《The Healing Thief》Forcedius (2)


Forcedius (2)


The breeze of noon sways the apple trees on the courtyard.

Clear blue sky with little to no sign of clouds. A wonderful day.

Near the canopy, a young black-haired boy was twirling his arms back and forth. The bone creaks of his shoulders could be heard.

He fussed, "Why the arms? I've been working with them for the whole day now... And it doesn't look like a strength training."

The teacher removed his finger from his ear before replying, "With those stiff arms of yours, you'd be dead before you know it." He yawned before continuing, "Not only your shoulders, but also your wrists must be flexible."

"...Ah, I see." He then continued as what told.

A maid came by and placed a platter beside the sitting Feng. A platter with a wine jar and a silver mug.

She then filled it up before handing it to him. Taking the mug, he took a sniff at it before saying, "I didn't ask for wine, I asked for ale."

This made her reveal a scared look. One that resembles seeing her life crumble.

The sharp and loud voice of Forcedius was then heard, "Are you really itching to join your friend down there!?"

He then raised his hand and was prepared to smack the maid.

Cowering in fear and preparation of pain, the maid winced.

As predicted, the woman-lover Feng didn't allow this. He even made Forcedius feel the world go around before succumbing to the ground.

Forcedius felt dizzy, but more importantly, he wondered why was he harmed. He asked as he tries to get up, "Why... did you... do that?" Still feeling light in the head.

The teacher scoffed at him, "That attitude of yours towards the maid is something that I loathe."

Growing irritated, Forcedius barked, "If you really want that maid, I could-" He then was kicked on his sides, making him fall again.

"Looks like I have to teach you physically and verbally on how to treat ladies." Forcedius cracked his knuckled.

Forcedius for once in his life, uttered out, "Mercy!"

Feng shook his head before performing severe acts of pain.


When a certain door opened... the putrid stench filled the corridor. One or two rats darting out.

A maid walked out, accompanied by guards. She was pale in color with dull eyes. Having a downcast look. And not to mention the numerous signs of her maid outfit being chewed on.

The guards halted before their prince. Forcidius Loyl Drachen.

Raising her head slightly, the maid immediately mimicked the guards. Cowering in obvious fear as she looks at the young boy.

Forcidius was currently having clenched hands. Shaking somewhat. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

The maid braced herself from the expected shout that will follow.

Instead, the face of Forcidius relaxed as he said to her, "Sorry."

She looked up again with a puzzled look. Eyes quivering. She dared not to swallow as she asked dryly, "My lord?"

This time while looking into her eyes, he said, "I'm sorry for sending you there."

He then patted away the dust on her clothing before he says, "I have arranged others to take care of your clothing and bath. relax this coming week. Your wages will be the same."

She remained silent, only moments later saying, "Have I done something horrible, my lord? Do you want me dispo-"

"No! Can't you tell that I'm being kind to you here!?" Forcedius couldn't help but raise his voice. Flustered somewhat.

The maid finally understood before bowing deeply. She then said, "I'm thankful for your kindness." A smile appearing on her.


Another maid was there, who was accompanying Forcedius. The same maid from yesterday who mistakenly gave wine instead of ale to the instructor Feng.

She too had an astonished look.

Forcedius then looked towards her before saying, "Reina, inform the all the maids, including you that from now on... Punishments would be lightened. But it doesn't mean I'll not kick you people out. Also"

"Yes, my lord." She smiled.

Forcedius thought after seeing both of that maids smile, 'This might be... not so bad after all. It still hurts though...'


In a corridor with numerous large windows and doors. The sound of footsteps could be heard.

Normally the area wouldn't be bright if it weren't for the sunlight. Not only does it provide light but it also reflects from the shining armor.

A lady around her twenties, accompanied by a group of people.

The lady being a princess, tall and firm. Sharp blue eyes with a confident look. Skin being tanned from the numerous expeditions under the sun. Silver hair which has been kept short and turned to a small ponytail. Geared in skirted plate armor that leaves no opening when her helmet is on.

Claremonde Loyl Drachen. The first daughter of his majesty.

Two familiar girls follow behind her, the same ones who met Forcedius during his teacher's mess. Luna and Sol.

A tall man, at least 200 cm tall followed too. Wearing goggles and medium weight armor. Having a kite shield on his back with the emblem of his household.

Finally, a young man around sixteen, having green hair and a lazy look to his face. A white robe he was wearing. Though the robe was more like hiding the armor.

They just returned from an expedition. Particularly, the mysterious snow land.

A cold desolate place with few returning to tell the tale. Complete lack in information.

Their exploration was a failure, as they couldn't go through the constant frigid snow storm. Not any ordinary one as it was responsible in annihilating almost all of the companions they brought along.

Now they returned, after taking a whole six months' worth of trip. Seeking rest.

The green haired boy then strikes a conversation, "So, what you're planning?"

Claremonde replied, "Nothing much, just wanted to see my little brother."

Luna and Sol looked at each other, before one of them inquired, "You're worried about his teacher? Right?"

The princess nodded in reply.

She then said, "Wait here for a moment." Before walking through an entrance to the courtyard. There she saw her little brother running around.

Spying to the right, she spotted a man lying on his side while supporting his head with his hand. Tossing grapes into his mouth one by one. He seems to be thinking of something.

Forcedius only noticed his sister's presence when he paused to catch his breath.

Seeing her after a long year made him muster his remaining energy to at least greet her with a bow.

She did the same happily, but her pose was awkward due to her armor hinderance.

The teacher snapped out of his thinking and decided to see what's happening. Having eyes on the lady in armor. Specially the emblem of royalty.

He went before giving his greetings, "I'm the teacher of Forcedius, they call me Feng."

The princess nodded before saying, "Claremonde. Half-sister of Forcedius. First daughter of the king."

Feng also gave a smile. He then was about to greet until he felt death loom over. A sharp sense of blood lust. In response, he dodged immediately with his upper body turned backwards.


He couldn't see anything except a blur formed around the princess's arm. Not to mention the heavy weight behind it.

Seeing closely, he saw that Claremonde's index finger was extended. Deadly cause her hand was not bare but instead covered in metal. Sharp at the end.

The princess retracted her arm before saying, "Good. You passed."

Only then did Feng fall to his behind. Gasping for breath as sweat covers him. He even thought, 'So this is the hero of that great battle. Figures why she's famous.'

Claremonde bended down before squeezing the cheeks of Forcedius. Enjoying the softness.

She then says, "Don't over exhaust yourself. Wouldn't want you having an injury that will last your life."

He knitted his eyebrows, "I'm not a child anymore. Sister, you worry too much."

She smiled before saying, "I'll meet with mother tonight. You should be there with me."

"I will, since I'll be expecting you to tell about your adventure."

Claremonde twitched before replying, "Eh, you know... I don't have time."

"Are you perhaps...retracting your promise, sister?"

She sighed before saying, "Fine." She then hugged him.

Claremonde then stood up before saying, "I'll be going to meet our father now."

Forcedius commented, "He looks to be in a good mood since it is the season of orange."

"That's the reason why I'm even visiting him." She then eyed the teacher Feng before saying, "Take care of him."

Feng nodded as a reply.

She then left with her retainers.

Feng got up while still staring at the back of the princess with a pale look on his face.

He then asks, "She's way too dangerous."

Forcedius turned before saying proudly, "If you think that's amazing, then you should see her on a wyvern."

Feng snickered before telling him, "Get back to running!"


In the barracks, left wing of the palace.

"So, you two are the new recruits." A man said after looking through a list.

"Yes sir!" Sheirl exclaimed enthusiastically. She then nudged the side of Farengoth which made him say, "Aye."

A middle-aged lady with straight brown hair, purple lips, asked. "So, who among you knows magic?"

Sheirl raised her hand enthusiastically, "Me!"

Eyeing Sheirl, she took a moment of sizing her up before saying, "Very well, follow me."

She nodded happily before following her. Even asking a silly question, "Do we have to wear pointy silly hats?"

The lady replied, "You may, no one is stopping you."

"My dream is coming true!" Her eyes were shining.

This time, an old man with a long white beard approached Farengoth.

He then asks, "That leaves you with the way of a sword. Follow me then, and let's see what are you capable off."

Farengoth grumbled before doing as told. He felt annoyed that he's alone again.


"Having a great affinity with earth makes us little annoyed with envy." Said the girl with curly hair.

Two girls nodded beside her.

Sheirl showed a wry smile before saying, "I never thought that one day I would be the object of envy. Sorry."

"Little girl from nowhere, you sure do know how to speak. But that doesn't hide your scornful look!"

The curly-haired girl then pulled out a metal rod before channeling her refined mana into it. This gave enough time for Sheirl to run away but the rod is still pointed at her back.

Luckily farengoth was nearby, done from his training. He grabbed his sword before blocking off the lightning bolt coming from the girl's rod.

The middle-aged teacher who was too late on stopping the curly-haired girl's magic, gave off a blank look. As she witnesses the lightning get absorbed into the training sword.

The curly girl couldn't believe what she witnessed, but more importantly the fear of having to face the revenge of someone like him. She tried running away but an old man already was beside her, grabbing hold the behind of her neck.

Without giving any delay, the female teacher went up to Farengoth and asked to survey his sword. Inspecting the metal around, she thought, 'there's nothing special about this blade...'

The old man then explained, "Can't you tell Beth, this young man has the blood of the old age coursing through him. His enhancement on weapons grant them the ability of nullifying lesser magic."

Beth was stupefied, "Blood of the old age...Quite rare. Must be happy on having someone like him under you."

"I would be ecstatic if weren't for the fact that this youngling doesn't communicate with anyone else. Aside that girl."

Beth sighed before pointing out, "You drove me mad for letting that girl channel her magic. Had me panicked. It seems your faith on that boy is quite strong."

"More like a gamble. If he couldn't save that girl, I wouldn't have any use for him. Specially princess Katherine." He then pushed the curly girl he was holding to the female teacher before continuing, "Make sure this girl remembers to not do something foolish like that again."

The curly haired girl stayed silent with a sad regretful look.


Forcedius just returned from taking his bathe. Having wet hair and a tired expression.

He entered the lounge to find two of his brothers. Both sitting on a chair near the fireplace. One was reading a book while the other is trying to sleep.

Coming nearby, the first one who noticed him was his brother Hamlyn.

A young man with long blonde curly hair. Blue eyes with a warm smile. Wearing plain clothes and a glass of orange juice on hand. He then asks, "By your expression, the training must be rough."

Forcedius sighed before replying, "It really was."

Another man this time says, "Your training is still not enough."

This time it was a black-haired man around twenty. Dark sharp eyes, pale complexion, moody expression. Wearing a black jacket. Short brown hair, cleanly cut.

Forcedius then replies, "If I go through the training you envision...I rather than sail west."

The blond-haired man then exclaims, "I too would sail west if I were forced to go through brother Seph's training!"

"You're laughing now but when you compare both our knights, you'd see a reasonably large margin."

"Well I can't beat you at that aspect." Hamlyn then closed his eyes, hiding the sense of sadness behind them.

Seph then strikes another comment, "By the way, I caught your teacher flirting with one of my maids..."

Forcedius scratched the behind of his head, "...Are you sure it's my teacher? You must have seen someone else..."

"It was definitely your teacher as he keeps on mentioning your name."

Hamlyn then also commented, "Oh! That man!" He then closed his eyes before continuing, "The one who drank my precious wine!" A tear slowly dropped at corners of his eyes.

Seph massaged his forehead before saying, "You don't need to cry for a wine."

"I'm not crying for the wine but instead the thought of him not slowly enjoying it!" Hamlyn was truly sad.

Getting up, Seph then says, "Anyhow, I got a meeting with sister Claremonde. I'll be going now." He then made his way out of the place without allowing them to reply back.

Hamlyn closed his book before saying, "Care to join me in this pleasant evening?" He then clapped his hands before a butler attented his needs.

Forcedius thought about it before taking a sit on the chair nearby. Deciding to tell about his painful morning and lousy teacher.

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