《Fighting Spirit (MHA)》Chapter 21: Arrivals & Introductions


Katsuki stepped off the plane in his hero costume feeling a bit excited.

Even if he'd need to spend some time getting examined, it would be worth it to get a look at I-Expo. In other circumstances, tickets to the Expo could cost millions of Yen.

Stepping into the indicated hallway for visitors, Katsuki heard the computer make an announcement as the walkway began moving him forwards.

"We will now begin the immigration inspection. Please remain on the walkway until the inspection is complete."

Following the computer's directions, Katsuki remained still as a scanner inspected him and his belongings, a hologram appearing in front of him.

Displayed was his name, picture, and invitation to the expo. Also displayed was various information about him the island had on record.

Finally Katsuki reached the end of the hall.

"The immigration inspection is complete. Welcome to I-Island. Currently we are holding the preopening of I-Expo, an exposition showcasing the results of various research and developments. If you receive an invitation, please come take a look."

Katsuki finally managed to step out into the open air of the island.

Walking forward, he could see the various attractions displayed.

Dozens of massive booths and stands, all making use of the liberal quirk use laws on the island.

From his current position, Katsuki could see various art and music stands using quirks, as well as rides for tourists.

Just as he was trying to figure out where to go, Katsuki heard someone call out from the side.

"Katsuki Bakugo, right?"

Looking over, Katsuki found himself face to face with a lanky man wearing a black lab coat that seemed more like a suit jacket. His short black hair was swept back and is face had a slight amount of stubble. The man himself seemed slightly bored…Except for the manic glint in his eye.

The man extended a hand to Katsuki.

"Rintaro Okabe. I'm a scientist here on I-Island. I specialize in studying the great secrets of the human body, and the release of the incredible power contained therein. Such is the tremendous potential of my research!"

Katsuki warily shook the mans hand.

"Oookay then. What's the plan for how this is going to work?"

The man turned around so he was facing away from Katsuki and pointed towards a building in the distance.

"Together we shall abscond to my secret laboratory on the I-Island campus and examine your being for the secrets of its hidden power!"

Katsuki kinda wanted to back away from this moron. People were starting to stare.

"Let us go then!"

The man started walking away, not looking back to see if Katsuki was following.

Katsuki let out a sigh.

'This is gonna be exhausting'

Turning to grab his suitcase, Katsuki followed behind the cackling scientist. As he did so, he nearly bumped into a man who had just finished walking out of the immigration checkpoint.

Katsuki sized the man up. He was a red haired American with a massive purple scar covering the lower half of his face. He was also wearing what looked a bit like tactical gear under his coat.

The dude gave Katsuki a bad feeling, but he was probably just part of the security staff.

The man scowled towards Katsuki.

"Watch where you're going kid."

Shrugging off the warning, Katsuki sped up to catch up with Okabe.

As rushed after the scientist, Katsuki briefly noted a massive crowd forming in the plaza. Probably some expo event.

Following behind Okabe, Katsuki boarded a hovering bus going towards the university, Okabe continuing his exposition as they traveled.


On the way, Katsuki noted how several of the other busriders seemed to be trying to avoid eye contact with Katsuki and Okabe.

"I was but a young student, unaware of the tremendous potential of the human being, when one day I viewed the great spectacle of a hero subduing an incarnation of the evil that plagues our great world. Suddenly my mind expanded.

"This hero possessed the power to control the aquatic medium. For what reason could they strike with such tremendous force, when such would have previously been impossible! And so my great quest began!"

Katsuki remained silent as they both stepped off the bus.

"I would uncover the secrets and power of the human body, such was my great ambition!"

Okabe stopped in place and pointed at the empty sky above.

Katsuki walked past the posing scientist and towards the doors.

"This is the building, right?"

Just as Okabe was about to answer, a blouse wearing girl stepped out of the main university entrance. She was blonde haired, with her blue eyes hidden behind a large pair of glasses.

Okabe seemed to recognize her.

"Ah, my pupil Ms.Shield! What great fortune to encounter you at this juncture! I was just about to begin my study of a prime physical specimen. This is Katsuki Bakugo!"

Katsuki wasn't sure if he felt complimented or objectified. He was gonna go with both.

The young woman smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, Professor Okabe! It's…Nice to see you! I would of course be willing to join you, but I have someone I arranged to meet with today."

The woman turned to face Katsuki.

"I'm Melissa Shield. It is nice to meet you Katsuki. I hope you get a chance to enjoy the expo."

Okabe nodded.

"I see, that is understandable, truly. A great disappointment and lost opportunity, but such is the way of this world. I shall share my findings with you after the expo has began and you have greater agency to ruminate over the results!"

The girl nodded, attempting to slowly exit the conversation.

"Sounds great sir. I'll see you when classes start after the festival is over."

"Indeed! And do not forget your homework assignment!"

Melissa walked away. As she passed by, Katsuki could swear he heard her mutter something under her breath.

"Why oh why is it a required course…"

Heading into the building, Okabe guided Katsuki through the halls to a laboratory.

Stepping inside, Katsuki noted the expensive equipment contained within.

"Behold! The great center of science that is the I-Institute Laboratory! Containing some of the most advanced equipment to be found anywhere in the world! Now! Follow me!"

Okabe guided Katsuki over to some kind of medical scanner.

"I received the data that UA had sent to me, however they did not posses the same equipment present here. Now! Remove your shirt and lie down within the coffin of understanding."

Katsuki gave Okabe a hard look before he did as asked.

Lying down, the top of the scanner closed and lights began to scan across Katsuki's form.

The next twenty minutes involved Katsuki trying to relax while ignoring Okabe's chuuni ranting until the scan completed. Though the fact Okabe began playing Buddhist chanting over the lab speakers didn't exactly make Katsuki feel more comfortable.

Finally, the scan completed with a beep. Standing up, Katsuki turned to Okabe as the scientist hummed whilst looking over the data at a nearby computer.

Beside the keyboard was an engraved nameplate that read 'Dr. Okabe, MASTER OF FLESH, SEEKER OF THE ELDRITCH TRUTH'.


After a minute or so of working away at the computer, Okabe spun around in his chair, steepling his fingers under his chin. The gesture looked kinda odd as his elbows weren't resting on anything.

"Your mortal vessel is indeed most intriguing, young bastion of heroism. Many secrets of the universe may be divulged through the contemplation of such mysterious secrets."

"So what do we know for sure doc?"

"Ah, so you wish to cut to the heart of this great mystery then?"

Okabe adjusted his glasses for some reason and the reflection made Katsuki blink for a moment.

"The first great secret, is that your mortal vessel is extraordinarily healthy."

Katsuki nodded.

"Okay, but I already knew that I was healthy."

Okabe smirked.

"You misunderstand my young apprentice. I didn't say healthy. I said extraordinarily healthy."

Okabe continued, pulling up charts on his monitor.

"Not a single health issue to be found. Nearly perfect 10s across the board. That is quite frankly unheard of. Even with the assistance of healing or augmentation quirks. And you live a fairly dangerous and active lifestyle besides."

Katsuki processed that.

"And that leads into my second discovery, the one most obvious. Your muscles fibers are performing better then they should. Even compared to most pro heroes."

Okable rolled his chair forward until he was right in front of Katsuki.

"And now for my final great discovery. Your body is replacing cells at an accelerated rate. Now normally this would be indicative of something cancerous, but this is where things get very interesting. You aren't aging faster. Body processes that would normally break down with such rapid cell division are being maintained."

"And what does that mean for me?"

"It means, that although It's not at the level that most regeneration quirks would allow, by my estimates I would guess that your body can recover from most injuries over the course of a few days. There are limits to this, of course, but a definite advantage in your pursuit of heroism.

"And the final observation. You are indeed, 100% certified quirkless. I am even capable of printing you a certification should you so desire. If this scanner is unable to detect a quirk factor, you simply do not posses one."

The scientist spun around and moved back to the computer.

After a minute or so of silence, Katsuki cleared his throat.

"So, what do I do now?"

Okabe waved Katsuki off over his shoulder.

"Whatever you wish. Go visit the exhibits. Socialize. It's a festival. Do festival things. I will contact you via your cellular device should I require additional tests or when my analysis is completed."

Deciding he wanted to get something out of this interaction, Katsuki cleared his throat to get Okabe's attention again.

"Can you tell me if there's any way for me to improve faster?"

Okabe paused his typing and spun his chair around once more.

"Oh? You wish to know the secrets of my research? Very well..."

Okabe rolled his chair over to the light switch panel and flicked them all down until the lab was engulfed in darkness except for the light coming from the computer monitor.

Katsuki could hear Okabe wheeling his way back through the lab until he was once more in front of the computer facing towards Katsuki.

"Very well then. Over the course of my many years of study, I have come into contact with the great truth of humanity. That humanity is adapting as a species."

"Many others have posited this idea since the advent of quirks, but they all miss the great truth of this matter. Humanity's apotheosis does not come from quirks, that are highly individual, but from our physical bodies.

"70 years ago a scientist by the name of Kyudai Garaki put forward the theory that quirks would outpace the adaptation of humanity and such would be the downfall of our super-powered society. He was a fool! For he misinterpreted what he was seeing!"

Katsuki could swear he saw a gleam in Okabe's shadowed eyes as the (mad?) scientist continued his explanation.

"It is true, that uncontrollable quirks do come to exist, and have previously come into existence, but such quirks are removed from the viable breeding pool by natural selection, thereby removing their genes from contention next generation. The great truth of our human bodies, is that they adapt to stressors. With quirks, the human body adapts to them.

"I even posit, that Mutation quirks in general are the bodies adaptation to a certain quirk factor. Hence why if the quirk factor is disrupted, the ability to control these abnormal mutations is what is effected. The underlying bodily adaptation remains."

At this point Okabe paused.

"And so, young hero. If you wish to improve faster, the secret is to place your body under more and more stress. Never beyond what it can withstand, but to the limits of its potential."

At this point Okabe stood up and walked over to turn the lights back on.

Okabe rubbed the back of his head as he walked back to the computer.

"But that's just my current theory. In truth, I have investigated many possible avenues of bodily enhancement. I briefly investigated surgical enhancement, but discarded the idea as the patient would need to undergo the agonizingly painful and invasive procedure without anesthesia over the course of multiple weeks. Investors would never sign off on that. Oh, and it might also be unethical."

Okabe shrugged.

At that Okabe moved behind Katsuki and unceremoniously shoved him out the door.

"Now, I need to uncover the eldritch truth of your physical vessel in peace."

Okabe then slammed the door, leaving Katsuki standing in the hallway holding his shirt.

After a moment, Katsuki heard a door open and looked over to the left. He locked eyes with Melissa, who had apparently come back to visit one of the labs during Katsuki's examination.

They both stood there for a moment, neither sure what to say.

After a moment Melissa cleared her throat and looked away, a massive blush on her face.

"So, uh, I see you finished up in the lab with professor Okabe."

Katsuki put on his costume top as he responded.

"Yeah. Now he's planning to spend time going over the data and told me to go do 'festival things'."

Melissa looked back towards Katsuki, a smile on her face as her blush dissipated.

"Oh, are you here for the I-Expo?"

Katsuki nodded.

"Yeah, but I honestly have no idea where to go."

Melissa thought for a moment, then spoke up.

"Why don't I show you around a bit then. I was hoping to spend it with a close family friend, but he's busy today so I'm free to show you around."

Katsuki raised an eyebrow.

"You sure?"

Melissa nodded.

"Absolutely. It's no problem at all."

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