《Fighting Spirit (MHA)》Chapter 20: Plans & Plots


The day after final exams, everyone attended class as usual. Quite a few of the class members were notably dejected.

Mina tried to sound excited for everyone else.

"Everyone…I'm looking forward… to hearing your stories…about training camp…"

Izuku tried to comfort his saddened classmates.

"W-We don't know that for sure yet guys! There might be a last second twist so you all can go!"

Denki spoke up.

"If we failed the exams we'd need to skip the training camp and be in summer school hell. And since we didn't pass the practical, how the heck would they justify that?!"

Before they could keep talking, Aizawa slammed the door open.

"Once the bell rings, sit in your seats."

Everyone quickly sat down and remained silent as Aizawa moved to the front of the room.

"Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp this summer-"

Most of the failed students looked depressed, but Katsuki noted a shit eating grin growing on Aizawa's face.

"Everyone's going!"

There was a moment where everyone processed the words, then the remedial students started celebrating as Aizawa continued his announcement.

"Some of you may have failed the practical, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, Sero, and Aoyama all failed."

Aoyama started at the announcement of his failure.

"Et moi?!"

Ignoring the outburst, Aizawa continued.

"For this time's exam, we on the villain side made sure to leave a way for students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand.

"If we hadn't, most of you would have gotten stuck before you began."

Ojiro spoke up then.

"So when you said you were out to crush us…"

"That was to make you feel cornered. In the first place, the training camp is one to increase strength.

"So it would be irrational to deny it to those who need it most."

His face once more contorted into a massive grin.

"It was a rational deception."

Iida clenched his fist in his chair.

"Once again I have been fooled! As expected of UA!"

Iida stood up from his seat.

"But now that you have deceived us twice, our faith in you may waver! Is this truly something the institution of UA would-"


Aizawa cut Iida off.

"I'll take that into account. Still, I didn't lie about everything. Failure is failure."

The students who were celebrating being able to attend the camp froze.

"We have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it'll be tougher then the extra lessons you would have if you stayed in school."

As the students processed that, Aizawa called Momo up to the front.

"Please distribute these training camp guides to your classmates. These contain all the items you will need to bring with you to the camp as well as a basic itinerary. The camp will be one week long and be held three weeks into the break. Make sure you're prepared."

As if on cue, the final bell rang.

"Class dismissed."

At the end of the day everyone was discussing the upcoming camp.

Kaminari spoke up first.

"Man, I'm gonna need to buy a bunch of stuff for this thing."

Tooru had an idea however.

"Why don't we all go shopping together!"

Most of the class all agreed.

When Izuku walked up to Todoroki however, he declined.

"Why not?"

"I'm going to visit my mother this weekend on my day off. It's…Been a while."

Mineta interrupted the somber mood with an exclamation.

"Get a clue guys!"

Katsuki also answered in the negative however.

"I basically have all of this stuff at home, so I really don't think I'll need to buy anything."

Mina spoke up at that while the class was leaving for the day.


As Katsuki was stepping out, Aizawa called out to him.

"Bakugo, the principal has asked you to head to his office after classes today."

Curious about the reasons, Katsuki nodded and turned to his classmates.

"Sure. See you later guys."

Exiting the classroom and walking towards the office, Katsuki wondered what the principal could want to talk to him about.

Knocking on the door to the office, Katsuki heard Nezu's voice from within.

"Come in!"

Opening the door, Katsuki saw Nezu sitting behind his desk.

"Ah, young Bakugo! Please take a seat."

Katsuki followed the instructions and sat in one of the chairs in front of Nezu's desk. He idly wondered just how much of the fact the chairs on this side of the desk left him below Nezu's eye level was on purpose.


"What's this about Principal?"

The principal pressed his paws together.

"Ah, right to the point. Since here at UA, we keep a close eye on the performance of our students. On that front, you have been going above and beyond what anyone could have expected. However, that has led to separate concerns."

Nezu tapped a few keys on his laptop. Above the desk appeared multiple holograms displaying various feats Katsuki had performed along with a few charts and annotations.

"Your performance, while extraordinary, is to the level that many pre-quirk era experts would have declared superhuman. Now, these feats are not outside the realm of the possible as shown by various pro heroes, but the rate of your improvement is very much outside the norm."

With another tap, a chart appeared displaying a growing line.

"While most certainly an incredible rate of improvement, we're slightly concerned that such rapid growth may be unhealthy."

Katsuki scrutinized the data.

"So what does this mean for me?"

Nezu tapped again, dismissing the holograms as he looked Katsuki in the eye.

Nezu pulled out a pamphlet from a drawer of his desk and passed it across the desk to Katsuki.

Picking it up, Katsuki read the title.

'See the future at I-Expo!'

Nezu continued his explanation.

"In case you are unfamiliar, I-Expo is an event where various scientists and support companies showcase upcoming technology that is planned for wider distribution over the next several years. They also, however, are the foremost experts on quirks and quirk enhanced physiology.

"We don't truly have the equipment or expertise necessary to examine your current physical state here at UA. Fortunately, UA as an institution partnered with I-Island to give the winners of the sports festival tickets to the early access portion of the event.

"Now, in this circumstance we have something of an opportunity. The third year students who placed highly in the festival this year have other engagements for the summer break, leaving that ticket available at the moment. UA would be willing to sponsor you a ticket to the Expo, provided you take the opportunity while you are there to receive a full physical from a trusted medical expert while you are there."

Katsuki thought the offer over.

"I'll need to discuss this with my parents."

Nezu's smile seemed to only grow more at the statement.

"Feel free. The Expo begins in just over a week, so be sure to tell us your decision before then."

That evening at dinner, Katsuki pulled out the pamphlet Nezu had given him and explained the offer.

"It seems like a pretty good deal for the most part. I get to visit the top support technology showcase, and I-Island itself, and I also get a professional medical exam by the top experts in the world. Seems pretty win-win."

Masaru and Mitsuki exchanged looks as they finished reading over the pamphlet. Masaru spoke up first.

"You want to go?"

Katsuki thought about it for a second.

"It just seems like a good idea, you know?"

Mitsuki and Masaru gave each other one more look, then turned to Katsuki.

"Alright, as long as you're careful, I don't see any reason you can't go. I-Island is one of the safest places in the world. Or so they advertise anyway. Just make sure you enjoy yourself!"

Katsuki nodded as they started filling out the paperwork for the trip.

The first day back after the weekend, Katsuki handed in the paperwork to Aizawa, who nodded to him.

"Alright then, be sure to arrive at the airport on time and catch your flight. Now, enjoy the first few weeks of summer, and the expo, then get ready for the training camp. We're going to push you to your limits and beyond."

Katsuki smirked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way sir."

[???????? POV]

A shadowy figure spoke into their cell phone.

"You've got everything packed up and ready to go?"

"Yup. All the guns and body armour is packed up and ready for shipping."​

"Good. As long as you've packed them up properly we have assurances that they will be able to get through security."

"Got it. Anything else boss?"​

"Nope. Get your bag packed up."

The shadowed figure finally stepped into the light, revealing that their face was dominated by massive purple scar over their mouth and chin.

"We're going to I-Island after all."

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