sense] was oddly silent. His body felt strange and his vision ran red. He spotted the two nature mages. They were pushing the crowd of Rantide children up the stairs.
“I will not let you get away!” Violam heard himself roar. “Kill them! Kill them all!”
He felt a tug on his arm before he could rush to attack. “The ceiling is coming down! They are destroying the cave!” Sonashi’s voice finally reached him but his rage did not subside. The ceiling was starting to crack but it was not going to fall just yet.
“We kill them first! We are not leaving here without their heads to show as proof!” Violam yelled. The heat in his voice made Rose Team step back away from him.
Kavdiir was the first to speak. “No! This one cannot kill the hatchlings. It goes against the battlecode.”
“Fuck the hatchlings and fuck your battlecode. You will follow my orders and kill them!”
“No.” Caeanos responded standing taller almost regal. This was not one of his jokes. “These ones will not kill them and you will not either.”
“What?” Violam snarled, his anger building. He continued to feed it to the Bloodrage. “Sonashi subdue these two while I kill the bugs. Mort you’re with me.”
“No.” She answered and something broke within Violam. “You do this and there is no coming back. Vee let’s just leave. The Farg will not even know, they will just think we are dead.”
“We cannot run. They will find us and put us in cages again. I will not go back to a cage! I will not line up to just be executed!”
“Please Vee let’s just go. I beg you please. The Bloodrage is going to consume you maybe it already has.”
“No, there is no where we can run. I have to take you traitors back.”
Violam attacked as Kavdiir stepped in front to protect the group of traitors. He tried to block Violam’s punch by crossing his knives over his chest. But the punch went through them as if they were made of paper. It hit Kavdiir square in the chest knocking the Linnare through the air. Sonashi stepped to the side to dodge as Caeanos caught their teammate. A hidden knife flew out of her hand instantly. Violam caught it moments before it stabbed into his chest and threw it into the ground beside him. He crossed the distance between him and Sonashi, his uppercut took her in the stomach and lifted her in the air before she could reach for a second knife. As she was off her feet Violam grabbed her shoulder, flipped her and slammed her back first into the floor. She did not move to get up.
Caeanos’s arrow hit Violam in the thigh, he was holding Kavdiir’s bow. It was not enough to stop Violam. Caeanos loosened a second arrow flew. Violam roared as he batted the arrow down with the back of his hand and ran at Caeanos. Violam’s knee crashed into the traitor lizard’s face knocking him backwards over Kavdiir. His nose was bent the wrong way and several of his fang laid beside him.
Violam looked at Mort when the others did not get back up. Once he knew the Ogrite was not going to attack he lowered his guard. “Tie them up! I am going to kill the bugs.”
Mort backed away from Violam startled from his trance. “T-they are gone Lieutenant.” He pointed at the empty staircase.
“What?” Violam turned to chase after them but the ceiling groaned and its crack spread. The stone bricks broke free crushing the webbed throne and the stairs the Rantide escaped from.
Violam rushed over to the crushed stairway. “No! You will not get away from me! I am not going back to a cage!” He cursed as he pulled rubble away. “I am going to rip off your bug Queens head! I promise you I will find you and when I do you are dead. I am going to kill your entire species. You hear me? Dead! You turned her from me! You’re fucking dead!”
“Lieutenant they are gone we won’t be able to get the stone out of the way.” Mort had been watching Violam scream at the rocks waiting for the right time to interject but time was running out. “What should we do with the traitors? Sonashi and Caeanos are barely breathing. Kavdiir only has some broken ribs.”
Violam let out a final roar before turning away from the rubble. “Give them the remaining potions.” He spat out and handed the two potions to Mort.
Mort returned to the injured and Violam examined the staircase for a few more minutes before giving up. The second staircase was still intact. Both staircases took you to an exit but they must have led to either side of the mountain. Violam noticed a [Chest] behind the crushed throne. The room's ceiling was not going to last long. Violam opened the chest, he sheathed the sword he found inside and shoved the rest of its contents into his almost empty bag. Violam threw the healed and tied Sonashi and Kavdiir over his shoulders while Mort grabbed Caeanos.
Violam walked to the remaining staircase. “It’s time we leave this accursed cave.”
- In Serial7 Chapters
[Style:] First person, stream of consciousness. A male acid attack victim loses his sight to the liquid hate splashed on his face. Locking himself away from the world, kept sane only by the companionship of his dog, Ria, he attempts to return to society after a week has passed. Only to find that the world has changed when he wasn't "looking". The story of a boy and his dog during the apocalypse.
8 183 - In Serial41 Chapters
The Devil's own sins
Writer updates available for free on patreon. The following account, dear reader, is a recollection and retelling of the story of the first imp. The last devil born from the original primordial pit at the dawn of time, and the lowliest speck of that first generation. It recounts the tale of Thozronnath the pitiful and his steady rise from obscurity, perpetually stuck as a punching bag for his betters until the day hell itself spat him out. The information presented here is pieced together from eye-witness reports and second hand hearsay, sometimes from creatures with more than two hands. I can not tell you with any degree of accuracy how much of it is true as it begins long before our time and it's true ending lies far unto the future still. I can tell you one thing though, it was confusing as hell. Cover: Illustration for John Milton's Paradise Lost by Gustave Doré (1866), a thankfully public domain image. Currently on hiatus. Disclaimer: I am not a writer. I am a student. I am not a writing student. This is liable to contain errors, bad practice, mistakes, and poor choices.
8 186 - In Serial47 Chapters
Shadow of Steel
Purple. Persecuted. Poisoned. Saya was a poor teenager raising her family on a farm. She knowingly poisoned herself by choosing the dangerous job of picking Malvaos, mysterious purple fruits. The greater the danger, the better the pay. Picking Malvaos for five years turned her purple. Ever since she got her hands on a broken purple staff, weirder and stranger things have happened. So much happened that she questioned if things would ever go back to normal again. She journeyed back to her hometown, Steel, Michigan, where nothing was the same. Adding to the mess that the new human inhabitants created, the Orcs were trying to take over the town. There was no way to turn it back to how it was but she was determined to fight for Steel, for humankind. Being purple isolated and hardened her but it gave her extra power. With the help of a Tengu, new friends, suspicious elves, and naughty fairies, she would learn how to use her powers to battle the Orcs. Unintentionally, it's like "Percy Jackson" meets "Stranger Things."
8 199 - In Serial13 Chapters
Those Who Wander
Gave into temptation to rewrite. Story under construction.
8 164 - In Serial58 Chapters
Nick Wilde X Reader | A New Partner
You were going about your normal life - - until you join Nick Wilde as his new con-partner! Mischief and fun ensue as he takes you on his adventures. He's quite a charmer, but not everyone he knows may be to your liking... And when baggage from his criminal life comes to haunt Nick, will you be there to save him? Also lots of fluff and cute stuff in between.[Gender neutral perspective towards you, so guys, gals, anyone can enjoy this story!][You can also be pretty much any animal you want, but it was written with the idea of the reader being a fox... so keep that in mind.]The second half of this book, the Epilogue, is now complete! I hope you're ready for shenanigans, jokes, world-building, and way too much sauciness! You also might see some familiar faces from the movie...
8 196 - In Serial8 Chapters
Spicy noodles (mk x redson)Btw sorry but this is gonna be really bad bc I've never written anything b4Fluff 😋
8 181