《Lost Child》Chapter 24: a Success, a Stable and a Cave Hunter
Howdy once again. Here is chapter 24. Sorry it is a bit late I have been sick.
Violam jumped out of the way of the incoming fire lance. Rose Team was battling a group of insect mages. There were five in total, two fire mages, a wind mage, a nature mage and a priest. This is probably why Violam’s group was in a squad of five. The only problem was that the insect mages were not alone, they were accompanied by thirty [Armored Mantis]. The mantis’s levels ranged from low to mid-twenties.
Mort’s job was to keep them occupied while the other four attacked the Mages. Violam was tasked with drawing the mages’ attention while Sonashi, Kavdiir and Caeanos flanked the insects to take down the support mages. This was not their first attempt at taking down a squad of insect mages, it was their seventh. Their first attempt was a disaster that they barely escaped from. No one took into account that the mages would be escorted through the battlefield by the [Armored Mantis]. As soon as Rose Team launched their attacks they were overwhelmed by the mantis and fire rained down on them from the fire mage. It took all of their skills to survive that fight and ever since then they began to work better as a unit. They killed a few mages but never an entire unit of them. Somehow the other squads under Captain Umaiko had all eliminated entire mage squads. She was clearly not pleased with their squad and doubled their rotation as a penalty.
Violam dodged another fire lance and sprinted through the unfinished fire prison. Fire prison was a combination of wind and fire magic. It impressed Violam every time he had to hectically dodge it. It was a box constructed of constructed of ten-foot fiery tornados arranged in a mesh pattern. It was something far beyond any magic he could have produced but his resistance was high enough that the fire was not much of a threat to him. The real threat to him was the nature mage. All the resistances in the world will not matter if you get trapped in a series of vines or a quagmire and your enemy cuts off your head.
Violam readied his short sword and fed another line of anger to the Bloodrage. His speed doubled in an instant. He closed the distance between him and his target until he could see the smug look drain from the insect’s face. A green light flashed in the corner of Violam’s eye. He halted and immediately retreated a few steps disengaging his attack.
“Tsk. Damn nature mage is still alive. What the hell are they doing?”
The vines kept growing intertwining with each other until its form took shape.
[Plant Golem - Level 26 Monstrosity]
The magic was a two pronged attack. If you got tangled in the vines they would continue to grow around you until they formed into the monster. Once it is full grown it would attack everyone else while grinding up the one caught in the vines and feed on their remains to grow stronger. It was not a pretty sight when Violam saw a successful attack on one of the Ogrite soldiers.
It was a large and cumbersome creature that did not pair well with the fire and wind magic. It did buy the insects some time to recover mana or for the priest to cast heals. Its slow broadcasted swipes swung over Violam’s head. He rolled under its stomp to get the monster. The golem turned to give chase, with every stomp the ground shook. Violam steadied himself and jumped between the monster's legs. He attacked slicing the back of the golem’s knees. It slowed the monster down but the cuts did not cause its health bar to lessen by much. It did however, enrage the monster. Violam led the enraged golem towards Mort while he chipped away at its health. As if on cue, Mort retreated from the [Armored Mantis] and switched positions with Violam. Mort dashed away to put pressure on the mage squad. The [Armored Mantis] surged forward after the Ogrite. Violam intercepted them along with the golem. The golem’s foot slammed down into the sea of [Armored Mantis] killing two or three of them at a time. This was the quickest way Rose Team could think of to get rid of the mage protectors. Their hard exoskeletons made Rose Team’s short sword and combat knives almost useless but a ton of monster foot on the other hand easily crushed them. Violam just had to rely on Mort to keep the mages distracted for long enough to finish off the [Armored Mantis].
Eventually the golem caught fire, this was no doubt the work of the insect fire mage. The mage had caught on to their plan and hurriedly decided to destroy the golem. The monster slowed down as the fire engulfed it. Any [Armored Mantis] that was still alive met a quick end by Violam. He slid past their scythe like arms and cut where their heads met thorax. Their weakness was at their joints, it was not a place where Mort’s sword could reach at his level of skill. Violam was training Mort but he was not a fast learner like the other three. It would be a long time before he reaches the point where he can purposely cut their joints.
Violam joined up with Mort to attack the group of mages. The Ogrite was sweating heavily, his armor was burnt and tattered and he was covered in burns. Violam pulled him out of the way of the enemy’s wind blade and shoved a health potion into the man’s hands. Violam could not keep the potions a secret from Mort because he was plundering bags from the bugs whenever he got the chance. Mort understood that he was never to speak of the potions as they had already saved his life several times and it was the only thing that they had that was superior to the other squads under Captain Umaiko.
Mort mumbled a thanks before chugging the potion. Violam only responded by pointing back to the golem. It had been trailing behind him slowly melting from the fire.
“I am supposed to be the team leader.” Violam heard the man complain as he ran off. A green light flashed in front of him but it was cut short before the incantation could finish. Violam grinned as he saw that Sonashi had the nature mage pinned to the ground, her knife plunged into it breast.
The mages surprised by the failed magic turned their attention away from Violam. He launched himself at the nearest fire mage killing a few bugs on the way to his target. The fire mage turned back just as the short sword cut into its neck causing its head to fly off in an odd direction. Violam was onto the next mage before the life had faded from the first. He slashed it at a diagonal from shoulder to hip. His sword cracked and snapped in half before it completely cut through the bug's body. The short sword could not stand up to Violam’s strength for long. He pulled another short sword from his bag but the final two mages had already been ended. One had Kavdiir’s arrow jutting up from its throat and the other laid face down in a pool of its own blood. Caeanos was squat down a good distance away from his kill sharpening his claws with his knife. It was one of Caeanos’s cool poses.
“What the hell? Save one for me!” Mort shouted, the golem now was just a green sludge on the ground. A silvery flash flew over Mort’s shoulder. The flash was followed by a thud.
“Team Leader, do not lower your guard we are still on the battlefield.” Sonashi spoke gesturing to the bug soldier lying on the ground behind Mort. One of Sonashi’s hidden knives buried deep into its eye socket.
Mort wrung his hands together and stepped away from the body. “Y-you are right. Let’ not forget we are still in a battle. Let’s continue to hunt just because we have taken down our first mage group it is not time to celebrate.”
Sonashi rolled her eyes as she removed her knife from the bug soldier’s head. The knife was immediately hid in some unknown location. They moved out searching the battlefield for more insect mages. It was not just the bugs that had changed their tactics, the Farg had also adapted albeit slower than the bugs had. Farg had always just used their main force and blunt tactics to overwhelm their enemies with no thought to how many of their own that they lost. Their supply of soldiers from the gate was almost inexhaustible. The problem was that the same could be said for the bugs. No matter how many hundreds of thousands of bugs that the Farg killed there was always another bug to take its place. It was not the first time the Farg had fought an enemy of this nature but in the past those enemies were often simplistic and almost without thought.
Now that the battle has changed, each side has their main force as well as elite groups that were used to attack strategic locations. Rose Team was one of these elites but they were also the newest and had the least amount of training which showed in their lack of success in subduing the insect mages. With each battle they fought they moved closer and closer to being a unit and fighting a skilled team battle. If no mages were found or left on the battlefield their sub-targets are what were called the Goliath Class bugs. In general these were the large battle shaping bugs. The ones that could crush the main force’s formation, the [Dynastinae], the [Burrowing Blaberus], or the dreaded [Pepsini]. The big bugs were higher level than the mages but were simplistic and easy to handle except the Pepsini. Its speed outclassed even Violam when consumed by the Bloodrage. It was a given that one of those Wasp would kill at minimum a couple thousand Farg before it would be taken down. Even if it didn’t kill you, if you touched its paralytic poison you would be as good as dead. The poison never wore off and any Farg that were poisoned would be paralyzed for life. It was rare to see the Pepsini on the battlefield and once it was killed the bugs always retreated from the battlefield.
“Spikes!” Violam heard someone shout as the bug’s main force scattered away from the Farg main forces. It was another of the Goliath class bug, but one that Rose Team was not assigned to. The [Triatominae] were not as large as the others in its class and it sat back away from the battlefield. It was also a bug with high numbers, thousands of them lined up at the edge of the battlefield. They were left to the Farg Teams that traveled deeper into the bug’s territory. They fired their stingers in an arc from their conical snout.
“Watch the skies!” Violam shouted, they disengaged from their attack on the [Horned Dynastinae - Level 43] that they were currently surrounding. “We are being targeted!” A few of the stingers arced their direction.
The large beetle charged Rose Team who was currently retreating. It did not care about the stingers as they would just bounce off its hard exoskeleton. Rose Team dove out of the way of the beetles charge. It stood between them and the safety of being out of range of the stingers. Violam thought it would be possible for them to still get past it and to safety.
“It will not let us leave! This one believes Rose Team should quickly kill it before the stingers reach us!” Kavdiir screamed over the roar of the battlefield.
“I agree if we turn our back to run it will charge us.” Mort panted out his opinion. He was still out of shaped compared to the rest of them.
“Fine! Let’s make this quick.” The stingers started to land around them. Violam pushed out his [Aura Sense] to detect them as they fell. The others did not have this ability and with their back to the stingers they were at a disadvantage. “I will think of something. You guys try to circle around it after I have engaged. And keep your eyes to the sky.”
Violam dashed forward, the beetle lowered its head in defense. It planned on stabbing Violam but instead he used its horn as a stepping stone. Violam ran up the horn and between the giant bug’s eyes. They had targeted the eyes before but they were almost as hard as the exoskeleton. Kavdiir’s arrows just bounced off of them and it was the same for their swords. Violam leaped over the bug's head and landed on its back. He found his target, although the exoskeleton from the head overlapped the exoskeleton that surrounded the rest of the beast body there was still a slim gap between them where one could slide in a sword or a spear.
Violam shoved his short sword in the gap between the head and the body. It reached the soft connective tissue but just barely. Violam tried to cut deeper but before he could the beetle let out its metallic screech and reared its head back. The sword bent and snapped under the pressure. The blade was left behind as the handle slid off to the ground. Violam pulled another sword from his bag. He only had one left, the bag only have five slots, four of which contained swords and the last slot was a stack of five health potions. Kavdiir had connections with the Linnare who worked as supply couriers so they always had extra weapons for Rose Team.
Violam fell backwards as the beetle tried to shake him off. He slid down its back trying to grab onto something but the carapace was too smooth. He caught ahold of the beetle's leg but he had to let go his sword. The jagged thorns on its leg cut into his hands. He pulled himself back on to the bug, his [Aura Sense] went off, there were stingers just above him. Violam ran up the beetle’s back watching his steps to dodge the stingers that were now pelting the ground. The [Aura Sense] flared, Violam jumped to the side and grabbed the yellow stinger that was about to impale him. He dove forward shoving his hand with the stinger into the gab. The blade that was left behind sliced up his armor as he plunged the stinger into the connective tissue. The stinger’s black cord pulse as it pushed out a viscous fluid. Violam pulled his arm away before the fluid could touch him and slid off the carapace. The beetle stopped its thrashing and stood dead still.
“Hurry get under the beetle for protection!” Violam dropped to the ground and knelt beneath the dying bug. Rose Team soon followed, many of them had cuts and bruises from the thrashing beetle but were still alive.
“Just how many of these bastards are shooting at us? Do they know we killed the mages?” Mort complained as stingers continued to stab into the ground around them.
Sonashi frowned. “They are oddly specific and did you actually catch one out of the sky?” Violam flashed her a smug grin without an answer.
“Are you stupid?” She questioned. “No, I already know the answer. Idiot! What if he had shot its venom out then?”
“Eh, but it didn’t.” Violam followed her concerned eyes down to his arm it was a mess of cuts. Damn. I still ruined my arm, he thought. I should have just pumped myself full of the Bloodrage and smashed through the exoskeleton. I know my body can’t handle that kind of strength but it would have been quicker. Oh well it's just a few cuts and they are not as deep as they should have been. It will heal up after a few minutes.
The rain of the stingers had stopped though they continued to greedily consume the contents of whatever they had stung. Rose Team moved out of their hiding spot. The bugs began their retreat. “Cut as many cords as you can it won’t kill them but at least they won’t have a free lunch. And watch the venom.”
“Yes, Lieutenant.” Rose Team sounded off. Violam retrieved his short sword and they split up now that the battlefield was relatively safe. They knew cutting the black cords would not kill the [Triatominae] but it was gratifying to stop the bug’s mealtime. The [Triatominae] always left the cords and stingers behind once the battle was over. It was assumed that they just regrew them in time for the next battle.
Rose Team made quick work of any leftover insects before returning back to the Violet Collective. They would have the next few days off after the battle. Captain Umaiko’s squads rotated their duty and ever since the bugs had changed their tactics they did not battle every day. The change in routine had left the Farg confused but it encouraged them to march that much faster. It had led them into surprise attack more often but it was a chance that the commanders decided they would take. Violam did not understand the reason why they were in a rush to move south. No one that he spoke with including Captain Umaiko knew, she had told him to just follow orders and not ask questions.
The sun had set and the night had cooled the air. Everyone in Rose Team’s body ache from their day's grueling activities. After dinner Violam and Sonashi went to the stables where all of the Violet Collective’s pack animals were held. Violam always came to visit the animals at the end of the day, he found it relaxing and a good way to fully flush the Bloodrage out of his system. He found that the Bloodrage always lingered even if the tap was fully closed. It felt as if it clung to his bones and one quick movement or an odd stretch it would release the lingering residue. But being relaxed seemed to stymie any leftover Bloodrage. This was not the only reason he liked to visit that stables. One of the first tasks he assigned to Kavdiir was to get Freddy and Lester the Gastornis permanently moved to their team.
Violam grabbed a brush and threw the second to Sonashi which she begrudgingly caught. “I do not understand what you see in these birds.”
“I already told you they are my friends and you did not have to come if you don’t want to.” Violam began to gently brush the Freddy’s brown fur. “You can take Lester your personalities suit each other.”
Lester snorted in indignation and pulled away from her brush. “You say that you can speak to them but you can’t see that he does not like me.”
“You just have to be nice to them. Act the opposite of how you act with me.” Freddy delightedly danced around and pushed himself into Violam’s brush. “Ok Ok I will give you some food just wait a moment you are covered in dirt.” He directed his attention back to Freddy.
“I am nice to you!” She turned back to Lester. “Come here stupid bird and I will brush the dirt from you. No! Stop chewing my hair. Stop!”
“I told you to be nice. He knows what you are saying.” Violam grinned as he watched Lester, it didn’t have any teeth in its beak so Lester probably was not doing any damage. Violam made no move to stop the bird. He had warned Sonashi that Lester could understand her, so she brought this on herself. When Violam first reunited with the two [Gastornis] their animal bond completed. Violam gained [Physical Resistance] from Lester and increased Agility and [Increased Footwork Affinity] from Freddy. Their levels had steadily risen because of the bond. Both animals looked healthier and muscular. Violam could tell their health and location at a distance.
“Get him to stop before he eats all my hair!” Sonashi was desperately trying to push the big bird away but he would not budge. Lester just continued to casually take more of her light blue hair in dousing it in a liquid coat of drool. The bird really looked like it was enjoying itself.
“I told you to be nice to him but you didn’t listen. Just ask him nicely to stop. Oh and tell him he’s handsome.”
“Did he really say that?”
“Yep. Sona, ask him nicely and tell him he is smart and handsome.”
“Now you're just adding things!” She struggled to break free but Lester just pulled her back in.
Violam shrugged in response and with a questionable grin he strapped Freddy’s feed bag over the bird’s ears so it could eat.
“Alright I get it! Just stop eating my hair. I am sorry I said those things. Lester, you are both smart and handsome. So please stop.” Lester stopped what he was doing and pushed himself into her brush. After some brushing Lester slowly nuzzled into her. A rare smile played across Sonashi’s face. The warmth that these animals showed them is something rare in the Farg Legion. Most of the time you are treated with apathy or hostility. They could not forgot the world outside this roofless stable but it can give them a few moments of respite from the never ending march.
Violam watched Sonashi with Lester for a while. It looked like what might have been if her people had never been attacked by the Farg, she is just an innocent girl. She caught sight of Violam or maybe she felt his stare. Whatever the case may have been she masked herself again in her calm indifferent persona.
“Why do you do that?” He asked her. Freddy had long fallen asleep by then and Violam was gently scratch its neck.
“Do what?”
“Hide yourself. Why do you hide yourself even though we are no longer in the cages? Never mind, I shouldn’t pry. I am just...just worried is all.”
“I am not hiding.” Sonashi looked away and turned her focus back to Lester. She sighed. “It’s just I was in that cage for so long. I cannot get attached to this.” She gestured to her surroundings and to Violam. “I know if I find something I care about they will just take it away again. So it's for that best if I just push it all away. Then there is nothing they can take from me.”
“We will not go back to those cages.” Violam said with more force than he had intended. His blood boiled in his veins at the thought of them. “We have to just keep following orders and we will move up through the Legion. We will become powerful and then no one will be able to take anything from us.” Violam’s fist were clenched and he spoke through gritted teeth. Freddy had awoken and back away from Violam. It shied away not daring to meet Violam in the eyes. Sonashi was the same.
“Y-you are right. I know if we just do as we are told everything will be fine. I just cannot shrug off this feeling that I will lose everything again.”
“Excuse me, Lieutenant.” A small dwarf in a messenger's uniform entered the stable.
“What do you want dwarf?” Violam roared. His veins felt as if they burned with acid. The interruption kicked in the Bloodrage almost immediately. If there was one thing Violam could not stand it was being interrupted.
“Spit it out! Violam yelled again at the dwarf’s silence. He had been too afraid to speak.
“U-uh Lieutenant, Captain U-Umaiko has ordered Rose Team to meet her at the Command Post.” The dwarf darted out of the temporary stable before Violam could respond.
“I guess I will go get everyone else. Try to calm yourself down. You won’t want to meet the Captain like that.” Sonashi put away her brush and gave Lester one last pat.
“Like what?”
“Angry. Every little thing sets you off now. Take a moment to cool off and meet us outside when you are ready.” Sonashi left to gather the rest of the team. Being called to the command post this late at night was never a good thing especially when they are about to sack out for the day. She wondered what could it be but was more concerned about how Violam would take it if their orders were changing. She feared that her fears were coming true and their orders would be a demotion or something worse.
She halted at the exit to the stable. Her light blue hair fluttered in the night’s breeze. She spoke again without turning back to face him. “I do not know what was promised but you cannot control it. No one can control it.” Sonashi left without another word.
It pained Violam to see Sonashi leave. “That damn dwarf ruined everything. It was going just fine until he came. Rotten little bastards.” He sighed and shook his head. “No, I went too far. I am still having a hard time fully controlling the Bloodrage. It feels like I am carrying a loaded gun with no safety. I just have to be more careful.” Violam stretched his hand out to Freddy to coax the bird to him. “You will stick with me, right Freddy?”
Freddy after a slight hesitation push his head towards Violam’s hand. Violam rubbed his free hand through his hair. “That look on her face, so much disappointment and fear. I have to make it up to her somehow. I can’t let this happen again.”
He stayed with Freddy for a little longer before putting away his things and wishing the two [Gastornis] goodnight. Rose Team was waiting for him at the foot of the camp.
“Everyone ready?” Violam said with a broad smile.
“These ones were waiting on you.” Caeanos smirked. “Are you done playing with your beast?”
“Yes, he thoroughly enjoyed it.”
“Gross.” Sonashi mumbled under her breathe and Kavdiir nodded in agreement with an expression of disgust.
Once all of Rose Team accounted for they headed over to the Command Post. Outside of the large tent there were a number of the Farg standing at attention. Some Violam recognized as other teams under Captain Umaiko’s command. If they are mobilizing this many in the Violet Collective something must have happened.
Mort was quick to spot the Captain and approached her. “Captain Umaiko, Rose Team is reporting for duty as requested.”
She looked up from the reports she held in her hands and ignored Mort to address Violam. “Good timing Lieutenant. The Commander is about to come out and address the soldiers.” She gestured for them to file in behind her and went back to her reports.
The mass of soldiers made way for a rider that approached the Command Tent. It was one of the cave hunters on a land dragon. The dragon was not one of the massive ones used for the battlefield but instead for speed and scouting. It was slender and just a bit larger than a horse. They must have ran all night as both the rider and beast were in a terrible lather. The smaller Ogrite dismounted the beast and darted into the tent ignoring the crowd.
Commander Dina rushed out of the tent a few seconds after the man had entered. “Listen you idiots. We have found the bug queen’s lair!” Commander Dina proclaimed without ceremony. “She has been spotted and our cave hunters are currently engaged with her forces. This is the most expansive labyrinth we have come across. There are numerous places she may be hiding and you lot are going to hunt the queen bug down.”
The gather Violet Collective cheered at their Commander's proclamation. To complete such a meritorious deed would lead promotions and glory. If they are the ones to kill the queen they will no longer be grunts.
“Alright shut up. I said shut up!” Commander Dina’s shout made the soldiers become quiet all at once. Her scream gave them a queasiness in their guts they could not ignore. Some of their faces went green and if they were already green they turned even greener.
“If we can find and kill her our fight with the insects will be over. But that is only one of your objectives. I have received reports that these caverns are large enough to support large amounts of soldiers. Our cave hunters believe the labyrinth has an opening to the other side of the mountain range. Finding the exit will put us that much closer to the human settlement. We will no longer be relegated to sending packs of soulless over the mountains to soften their defenses. We will be able to directly crush them once and for all. After they are dead the Legion can finally move south of the grand river to destroy the Dwalun and the mythic beasts.”
There were some murmurs at the mention of the Dwalun. Violam had never heard of it before but he could see the anger burning in their eyes. He did not understand the change in attitude they were festive at the thought of killing the insect queen but now there was silent and solemn. There was definitely a history between the two.
Commander Dina had paused a moment to let her words sink in. “That is right the Dwalun have come here and invaded our ancient training grounds like the humans and the best. This is why the Legion was sent here. We will face our old enemy and crush them. Captains organize your teams. Our cave hunters will lead them to the cave. Be aware of the roving insect patrols. You will mobilize immediately and as this will be a prolonged engagement your provisions have been prepared and will be issued by the cave hunters. Move out!”
Captain Umaiko turned to Rose team. “We you heard her get moving. I will be with the other Captains planning the assault. I am expecting a lot from your four so do not let me down.”
“Captain there is five of us.” Mort corrected.
Captain Umaiko looked at Mort as if she saw him for the first time. “Oh you’re still here. Who are you again? Oh, well never mind get a move on.”
“These ones need their beauty sleep.” Caeanos whispered once they were out of earshot of the Captain. Rose team made their way over to the nearest hunter as Caeanos complained to Kavdiir. The slim built Ogrite hunter did not give them much of a look.
Once their group reached a hundred soldiers they left camp and headed west. It took a couple of hours to leave the Legion. This was the first time Violam had been outside of the army in months though it felt like much longer. From the looks on Sonashi’s and the Linnare’s faces it was probably was much longer for them.
The fresh air filled Violam’s lungs giving him a nostalgic feeling. He breathed deeply attempting to trap that feeling inside of him. As they reached the forest before the mountains his [Aura Sense] went off several times but the soldiers put down the bugs before Violam could even see them. Violam wanted to leave the army behind to hunt these forest, build a fire and bathe in a cool river but he knew it was just a dream. He was one of the Farg and he had his orders.
They arrived at the caves by sun up. On the mountainside there was no less than a hundred cave entrances, a few were marked out as being explored. They were grouped into a fifty man party that was led by two cave hunters.
The party was excited and wanted to enter the cave immediately. They seemed to think the rewards were as good as theirs. There were two in the party that pushed to enter that Violam recognized. They were under Captain Umaiko’s command and were quite distinguished within the Violet Collective’s elite teams.
[Panther Dragon Team Ugogan - Level 32 Farg Legion]
[Panther Dragon Team Hokanagar - Level 32 Farg Legion]
Their team was the first to down a mage squad. So it was not farfetched in Violam’s mind for them to push their group forward. In the Farg the strong have the power so even though the cave hunters wanted the group to recoup from their travels they still gave into the demands. In the end it works out to the cave hunter’s benefit to get started early. They would have first pick at which cave to enter and could get a jump start on the rest of the parties.
Their group was not the only one to become restless but their cave hunters were able to secure the largest of the caves. It was large enough to give them plenty of maneuverability. The party was organized into three units; a small vanguard for scouting enemies, the main force which is where Rose Team was assigned and the rearguard for the ranged support.
[Cave Hunter Zufto - Level 31 Farg Legion]
Cave Hunter Zufto was in charge of the vanguard and the main force while the other cave hunter commanded the rearguard. He was addressing the vanguard now before sending in the main force. At the moment he had left the others to their own devices.
“Listen here pansies.” Ugogan address the main force. He had a crude smile as he stared at Sonashi. His gaze moved on to settle on the two Linnare. “We are here for one reason and that is to kill bugs. If you slow me down in any way you will be treated as a bug, you hear me. That cave hunter thinks he’s in charge, don’t make me laugh. I have the most kills in the Legion and I have the strongest team in the Legion but I am not unreasonable. You will listen to the cave hunter for now but once his orders are shit you will listen to me.”
Unbeknownst to Zufto there is already a mutiny in his ranks, huh. Well power talks in the Farg, Violam thought. He thinks he is the strongest in the Violet Collective. I could take him but ugh so much hassle. I just want to get this over with. The cave hunter probably knows what he is doing anyway. I guess I will only step in if this idiot takes it too far.
The soldier of the main force quieted down as Cave Hunter Zufto came back after sending the vanguard in. That group was comprised scouts so they knew how to keep their heads down and stay out of trouble.
“In a few minutes we will be entering. There are a lot of us so the bugs will know we are coming but keep quiet anyway this means check your equipment now, watch your step and most importantly shut your mouth. I will take the lead and will be meeting the scout runners as they report in. I do not want to hear you idiots at all when we are inside. This is most likely your first time in a cave so you will be bashing around like a bunch of dumb children but that cannot be avoided. Nod if you understand.”
The group of Farg shifted around uncomfortably and some glanced towards Ugogan with a smirk. In the end they all still nodded in agreement.
“Good. Once we are inside, when I give an order I expect it to be carried out. It will get darker the deeper we go so don’t nod like an idiot at my orders and I don’t want to want to hear you so just do as you’re told. Understand?”
The soldiers stood silent expecting the cave hunter to carry on. Cave Hunter Zufto sighed and rubbed his temples. “I can see you now dumbasses. You can nod in agreement.” The group begrudgingly nodded. “Okay so the equipment should have already been handed out. If you are missing anything too bad I don’t want to hear about it. Let’s go.”
Rose Team gathered together in the main force. It was always best to have those you trust watch your back and as far as Violam could tell the others were doing the same or forming their own factions. The main force moved at a slow but steady pace. It may have been slow for some but no one spoke out. A few were allowed to light a torch and it was strictly regulated. It was an hour on the move before Zufto called for a halt. The light from the entrance had completely faded out.
“I have received notice that we will be entering a hall.” Zufto whispered but his voice carried to everyone in the cave. “There will be a large number of bugs gathered and they will gain reinforcements from the smaller holes in the wall. They are weak but they are long range insects. I expect no casualties but you all seem stupid enough to surprise me.”
The cave hunter continued to give out orders and divided them into smaller groups. They were separated into groups that the soldiers had naturally drifted into. Rose Team was lumped into the group that would handle the insects on the ground level where as others watched the flanks and handled the reinforcements coming from the walls.
Once they were organized, the cave hunter addressed them again. “Alright in a few minutes one of the scouts is going to pull a small group of these bugs. I want you to get used to fighting in the cave before we plunge into a larger battle.”
Violam recognized the bugs that were pulled toward them.
[Toxic Terror Termite - Level 14 Elite]
Hello old friends, Violam thought. Time for some payback. His blood begin to boil as the Bloodrage leaked into his veins. They were higher level than he remember but still weak compared to the Farg. The scout had brought ten of them to test out.
“Rose Team, these bug shoot a low level acid. It will only cause skin irritation but it will slowly dissolve armor and equipment if not cleaned properly. So be careful to not allow them to lower your defenses too much.”
Rose Team and the cave hunter were surprised by Violam. He knew about this insect that none of them have seen on the battlefield, only the cave hunters knew of its existence. The cave hunter had wanted to reprimand Violam for speaking out but thought better of it.
“Suspicious.” Sonashi whispered.
“There is nothing suspicious I have seen them before.”
The termites noticed the group of Farg in the cave. They were still a good distance away but their acid was in range. All at once the termites made their familiar sucking sound.
“When that sound ends they will shoot acid but they cannot change their aim easily so dodge off their line of attack then rush them.” The rest of the main force nodded in agreement as they overheard Violam’s whispers.
The bugs fired their acid just as Violam said they would and the Farg moved according to his plan. The termites were weaker and were destroyed with one attack. Most of the main force did not even get a chance to fight. Violam was one of them, he watched as Ugogan crushed an insect with his great hammer. He was not watching because Ugogan displayed great skill, in fact Ugogan was mediocre and clumsy with the hammer.
I want that hammer. It would be much more useful in my hands anyway. I will take it off of him when he is dead.
“These bugs are so weak. Why were you even worried about attack the hall?” Ugogan spoke loudly for all of the main force to hear.
“Quiet.” Zufto commanded. “Do you want to bring the entire cave of bugs down on us?” This will be a prolonged engagement and there are a large amount of bugs in the next room. It is not about difficulty it is about attrition. We need to save our energy and move slow and steady. We will take out a few more patrols then we will proceed to the hall. Now shut up and file in, the next group will be here soon.”
They dealt with three more termite patrols in similar fashion. It was not a difficult battle and everyone was ready to enter the hall. They were informed that there was a group of termites now blocking the entrance since the patrol went missing. Rose Team and a few other were ordered to attack them.
Rose Team trained for this kind of stealthy assault, stalking and striking their enemy from the shadows. Caeanos stated that this kind of fight agreed with their battle code. It seemed like every devious way of fighting agreed with the battle code. Violam found it interesting but could not get his head around it and the two Linnare refused to explain it. So far he knew that attacking from the shadows, at a distance, pulling hair, scratching and kicking the opponent in the balls all agreed with the battle code.
Rose Team minus Mort reached the termites first. Their swords and knives quickly split the termites in half. At the entrance to the hall Violam could see the termites inside. They were working on something and there were hundreds, if not thousands of them. It was going to be one hell of a battle when they enter. The hall was illuminated by light blue balls of gas scattered around the room. It felt like they had truly entered the cave now.
At this moment he wished he could use his magic but the suppliers at the entrance of the cave forced him to take the moocher worm. It is going to be a long ten days, he thought.
“You four move well in the dark. Why?” The cave hunter whispered.
“Night vision.” Violam and Sonashi whispered. The two looked at each other in surprise and Sonashi lightly blushed but Violam was not sure why. Could it be those times she looks at me at night? I will make sure to tease her until she confesses later.
“Heat Sensitivity.” The two Linnare pointed at the short horns on their head.
“You four will be with me from now on.” The Cave Hunter Zufto stated without looking at them.
Mort puffed out his chest and whispered. “What about me I am Rose Team’s leader?”
“Can you see in the dark?”
“No, not really.”
“Then shut up and get back with the grunts.” Zufto pointed over his shoulder back at the main force.
“You, what else do you know about these bugs?” Zufto pointed at Violam.
“In large numbers they do have some idea of battle tactics and will try to surround us. If we evade they will move to cut us off.”
“Ok, this is the first time I have seen them in such large numbers. After I inform the rest of the plan we will secure the outer ridge for our ranged rearguard. Once the rearguard is in place you four will join the main force.”
The main force initiated their attack. Violam and his team had followed Zufto up a steep incline to the ridge that overlooked the hall. Zufto was silent and deftly used the terrain to hide their attack. They had taken out half of the termites on the ridge before the attack on the ground floor began. The rearguard were also making their way up to the open areas on the ridge. Violam agreed with some of the others that this plan was overkill. The termites may have many times their number but they were considerably weaker. However, it did not take Violam long to realize that this style of plan was going to be a blueprint for their future engagements. It was better to put it into play against a weaker foe first. By the time they had cleared the ridge all of the rearguard was in position. All that was left to do was to kill the remaining termites, all thousand of them. It was that simple.
Rose Team did not bother joining the main force. Instead they used the ridge to circle around and attack the termite’s guerrilla style from the rear. It was another tactic approved by the Linnare battle code. They were in quick and killed dozens of termites before they were noticed. Once they drew the attention of the termites, Rose Team used the terrain to hide their retreat to attack at a different angle. Violam knew that with the level of these bugs this scheme was unnecessary but it was good practice. They continued to attack in this pattern destroying the termites as they pleased. The main force was also having their way with the termites. They were led by Ugogan, with every strike of his massive hammer he smash several bugs and several more were sent flying. The two groups and the rearguard efficiently whittled down the termites over an hour until they were completely smashed by their offensive.
“Rest up. It will not always be this easy.” Cave Hunter Zufto commanded the soldiers and took Rose Team aside. “Something is not right. The first bugs we met pretty much just laid over and died. They did not even call for reinforcements.”
“Do you think it is some kind of trap?” Violam asked.
“I know it’s a trap. Of course they know we are coming. How could they not with all these idiots stomping around? But why not just set the trap off here? This room was certainly large enough.”
“It is because we are still close to the exit.” Sonashi spoke with certainty. “Many would still escape and warn the other groups going into the caves. As of right now there is plenty of time to pull them out. But look at the men. They are ready to go deeper they think the bugs will continue to be easy prey. The bugs are luring us deeper and once we are past the point of no return that is when they will spring their trap.”
Violam rubbed his chin and nodded in agreement. “Even if that is the case there is nothing we can do about it. Commander Dina is expecting results. I don’t think we have any choice but to push forward.”
“I agree but I still need to send a message to command with what we suspect.”
“These ones will honorably offer to go.” Caeanos spoke and saluted the cave hunter.
“There is nothing honorable about your offer. No, I will send a scout runner to deliver the message. You are stuck here with me. I enjoyed watching Rose Team’s tactics earlier and look forward to joining in the fun.” Zufto had a large toothy grin plastered across his face.
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Breaker of Horizons
-- A System Apocalypse from the invader's perspective. A monster evo story with cultivation. --Nic has been Selected. Chosen to adventure out to a new world, and help the System break the natives into submission. To become an Invader of worlds fighting for the Integration of a planet called 'Earth.'Selected to leave his body behind and become a monster. Selected to live or die on his own wits, his own strengths.
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Congratulations Fray! You're one of the 10,000 lucky contest winners chosen to test the Beta version of Cry Of Iron.You will be the first testers outside of the Creation Team. More info will be given to you when you receive your first capsule. Attached to this email, you will find a contract. Please read it carefully, honestly answer it, sign it and send it back A-S-A-P. It will be personally reviewed by the creators' main team and, once approved you will receive the gaming capsule within 2-3 working days. We hope you will enjoy being the first visitors to this new world of ours. Follow the path or make your own, there are no limits but the ones you set yourself.
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Our Secret |Alessio Scalzotto|
(Y/n) is the next up and coming actress. More and more roles are being handed to her. Her most recent "Rim of the world 2" being apart of the cast is like hanging out with her best friends......Until one of them isn't her best friend anymore.**Hella spelling errors and I'm highkey tired of hearing about it. I will eventually go through the entire book and fix them until then..stfu I already know they're there**
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