《Divine Rebirth》Chapter 2 Completion



Universe: NA

World: NA

Applied special: NA All further information is withheld till the end of the tutorial

So, what is this supposed to mean? I don't have any available worlds what happened to Earth or Mars? Is the old universe destroyed but why are all of the humans still alive? What is going to happen to me? Well, the System seems to want to help me and the rest of humanity but still, I don't understand why it would do something like this. And why was my race Divine neutrality? Wasn't Divinity supposed to be reserved to Gods and their angels?

Well, nothing that I can do about it but at least I could use this opportunity to see if there is anything different here from the normal world except this apparent perfection that is in every corner of the room.

Ok, the perfection seems to be everywhere in the room but strangely enough, I can't seem to find a light source or anything else for that matter. This room is empty without any light or anything else but I can see and move normally. So there seems to be something wrong with my vision I know that I can see in this darkness but it seems as if I could see something different that I can't quite put my finger on. But there doesn't seem to be anything else that I can do now so [Skills] [Shop]


Dark Vision

Mana Vision


Access to Mana




Current points


Oh so I already have skills and they already seem to be very descriptive so I guess that I can see in the dark and see mana this must also be the strange thing that I couldn't identify. But what do I do with this stuff? Is it just there to float around me or am I able to use it in some way? But I tried to think of some things the people said to me while I was travelling. Something about being the one to act instead of the one that reacts.


So if that's the case and I can buy access to mana then I should do it [Buy access to mana]

Purchase confirmed Current balance 0 Please note that the purchase can only be delivered after the end of the time stop

Well that's a letdown should probably have read it before I purchased it well nothing I could do something about now



Change base form (1)

Create a world

Download status information (+Mana information)

Download world creation information

Create name (1)



[Information on download status information]

Downloads information directly into the user's brain in this case about every attribute in the status screen. Not affected by time stop

Ok that mildly concerning but if that's what it takes to get the new information then I'm all for. Still, I hope it isn't painful that would really ruin the experience.

[Download status information (+mana information) and download world creation information]

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