《World of Warcraft- New beginnings》The toll to pay
I woke up the next morning to a rather strange sight normally. I woke up with a blaring headache, an arm wrapped around my chest, and my teacher next to me. I almost believed that it was all a dream for a moment, but the moment I live in now simply goes against it. I tried to pry her arms off of me, but she was holding on as a koala holds onto its mother. so i simply stayed there, trying to keep myself warm in her arms as I continued to daydream of a better time, a time where I would rule, and I could watch as my children played.
It took about three hours before she felt the need to awaken, and even that she managed to do in her own manner. I felt her arm begin to squeeze less on me, and I immediately tried to pry her off. Luckily, I had managed to put just enough force into it so that her grip came off, unfortunately, it completely woke her up.
She sat up almost immediately, though it seemed that she regretted it as she bent over almost immediately while letting out a small groan. as I watched, I couldn't help but laugh loudly at it, though she immediately glared at me for it. "Ya be hurtin? dats what ya be gettin for choosin a bad test. at least ya be gettin a child" I chuckled as her glare only seemed to intensify at that moment, before softening a little. "hopefully," I heard her whisper to herself. I smiled to myself at her words and was ready to go back to daydreaming. though I knew that I couldnt as work was to be done. And so, without a word, I got out of bed, walked over to Shi'Mer, and picked her up bridal style. and with that, I walked out of the bedroom and into the dining room before I gently sat her down and walked into the kitchen. "I be makin dinna, if ya be carryin me child, ya no be workin." I said in a firm voice devoid of any room for argument, though she seemed to want to say something, I cut her off, "an not a word out of ya." I kept a firm expression on, but a soft gleam in my eye.
I soon finished the food, and as we began to eat together, I kept playing over in my head what was going to happen. I knew the future, though I couldnt do as much as I wanted without getting stronger. I want to protect those I love. I want to make sure that none shall take my personal empire. NO ONE. I, however, must have been showing an angry face because soon Shi'Mer looked at me with a worried face. "Ya good mon?" I could feel myself being brung back by her voice, back to the present. "I be fine, Just tinkin." I couldnt help but smile as she backed off, if only for a moment.
We decided to simply spend the rest of the night with each other. a night not of pleasure, but of fulfillment and happiness. I could only be happy in her arms.
(Next morning)
I had already gotten ready, as anyone would. the familiar urge to stay had left me, the feeling of growing stronger gone. I felt nothing for this place but nostalgia and love. but those alone would not keep me here. However, I would never forget my humble beginnings. I sighed as my mind began to let go of the home I would always know. but first. There is one last thing to do. Any great warrior has always had talent, and they always have had training. but it was all useless without weapons nor armor. and I was in desperate need of the former. I already had a good idea on what type of weapon that I wanted to use, I just needed the materials to make it.
I just needed some coal, iron, leather, and good wood. the first three were already at Shi'Mer's house, but the wood needed to be good and strong. a very specific type was needed. I needed ironwood. Ironwood was a type of tree that could block a full attack from most human warriors. Very thick, very dense, and very rare. it's one of the only reasons why most trolls don't simply make their armor out of it. However, I needed naught but a simple fire to gather it, as most axes would shatter on the very first swing at the tree. and so, I gathered up a torch, lit it on fire, and I walked out of the village, heading towards the woods where Ironwood grew strong and tall.
As I walked into the lush jungle, I couldnt help but breathe in a deep scent of the trees and life around me. I still am amazed by the life that lives next to us even to this day. it never gets old, the endless shades of green that surround us and the grey or black spots that are sporadically placed here or there. I could get lost in the maze of green my entire life, and I would never want to leave.
I sighed as I continued my search for the tree, and once I came across it, I almost jumped in excitement. The branches were exactly what I needed. long, no thicker than my wrist, and good and straight. the perfect type. I quickly got to work on finding the correct branch to use as not just anyone will do. and once I had one chosen I took my lit torch and burned away at the base of the branch. I watched as the fire swiftly ate through it, and as the branch was almost immediately loosened. While Ironwood trees are extremely resistant to most blunt force, they are extremely vulnerable to most other forces. such as magic, or fire. hence the torch.
Once the branch was sufficiently loosened I simply gripped it and pulled. It broke away with a mighty *SNAP* and I was soon left with it in my hand. I then began the trek back to the village, but as I was about to leave, I felt a tug. Something pulling at me. Something calling for me. I just knew it was there. IT Was waiting. IT wanted me to come. HE Was biding his time. My eyes widened with fear as I immediately bounded out of the jungle and back into the village and made my way back to the blacksmith. as I ran, I couldnt help but think, Why him? Out of all of them why him? I almost jumped into the house as soon as I saw it, but I forced myself to stay outside. I got to the forge and began to force myself to breathe. I was panting, my blood was pumping, and my adrenaline levels were constantly on the rise. I could feel him. he wanted me. and a small part of me couldnt help but know, I would come. Sooner or later, my fate was destined.
I found myself staring into empty space, and I shook myself, snapping myself out of it. trying to keep myself focused on the task at hand. I still, however, found myself shaking slightly. the thought of dealing with him was terrifying. Why does it have to be me? A small part of me thought, angry at the fact that I would go whether I liked it or not. Why not someone else. What's so special about me that he needs me? I continued thinking to myself as I absent-mindedly went through the actions of lighting up the forge. I felt myself burning at the question, trying to figure it out. He wants me, he needs me. What for though? there are others that are much more powerful, much more useful. so why does he want me? I couldnt help myself. I hate not being able to understand the reasoning behind actions in life. if someone wants to give me money, then I want to know why. if someone wanted to marry me, what was so special about me? I couldnt help but want to know. it was a curiosity that burned from within.
I, however, was broken from my thoughts at the sound of crumbling logs. I turned back to the fire that I had started, only to notice Shi'Mer standing in front of it, slowly placing logs into the fire. after she had put a few more logs in, she turned to me, her eyes burning with anger. I couldnt help but be confused by her gaze, what had I done? she immediately went on a rant as the thought past through my head, "What ya be doin wrong? What do ya tink!? ya no be tellin me what be wrong, nor do ya even try to let me help. I no be helpless, dough ya tink I am. WHAT BE WRONG WIT YA!?" I could feel that while she was angry, she was concerned as well. she was upset that I thought that she couldnt help me, that she was useless. but she still wanted to know what I was dealing with. she wanted to help, and even if she couldnt help, she wanted to be around to comfort me.
I was a little shocked for a moment, though it swiftly left me and in its place came the love and comfort that I always held around her. I smiled a bit, to which she started shouting again, "What be so funny?" I couldnt help myself, I burst out into laughter, and while she looked angry, she managed to wait til I said something. "If ya be so sad dat I'm not around too much, just be sayin so." I cracked a smile. though she turned red, she still kept up an angry face, trying to put up a strong front that what I had said was not in fact the reason. I could only giggle and grin at her attempts. I quickly stood up and walked up to her before hugging her. she immediately started struggling until I started whispering in her ear, "It be ok, I love ya."
The longer I held onto her, the weaker her struggles became, as if she was slowly letting the anger out, till all that was left was the simple love and concern she held for me, and she soon enough returned the hug. I quickly broke the hug after a few minutes or so, before I gave Shi'Mer a kiss and returned to the fire, my worries now gone. I watched for hours as the fire continued to smelt away the impurities in the iron, leaving it very pure, and liquid. quickly dropped in some coal pieces to add Carbon to it and waited once more. Once it had all melted together, I quickly poured it into a cast for an ingot. As I waited for the metal to cool, I could only think of what would happen should I follow the tug. I could feel it, even now. and I was worried. What would happen, how would I be greeted? all questions running through my head. but there was one that I almost dared not ask myself. How will I tell her?
The thought of having to leave Shi'Mer was an awful one, especially after we had made plans to have a child. I almost didn't want to think about it. But a part of me couldnt help but think about it. How would she react, how would she deal with it? It hurt me just to think about, so I did the only thing I could and I worked. I constantly kept the fire going, ready for the time to come, to forge the ingots. and so my cycle continued, constantly making ingots till in the end, I held before me, twelve steel ingots, ready to be made into my blades, and enchanted. I held them I planed out my blades. two twin swords both about two and a half feet long, with a small ripple above the hilt made into a spike, and a curved edge
I then began the true forging. I heated up the ingots in the furnace, and once properly heated, I brought it out. as I lay down the ingot on the table, I looked down upon it, before laying out my emotions to bare. I stared at the ingot with the anger that I had felt when I wanted to give up, the anger I felt when I was chosen. the fear of what would happen, and the depression that I felt upon coming across the question regarding Shi'Mer. I stared and started. I brought the hammer high, and then down with a ferocious swing. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*
Time and time again, I felt myself go through the process of rage, before quelling it and infusing it into my blades. I wanted to change what would happen. I wanted to make things go my way. but a part of me knew that it would never be by becoming a hero and joining a band of adventurers. it wouldn't be by becoming someone's prince charming. I would need to find my own path. Regardless of what others think, Regardless of what stands in my way. I will reach the end. in my own fashion. whether or not I make it in the end, it all depends on how I will ride the waves being sent my way. I kept hitting. again and again. and I watched as the fires grew red hot, like my desires. The ever-burning red remaining in my eyes, long after the fires went out.
(Next morning) I woke once more to find myself alone, though that was natural. even with how tough Shi'Mer is, even she wouldn't put up with sleeping next to the forge. I snickered to myself at the thought of it, her waking up complaining at her horrible back issues. I couldnt help myself. it was just too funny to think about. I soon, however, got out of my small-time predicament and I walked back to the anvil where I had left my swords. at the moment that were but long pieces of metal, still in need of sharpening and polishing, but part of me knew, that sooner or later, they would be looked upon as the warrior's ultimate dream to possess. I however, decided on what to next. I sighed to myself before I slowly walked into Shi'Mer's bedroom. ready to be almost attacked on sight.
(Two hours later)
I walked out of her bedroom, both sad, but hopeful. I almost wanted to run back into the room, and stay there forever. just to be with her, and her alone. to be with the comfort of my life for as long as I could. But I knew, I could never do that. I could never hold myself like that. I could never force her to waste her life only looking after me. I could only keep walking. I could only keep moving forward, so that's exactly what I did. I moved to the anvil, where I grabbed my blades and began the final process of making them. I took my time with them, as a rush job would simply make them worse. Grinding away at them, like water over the earth. eating away, eroding its defenses. and soon enough, I was left with naught but two beautiful blades, seemingly made out of silver itself. I could only smile at my masterpiece, happy with both myself and how it turned out, but I couldnt keep the melancholy that I felt from being given permission to make it. nor could I help the memory of the promise that I made, cross my mind. I shook myself free before I began to go over my plans.
I first needed a way to get across the ocean. my first thought was swimming it, with my physique, it wouldn't be too much of a problem to do that. Unfortunately, I'm unused to fighting underwater if I get attacked by sharks or naga. so swimming was out, and so was flying as there arent any flying mounts as far as I am aware here. so a boat it is. As I settled on the idea of a boat, I remembered something I saw during my training with Shi'Mer. She was showing me different plants and animals on the beach that would either poison me or heal me, but as she spoke, my attention was dragged away to the boat. I couldnt help but notice the way it was made. normally a boat has a few things, a mast, and a bunch of wooden planks that made up the actual boat itself. this one, however, not only had no masts but it also was made mostly from the bone. there were two large tusks, one on each side, each the size of the boat itself. there was a small number of planks that made up the very bottom of the boat and a cabin on top of the boat itself. I honestly had no idea how on earth it was moving.
I remembered that as it cut through the waves, it was heading towards the northside of the island. Maybe someone lives there? I had never been towards that part of the island, as it had never held interest for me. nothing powerful lived there, nothing interesting. it was an empty area as far as I know.
Before I knew it I was already running with my blades strapped to my back, and my bag full of necessities and food as I ran there. I watched the trees and ground blend together as I weaved through the forest like a banshee. over the fallen tree and under the blue sky, I can finally fly. I thought to myself as I felt my freedom coming closer. I eventually reached the northside and what I saw surprised me. It was just a small house, but there were hundreds of boats nearby. all of the boats seemed to belong to the one person that was currently bringing a boat in. I started to walk to him as he noticed me but kept on moving the boat towards me. I was waiting on the shore as he brought the boat in before he began pulling it in. He seemed to be an older troll, maybe about fiftyish, which, considering how violent troll lives are, is pretty damn old. He had a deep purple skin color, red hair and curving tusks similar to mine, though a bit shorter. he was a little shorter than I was but make no mistake, all trolls can be pretty deceiving with how they look. I had no intention of getting myself killed if I underestimated him.
"Ey' mon, How ya be doin?" I immediately asked once he had finished tying his boat to the shore, though his response was less than friendly, "Whachu want?" His voice was a good deal deeper than mine, only adding to my theory of his age. and trolls that live to grow old are almost always strong. He held a harsh tone in his voice as if any pleasant conversation was useless and I should get to the point. An attitude I can respect. I thought to myself. "I be needin a boat. Can I be usin one?" I asked him, trying not to annoy him. though my efforts seemed to be useless as he simply replied, "No." while he kept looking over his boat, looking for any problems. I narrowed my eyes at his immediate response before I realized the problem. "What you be wantin for it?" My assumption seemed to be correct as he took his eyes off his boat and finally turned around to look at me once more. "I be needin food, and a lot." I was a little surprised as I was honestly expecting him to ask for gold, but I quickly remembered that trolls... they have too MUCH gold. "What type ya be needin? deres a lot of meat." I asked, trying to have him be more specific. "Boar and lynx. I be likin my meat tough."
I thought about where exactly I could find those types, and I immediately thought of the northeast for pigs, and southwest for the cats. they might as well be the hives of activity for them. "Alright, and once dis is done, ya be givin me a boat?" I asked, ready to rush towards the animals with fervor, my mind burning with how quickly I could get this done. "Yah mon, Now get goin, or ya might be missin ya ride." He added in with a small dark chuckle. at the moment the words left his lips, I was off the ground, flying through the treetops to ascertain my position so I could get there quicker. I could feel the wind rushing me by, slicing away at my skin, trying to make me stop.
but it was no match for my determination as I simply pushed through it faster than it could stop me. I wanted my freedom, and I was willing to go to almost any lengths to attain it. I had soon gotten to the south, and I quickly began my hunt, as a dark gleam entered my eyes once more. I rode the winds once more as I quickly found the tracks to a group of lynx, and I quickly followed them. I found the four of them gathered together around a carcass of what looked to be a boar but I couldnt be certain as it looked too far gone. I moved through the branches, careful not to make noise, and as I stood over them, I couldnt help but feel an itch. an itch that burnt, an itch that froze, an itch that moved. I dropped from the branches directly over the lynx, driving my swords into its skull, killing it immediately while its comrades jumped back from the shock before jumping towards me in anger.
The first misjudged the distance and went over my as I slid my blade across its belly, immediately gutting the beast as it fell into a lump. the second managed to land its shot as I was gutting its friend, resulting in a large cut along my arm. I hissed at the pain while I brought my blades back over, slicing off the back skin of the beast, but ultimately failing to kill it while the final one, came and landed on my back. It immediately started to bite and claw at me while I tried to get it off of me. I managed to toss the creature off, but not before it had managed to claw my back up. I watched as it flew through the air towards its brother who was lying on the ground trying and failing to get up. I flew towards them as they crashed together. I made my own jump towards them as they struggled to get off each other, before eying me. though it was too late for them as by the time they did so, I was on top of them, murder in my eyes, and blood on my blades. and without a second thought to it, so ended their lives, while I stood there, letting my wounds heal, and struggling to keep the itch under control.
(next day)
I had spent the whole night hunting, trapping, and killing. by morning I was a bloody mess, with mud, leaves, and branches covering the whole of my body. but I could feel the adrenaline still pumping hard. my eyes were constantly looking at my surroundings. I turned around and I couldnt help but feel pride at the small mountain of flesh that I had hunted. This should be enough for him. I thought to myself, as I quickly assembled a makeshift sled. I couldnt carry each one of them at a time, so I might as well just take it all at once. I weaved the logs and the rope together at blinding speed, weaving in and out with my nimble fingers. and soon enough, a sled roughly large enough to carry the animals was created. I quickly packed them onto the sled and I began my trek back to the north, roughly a twelve-mile drag. but I was determined, and I soon began noticing the small details. and before I knew it, the sun was at its peak and I was at the house once more. I quickly noticed that he was already outside, once more looking at his boats, trying to see if there was any damage. I simply grunted towards him, before pointing towards the mound of bodies. He looked towards the mound with a small hint of shock at my speed and efficiency, but he quickly hid it up once more before he roughly pushed me out of the way as he walked towards the mound.
I saw him grab the rope from the ground and then begin pulling it towards his house, though while it took me hours to get here and a lot of sweat, he pulled it like he was pulling a trolley. I could only confirm with the idea in my mind. ALL old trolls are there for a reason. they are very strong individually, and each could defeat a dozen fresh trolls on their own. I simply decided to wait until he was done, as he was pulling it with little effort. I simply watched as he took it to a small shack that I had failed to notice earlier, and simply slide it in. What's in there? I couldn't help but wonder, though thankfully I was smarter than to look towards it as I noticed him coming out. "Ya ready ta go mon?" He asked me, though I simply nodded and held onto my bag and swords a bit tighter. He just nodded, understanding my attitude to leave quickly, before he pushed the boat out onto the water.
I was about to hop into it before he stopped me, holding his hand over my chest and looking at me. I could tell just from reading his eyes that he NEEDED me out of the boat for a moment. I, naturally being confused, stepped aside, though with reluctance. I watched as he kneeled down in front of it and put his hand onto the hull of the boat before he started to mumble a few words as his hand glowed a dim purple color. I could only watch in fascination as the light seeped into the hull forming a few small purple runes along the side. He then looked towards me with a tired look in his eyes as he simply nodded. I hopped ionto the boat and walked down under the small cabin and simply sat down. I waited for the splashing of water from oars but I never heard them. I quickly looked up only to notice that the shore was much farther away than it was a few minutes ago. I looked overboard quickly to notice that while there was no sound, the boat itself was moving.
I couldnt help but be confused by what I was seeing. How does it work? Is it magic? But trolls aren't known to wield magic yet. I was perplexed by the issue to the point that I simply gave up on it. it was just another thing that I couldnt quite understand yet. I sighed at my own lack of knowledge regarding it. Soon. Soon I will know. I thought as I hardened myself for what was to come, and as my eyes closed once more.
(Next day)
I woke as I felt the boat I was in rock against something other than waves, hitting with a dull thud. I sat up and walked out from the cabin to see that the sun was only just breaking out from the horizon and it was dawn once more. I couldnt help but feel myself getting closer to freedom itself the further I went. I hopped off the boat, grabbing my stuff as I went before I simply nodded to the old troll who nodded back, and I ran off. I will remember you. and when I see you again, I can only hope it's on good terms. I quickly got to the jungle after a good half hour of running before I felt it. As I walked through it I felt the power in the air. Almost suffocating me with the absolute strength in it. It was an intoxicating feeling, I had the slightest feeling in the back of my mind that it could be mine. As I thought that I felt a smile of greed snuck its way upon my face. I had always wanted power, even in my past life. It's why I played WOW frequently. It was because in wow I could be someone who DID have power, meanwhile, In the real world, I had no power. Shaking my head of these thoughts I started on into the jungle. I could feel something else other than the faint feeling of power, in the jungle. It was almost as powerful but much more chilling. It felt like I had entered the lair of a beast capable of mass destruction and by being in its general vicinity that my death would be a certain and painful one. It's a horrifying feeling. Though I knew exactly where and who it was coming from.
I couldnt keep the smile from my face as I continued running through the jungle. Power. what is it exactly? is it armies? is it talent? is it money? I couldnt think of any proper answer as I continued running, as there were far too many different answers. But the path I take, in my heart of hearts i knew, will take me to power itself. I just need to push through all that stands in my way. I felt excited, and ready. I continued with a smile upon my face at the thought of strength. As if I had passed a barrier my mind felt free from things I have struggled with before. With this newfound freedom, I felt like I could do anything. I felt insanely good. I began to sprint once again, I was running like mad. Past the trees, leaping over the fallen trees, through the branches of long-dead trees and jumping over the ponds and puddles here and there. I kept running for about an hour before I noticed that light was starting to leave the jungle, and that night was descending. I slowed down and began to plan out what to do next. after a few moments of it, I decided, Screw it, i will just run at night!
Golden green rays of sunshine broke through the canopy of the jungle, shining down upon a large figure, walking through the jungles of, what would be known as, the southeastern kingdoms. the figure was caked in mud, leaves, and other small branches. the figure seemed to be slouching, though telling from the tusks it seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. the figure stopped for a moment, straightened its back and immediately began looking around.
I could have sworn I heard a sound near me. I thought to my self as I continued onto my path towards the only area that I knew: Zul'Gurub. One of the most prominent areas in all of Warcraft's history. (at least it does in my personal opinion) I ran, and ran, and ran. Repeat. Why have I yet to be interrupted by monsters or even other trolls. I should be in that area by now. I ignored this thought and threw it to the back of my mind. I was intent on finding where this path led. Even if it took me all my life. My eyes held a devotion not present there before. A fanatical one. Before I realized it I had come across a clearing and I saw what I had been looking for. The gates, to Zul'Gurub. Tall and dotted with zandali symbols. Four towers, two on each side along with a gate that went up to twelve meters high. Guards dotted the area like trees in a forest. Everywhere. I took a long breath, took a step forward, and everything went black.
(outside Zul'Gurub)
A lone green and gold Naga stood over the body of a troll, looking down upon him with a complex look on her face. She had recently apprehended the Troll but was uncertain as to what she was going to do with him. Normally, she would bring the intruder in for interrogation, but the troll showed signs that it belonged to the gurubashi. He might be a citizen just trying to get back home. one half of her mind reasoned. Or a Ssspy trying to sssteal information from us. Another half countered. She simply shook her head and grabbed the troll before carrying him over her shoulder, down to Zul'Gurub.
I was quickly roused from my slumber with a loud ringing in my ear and a burning sensation across my face. I quickly opened my eyes only to notice that I could not see. I realized that I was blindfolded and bound but it was overshadowed by the electric voice that sounded around me in the dark.
"WHO ARE YOU?" the question came from all around me. I was trying to rationalize the situation, unfortunately, my thinking seemed to anger the being as another slap hit me again. "I ASSSKED YOU!! WHO ARE YOU!" the voice seemed to a woman, as the voice was far less gruff than what I was used to. "Anssswer now or I will have to ssswitch to bloodier methods." the voice seemed to be less angry and calmer now but I knew it was the calm before a storm, and it was a storm that I knew it would be more beneficial if I didn't have to go against said storm.
so with the swiftness of the wind, I replied. "I be but a humble travela, ya mind tellin me what I done to make ya kidnap me?" I said it all in a calm and rational voice, in fear that if I had shouted, it might have all gone to shit. "The why isss my own buissnesss. All you have to know isss that you are to anssswer my questions" the voice stopped sounding all around and was directly in front of me, and as I listened closer I could hear that she dragged out her Ss a lot. it reminded me of naga in-game. "I will assk one more time. Who Are You?" the voice was much closer than before, so close I could feel the heat from her breath as it hit my face and with it, the smell of what I assume she had eaten. I couldnt really tell because it smelled so similar to death. It was an overly sweet smell, like that of a decomposing body, like rotting fruit.
Just what in Bwansamdi's name did she eat today?! "I be called Vai, now den, why do ya be fightin me?" I wanted to know exactly why, because as far as I knew, I was simply going back to my original homeland. I listened to her as she was silent for a moment before saying "...Fine, a quesstion for a quesstion. I captured you becausse you are tressspasssing in Gurubashi land. Now then, Why are you here?" I immediately thought about that for a moment, whether or not I should tell her I was here for Him, before answering, " For hakkar." I uttered that simple phrase, though it seemed to work as the very air seemed tense for a moment. I listened to the silence before she spoke again, "You come for Hakkar? Why?" I listened in as she asked, questioning it myself. Why was I here for hakkar? was it for glory? was it for honor? I have no chance of beating him for his power, so why am I here? I thought to myself. "I... I no be knowin meself. I came ere for somtin, but I don know what. Honor? Glory? maybe, but I'm not bein so certain." I replied, trying my best to figure out the question for myself.
I listened to the slight hissing that came from her that mixed with the silence, waiting for her judgment upon the matter of my fate. "give me time, I will ssspeak with my Masssters." I listened, before she slithered away, leaving me to my absolute darkness, deafening silence, and endless thoughts.
(Next day)
I woke once more as I heard the sound of heavy locks clanked, and slithering rose in sound, entering the room. I looked up, more out of instinct than an actual attempt to find her, only to hear, "Your fate hasss been decided." Her voice carried a sad tone to it that I immediately knew what they had decided. "How ya be plannin ta do it?" She was silent for but a moment, before a clanking noise resounded through the room as a key unlocked something. I simply sat there, before I asked, "Might I at least know me killa before I die? call it a final request." I simply waited as the sounds stopped before I heard slithering, "(Sigh) very well."
When the blindfold was removed I finally was able to see my warden and my interrogator. She was about twelve meters in length and when she tried to 'stand' she was about seven feet tall. I was honestly pretty surprised as most nagas are only six to six and a half feet tall, making her much bigger than her cousins. Her scales were a collection of green, blue, and bronze-gold. along her stomach ran a wide line of bronze covering all of it, before breaking off into a dark green along her sides which ran along the rest of her body. Her arms, however, became a deep blue towards the ends. Looking at the break between her different colored scales was mesmerizing. She had four arms and of course, almost no clothing. There were fins on the side of her tail. on her head instead of hair, stood a hood made of flesh all the same bronze color her stomach was. But despite her similarities to a snake, she was still incredibly beautiful. She had striking emerald green eyes that looked like they would glow in the dark, Her face was that of a beautiful woman with ruby red lips, angular cheeks and her scales were so fine, I could barely tell the difference between them and skin in some places. It was a beautiful sight.
She had a sorry expression on her face as she looked upon me like she was looking at a dying baby deer. I simply gave a sad smile, before saying, "At least my death will be by a beautiful woman." her expression changed quicker than lightning could strike and she looked surprised at my words. "Do you not fear death little one?" She asked me, genuine curiosity could be visibly seen eating away at her while she watched me, edging ever closer. "No. I fear da pain I get when I realize dat I did notin in dis world. Da pain when ya realize dat ya was useless. da pain you get when ya was wortless. Dat... is what I fear. Death is notin compared to it." I spoke with as much conviction as I could, putting what I had thought through many times into word, into being, into reality. I could only work my hardest to make sure that it didn't happen, but I knew... If I let up for even one moment, it might all just come crashing down on me. The naga was now close enough to me to easily lick me, but I didn't flinch, staring directly into her deep emerald eyes, getting lost in the green as I had before in the forest.
"I mussst admit, I am sad that for you to go. it wasss sssuch an interesssting encounter to meet you. Thank you." She replied after she realized that I had to die soon enough, and with that, she went back to what I now realized was a metal box. there was a key in it but it was left unturned, and as I watched, I saw her pull out a large vial from it. She swiftly but carefully brought it to me, while using a syringe to pull the liquid out of it. as soon as the syringe was full, she brought herself around me and jabbed the liquid into me.
At first, it felt like a nice warm stream going into me, no pain as even her injecting me didn't hurt in the slightest. How the hell is this supposed to kill me? I mentally chuckled to myself, but a part of me kept screaming out in panic as the warm stream grew hotter. It went from a nice bath to a boiling pan of water, to magma. I felt the sweat running down my forehead, only to evaporate as I grunted and struggled against my own body, trying to escape the heat. But as much as I struggled against myself, the more time I gave the liquid. it continued to burn away at me while my grunts grew to screams, and soon the small room was filled to the brim with my burning rage.
"WHAT WAS DAT!" I screamed at my captor, fury burning in my eyes and hatred abound. she seemed surprised at my words, however, seeming like she hadn't expected it. Unfortunately, it only made me angrier, at the idea of me being thought of as weak. I could feel myself bubbling, whether from anger or from the liquid, I don't know, I just felt it. I continued to bellow out in anger as the ropes that bound me began to fray and break apart with a mighty *SNAP* one after another. She began to slowly back up as my bindings crumpled underneath my fury and my rage, and as my body continued to push and swell against the ropes till a final *SNAP* announced my release and I bounded towards my captor, and the one who had made me feel this pain and anger. I slammed my feet into the ground one after another as I swiftly approached her, and her eyes widened as she hastily brought out a small golden orb that shone from the intricate patterns on it, though I was too far gone to truly notice. though I did notice her put two of her hands together and slowly pull them apart to reveal a large bolt of blue and white that quickly built up before being shot out at me, quickly freezing me and encasing me in ice just a foot away from her. I watched in silence as the ice-cooled off the outside of my body but it did nothing to stop the fire that burned me from within. Both literally, and metaphorically. I could only close my eyes as my capture was once more assured.
- In Serial399 Chapters
The Rise of the Winter Wolf
What would you do if your entire life was suddenly changed at the drop of a hat? The entire population of the world that you were born into suddenly transported to another planet along with the rest of the intelligent inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy. A strange System talking to you about abilities and levels without a care for your opinions. Thousands of monster spawning dungeons placed around the new world without a care for the new inhabitants. And if those weren't bad enough, a forced invitation for one thousand random individuals to compete in a livestreamed competition within a dungeon with the rank of Administrator as the prize. You don’t know? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. You survive. Our story follows Wolf Adler as he, along with every other human on Earth, are faced with a strange blue box filling up their vision, warning them about an upcoming reappropriation of every being of sufficient intelligence to a new planet for the initialization of some sort of System. Will he perish in this new world? Or will he thrive? Except for the first 4 chapters, Book 1 has been moved to Amazon Kindle Unlimited. Except for the first 4 chapters, Book 2 has been moved to Amazon Kindle Unlimited. If you do not have the financial means to purchase the books, then you may DM me on discord through my discord channel for a pdf version of the book. There is only one main protagonist, but the story does have more than one perspective that it is told from. It's mostly first person from the main protagonist and third person perspective for the livestreams. The beginning of the story has also been massively rewritten since most of the reviews as of 1/23/2022. The release schedule right now is dependent on my college classes and coursework, but I always try to keep it to at least one chapter every other day, if not one chapter every day. I do not write sexual content or harem stuff. I am also not very interested in writing romance, so if you think you might see some romance, then you are probably wrong unless it's only a slight hint at romance or a slow romance very far into the story. Lastly, know that I don't like long-winding antagonists that get on everyone's nerves and last throughout the entire story. And I do like plot twists, so if you are predicting something that you think is going to happen later on that you dislike, (particularly around the middle to end of book two) then it likely won't happen.
8 408 - In Serial10 Chapters
The Weapon Spirit
Red was a weapon spirit, birthed by the gathering of Essence and lifeblood, that learns of a world in tatters. To grow, he must help the humans, must take their form and work with them. Together, fighting as one, they vanquish monsters, devils, and, at times, humanity itself. But sometimes, he really wishes he had better allies...
8 137 - In Serial15 Chapters
Of Plots & Peepers (Tales of the Axe Book 1)
Fraker the Axe is many things: The Herald of Carnage, the Favored Son, He Who Cannot Be Bound. But those are the names he is called in prophecy, legend, and heroic epics. The reality is somewhat different.
8 192 - In Serial142 Chapters
One Versus Destiny
Arjun Singh, a ten-year old from Chennai, India, is sucked into another universe. He has to fight extremists, get clothes, and defeat monsters. Magic also exists to help fight monsters. And that's only the first day. What will he do? How will he survive?Releases will be every weekday, and times are 7:15 PM Eastern Time. This is a serial that will never be taken down. If you read the first few chapters and think I copied He Who Fights With Monsters, the first three chapters are similar to the start of He Who Fights With Monsters, but it branches out in Chapter 4. [Participant in the Royalroad writathon challenge].The content warnings are more for minor things, minor enough that a fourth-or maybe third grader could read.A lot of chapters, particularly in the first 3 books, are unedited, and I'll try to get more edited soon.Covers credit to Asviloka.NOTE: I only publish this on Royalroad.com, and if you read it somewhere else, it is pirated and you suck.
8 236 - In Serial39 Chapters
Irondad and Spiderson 3
Three books strong! This is amazing you guys! I couldn't be happier to be doing this with you guys! And who knows... maybe even a fourth...? We'll just have to wait and see...Requests are open, and Irondad and Spider son waiting for you! Enjoy!Art originally made by nururuateka!
8 309 - In Serial25 Chapters
Harry Potter imagines
A book full of imagines of Harry Potter, enjoy!♥️☺️- feel free to request! [Y/N] is Your Name[Y/L/N] is your last name.[Y/H/C] your hair colour[Y/E/C] your eye colourLove, Lotte
8 161