《Fighting Spirit (MHA)》Chapter 22: Rendezvous


The duo of Katsuki and Melissa stepped out the exit of the university together. Melissa was the first to speak up.

"So, what brought you to I-Island? The Expo?"

Katsuki nodded as they waited for the bus.

"That, and I apparently needed a top medical exam. UA gave me a ticket so I could come."

Melissa turned to face Katsuki, a smile on her face.

"UA? Does that mean you're Uncle Might's student?"

Katsuki raised an eyebrow at the question.

"Yeah, I'm a UA hero student. Uncle Might?"

Melissa smiled.

"Yes. All Might has been a family friend since before I was born really. Papa was on a Hero team with him while Uncle Might worked in America."

Katsuki nodded.

After a few minutes, the bus arrived at the exhibition venue.

Melissa smiled as she explained.

"Since you're a hero student, I thought you would be most interested in the support technology showcase. It's full of advanced support equipment that heroes can use to help save lives."

Stepping through the doors, the pair entered the massive examination hall.

The next several minutes involved Melissa showing him around the various technologies.

"-And this jet is incredible! Not only can it fly, it's also submersible. Over here is a prototype support helmet. It's equipped with 36 different types of sensors."

Finally she led him over to a massive autonomous drone that reminded Katsuki of the robotic villains that UA used in the entrance exam.

"And this is the next generation autonomous mobile equipment platform! It's designed for use in contested areas to track and hinder villains using it's onboard threat assessment systems!"

Katsuki sized up the drone. It looked a fair bit tougher then the dime a dozen ones UA used. Relatively speaking of course. Katsuki was certain this thing cost more money then his parents made in 10 years.

...Looking at the video of this thing in action, Katsuki revised his estimate to 20 years...

Just as they were stepping away from the exhibit, Katsuki heard a familiar voice from behind him.


Turning around, Katsuki found himself facing a smiling Ochaco.

"I knew it was you."

Katsuki smiled.

"How did you get tickets to come here?"

As if to answer his question, Katsuki heard someone clearing their throat from the side.

Katsuki turned to see Yaoyorozu and Jiro standing there.

Yaoyorozu spoke up first.

"My parents are investors in I-Island, so I got tickets to the expo. We eventually worked out who would come with me. But plenty of our other classmates managed to get invites as well!"

Jiro was the next to speak up, a small smirk on her face.

"So, who is this you were hanging with Katsuki? Someone you need to introduce us to?"

Ochaco joined in.

"Yeah Katsuki, something you want to tell us?"

Katsuki let out a sigh and put a hand up against his face.

"Melissa, these are some of my classmates. The one in the red costume is Yaoyorozu, the one dressed like a punk rocker is Jiro, and the one wearing pink is Ochaco. Everyone else, this is Melissa. We met here at the expo 10 minutes ago and she offered to show me around."

Melissa smiled towards them.

"It's wonderful to meet all of you!"

Eventually their conversation led them outside, and they all wandered around the expo as they chatted.

"Wow! You all have worked with pro heroes?"

Yaoyorozu sighed.

"I somehow just ended up in a commercial. I didn't check my offers properly."


Melissa attempted to cheer her up.

"That still isn't something that just anyone can do."

As the conversation continued Katsuki just let himself mostly fade into the background as he examined they surroundings.

His attention was eventually drawn by the sound of smashing metal nearby.

Waling over, Katsuki found a large artificial section of rocky terrain with an audience section overlooking it. Katsuki leaned against the railing as he looked into the arena. An announcers voice rang out over the speakers.

"And with a valiant effort, our latest contestant took 2 minutes to defeat all of the villains. Lets give them a round of applause everyone!"

The spectators all clapped as a hero in a costume wearing a blue suit walked out the exit to the arena.

"Do we have any other contestants for the villain time attack?"

Katsuki turned to Melissa and the rest of the girls who had followed him over.

"What's all this?"

Melissa stepped forward and explained.

"It's the 'Villain Attack' Attraction. People who have come to the exhibition attempt to defeat all the villains in the shortest amount of time. Would you like to give it a try Katsuki?"

Katasuki gave the exhibit a once-over, mentally taking note of all the villain locations. Thinking it over for a second, Katsuki gave a nod.

"Sure. Sounds like fun."

Heading down to the participant entrance, Katsuki signed up for the attraction. Though the several page long liability agreement seemed excessive.

Stepping out onto the opening field, Katsuki got ready to attempt the challenge as the rest of his classmates and Melissa all watched from the audience section. The announcer's voice rang out.

"And here's our next challenger!"

The bubbly young announcer waited for Katsuki to enter the starting area before she continued. Katsuki spun up his jump boots, bat in hand.

"Now, it's time for Villain Attack! Ready…Go!"

Katsuki immediately triggered one of his boots to propel himself forwards towards the villains, moving into a dead sprint as he advanced.

Once he was close enough, Katsuki triggered his other boot to launch himself towards the first bot.

Winding up, Katsuki smashed off the head of the bot and triggered his first boot again to launch him towards the next target.

The cycle continued with Katsuki alternating his boots to reduce the gap between jumps.

The only true hangup was the villain standing in the river section.

Katsuki hadn't tested the performance of his boots in water, but he had a feeling that they wouldn't be nearly as effective.

Not wanting to take the chance, Katsuki used the remains of the villain bot itself as a springboard to his next target.

A few moments later, the course was completed and the announcer's voice rang out.

"And we have a completion time of 23 seconds! An incredible performance here!"

The audience clapped as Katsuki made his way back into the exit tunnel to leave the attraction.

Soon after exiting, Katsuki's classmates surrounded him.

"That was an excellent performance Katsuki."

"You were really quick."

Finally Melissa spoke up.

"That was very impressive Katsuki. Those boots of yours are great as support equipment. If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?"

Katsuki paused then, and so did the rest of his classmates.

Katsuki took a deep breath before he responded.

"I'm quirkless."

Melissa processed that for a moment, then stopped and did it again. She seemed incredibly shocked. Katsuki let out a sigh and turned to star walking.


Then Melissa spoke up, voice much quieter then before.

"You got into the hero course quirkless?"

Katsuki paused. Something about how she said that…

Katsuki turned around.

Melissa's seemed far more forced now, but she kept up her smile. Katsuki responded.

"Yeah…I did."

Melissa swallowed before she answered.

"That's super impressive Katsuki."

Ochaco was the one to speak up next.

"Are you okay Melissa?"

Melissa's smile got even more fake and she wiped at her eyes for a moment as she waved off Ochaco's concern.

"It's fine Ochaco. It's just that…"

Melissa paused for a second before she continued.

"Darn, this is embarrassing to say. I was born quirkless as well."

Melissa let out a painfully fake laugh.

Melissa cleared her throat and restored her expression.

"It's not that big of a deal. I wanted to be a hero when I was younger, but I have a new dream now. I'm going to become a hero by supporting professional heroes with my inventions."

Yaoyorozu spoke up.

"That's a very noble dream Melissa."

Everyone else in the group hurried to agree. Once most of his other classmates had spoken up, Katsuki said his part.

"Support Equipment is really important for heroes. I'm sure you'll make incredible things just like your father did for All Might."

Melissa regained her composure and turned to Katsuki.

"Sorry about that. Just a bit of a shock. Can you tell me more about how you became a hero Katsuki?"

Katsuki met her eyes.


Ochaco spoke up then, interrupting the moment.

"Hey, how about we split up? Melissa, you stay with Katsuki, and the rest of us will look around. Then we can all meet up for the dinner tonight."

The rest of the girls hurried to agree and they all left, leaving Katsuki and Melissa alone.

Katsuki let out a sigh and put a hand against his face.

He lowered it to see Melissa looking awkward and shifting in place.

"So, you wanted to know more about becoming a hero right?"

Melissa nodded, still seeming awkward.

"You really trained on an abandoned beach covered in garbage?"

Melissa's voice was incredulous.

"Well, the gym wasn't pushing me enough anymore, so I had to get creative."

Melissa let out a laugh.

"What did you do, lift a car?"

Katsuki pointedly ignored Melissa's eyes.

Melissa burst out laughing again. After a minute of laughing she finally stopped, looking at Katsuki with a smile.

"You, are, ridiculous!"

Before they could keep speaking, Melissa's watch beeped. She looked down at her watch then looked up again, slightly panicked.

"I had no idea it's been this long. We're going to be late to meet the others."

Katsuki nodded.

"Got it. Lets split up and I'll meet you there."

Katsuki rushed towards his room. He needed to hurry if he wanted to get changed in time.

Opening the door to his room, Katsuki barely noticed how lavish it was, focused on his suitcase that had been delivered from the airport.

Pulling it open, Katsuki yanked out a bunch off stuff until he found the suit he'd picked out with his parents.

It was a red dress shirt underneath a vest decorated with flowers.

Putting it all on, Katsuki inspected himself in the mirror.

…Eh, still not really his thing, but he didn't look bad.

Leaving his room a mess, Katsuki rushed out towards the meeting area.

[Samuel Abraham POV]

Samuel was panicking. As the research assistand of David Shield, when the Research Council had decided to bury their research into a quirk enhancement device, Samuel had been furious. Years of his work, just gone in a moment. And David had just given up without a fight! All the money and praise disappeared into thin air!

He hadn't been willing to accept that. So he came up with a plan. Approaching David, he'd talked him into supporting a 'fake villain attack' to steal back their research, when in reality the plan was to sell the technology to the villains.

And it had all gone perfectly! He'd managed to get into contact with a villain willing to raid the island, Wolfram had promised him millions of dollars! He'd even managed to convince David to help when the time came to hack into the security vault systems.

But then, at the literal last moment, David's daughter had invited All Might to visit the island and everything went sideways. David had asked to spend the afternoon alone with All Might and his student. Sam didn't see any harm, and had taken the opportunity to warn Wolfram that All Might was on the island.

Wolfram had told him it wouldn't be an issue.

But then after the meeting, suddenly David wanted Sam to call it all off!

Samuel had nearly had a heart attack.

"I'm sorry sir, what?"

David looked over at Sam, a refreshed expression and smile on his face.

"The plan, the fake attack, it was all a mistake. I'll pay the fake villains fees, and they can stick around for the expo, but call off the attack."

Sam scrambled.

"But sir, if All Might is weakening like you said, then what's going to happen to Japan when he retires? Doesn't he need our device?"

David's smile faltered, but his expression remained firm while he gazed into the distance.

"There is still hope for the future."

David suddenly took a closer look at Sam.

"Are you alright Sam? You look pale."

Sam forced a smile.

"It's nothing David, let me just make a few calls."

Sam stepped out of the lab and contacted Wolfram.

"We have a problem."

"We already have a plan to deal with All Might."

Sam swallowed.

"It isn't that. David wants to cancel."


"I tried to talk him out of it, but he won't budge!"

There was a long silence over the phone. Then Wolfram spoke up again.

"Can you still get us into the security control room?"

"But sir, without David's help, I'm not sure if we can open-"

"Leave that to me."

Sam paused for a minute.

"I can get you there."

"Good. Then the plan goes on as scheduled."

Sam listened as Wolfram hung up the phone.

Putting his phone in his pocket, Sam walked back into the lab. David looked up from his desk.

"Sam! Is it all worked out?"

Sam nodded.

"It's all arranged."

"Good! We better get ready for the gala then. Since Mirio is still not that familiar with the island, I asked Melissa if she could take him along with the other guests she'd invited. See you there!"

David walked out of the lab with a smile. The door closing behind him leaving Sam standing alone in the empty laboratory.

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