《Lost Child》Chapter 23: a Deal, an Assignment and a Team
Howdy! The new Chapter has arrived. Hopefully I can keep this train rolling and get the next one out a day or two earlier. I have some other stuff on my website https://yougots.wordpress.com/.
The white throne room of the Farg. It was only used for ceremonies now as the Farg have never been ruled by a King or Queen. This throne room was once used by a past civilization before the time of the Farg. At that time, the Elder Lords appeared with their vast armies. The King and Queen enrapt by Elder Lords’ grace and magnanimity, bowed and submitted before them. From that once great Kingdom they became the Farg.
It was the same dream. The dream Violam has had almost every night over the last few months. In the dream he made a deal with Edgar. He was not sure why it felt so real and binding because he had no memories of it actually happening. But he could not explain why the things that were promised in the dream came true.
“Violam, come forward.” The withering old man spoke from the dais. He looked close to human, you could only see his inhuman details such as his canines or inverted pupils on close inspection. He was one of the Ogrite aligned with the religious faction. After several millennia of selective breeding factions emerged. Just like when you breed dogs you would get working dogs, hunting dogs, companion dogs and in this case religious dogs. Violam was not sure how he knew that information but it came to him just the same.
Wait that’s right, I know it because I am one of the Farg Legion. No, focus Violam, now is not the time to be comparing this man to a dog. He is about to give me an award. He thought to himself. Violam moved before the man and went down to one knee with his head bowed. This ceremony ritual had been drilled into him by Commander Luaniton. He told me with this I would receive a Command of my own. I still can’t believe it myself. I will become one of the decorated Commanders of the prestigious Farg Legion. Crap! He is still talking how much did I miss?
“Violam for exceptionally meritorious service and performance while serving in the Legion during the subjugation of the Human Empire you will be awarded title Commander. Please stand now. Violam, Commander of the Farg Legion.” As the old man finished the chamber erupted into applause. The throne room was filled to the brim with people, all eyes were on the new Commander as he stood. A beautiful woman stepped forward to lay a golden medal over his head. Violam stood and the crowd stood with him, the applause grew louder.
It was a joy that Violam had never felt before. “Do you want this to come true?” Everything went silent except for the voice. The throne room was now empty all of the Farg had vanished. Edgar appeared on the throne at once.
“This is just a dream?” Violam spoke it was more a statement than a question but it still came out like one.
“That’s right but I can help you make this come true.” Edgar spoke casually as if he was discussing the weather.
“Why should I listen to you? All you have done is keep me prisoner.”
“Prisoner? Really Violam? How many times have I told you? You are already one of the Farg. You need to accept this fact. You have no choice in this matter. It is an unchangeable, infallible fact. Right now you have two decisions you are facing. One, you stay in the worst Company cleaning shit and the dead. Or Two, you follow my orders and become powerful. Powerful enough to take what you want. You cannot deny it that is what you want. It is who you are. You even dream of it.”
Edgar leaned forward on the throne, his eyes burning into Violam. Violam felt an itch in his mind as if Edgar was looking directly into his thoughts. “Don’t you want this?” Edgar raised his hands and the crowds of Farg reappeared, their eyes filled full of love and adoration for Violam.
“I can help you get what you want. The power you need to command and take hold of your destiny.” The crowd remained, they watched Violam expectantly and held their breath awaiting his response.
Violam swallowed the dryness in his mouth. “And all I would have to do is follow your orders?”
“That and tell me who your friend is. Well I wouldn’t call him much of a friend really, more like a stalker.”
Violam attempted to stop the shock from showing on his face but he doubted his own success. “What are you talking about?”
“You know the one who is showing up in your dreams and corrupting your thoughts. We have stopped him from doing too much damage but he is persistent. I have assigned our greatest Neuromancer in attempt to block him from your mind.”
“No, he would never do something that would harm me.”
Edgar’s eyebrow quirked up. “So you do know he had been meddling with your mind. In any case, we have witnessed him destroying your own thoughts, to what end I do not know. That is why I am asking you. Any information about him you can give us will make it easier for us to stop his attempts at [Mind Manipulation].”
“I...I ca”
“Just a name is fine. It will give us something to work with.”
Violam opened his mouth but the words would not come. Something was restraining them, it was something important but he could not grasp why. His mind felt heavy and clouded but still he tried to find his way. The words, he could not tell if he wanted to say them or not. He was confused. The world began to spin around him. The weight was crushing, it is responsibility he realized. Responsibility and obligation, that is what is stopping him from speaking. Violam never wanted either of those. He was the lost child, responsibility and obligation has no control over him. “O-Otis” He barely managed to squeeze it out but the second time it came much easier. “His name is Otis.”
The crowd in the throne room let out a sigh in relief. “That is enough. That is more than enough. We will have plenty of time to speak of our friend Otis. Now will you listen to my orders?”
“Yes if it give me power to be stronger than him.”
“A rival, is he? Don’t worry you will be far more powerful than he can imagine. This is only the first step. Prove yourself and you could be one of the ‘Touched’.”
“Yes those of us who have been personally ‘Touched’ by the divine. The one True God. There are seven of us, me and the six Elder Lords. I have great plans for you Violam. You will become the second human to receive a touch of the divine. But first, let’s initiate your bond to the BloodRage. He is the highest ranking demon and you have already been through his baptism. You should be proud you are the second after me to survive his Baptism. He will become your Bonded Demon. And good news once your bond is completed and you have completed your trials, you will be able to use magic once again.”
Edgar rose from the throne and approached Violam with his golden knife in hand. Edgar ran the knife over his own palm, cutting a deep gash into his hand. The golden knife turned red, a darker red than ever before. Edgar placed his palm on Violam’s forehead and over his eyes. Edgar’s blood moved on its own running into Violam’s eyes and seeping into his pores.
“Violam wake up! Did you forget we have a meeting to get to before the march begins? Wake up or else I will start calling you shit boy again.” That particular nickname of his had been short lived as the ones who had called him that, outside of Sona, were all now dead.
“Alright, alright. Stop hitting me already.” Violam rubbed his chest where Sonashi had punched him. “It’s not even sun up. We heading to the killing fields?”
“You mean the execution grounds? And no, remember Captain said we are getting a new assignment this morning. We will be meeting our new Commander.” She sighed and threw Violam’s boots and armor at him.
“Oof!” Violam cried as the heavy equipment landed on his stomach. He sat up, groggy trying to figure out what just happened, his eyes barely open as he shoved himself off his cot.
“What would you do if I was not here?”
“I’d probably get more sleep for one and I also wouldn’t get woken up in the middle of the night when you sneak into my bed.” Violam yawned as he scratched his head.
“Whatever! It was cold that nig…! Get yourself washed and ready.” She tried to hide her face from his view and ran out of tent.
Violam got dressed with a sly grin on his face, things had gotten much since he had gotten his Insignia Brand. He was recognized as part of the Farg Legion now and held the rank of Lieutenant.
The Rose Company became much more efficient with him as Lieutenant. Violam did not accept any laziness from his subordinates and ruled over them with an iron fist. After Mugvor’s mutiny Violam quickly put the rest of Mugvor’s associates to the sword without sending them to the execution grounds. Instead, they were executed in front of the rest of the Company. It was understood that if any disagreed with Captain Umaiko they would soon follow Mugvor. With that example the Rose Company worked much harder. Violam assigned them to duties outside of cleaning the battlefield such as assisting other Companies with their miscellaneous tasks. In just a weeks, the Rose Company may not have been well liked but they were no longer outright hated.
He also tested Rose Company’s loyalty by picking out several new recruits to replace the mutinous bastards. Two of the new recruits were pulled up from the Linnare, Kavdiir and Caeanos. Violam expected more push back from the others in Rose Company but they all kept their mouths shut. The other Farg Companies did not care as long as the Linnare was not in their Company. Kavdiir, in particular was a dedicated soldier, he immediately stood out from the rest of the Company. He was good with the hard labor that came with being in Rose Company and went out of his way to help the others finish their duties faster. Caeanos on the other hand was more concerned with enjoying himself. He still completed all the work that was assigned to him but he would say he did it with “style” or at least with more style than the others. Violam was not sure how someone could dig holes and bury the dead with style but somehow Caeanos pulled it off. Caeanos also often complained about there not being any good females to look at in Rose Company. The only females in Rose Company was Captain Umaiko and Sonashi. He never complained around the Captain but Sonashi was not safe from his complaints. She was not sure how she felt about them either. She was not sure if she happy that he was not looking at her or if she was upset that she was not to be considered good enough to look at.
Surprisingly Caeanos combat ability seemed much higher than Kavdiir’s. Rose Company never faced live combat situations for the most part but Violam observed Caeanos ‘cleaning’ the leftovers from the battle. His cuts were always precise and it only took him once. Violam attempted to broach the subject several times with the two Linnare but Caeanos’s only response is that he does it with style. This time Violam agreed, Caeanos did have style when it concerned killing. Violam did not push for answer. They all had something they were hiding.
Violam still participated in Rose Company’s duties even though he is now considered an Officer. There was no way he would give up the easy attribute and experience points he gained from cleaning the battlefield. The only thing that had changed is that there were considerably less instead Mages left after a battle. Many times he was lucky to find one Mage and even then it became less likely that they would have storage bags on them. Violam could not help but feel annoyed. He was satisfied with his current amount of potions and Sonashi had put some muscle on her so she no longer drained him of his Strength and Stamina potions. In any case he considered potions an emergency measure and no longer even kept a bag on his person. He always feared that it would be found on him and he did not want to risk his current lifestyle.
There were some things he noticed after Neuromancer Gooram or Neuromancer Quan were no longer giving him his training. His senses became keener, unfortunately this included his sense of smell, and his mind was clearer than before but he still felt that it was less than his full potential. His maps and statuses came back into focus and his [Aura Sense] worked again. It had helped in his Command several times allowing him to solve many disputes before they had escalated and helped him find the last of Mugvor’s subordinates who hadn’t actively participated in the mutiny.
Violam entered Rose Company’s Command Tent. Inside stood Sonashi and Captain Umaiko sat in her usual chair. He seemed to have interrupted them because as he entered they quickly ended their conversation. Violam assumed it was because they thought he might be the Commander.
“Captain.” Violam nodded his head. “I hear we are having a meeting this morning.”
Captain Umaiko’s eye quirked up at his statement. “Lieutenant, you make it sound like I did not tell you about this meeting a few days ago. Maybe I should have made Sonashi here Lieutenant instead of you. Oh well, at least you arrived before the Commander.”
“Of course I didn’t forget.” That was another thing that had not returned to him, his short term memory. He could recall his past but recent things it was really hard for him to make them stick in his mind. He just hoped that whatever Gooram had done to him was not permanent.
“Do we know what the Commander wants?” He changed the subject as he had noted from the Captain’s appearance that she did not believe him one bit.
“I am not certain but I have an idea.”
“Would you mind sharing your ideas with the rest of us?”
“Feeling awfully bold this morning aren’t you Lieutenant? I forbid you from speaking the rest of the time you are in this tent. Unless I give you permission to speak. As for my ideas it does not matter. You will listen to the Commander.”
As if on cue another woman entered into the tent and telling from Captain Umaiko’s expression it was completely out of her expectations. The woman wore dark violet armor and her pitch black hair was draped over the front of her shoulders. Her face was very slim reminding him of Sonashi.
“I am Commander Dina. I am busy so let's keep this short. You three show promise and we have decided to pull you out of Rose Company. To much of Gutgash, Gargan and my dismay you have been given to me. Captain Umaiko, this may feel like this is a demotion because you will less people at your command but you must understand this is the nature of my division. If you have any complaints speak them now. I will not listen to them at a later date.”
“N-No Commander Dina, I do not have any complaints with my new assignment.”
“Good. Pick two more and meet me at my Command Post. You three are now a part of the Violet Collective.” Commander Dina had not taken more than two steps into the tent and unceremoniously left.
“Uhh. Permission to speak Captain.” Everyone was still staring at were Commander Dina had been standing. “What the hell just happened?”
“I do not know.” She stated, blankly staring at where the Commander had been. “And do not talk to me for a week. That’s an order.”
“Make it a month.” Captain Umaiko smirked.
Violam was about to contest but before he could Sonashi cleared her throat. “Captain I understand there was something else you wanted to speak to us about.”
“Yes. It seems Private Uzul used his personal time to get into a fight with another company.” Captain watched as Violam’s expression hardened. It looked as if his face lost some of its life. “Violam, he lost his fight badly. I believe he has probably already learned his lesson so do take that into account. After that is settled collect Kavdiir, Caeanos and your things. I will meet you at the Command Post. Dismissed.”
Violam marched from the Captain’s tent as soon as he was dismissed without checking to see if Sonashi was following. He could not believe that someone under his command did not listen to orders. They all knew what happens if they did not listen to his orders and one of his orders is never to fight outside of the battlefield.
“Rose Company fall in line!” He shouted just once. It was still before dawn the men in Rose Company had probably just woken up. They all ran out of their tents half dressed. Their reaction speed almost made Violam smile like he always did when they were fast but not this time. This time someone disobeyed his command. Violam made a direct line to Private Uzul.
“Private Uzul I hear you participated in a restricted activity yesterday!” Violam shouted inches away from the Ogrite’s face.
“Yes sir. Yesterday I was caught fighting.” The Farg had not moved but it looked as if he shrunk. There were purple bruises on his face and he had a busted lip.
“Private, what is the rule about fighting?”
“No unsanctioned fighting Sir!”
“If you know the rules why did you disobey?” Red veins began to show just past Violam’s collar.
“Sir, if you had heard what they were saying about Rose Company!”
Violam’s angered flared. “You listen to them but not my orders!” Violam’s hand smoothly went for his knife and slashed. Blood ran down the side of Private Uzul’s face and his ear tumbled to the floor.
“Pick it up. You are lucky I am in a good mood. Let this be another lesson to all of those who do not follow orders.”
Private Uzul winced in pain as he held up his dirty ear. “Lieutenant what should I do with my ear?”
“Take it to the medic and tell them to preserve it. You will wear it around your neck as a constant reminder.” Violam left the Private and stood in front of Rose Company. “Caeanos and Kavdiir stay behind. Dismissed!”
“Vee was that really necessary?” Sonashi spoke as they watched the men leave. She was as calm as ever. It was a face she had adopted ever since the ‘training’ had stopped. She was not withdrawn or introverted she just did not let things phase her anymore. It was like she had already seen the worst of it and there was nothing to really be concerned about anymore.
“Of course they need to know that I am serious. They need to follow orders.”
“These ones pray to the True God that these ones never have to disobey.” Kavdiir looked as if he had eaten something sour. He watched Violam with a wary eye he knew not to cross Violam at the moment, it was better to let him calm down first. Sonashi was the only one who could never draw Violam’s anger.
“Vee, they know you are serious. They all respect you and besides this is our last day in Rose Company.”
“Uh. Excuse this one. What do you mean this is your last day with Rose Company?”
“That’s right Caeanos.” Violam recovering his mood clasped the Linnare on the shoulders. “This is our last day in Rose Company and you two are coming with us.”
“Gack!” Both of the lizard men let out a scream in surprise. It was sound they try to suppress when they are not with their own kind.”
“Where are these one’s going?” Although the Linnare were difficult to read, Violam could definitely see the concern on Kavdiir’s face.
“We have been assigned to Commander Dina.” Sonashi said halfheartedly and waved her hand like it was not a big deal. She had done her best to ignore their surprised reactions.
“These ones refuse!” Caeanos and Kavdiir spoke at the same time.
“What? Why?” Sonashi for the first time let her calm aura slip but quickly recovered her look of indifference.
“The Linnare do not fight on the frontlines. It goes against the Linnare Battle Code.” Surprisingly the answer came from Caeanos.
This was the first time Violam had heard of the Linnare Battle Code. But he figured this was not the time to ask about it, he would get to that later. “No one said anything about fighting on the frontlines. Besides, it is Captain’s orders you don’t have a choice. You’re coming with us big guy.”
“Big guy? This one is shorter than you.” Caeanos responded in a hurry. “This one is not a ‘big guy’. Being a big guys is not cool. It has no style.”
“Then it’s settled. Go get your things we head out to Commander Dina’s camp immediately.”
“No! Nothing is settled!” Caeanos shouted as he was pulled away by Kavdiir.
The small group met up after gathering their things, Violam realized neither he nor Sonashi knew where Commander Dina’s camp was at. Luckily Kavdiir knew the way knew the way from the time he spent as a supply courier. Caeanos was less productive. He continued to sulk and complain the entire way to Commander Dina’s Camp. They passed several encampments on the way, each one looked much more dedicated to their work than the soldiers of Rose Company. It was still morning, before the march and these companies were up and practicing formations and battle skills. The Rose Company did not have morning drills, they do not fight. They only needed to be strong enough to dig holes. Violam itched more than once to join them in their daily routines. Their morning training was not at the level of Milo’s training but it was still enticing. The sweat, the clang of metal, the dull thud of a fist to skin, the first blooding of a knife it all made his blood boil. Rose Company did not get much time on the battlefield but Violam relished every moment of it. Fighting and killing, it was what he was made for. It was the only time he felt alive.
By the time they reached the camp, the Violet Collective had already finished their morning drills and were preparing for the march. After they took no more than ten steps into the camp they were spotted by what looked to be an officer. It was too bad that from his malicious smile he was not there to welcome them.
“What do we have here two lizards and some brats. What is your business with our highly esteemed division? I don’t see any supplies in your hands.” He was shorter than most Ogrite’s and fairly lean too.
“We were just assigned here. We were told to head to the Command Post.” Sonashi answered apathetically as if she was completely uninterested in the man’s presence.
“What’s wrong boys? Is the woman the only one man enough to speak?”
Violam shrugged. “She’s her own person. She can speak for us if she likes.”
“I see. I see. Then you won’t mind if she bunks with me tonight.” The Ogrite reached out to grab Sonashi but before he could get half way he felt something sharp against his leg.
Sonashi pressed the knife a little deeper cutting through his first layer of clothing. “Be careful or you will lose something important today.”
“I was joking!” He swallowed his dried spit and took a quick step back. He circled around Sonashi keeping a wary eye on her. She had already stowed her knife in its hidden sheath without giving him a second glance.
“I see why you let her do the talking.” The Ogrite patted Violam on the shoulder. “Let me show you guys to the Command Post.” He draped his arm around Violam’s shoulder in a friendly gesture. They were all suspicious of the man but none of them had any idea where the Command Post was so they followed him wary of his intentions.
The man did not let their hostile silence carry on for long. “What division were you guys from?”
“We were under Commander Gutgash’s command in Rose Company.” Sonashi answered after she realized that the others had no intention to.
Violam studied their guide. He was definitely hiding something. His level was on the higher end of the Ogrite soldiers that he had seen.
“That’s right I never introduced myself. My name is Violam, this is Sonashi, Kavdiir and Caeanos. And you are?” Violam addressed the man, he of course already knew his name for the title floating over the Ogrite’s head but it was best to hear the name from the owner’s mouth first.
Caeanos grumbled about being introduced last but before he voiced his complaint his expression turned to one of pride and satisfaction. Violam could only assume that Caeanos had convinced himself that being introduced last was cool and stylish.
“Hmm. Name’s Mort. I am a team leader just recently promoted.” Mort’s words gave Violam and the rest of his group a sinking feeling.
[Team Leader Mort - Level 31 Farg Legion]
Violam’s group had leveled up after Violam’s training but none had a level as high as Mort’s. They seemed to level up with training but not by killing their enemy so Violam deduced that they did not gain experience points like he did. The lowest level in their group was Sonashi but she also leveled the fastest. Violam believed she might be able to defeat Mort but it would be a tough fight. Mort was even a higher level than Violam but none them had the ability to allocate or raise their attributes like he could.
[Sonashi - Level 27 Farg Legion]
[Kavdiir - Level 29 Farg Legion]
[Caeanos - Level 28 Farg Legion]
They approached a flattened area. Panels similar to the ones that were used to construct the bridges were laid in a square on the ground. Dwarves were scurrying around to disassemble the area.
“I didn’t think the dueling area would still be here. Anyone care for a quick duel before the dwarves take it down?” Mort played ignorant when he made the suggestion but they could hear the excitement in his voice.
“No we must report in before the march begins.” Sonashi responded almost immediately. She was annoyed by the man’s stupid game.
“Come on, if the dwarves are still disassembling it there is plenty of time before the march begins. It will not take very long and besides we wouldn’t want everyone to think that the new recruits are weak cowards, would we?”
The Farg who had just finished their morning training watched their group as they approached the dueling area. They sneered as they heard Mort’s casual taunts. Many of them decided to reinforce his attitude.
“They sure do look weak.” One spoke just above a whisper so Violam and the others could hear it.
“Yea. I don’t want any recruits that are cowards.”
“Look there is even a woman.”
Yes but she can stay. I will just have to teach how to fight among other things.”
Mort smiled as he heard his fellow soldier’s whispers. “See just a demonstration. It will clear up all the misunderstandings.”
Misunderstandings you created, Sonashi’s expression seemed to say.
The Farg slowly circled their group preventing their escape and waited for the duel to begin. Noticing that there was no escaping Kavdiir sighed. “This one believes this is called a ritual hazing. This one believes it is best to just get it over with quickly. Violam, this one leaves it to you.
“This has no style.” Caeanos looked away from Violam and focused on sharpening his claws with his knife. He gave off a ‘just in case things go bad’ aura.
Sonashi just shrugged and clasped Violam’s shoulder. “Don’t kill him. I have a feeling that, that would be bad.”
“So it’s all on me huh? No one wants to volunteer to take your Lieutenants place.”
“We all know you want to kill him so drop the act and go fight him already.” Sonashi lightly pushed him away.
It was true he did want to fight. He had been disappointed that their morning drills finished before he could join them. But he was not going to admit that she was correct.
“Fine I will take you up on your offer.” Violam stepped forward into the ring.
“That’s a shame. I had hoped for the girly. She is the one with the balls in the bunch.” The surrounding Farg laughed, their bloodlust had begun to leak out. They knew there was going to be a match from the moment Violam’s group had been lead to their training grounds. In fact, they would have not let the group past unless the duel happened.
“Vee, just don’t kill him.”
Mort snorted a laugh. “You hear that they think this brat can kill me.” Mort slid his short sword from its scabbard.
Violam was positive no one would offer him a sword so he drew his knife which earned him a few more laughs from the crowd. Violam ignored them, he took his fighting stance and studied the man in front of him. From the way Mort held and flourished his sword, Violam could tell the short Ogrite was well practiced. Mort was probably considered an above average swordsman maybe even a good one.
“Alright girly we will begin when you say the words.”
“Yea, yea whatever. Begin.” She said quickly with a lazy wave of her hand. She probably came to the same conclusion as Violam and already predicted the result.
Mort was caught off guard about Sonashi’s laissez-faire attitude in regards to this match. Violam was in no hurry. He let the man recover from his surprise so he could make the first move. Violam wanted to see what tone Mort would set for their match.
“No standing around boy!” Mort rushed forward leveling his sword tip for Violam’s throat.
Ah I see so if I don’t block that thrust you will kill me, Violam thought. So much for a friendly duel. Well then just a little bit should do.
Violam focused his anger and slimmed it down. He fed a thin line of his anger to the BloodRage and it responded in kind. The BloodRage always sat there behind his right eye just waiting to be used. His body filled with strength and power. Violam did not know when or where he learned how to do it, it just felt natural like he could do it in his sleep.
Violam held his knife blade point down. redirected Mort’s thrust with the flat side of his knife, though it was unnecessary. Violam stepped off the line of attack and redirected Mort’s thrust with the flat side of his knife, though it was unnecessary. The step itself looked lazy and if he had done it to a novice they would thought Violam was just lucky. But not Mort, he was no novice, that step screamed ‘hey keep coming, you will get me next time’. He knew different, that step looked lazy and inviting was precise. Violam had moved deep within Mort’s sphere of influence. His first attack had been over extended due to Violam’s block and despite Mort’s fanatical training with the sword he had lost. With that one step the match was over. Mort was left defenseless as Violam slammed the butt of his knife into Mort’s stomach.
Violam drove the knife deep, he could feel the air flee from Mort’s lungs and some of the man’s ribs crack. Mort doubled over clutching his stomach. His sword slid across the ground as he fell to his knees. Violam grabbed the short Ogrite by his dark greasy hair and pulled his head back.
This man had taunted us, harassed Sonashi and called us weak cowards. Violam brought his knife up.
This man would have killed me, he still might attempt to kill us. I am going to end him now. it is the only answer.
“Violam stop! I told you not to kill him. It will only bring us more problems.” Sonashi interrupted Violam’s thoughts. He didn’t like it but the rare emotion in her voice brought him back to reality.
“You’re right.” Violam pushed Mort down to the ground and wiped his greasy hand off on his sleeve.
“Good. I am glad you could refrain yourself from doing Mort any harm, Lieutenant. It seems you have already met your new Team Leader.” A male Ogrite approached them. His words did not match his tone, it made the temperature in the surrounding area drop a few degrees.
“And who are you?” Violam knew better than to ask because all of the surrounding Farg had dispersed at the sound of this Ogrite’s voice.
“I am your new Sub-Commander. I came to fetch you while Commander Dina informs your Captain of her new assignment. Follow me, I will take you to the Command Post. And Mort stop trying to sneak off or I will let the Lieutenant kill you and take your position.” They could all tell it was no idle threat.
“Hey no hard feelings, right?” Mort whispered to Violam. Mort was just now realizing that they were all going to be stuck together. He only relaxed a bit after Violam nodded in response.
Their new Sub-Commander led them in a direction away from the dueling area. It was obvious to them that Mort had led them in the opposite of the direction they needed to go. Mort played oblivious to Sonashi’s sharp piercing gaze. However it did please the group, the Sub-Commander included, every time Mort winced in pain when he irritated his ribs.
[Sub-Commander Both - Level 39 Farg Legion]
Captain Umaiko was standing outside the Command Tent, she had the bridge of her nose pinched between her thumb and forefinger. “Thank you Sub-Commander Both. I will take over from here.”
He gave a slight nod. “Then I will leave them with you. Congratulations on your entrance to the Violet Collective.” The Sub-Commander left without giving the rest of them a second look.
“Why the hell are you late?” Captain Umaiko asked and then she pointed at the Ogrite in the back of their little group trying to avoid her attention. “And Lieutenant, why is your Team Leader crying?”
She sighed and interrupted Violam before he could speak. “You know what? I don’t want to know. Come with me. Today we just march I will fill you in on our assignment. You should be excited Violam you guys are going to the front lines.”
Violam ignored Caeanos’s strangled choking and coughing. “What will we be doing on the front lines?”
“Your team will be hunting wizards.” She said forgetting the presence of the one who was supposed to be Team Leader.
“The bugs have changed tactics and the Farg are facing double the casualties on the battlefield. One of the changes is now their wizards are fighting in groups whereas before the wizards only had a few non magical minions. Now the bugs have become more organized and these groups of wizards are set up in a way that they can cover their weaknesses. They have increased their survivability rate, more insect wizards are leaving the battlefield alive than ever. Your team will be one of the few from the Violet Collective to specifically hunt these wizards down.”
“And what are the other teams in the Violet Collective doing?” Sonashi asked after their Captain summed up their new objective.
Captain Umaiko gave Sonashi a hard stare. “It was not my place to ask and we are not in Rose Company any longer so you two need to not be overly familiar with your superiors.”
Violam snorted, like Umaiko would ever let him be overly familiar with her. He would have welcomed it with open arms if she had though.
“Captain, I can answer that.” Mort spoke up for the first time.
“You are still here? Well go ahead then.”
“The Violet Collectives primary duties on this mission is scouting and Cave Clearing. The mountains past the forest are filled with these bugs, so small teams are sent in to clear them out.”
“Sorry Captain, I don’t know that. I just became a Team Leader.” Mort frowned at his own statement as he eyed Violam. “I have only been on scouting missions before this.”
“Well then, I have five other teams under my command. Let’s gather them and form a plan. Tomorrow Rose Team enters the battlefield.” Captain Umaiko smiled and winked at Violam, much to his chagrin.
Thanks for the comments last time. It is always great to hear what you guys think. Adios.
- In Serial9 Chapters
Dungeon Isolation
About a dedicated gamer who reached the very end of a game after 6 years of playing non-stop. Forgetting anything around him and only focusing on the game. Only caring about his personal health, hygiene and looks, he dismissed everything as he immersed himself to complete the impossible game, even when the real world collapsed and dungeons formed all around. The Arisen amongst the populace of Earth took up arms against the monsters within them, gaining supernatural powers in the process. The 20 year old posted his victory over the once-thought-unbeatable game, on the forums that were once watched by the whole world and gameplay streamed live to a million spectators and players. He only receives meager praise from five people of the millions that he had imagined would be there. He wandered outside in the dark of night aiming for the vending machine placed in a dark alleyway, but slipped inside the barrier of a rank 1 dungeon unbeknownst to anyone including himself. (Get ready for the most over-powered protagonist on the entire Earth. He shatters the nine heavens. Turns the constellations upside down with his almighty energy, that is a magnet to all forms of harems, and it even rivals Kir###'s harem gathering power! First, ready yourselves for the most slice-of-life, snail-paced, slow plot development and worm-sized chapters in the whole of Royal Road. Don't even think about enjoying this one!) I don't post on weekends.
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The Balance Breaker
A man witnesses the unreasonable and undescribable destruction of Earth. He doesn't how it happened, but he is sure that all life on Earth was done for. Fortunately, he is given a second chance and a gift as compensation by an unknown powerful being called the "Overseer of the Universe." The same series of events happened to all humans on Earth and they have also been given a second chance in life. Witness the adventures of the protaganist as he wishes to live his life to the fullest, meet new comrades, and to no longer make the mistakes he made in his past life, which made him live with regrets.
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Everyday Life with Raptors
This is a strange idea I had after watching Jurassic World and then watching Monster Musume no Iru Nichijo (Everyday Life with Monster Girls). I suddenly stopped and thought to myself what if I could combine the two concepts? So...this is the result. As the interspecies exchange program goes international, the United States is brought into the fold. In an attempt to see if the United States military could incorporate extraspecies individuals into their military for incidents or cases dealing with extraspecies crimes or terror activities, the president signed off on an experimental program called "The Raptor Initiative." Four lizard men females of the raptor variety are brought to America and given special ops. training to be the ultimate killing machines. They are left under a handler named Lt. Owen Grady who named all four of them. Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo. However, as the girls are preparing for their first mission, a more sinister force is at work behind the scenes with secret plans for these girls. Can Owen give these girls a proper life in the States, and let them live as the young ladies he sees them as? Or will their prehistoric past influence their future?
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Elements Rising
Emily Rhodes, a seventeen-year-old girl, discovers she has the ability to control fire. One day, a stranger comes to her front door and invites her to attend an academy for people just like her. Ultimately, Emily decides to attend the academy and is thrust into a world of action, fantasy, and romance. While at the academy, she meets three other girls, Grey, who controls earth, Finn, who controls air, and Aurora, who controls water. The four girls must learn to get along, hone their powers, and protect the school from a dark evil threatening to destroy it, everyone, and everything in its path.
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A simple visit to a bakery leads to a crazy, obsessive stalker. He loves every part of you so much and would do anything for you to be his. He won't stop until he has you all to himself . . . no matter the cost. (Yandere!Killua x Reader) ***COMPLETED***WARNING: Some chapters (most later on) contain violence and disturbing actions. Read at your own risk. Mentions of non-consensual sexual themes.
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Stone Singer: Redemption
Aedon and Mika Hall lived a hard life. They eeked out a meager existence on their farm while dealing with a ruthless magistrate set out to ruin them. It wasn't until a mage, Reka, came into their lives that they realized how much worse their problems were going to get.
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