《The Healing Thief》Forcedius (4)


Forcedius (4)


The moon was full in the middle of the night.

Giving light to a certain woman.

The man who is one of the princes of Krehor, was mesmerized.

He stood still as he observes the lady in front of him.

Auburn hair tied into a long braid, Black plain gown, brown eyes and a mature looking face. An expression of boredom written all over.

She was looking out the balcony, thinking about something.

Walking towards her, Seph brought along with him a glass of wine. Fetched from a nearby table. He recently learned that wine would set the mood right.

Somehow, he's attracted to this woman. He doesn't understand why but he just is.

It's not like the lady in front of him is the most heaven shattering beauty. Instead, she is more mundane. Someone who can fit in a crowd without realizing her existence.

When he went beside her, the first thing the woman asks is, "What do you want?" A cold tone. Rough accent.

He couldn't think of an answer but instead he says, "I'm just admiring the moon." Feeling obliged, he turned towards what he said.

She rolled her eyes before saying, "How did you guess that I'm his daughter?"

Feeling perplexed, he replied with a question, "Whose daughter?"

"Don't play dumb, a man such as you wouldn't eye a lady like me." Her eyes calmed down before she continues, "Especially since there are so many others who look better."

Knitting his brows, Seph asks, "...You are the general's daughter." His expression turned complicated.

She gave off a light snigger before saying, "I'll give it to you. Your acting is definitely top notch, that's for sure."

He straightened himself before replying coolly, "I don't think anyone knows that the general had another daughter." Remembering what that man said, he then added, "A beautiful one also." Though it felt forced when he said it.

A wry smile appeared on her before she comments, "You're bad at this."

"..." He didn't say anything as response.

"Anyways, since you intrigued me for now. I feel oblige to at least introduce myself." She bows and says, "Even though we already met before... I'll say it again. Anne Guin, second daughter of Beimure Guin."

Seph almost felt like he was dunked a large bucket filled with cold water. His eyes closed or a moment before he says, "Sister of Sarah Guin who was the retainer of my older brother Hamlyn. "

She showed a pained expression before saying, "Yes, you finally remembered."


"I look different?" Smiling, she then continues, "You know that girls can go through drastic changes if the opportunity arrives."

He was momentarily baffled due to not being able to correlate the old her and the present self.

He then asks, "Ever since Sarah's funeral, you never appeared since."

"I was in a state of depression, and at the same time, scared." She then says afterwards, "Was sent to the wyvern island to the west of here, there I met my mother. Living to forget of the horrible memories here."

He points out, "And now you returned."

She nodded before replying, "Yes, since I want to help my father out. I'm technically the only heir."

"You didn't inform Hamlyn? I recall you talking to him couple of times before."


She paused for a moment before saying, "We were just acquaintance at best. Though I admit, I wanted to be closer to him because there's a chance that he'll be my brother-in-law."

Seph wanted to ask a question, "So you didn't the visit the palace?"

She paused for a moment, "I did, but I guess you didn't notice."

He wanted to ask 'when', but he kept it to himself.

"Hmm, maybe I was away at that time." He nonchalantly says.

She leaned her back towards the rail before asking, "What are you going to do now. Since you found out about me."

Remembering the final advice, he replies, "I'll ask you if you'd like to dance."

She remained silent again. She then asks, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He was puzzled for a moment before he replied, "Of course."

She then looked at his hand before grabbing hold on it.

Taking a dance together, reeling the envy of many.


Tomorrow morning.

"Comes and goes, that is what life truly is." A young boy says as he slumps his head on the balcony rails.

Fixing his hair, he then asks his butler, "Is my appointment ready?"

The butler remained silent.

He then says, "Excuse me master, but I don't believe you made an appointment..."

As if figuring something out, the young boy exclaims, "Oh silly me, it was supposed to be a secret." He then shrugged before looking out the balcony as he says, "Hope that lady from a very distinguished family, beautiful appearance, will wait for me~"

The butler couldn't help but comment softly, "Am I truly blessed or cursed..."

"What did you say?" The young boy asks.

"Nothing." He then averts his glance before changing subjects, "Master Tuiret, your father is calling you."

he sighed before replying, "I'll be there, just preparing my horse."

The butler closed his eyes deeply before replying, "...He's already in this house."

His mouth curved into a smile. Yelling out afterwards, "Then bring out the wooden horse!"

The butler sighed before fetching the 'thing'.

Returning only a little moments later with a wooden horse's head attached to broom.

Tuiret affirmed with a nod before holding the broom. Saying loudly and energetically, "My dear daisy, oh how long has it been since we enjoyed the fresh breeze of the hallways."

Placing the broom between his legs, he galloped through the hallway.

His butler was having a red face as he follows along. Telling himself, 'Is he really thirteen...If so, I feel like this is some sort of mental illness...'

Turning around, Tuiret says, "Gwanar! You're too slow!"

The butler couldn't help but wonder how he lasted this long...

Later on, that morning, Tuiret was scolded for not participating the birthday of someone.


Inside a room.

the nearby windows had stained glass on them, colored in red with a pattern of a flower.

The lamp's heat help stave away the coldness.

A sound then was heard inside.

"Where you headed next, sister?" Asked Forcedius. He said as he watches her sister pack up a bag.

Looking at her brother, she gave off a smile before replying, "Somewhere east. Me and my retainers are going to look for hidden treasures."

Feeling a little annoyed, Forcedius asks, "Why now? Can't you wait for a little while longer?" Even a plea was added.


Claremonde felt bad as she replies, "This is the best time as there's currently no war in the Kian region."

"Ah, I see." He paused before asking, "Will you bring a souvenir?"

He knows very well how exploring is important to her.

She immediately replies, "Of course, I wouldn't forget that."

"At least tell me one thing."

"What's that?"

"The place of where you're going?"

"We don't really know. Mostly going to rely on rumors."

Clenching his fist, he asks with hesitation in the middle, "On your next trip...Can I join?"

She patted his shoulder before replying, "First be taller than me, and able to wield a sword. Then we can talk."

He felt that one of the conditions were unfair as she was fairly tall for a woman.

Though he didn't complain as he nods.


In a village, south-east to the royal castle.

Inside a small tavern, filled with a crowd of mostly hungry travelers.

There in a table to the far right, a little girl exclaims happily, "Isn't this the most delicious?"

A red-haired man replies, "Glad you liked it. The owner's wife is quite good at marinating chickens. Cooking it to perfection."

The middle-aged lady nearby then comments, "It is quite good, especially the jam."

Feeling proud he nodded as the man took another slice of chicken.

He then says after surveying the girl nearby, "I never expected that this girl was your daughter."

"Isn't it obvious? Don't we look alike." The middle-aged lady joked. She then drank her mug of wine.

Feeling that he was trapped in a fork, he then replies smartly, "You sure do when I look closer."

In response the middle-aged lady snorts.

The girl then asks, "Mister, mother never told me your name."

Feeling stupid, he replied, "Oh right, my name is Feng. How about you little miss?"


He commented immediately, "Beautiful name."

"I don't believe you even know the meaning behind her name." The middle-aged lady comments. Having a hint of testing on her eyes.

Happiness welled up inside him as he confidently says, "I sure do, it is to honor the first wyvern empress."

"Hoh, you did your research right." The lady then flaunts her hair.

Elana then comments, "Mother is acting weird."

This comment made the lady flustered before she says back to her loudly, "Focus on your food."

Elana giggled before doing as told.

Wanting to change the topic, the middle-aged lady asks, "A day before yesterday, you were busy talking with prince Sephilio."

Shaking his index finger, he replied coolly, "Oh, that's a secret between men."

She knitted her eyebrows before saying, "Fine. I won't pry."

"Good, you wouldn't like the contents anyways."

She looked at him with a 'hmm' look before placing a piece of bread on her mouth. Half-closed eyes really could stare into the soul of a man.


In a familiar room, filled with playful dolls inside.

The sound of water pouring could be heard. Mixed with a lovely scent.

"Since a month passed already, how was your respective training?" Asked the little girl.

The young blonde-haired teenager replied, "It was okay. I don't like the girls there." She removed her long large hat before playing it on the ground. Softly as if tenderly caring for it.

She nodded before turning towards the gloomy similar aged boy to the side, "How was yours, Farengoth?"

He replied lazily, "Boring."

"Why is that?" The little girl wanted to know.

He bluntly replies, "Sheirl is not there."

Sheirl flaunted her hair before squealing, "I'm blushing!"

Katherine gave a wry smile before commenting, "Aren't you lucky?"

The blonde-haired girl replied loudly, "I am of course!"

Nearby, Farengoth grunted.

Wanting to change topic, Sheirl asks, "How's my mother?"

"She still deep inside her coma. No signs of waking up any time soon."

"Ahh, I see." her smile turned forced.

Farengoth expression grew stern.

Katherine thought that the mood damped quite a bit. She then asks, "Since both of you are free, accompany me with my guests." She the places numerous dolls on chairs. Each having a sad look.

They complied while hiding their inner desire to comment about the dolls' appearances.


Sometime later, two young boys were talking with each other in the hallway.

One being Tuiret, and the other being Forcedius.

Each having a serious look.

Forcedius asks, "...You're also leaving?"

Tuiret remained silent for a moment before replying, "Someone else is leaving aside me?"

"Yeah, my sister."

Tuiret paused for a moment, "Ah, I see."

Wanting to point out the weirdness of his friend, he says, "...You sound different than usual."

"...You see, the place I'm travelling is south." He said after mustering his courage. He didn't want to him before. But now that they met again, it felt wrong for hiding it.

Forcedius inquired, "To Xoplis territory?"

He then revealed entirely, "My dad enrolled me to be a footman at the borders for three years. Under the banner of a defending general."

Forcedius immediately yelled, "Why!?"

Making the nearby maids fret for a moment.

Forcedius then continues, "He isn't a father if her would send his only son to the forefront!" Feeling sadness and anger at the same time.

Tuiret felt really happy inside that he cared about him. He then replied back after shaking his head, "It's also my choice. I don't not want to be useless anymore... cousin. I want to grow up as a man not a constant dreamer."

"Who I have left to talk with..."

A green haired girl appeared as she says, "Have I been forgotten?"

Forcedius showed a wry smile as he replies, "No, I didn't count you." He then reasoned, "Since you are always by my side."

"I don't know whether to cry or blush." She said with a monotone voice. Obviously displeased.

Tuiret then asks her, "When I'm not here, make sure to not lock him inside again. Since there will be no handsome dashing prince to save him."

Quafilia laughed and Forcedius rolled his eyes in happiness.

Forcedius then says, "I'll ask father to stop your enrolment."

"That's doing more harm to me than good." He patted his shoulder.


Quafilia also asks, "Tuiret, are you really sure about this? If you die, the best friend of Forcedius would disappear. Not only that, I might lose vision from crying."

"Who said I'm dying. You know me very well. Dying is the biggest fear."

Quafilia and Forcedius looked at each other before saying together, ""True.""

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