《Divine Rebirth》Chapter 4 Formation


In the case of Earth, mana was used in the past, but after several hundred years, too many conflicting gods existed at the same time. When there was enough mana for the magic to be useful again, the society at large didn’t believe in magic anymore thus resulting in no real working magic. All that what was left were legends form the times in which humans had and slowly lost mana.

Nobody knew that the gods these people served were the same ones that were sucking them dry of their power. Thus later resulting in a world in which science ruled and magic failed. But thanks to nature of that mana no god could suck the world dry of any energy, because every god is bound to the mana that he is made up of.

Based on your rank and power you can see different statues. For example, a mortal would see his race with something along the lines of It's the norm it' possible subraces and the current collective origin of the species in this galaxy. A god would also be able to see metadata like population, happiness, history and the leaders.


Name: ***(based on own choice)

Species: Dwascll (Creation god variant)

Effects: None

Strenght:11 (8+3)

Dexterity:14 (11+3)

Wisdom:15 (12+3)

Intelligence:15 (12+3)

Endurance:10 (7+3)

Charisma:12 (9+3)

Perception:16 (13+3)

What my race has changed again. How did happen this time let me guess this transformation that I had changed my race again? Why couldn't it have just been my appearance and not my whole race? What does this system expect of me should I just accept everything why is everything so weird nothing makes sense. Why should I have lost everything again? First, it's my parents just leaving me, then it's my old company firing me because I helped someone and then, this. Why do I have to start from scratch again?


Wait no I don't have to start from scratch I still have all of my knowledge and now I'm this Dwascll thing. With these things, I should be able to have a head start against others that also seem that seem to have found themselves in this confusing environment. But why now and not I don't know 2016 or 2000 did it occur jus because it happened? Well better check my new race



Dwascll are based on the colours red, blue, gold and purple. They represent the knowledge and wisdom of ages past but are often seen when a great change is occurring. they are beings of opposites because although they may look and act naive they are older able to get older than other races. Thanks to their unique anatomy the males often have calm blue eyes with fierce red talons the females are the complete opposite they have calmingly blue talons and fiercely red eyes. The race also naturally develops an aura that can heal while possessing purple scales.

Current population: 0 (1)

Ok, it seems like I'm really the only one of all of the 7.8 billion that took my race most probably took human or something boring like that. But at least some had to have created something unique and different and those are the ones that I have to compete with I think I can ignore most of the normal one but the ones that I'd have to be wary about should be the people from authority positions, those could really become annoying.

Now I only have to select my name and check my Achievements and then I'm ready to begin the creation of my universe. Well, then what am I going to take on as my new name. Something that doesn't sound too edgy but isn't too normal either but also something that is befitting the title of god. Motus has a nice ring to it and means movement in Latin.


[Change name to Motus]

Hmm, no confirmation notification seems like they only come for important stuff like the race change. Well, at least it doesn't bombard me with messages and clutter everything in my vision. That way I could also find out what the System deems important. Nothing like confirmation from the source itself so my race change was as important for me as for the rest of the former humanity, but my name change wasn't that would indicate that it either had a number for every god or some other way to store our unique information. But what is a bit confusing is that somehow what we did during the change of our base form would impact this, what could that have been? Well, there is no use in worrying about it now I think I should start with the Achievements the seem to hold some power.

[Show new Achievements]

Achievement acquired: And there was light (Transform for the first time)

Bonus: +2 Strength

Achievement acquired: Light borne (Be under the first 100 to transform)

Bonus: +2 Willpower and +2 Intelligence

Achievement acquired: Progenitor (Create a custom race)

Bonus: +2 Dexterity and the race will always recognize your presence

Achievement acquired: Precursor (Be under the first 100 to create a custom race)

Bonus: +2 Charisma, +2 Endurance

Achievement acquired: Magical help (Help the System discover new data on magic)

Bonus: +2 Perception and more in-depth knowledge form System

Achievement acquired: The time is right (complete a secret quest)

Bonus: +1 to all stats

Why did I have to mention that one with cluttering my vision, but it seems my idea of being fast and efficient were right being in the top 100 really helps. Not only did I get +3 to all my stats but I also got more info on the System and acknowledgement from my future species but what does that mean. What does "more in-depth knowledge from the System" mean, do I get better status pages and more of these download options? And this what brings me this acknowledgement from my species, do they just know I'm there or do they worship me? Too many questions too little answers.

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