《The Healing Thief》Forcedius (3)


Forcedius (3)


Inside a living room. North side of the palace. Third floor.

A fireplace is crackling followed by the tapping sound of glass.

A comfy chair was facing each other with a table in between. A finely crafted board of chess made of ice was placed on top. Two people sitting on them.

"Do you always have to wear that cold looking expression? Especially since you haven't met your sister for a long time." The lady who asked that was none other than Claremonde. After having a wonderful time with her mother, she wanted to see her brother.

After moving a piece on the chess, he replied, "This is who I am." The man replied. The person who is called 'Seph' by his brother and sisters.

"Well, try fix that. At this rate, I doubt you'd find a wife." She then rubbed her chin before moving her pawn.

"It's not my choice. Only father can choose. I also don't see the use of one."

"A wife will definitely help that personality of yours." She then watches as her castle gets forked. Not anticipating that move.

"You think so?" He replied as he relaxes his back.

After giving up on her castle piece, she made another move before answering, "Of course."

"...Then how come you aren't married?" He then moved a piece which ended up as a game winning checkmate.

This point made her jolt before she laughs dryly.

She then says, "I'm an adventurer! I have no need for a husband!" Averting her eyes away.

Seph only had one word.




In another area, inside the King's chamber, a man was taking a sit on a chair. Accompanying a younger person.

The old man asks, "How was lady Anne for you, Hamlyn?"

Giving a wry smile, he replied, "Sorry father, she's not to my liking."

Seeing the hints of sadness behind Hamlyn's eyes, the king inquired, "Hmm, there's no issue. But it seems that you can't forget about that knight. Or should I say... incident."

His expression changed to grim, "No."

"Beg my pardon, wasn't my intention on making you remember that."


After drinking the wine glass, he then says, "But seriously though, when are you going to find a wife. A cripple has no use in war and so at least help us mend some of the relationships. "

"...I'll try father." He closed his eyes before mustering up his courage as he utters, "Also...."

"Yes?" The King crept his eye-brow.

"Why aren't we preparing to take one of the east lands."

"That's foolish. We still have Xoplis in our borders, having war with another country would only give an opportunity for Xoplis to strike. Not to mention that we would get isolated immediately from any trading."

Hamlyn paused for a moment before turning flustered before saying, "I seem to be a bit tipsy today. Excuse me father."

The King noticed something off but didn’t inquire about it. He just nodded before dismissing his son.


In the living quarters district of the palace

Opening the door, inside lies a middle-aged lady, grooming her hair.

Noticing the presence of both Claremonde and Forcedius, she immediately shown a smile before placing down her comb.

Wearing a normal sleeping attire, Claremonde gave her greetings, "Hello, mother."


"Don't be so formal." The mother gave off a small pout. She then held her cheeks before continuing, "Though I still feel joyous that you stopped calling me aunt."

Claremonde became flushed before averting her eyes away.

The middle-aged lady then turned to Forcedius before saying, "Has your training gone well today?"

He replied immediately, "Mn."

She the spread her arms before both of them came to hug her.

Specially Claremonde as her hug was tighter than Forcedius.


Combing the short hair of Claremonde, her mother asks, "How was the desolate snow plains?"

She remained silent for a moment before replying, "Horrible. Many died."

Forcedius then inquired, "How exactly did they die?"

As if remembering an awful memory, she says out loud, "A frigid snow storm that nullifies anyone's mana usage when it catches you. Not only that, the force is strong enough to dent metal armor."

with confidence, Forcedius asks, "But can't you still push through, big sister?"

"The deeper you went, the stronger the storm gets. Even me and my retainers couldn't get through it."

Forcedius was shocked.

The mother then says, "As long as you aren't harmed."

Claremonde closed her eyes before she leans her head on her mother's lap.

Forcedius smiled. He then says, "When we'll ever visit your homeland?"

She remained silent before saying, "Someday."

"You never told us about your homeland." Said Claremonde.

"I have a bad memory... of that place."

Both Claremonde and Forcedius remained silent.


The hallways of east district. Near the living quarters of the maids.

Strolling through the place, Feng was happily whistling. A pleasant tune.

As he passes through a certain place, he heard the laughter of a girl.

Feeling curious, he entered the area to find a large well. Though his attention was more on to the little girl who was sitting on a bench nearby.

She was holding something. Her laughter didn't stop as she kept looking down at it.

Going nearby, Feng discovered that it was a dead bird on her hand.

Feeling perplexed he went nearer before standing close to her.

Only then did the girl noticed his presence.

Seeing her face made Feng's heart ache as he saw the red eye bags and countless tears flowing down.

She then says, "I'm a monster right...That's what you think." She then started laughing.

Feng remained silent. Only observing the wounds on the girl's face and arms.

The girl continues, "Someone like me who laughs at a poor bird's death...."

Grasping her shoulder, Feng replied to her face, "It's alright, I can feel the sorrow from your eyes alone."

"You understand, but not all people are like you." She then rubs her face before saying, "Mother should've abandoned me..."

Sitting down, Feng then replies, "You think you're a monster...but your mother thinks of you as their most important thing in their life. Don't forget that."

"I... I know. I love my mother so much. Even when our father left us." She says as tears continue to trail down her face.

He remained silent for a moment before saying, "Come, let's bury the bird. It would be grateful."

"Mn." She nodded before whipping her tears away.


Tomorrow morning

"Where are you going?" Asked Feng.

The lady in a maid outfit, scoffed him before saying coldly, "Stop following me."


Feng smiled before saying, "Come on, I heard that you were free."

"And I want to spend it with ease." The maid rolled her eyes.

Feng felt strangely attracted to this maid for some reason. She wasn't in his strike zone but the appearance was mesmerizing.

Before he knew it, he was in the middle of somewhere. With not a single sign of the maid he was following.

Suddenly, the door beside him opened before a middle-aged lady went out.

Black straight hair, vibrant with life. Clear face with a tender loving expression. Wearing a long azure robe, tied by a jade green sash. A faint scent of pleasant fragrance emits from her.

Feng was almost stunned, even forgetting the maid.

Looking up, the middle-aged lady asked after sizing him up, "I don't believe we have met?" Looking at his appearance, made her ask in Kian language, "Do you understand, Kian?"

Feng nodded before replying, "Of course, that's my birthplace. And you can call me Feng."

The lady smiled before commenting, "Aha, I can finally meet teacher of my son."

Hearing her words caused a cold bucket filled with water on him. He almost felt his heart stopped. Thinking then, 'I almost tried captivating one of the wives of the King. Or better yet...my own student's mother.'

Feng then says with a laughing tone, "Forcedius is your son, he must be proud to have a charming lady such as you." he couldn't resist though.

By the end of his sentence, he could feel a sense of chill through his spine from far away. He turned instinctively to find no one there.

The lady then says, "That's kind of you. Judging by how my son acts nowadays, I have to give you much respect for also changing his way. His father made him stray from proper etiquette to people of lower class."

"It's only my job." He then coughs before asking, "May I know your name, my lady?"

She paused for a moment before replying, "Zhou Suzune."

"..?" Feng looked puzzled.

Suzune tilted her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Immediately he answered, "Your name isn't fully Kian."

She didn't expect for him to know this. She then explained, "Yes, my mother is from the far eastern island."

"Ahh... I see." he then bowed slightly before continuing, "I must leave now, wouldn't want to disturb you."

She bowed before saying, "It was nice meeting you."

After that, Feng walked away into a different hallway.

Though he caught sight with a certain maid. Staring daggers at him.

Only now that Feng realized that she was the person who eavesdrop on him. Feeling like the end of the world, he immediately says, "Wait! I can explain..."

"Hoho, you can explain trying to flirt with a King's wife?" She then scoffed him and afterwards walked away. Feng grabbed her shoulder before saying, "I-I'll treat you to lunch..."

The maid sized him up before saying, "Hmm, since I'm free, I'll take that offer. BUT!"

"But... what?" Feng questioned with a scared tone.

"Can my daughter come along too?"

He blinked twice before replying, "Sure, why not. I know a nice tavern near here."

She smiled before saying, "I wouldn't have forgiven you easily if it weren't for your help earlier."

Feng didn't understand what she meant.


Inside the trainning barracks of the newly appointed recruits.

A young teenager, around fourteen years old, was constantly swing his sword. Having a stoic expression.

"Hey, aren't you even listening to me?" Said the older person beside him.

Instead of replying, an old man insetad did it for him, "You can try all day, but he'll not speak with you. Seroi, you rather polish your parrying techniques with Merask over there."

He grumbled before saying, "I'm not done with you until you become my friend!" He then walked away.

The old man felt happy inside to find a kind person like him to train.

He then says, "Farengoth, you could learn a thing or two from him."

Unexpectedly he replied, "Kindness is something that people do to gain something in return."

"Don't you think that they want to gain your friendship?"

"No point." he said before continuing to swing.

The old man laughed before saying, "Come, it's your turn to be the one attacking this time."

He nodded before doing as told.


A wonderful occasion took place today.

Lots of rich noble folks entering into a large marble house. Each dressed finely.

Everyone is currently celebrating the founding owner of the house.

Inside a chamber, there sat an old man. Even though his appearance is old, the life he radiates will make you think otherwise.

"I never expected the prince Sephilio to visit my humble place. Especially during my birthday."

"Just a change of scenery." He then continued after a moment of pause, "Also wouldn't want to miss the great Beimure's special day."

Sephilio then snapped his fingers before a maid came by, carrying a box on hand. Which contains a sharp object inside.

"Oho, what's this?" The old man was intrigued. Grabbing hold of it, he noticed that it had a faint sense of radiance.

Sephilio answered, "Sky snake's fang."

The man laughed heartedly before saying, "I heard myths that the only way to find this beast is when you climb on top the mountain of grievance. Judging by the size, it would be large enough to swallow me whole!"

"I hope you like it." Said Sephilio.

"Like it? I love it! I could live for another five years. A bit of alchemy would turn this thing to many pills."

Sephilio nodded.

His maid closed the box before backing off.

The old man then says, "I hope you enjoy this evening then." Afterwards, he rang a bell before a butler came to Sephilio side. Telling him, "My lord, the banquet is this way."

The prince affirmed before telling his maid to follow behind.

Entering the area, the prince was welcomed by a large horde of multiple females.

Each showing a look of an admirer. Eager to have a conversation with him.

They have been tasked by their relatives to get favor from the prince. Even better if they could be his concubine.

He had to go through this mess in order to finally relax near the food area.

There... he found a certain person.

A person who would change his life.

Girl with a lazy look beside the balcony.

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