《Divine Rebirth》Chapter 3 Transformation


Attributes split up into two categories main- and sub-attributes.

Everyone has the main-attributes Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Endurance, Charisma and Perception. These are general attributes that everyone has. They aren't special that doesn’t mean that they are worthless, it just means that it’ll take a bit more work for them to show their true worth.

Sub-attributes are either more refined versions of already existing attributes or completely new ones. The first example is about Strength you could, for example, strengthen the attribute Strength 10 times, or you could invest in Brawn so that the same result is just more specialised. For the second version you must invest into something, that up to that point you didn’t have, for example, could you invest into karma to strengthen your bonds (good and bad).

Mana is an unusual form of energy that isn’t present everywhere. It responds to the thoughts, wishes and imagination of civilisations and other accumulations of power. But as individuals and groups affect mana so too does it change them. That way can herbs with mythological effects and dangerous monsters be born. Most societies that utilized mana in the old-Universe applied mana through the power of imagination or rituals and spells.

Hmm, nothing happens what did I expect noting happened. Let’s just wait then noting too bad should be happening, while I receive the information from the System. Wait where is all this information going to go, there is no Pc or smartphone or any other form of storage …

“Argh… the information is going directly into my head. What is going on why do I now about the value of Strength and how the loss of mana for humanity came about? This is all so confusing why did these gods never reveal themselves. Argh”

Why does this hurt so much? And why did we have too many gods the only gods I knew of before all of this were the one from myth and legend, were they the real ones or were that other beings that inspired the myths about Zeus, Odin and Quetzquoatl?


Well I know at least know what I’m supposed to do here and how the world will react to mana on some level and the System finally explained itself, but I would like more direct and concrete numbers. Why couldn’t it just give me numbers that say how much is needed for something?

Ah, it seems this emotional inhibitor is slowly getting annoying better complete the quest now.

[Complete Quest: A new start]

Complete Quest: A new start

Rewards: Unlocking Skill acquisition

Unlocking World creation

Unlocking Shop item integration& creation

Unlocking Titles subsystem

Removal of (Minor) Muting of Emotions

Removal of Time stop

Assistance with world creation and transformation

Wait there are titles probably for special actions, then I better start with planning the transformation into my new base form. But what will it be a normal human? No that would be boring I also wouldn’t get anything special so better something extraordinary but nothing too weird. [Start System assistance: Transformation]

System announcement Start of System assistance for transformation halting current instinct to transform

That was starting to get pretty stressful thanks System. So, I’m a god, what are powerful colours well I think gold was often attributed to gods, the Christian god should have most of his older shrines made of gold and the gods of Egypt also had lots of gold so that colour would work. Purple was also a pretty powerful one most ruler had purple somewhere with them it was also often connected to spirituality, considering my current state I would say that it fits. Lastly, I think I’m going to take red and blue to keep my balance and represent parts of me.

Then base race well I think a human would be a bit too common the same should go with the rest of the normal fantasy races like dwarf and elf and I would like something with an animal aspect but nothing generic. Then I think I’m going to take something of like the mix of fish and lizard with human stature. But it shouldn’t be too big that way I could at least have my fun while the world is developing.


Ok so with what I have thought of this new me would be extremely cool. I’d just have to do it with precision and let nothing shake me up. Inhale, Exhale, Inhale. So, this new me is going to be small with scales but which of these powerful colours am I going to take for my scales well blue and red are probably going to be all over the place soon, in that case, wouldn’t it be better to have something special so purple. Then I could also give myself a golden aura like the sun.

In response to that, I could take a cool blue for my eyes so that I would have a dominating effect while being around someone and a soothing one while I stare them in the eyes. And lastly red for my talons that would be intimidating.

[Submitting transformation requst]

Transformation request accepted... Initiating Transformation

Well, that was fast I thought it would take longer with all of humanity probably doing the same.


Wha... what happened. Why has this room grown wasn't it supposed to be smaller? Does it grow with time? Wait. Wasn’t I transforming into my new self just a couple of moments ago?

That would explain the room seems bigger it hasn’t grown I just shrunk. That would also explain why my body feels so weird so stiff and solid. I gained a new real base form now I’m not just a formless divine- neutrality, I’m a real god with a form.

Let’s see my scales are purple and my claws seem to be red. And I’m able to make out a faint golden hue over my scales that should be my aura. My body seems to be as I requested it. Then how has my status changed [Status]

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