《World of Warcraft- New beginnings》Nitha


Along the streets of Zul'Gurub, strode a green and bronze Naga. Striding alongside her was a large carriage of gold directed by a troll who held the reins to a large Direhorn in the front, pulling the carriage. The carriage held a large object blocked from view by a grand cloth of gold and brown covering it. The naga was following along, though only half-heartedly as she could be seen dropping off into space occasionally, and only coming back when it was time to make a turn or if she was about to run into someone.

*Nitha POV*

As I walked along, I couldn’t help but think of the time that I had spent with that troll, especially just before he attacked me.

'What is wrong with that troll?' I thought to myself, thinking upon all the others who had fallen victim to the power of the blood. I thought of how all of them had almost immediately started screaming once the blood was injected. Their skin would almost immediately start to bubble and boil, before bursting in large explosions of red, splattering the area around them. But never had I seen a creature simply push the pain out of the way and focus upon me. The blood even took a good while before he started grunting from the pain itself.

'I must report this to the higher-ups.' I thought to myself, before stopping that thought. If they were to hear of the troll who withstood the Blood, then they would surely assassinate him in fear of taking over their position, and them losing power. A part of me was holding myself back, telling me not to inform those who hold power, as it would make me lose out on such an interesting specimen. I can’t lose out on him. I thought to myself as I formed a plan on what to tell my superiors. Eventually, our ride came to an end as we arrived in front of the holding cell. I was forced to carry out the prisoner onto a smaller platform, before bringing him to the doorway.

I slowly brought him up to the front door where the warden was watching over the proceedings. He didn’t show too much about himself, physically or emotionally."Hello there Ssseiji, I have brought the prisssoner."

Seiji simply looked at me and the cart before nodding and waving another group of troll workers out to take the body inside. I watched as they slowly dragged him in, and as the dark hallway hid him from my vision. Til later then. I thought as I began to wander back home. Though I couldn't get out the impression he had left on me, especially physically.

His body was far different to all those before him. His whole being was made like a tree, with its roots far beneath the surface. He was incredibly heavy to carry,

I had felt what a man's body feels like, it was during the time when I helped strap on their armor, but never one like him. It felt condensed, he felt heavier than he should be with a body like that should be. He should be about two hundred at the very most but he feels like five hundred pounds. And the definition of his muscle, If it weren't for the fact that he was a prisoner and the fact that he holds the blood of the Corruptor in his veins I would certainly try to drain him of some of it. It must taste incredible. *SIGH* Why do all good things have to be so bad for me.


My body felt hot for some reason. It felt like I had magma running through my veins. Eventually, I do come to the room where I'm supposed to drop him off. Vaiku. Such an odd name, though fitting for such an odd troll. I come up to the troll who is in charge of the holding area. "Hello there Seiji. It's nice to see you. I've brought the POI here for you. Tell the others I say hi." Seiji simply gave me a nod as I 'walked' off back towards my home. I lived in a house near the temple. Just a small area to call home.

It was dainty but the inside smelled of home and familiarity. All I had was a bed a few books a table and two chairs. Very little, but still it's better than nothing. I went to my bed, exhausted from the day that I've had. The first thing was simply patrolling completely normal so far, then I happen to catch a troll looking upon the temple with curiosity. After taking him prisoner I tried to kill him off only to find out that he was immune to the poison. And when I was still stunned he managed to convince me to take off the blindfold.

So Embarrassing. Honestly. I couldn't help but shiver when I remembered how he looked at me. His eyes simply screamed his fascination and there was even a small glint of lust in his eyes. Those amazing eyes of his. I couldn't help but feel aroused when I thought of him. Strong, but gentle. Tall, but willing to bend. Beautiful, but not feminine. Truly he was perfect. Now if only he wasn't a prisoner. Before I realized it I could hear the dripping of what sounded like water, but I knew what it really was. I slithered my way towards my bed. Though in reality, it was not more than a firm mattress, it was better than some could get in this area, and it was better than anything a normal naga would get in troll territory.

I coiled my lower body up into position and checked to confirm my suspicion. Honestly, the first time I've seen him and I already want to make him my own. I couldn't help but feel disappointed with my own emotions at this point. (A/N: I assume that if you fell head over heels for a guy why you just met, and know nothing but their names, you would feel disappointed too.)

My vagina was dripping with straight arousal at this point. Were it not for the fact that they naturally close up when on the move, anyone else would notice it. Once again thanking my ancestors for choosing to become like this, I started. I knew I couldn't sleep at all if I was like this the whole night. I began with a simple technique that I taught myself. I wouldn't just jump right into shoving my hand inside myself but rather, I began to slowly tease the area around myself. I felt the pleasure shock me like electricity, going down my spine like how a metal rod conducts lightning.

I kept playing with myself as I felt the tension slowly move out like when the tide brings away small rocks and sand. I eventually picked up the pace, and I began to use my fingers to delve into my own depths. {Unfortunately, female naga possess genitals unlike their counterparts such as humans or elves. Their journey to the womb is an abnormally long one and is the sole reason why many female Naga marry at a very young age. Just to release their pent up desire. So for someone like Nitha to go for years after her coming of age ceremony to still be single is in and of itself a fascinating matter for her friends to speak about. So it's really no wonder that she basically went into heat when she met Vaiku.}


Though the pleasure was intense and long, i couldn't simulate the feeling of something deep inside me. Something that I craved, Something necessary. I couldn't do anything but go back to teasing my folds and my clit in hopes of enough stimulation to get this night over with. It was a grueling experience for me, just trying to please myself. But in the end, I was successful if only barely. I felt myself orgasm but it was a small one. I kept fondling my breasts in hopes of another one but to my utter disappointment, I could only get one for the night. Oh well, take what you can get. I then lied back on my bed ready to go to sleep but there was something that was bothering me. It felt like I was being watched but I know that none of the trolls would want to be with me as all they see is my body and are immediately turned off. Hmmph, I bet their dicks aren't long enough to even feel good. I simply cursed them out in my own mind and tried my best to go to sleep.

Though the night promised of different things as I heard a crack upon the door. I slowly roused myself as the knocking continued. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before opening the door, only to find a tall figure standing in the doorway, with silver glowing eyes being the only thing piercing through the darkness. I didn't even have time to register the black, armored fist before it had already slammed into me, and darkness took me away.

*Vaiku POV*

I woke up in a familiar setting. Complete darkness other than a small flickering flame outside my cage. That's right, cage. I checked my surroundings by feeling it and there was no wall. I was caged. Though thankfully it was a large cage otherwise I'm not sure my pride could have stayed alive. I simply stared at the flame as I watched it grow ever so slightly. It burned a vivid red, which normally would have painted the walls around but as far as I could tell I was in a void other than the cage and flame. A simple nothingness surrounded the cage but I could tell. The Cage. It was weakening. I don't know how but I could tell. The flame started to pick up the pace as it went from a candle to a torch, and from there on till it was a campfire. It was terrifying, to watch something coming from nothing. But that was exactly what was happening. The campfire grew and grew, as it spread.

It descended into an inferno of red flames. It was as If I was subjected to the very depths of hell itself. With fire hot enough to melt the very flesh from your bones. But I knew, I knew that I was not the target. The cage was the target, and A target it was. It began to meltdown to its very foundations. A part of me told me that this was the worst thing possible but another part told me to keep watching; that something interesting was going to happen when everything was over. So I sat there, watching as metal went through the three stages of matter.

First solid, then liquid, then gas. I don't think that metal is supposed to be that way. Before it then changed once more. It became... transparent? I suppose. It was there, but it wasn't there. If there was such a thing as ghost metal that's what it looked like. It began to contort itself while it turned demonic red from the fire surrounding it as it shaped itself into a somewhat humanoid body. I watched with rapt attention and before I knew it, the metal had created a body.

It looked like a naga but there were many differences that told me otherwise. First off would be the wings like that of a wyvern for his arms with claws coming out of the tips where fingers would be and large spikes coming out of its shoulders. The leathery wings were blue, a stark contrast compared to the red scales that covered the monstrosity's body. It held long scythes for hands and the face of a snake that held a deadly look. Though the strangest part was how even with all of the signs telling that it was a monster, it spoke. Like any sentient creature.



«̗̮̩͉̊̏͆̄̀͑̚ͅЯ̧̜͚̯͚̻̈́͛̄͆͘͢͞͞ ж̨̨̲̗̣̘̤͚̬́́̓͘͡д̷̧̙͎̬̂̆̈́̃̄͆̅̒̕͢͢͢͞а̥͕̲̦̿͋̏̃͜͟͜͠л̧̣̮͂͂̍͆̅́͂̏͜͡͝ͅ т̢̫̥̖̳̬͙̟͇͌́̓̌̃̓̎̌̚е̬͓͈̲̙̖̼̏̓̐̏͆͘͘͢͜͡б̧̲͙̦̝̮͉̘̑̂̓́̽̊̓я̧̡̛̞̦̻̬͍̟̪̣͂̒̃̉̌̿͛͐̅,̺̯̺͕͍̳̆̓̾̈́̏͟͢͞ͅ


̛̛͎͇̝͔͎̃̋̈͢͞ͅ т̸̢̺̗̦̲̥̝̊̀́͌̈́͟ͅͅы̴̡̹̱̼̫̜̯͙̥̀̎̽̿̀͗͠ б̵̛͉̱̣͕͈̞̜̄̀̆̾̽̔̈́̕͟͜у̷̛̛̮̻̲̓̈̉̃̈̽͘̚͜͜д̷̢̜̙̥̼͍̇̓̽̽̓́͗̃͞е̛̥̮͍͕̼̥̣͇̲͔͗̒̑̄̾͗̄̕ш̸͍̬͇͈͑́́͛̐͜ь̷̧͙̥͎͚̥̻̞̪̪̊̀̏̆̾͛̎ м͍̤̭͍͕̲̹͓͐̐̐́̋̍͋̄̂̕о̸͎̖͎̹̥̤̬͕͕̆͒̔͆̉̓и̶̼̘͎͎̖͙̝͖̒̎̽̽̚ͅм̷̨̻̼̦̫̤̙͓̫̂̌̾̔̏̈͜͞ ч̡̛͖̩̥̪̼͚̯̳̓̅̈͛͡е̡̛̬̥̫͋̆̆̿̌ͅͅм͈̘̞̯̣͆́͐̐̉̊͜п̶̧̬̳̩̗̭̹̯͔͑̿̓̽̐́̆͗͗и̨̜͙̞̻͙̋̊͛̔̾̓̌͝͡ӧ̴̢̫͍̣́̂̋͘͜͝н̨̥͓̥̳͖̼̔̓͒͆̎͝о̢̛̠̦̱̅̉̒̍̉͘͜м̸̨̖͈͕̭̤̋́̅̋̏̃͗́̾ͅ к̝̖͔̫̲̤̂̆̊̆͌̓́̚͝͠р̵̼̫̦͍̠̗͖͆̌̂̂̐̅́͆͡о̨͙̦̼͙̓̌̆̓̃̚͟͢͟͝в̛̫̠̳͓̠̙̉̇̔́͆̒͜͡͡͠ͅи̵̨̨͇̘͎̮͌̐̈́̊̒̈̉́ͅͅ,͇͓̫̪̤̰̤͒́͊͌͆͐̒͆̌͡


̶̢̥̘̼͎̤̱̗̱́̑̅̓͛͆͘ л̷͖̰̱͕̺̙̪̠̗̊͐̾̊̚͞͝и̸̨̹̼͔̰̦̌̒̋̈̽͘̚͞ͅд͚̼͉̱̦̟̱͈̗͎̋̓̊͆̒е̨͖̗̯̰̞̺̦͊̒̋͆̋͢͠р̻̮̩̥̋̓͑͌̌̆͊̅̕͜͞ͅо̢̝̭̠̱̠͉͐̄̋̿̓̓̓̎̊͜м̸̧̨̨̬̹̣̤̲̻̀̈̃͊̐̏̉͢͞ к̶̤̙̣̦̒͐̄͐̂̎͟р̢̛͚͓̟͓̟̀̉̌͊͛̄͢а̖̜̯̳̞̯̣̼̬̓͋̎͆͂͂̕̚̚͝с̲͙̰̾̈́̽̄̋̐̕͢͝ͅн̴̧̨̛͙̟͑̿́̀̒͜о̸̠̳̯̱̠̹̞̜̼̜̓̓͊̏́̌́́́̅г̨̙͍͇͍̐́̆̓̚о̴̜̹͈͕̮̳̤̮̑͗̽̀͋͐̍̇̅̀͢ ц̢̝̟͍̹̩̻̭́̏̎̎̍͆͆̒͘в̷̧̻͎̫̬̒́̓̆̈́̽е̝̪̼̺̪͓̎̋̅̀̀͡т̵͉̯̠̮̘̤̥̀̑̇̋̚͟а̱̫̞̲͎͖̳͑̊͗̓̎͘͢͜͢͠͠.̷̨͎̟̦͙͕̬͐̓͋͒̾̀̿̄͟͜͝


̗̼͈̬̩̯̟̿͋̌̈͊́͆̄͢ Ў̛̙̗̹̩̹̙̓̀̀̉̐̎̚б̸̝̟͈̪̠̄̏̽̈͆̋̉͟͜͜͡о̶̛͚͔̠̤͙̹͓́̋͆͘͡͡й̷͖̫̳̜̝͐̏̉͐͝ с̢̛͚͇̞̘̜̠͚̣͆̃͗̇̐͢͡͠в̴̙͇̪͔͚͎̥͓̥͛͒̄͆̓̐̕͘͟͡о̸͍̯͖̠̙̱̎͌͂͆͡и̸͖̜͈͉̟̐͋͌̂̂̒̀͘х̴̨̙͙͚̭͛́̄̽͢͜͝ в̛̜̹̰͖̩̳̬̔͐̏́̓̆̽͟р̧̛͍̖̱͓͓̄̋̀̆͢͡а̯͚͕̼͉̣͈̋͗͐͑̐́̍̈̀͟͟͞ͅг̡͕̰̗̣̞͐̃̂̂̕͘̚͞о̝̖̟̺͈͚͆͋̓̈́̔̾͌̓͢в̧̖̹͔̩̘̒̽̑͂́́̀ и̪̟̫͚̪͙̩̼̍͂̓̐͊͗̄̃̎͘ с̛͖̭͓̟̮͛͌̂̃͋̚͜͞͞д̡̞̼̥͙̠͎̭͊͌̄̃̒̐̕͜͡ͅа̞̼̹̲͉͓͙͖̫̊̃́̅̍̿̂͆͘͜͞й̲̥̹̝̙̳̝̗͐͒̄̃͒̒͘ и̛̛̣̯͈͎̣͓̦̳̍̓̿̌͟͡х̴̡̧̳̤̝̪̪̏̀̅́̍ к̡͈̫̣͔͓̺̽̊͐̓̇̀́̑р̶̡̧̳̼̯͖̉̌̇͊͌̓̎͜о̧͎̼̺͍͐̅̔̄͞в̵̢͍̹͉̼̜͈͓͖͗̒̎͞͞͝ь̡̞̜̣͎̼̖͖͋̌̾̒̄́̚͢͜ м̸̢̗͇̜̫̬̪̫̘̓͂̓̆́͝н̡͚̙̭̞͙̫͎́͒͐̎̾͘̕͟е̢̥̮̦͚͍͒͐̋̈́̽̑́͢.̢̛̣̥͎̰͎̩͒̋́́̃͢͜


̢̙̼͋̒̈͢͠͡ͅ С̢̠̮̮̩̹̹̖̒̎͋̎͊́͗̾л̟̺͍̜̝̥̃͐̐́̆́̇͌̂͘е͓̻̯̺̞̰̙̃̃̉͗͘д̴̙̞̱̟́̓̓̀̽̈̂̈͢͞у̢̲̞͉͓̜̲̠̳̍̌͆̎͑̕͘͢й̼̝͎̙͉́͌̎̍̾͑̚ з̸̡͖̰̠̱̩̩̤́͛̅̍͂̄̍̃̚ͅͅӓ̷̭̳̳̺̹̟̑̀̾̌̍͜ м̢͎̳̬́͒̀́̅͢͢н̡̞̹̤̟͍̓̎̉̍̓̀̐̉͢͝͠о̸̧͚̞͕̥̗̰̠̪͎̓̇̿̾̈͘й̡̖͚̼̬͈̩́̃̍͗́͆̈́̓̑̏,̴̡͙̖͉̥̫̜͔̤̓̎͌̕̚͘


̛̰͇̱̭̜̥͙̭͗̍̐̔̀̽͢͜ ѝ̷̛̩̜̰̣̭̭͖̮̍̊̇̌̄͘ я̵͓̠̰̬̱̲̜̙̉̂̋́̓̏͠ͅ д̵̡̲͇̬̙̮̩̫́̆̈́̑͗̈́͊̚а̨̨̮̪̠̱̣͍̖͍̓̈́͞͞͞м̜̖̘̘̥͔͊̇̍̏̂́͟͡͠ т̵̢̱̠̻̼̱̯͐͂̀̃̔͟ӗ͎̝̥̱͖̫̻̿͑̇̆͊̉̚б̵̻͇̬̩̥̩̳̲̈̑̌̋́̅͟е̵̼͇̩͖̜́̊́̈́̓ т̵̧̨̛͓̬̞̙̳̠͔͌̎̋͗̈̂̑̑͠о̴̢̧̱͕̞̩̘̥͛͋̌̾͌͊͛͋͘͜͠,̵͈̞͈̩͇̄̑̑͛͂̏̓̈́


̬͚͇͉͉̣̯̳̖̓́̄͗̓ ч̝͔̠̥̮͕̳̬̑͆̎̀͂͛̆͛̿ͅͅт̡̣̮͎͈̖͉̮͉͆̏́̍̐̆о̢̢̙̤̞̘̫̼̃͊̉̾̚͢ т̣̱̤̻̰̘̺̍̊͗̃͌͜ы̵̧͉̣̼͖̞̠̒̏͒͗̌͛̐̕͜͡͝ ж̴̞̗̤͉̳́̓̓͘͘͟ͅе͇̺̭͖͔̐̈́͑̈́̈ͅл̸̨̨̡̬̯̖̗͍͉̽̀̆̈́̇̿̇ͅа̵̰̤̱̪̗͕̣̘̔̿̒̊͡ͅе̛̰̪̻͓̲͚̤͍̂͛̆͑͆ш̡̡͍̟̘̩͚̝̣̋̏̏̋͂̅͘͝ь̸̪̞͍̲̣͓̬̐̎͌̈̾͆̿̊͟͟͝͝.̪̤̻̤̩̭̅̌͒͗͞͞


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However, while speaking the language, all I could hear was the hallucinations of carcasses covering a battlefield while the sea of blood beneath my feet drained into the ground, being gradually fed into an ever elongating serpent. The voice was ancient and at the same time young. It was maddening to listen to and despite my best attempts, I couldn't keep the voice out of my head. It was dug into me. Feeding me little wordings. I continued my best to hold out against the whisperings in the dark but they were relentless in their pursuit and I was growing tired. I couldn't keep up.

I couldn't stop it.

I couldn't block it.

I couldn't help it.

It was in.

"Γίνετε πρωταθλητής μου. خذ ما تريد תן לי את מה שאני רוצה ואגביר את זה. O que você quiser."

"Anything?" I asked the voice.

「なんでも〜」 the voice said in its sickly sweet melody. As I listened to what he told me I thought of my previous life and how little I achieved other than completing high school and getting a few jobs here and there to support myself. I never had the courage to raise the bar for myself. I was average or below average in all ways. I couldn't get anything I wished.

Not this time.

"Very well, My lord. What would you ask of me?" I asked as I thought of all I could possess by following him. Not even the thought of who he was, was enough to stop me in my pursuit of what I wish for.

"向古拉巴什展示你擁有什麼樣的力量,并展示誰給你了。Yo me encargaré del resto. This world shall fall to us." I could hear the deception in his voice but I knew that it was fine. He would help me in the short term, and he would try to betray me in the long term. though that was fine with me as I didn't plan to stay controllable forever. He would launch me into new lands that I might not have been able to reach before. I can only thank him for that much.

I watched as the flame receded and I was once again back in the real world, with only the candle to see in the otherwise pitch-black room that I had been locked in. I blinked for a few moments before I felt my sanity come back after that shit. I still was going to do so, but there was something I had to do first. I began to move towards the light, stepping and trying to navigate through the dark. A marching theme came into my head as I stepped forward.

I then grabbed towards the candle, only to find bars in my way. I couldn't really see them well, but I could feel them. They were obviously there to keep me in but I had an idea. I looked towards the candle, got my face as close as I could and I blew it out. The one remaining light disappeared, but I knew it was the only way. And wouldn't you know it, five minutes later and my eyes had already adjusted to the dark and I could see much better than before. My eyes were similar in nature to cats, though without the pattern that a cat has. I couldn't see the world like it is day, but rather it looks like a mix of greys for me.

I looked at the room I was in and noticed that besides the bed that I had there wasn't anything in there. Only the bed and the bars. I looked at the bars and I felt for a lock, trying to see how they opened it. I found it and I felt that it was just a simple lock with a key, though I didn't have anything to pick it. I would have to wait for an opportunity then. I was about to sit down when I heard a small *SQUEAK* come from nearby me. I looked around quickly and I found the suspect. A large black rat about the size of my hand with multiple scars on its body. I immediately began to concoct a plan on how I could break out, as a small smile rushed to my face.

Without missing a beat I lunged towards the rat and grabbed onto it as it attempted to squirm from my firm grasp upon it. Though continuing to fail it never seemed to give up while I simply decided on how to do this. I quickly broke the rat's neck so that it would have a quick and painless death for this and I began to tear open the rat's chest. Digging through the muscle and fat before reaching the needed part: the bones. I immediately began to pull at the legs of it, trying to keep the flesh off the bones and not break them to the best of my ability. It was difficult, to say the least, pulling small bones out of a body but in the end, I finally got the ones I needed. I immediately began to clean them off, to make sure that nothing got in the way, and I began to fit them together so they would stick.

About thirty minutes later and they had dried for the most part and were sticking to each other, Good timing. I immediately began to pick at the lock with cautious gusto in my fingers as I listened closely to the lock before I heard the inevitable *CLICK* of a lock being undone.

A smile crossed my face before I focused up once more. I slowly opened the gate to test if there were any creaks and upon hearing none, I walked back into the cell and I grabbed the rat body, and walked out, locking the door behind me. Can't leave any evidence behind. I immediately descended into the corridors of gold and green and made my way through them. I walked and snuck for what seemed like an eternity as the stench of jungle clogged my nose and silence filled my ears.

I eventually found the exit to the dungeon and I immediately slowed myself. I looked towards the edges to see if there was anyone, but my surprise only accelerated as there was no one there. No one in the street. I was alone. I stepped out of the dungeon into the streets of gold that were Zul'gurub, and I was in awe once more. The golden arches, the floors of green, and the tall towers of stone that stood above them all. I shook myself from my awe and I began to look around for anyone that may be out when the moon shows itself once more, but I found no one. It was like the city had been abandoned by all life but the plants that littered the ground. I continued to work my way around through the town, constantly checking around myself and looking for anyone who may be around, waiting in the dark to take me back to the cell that I had only just liberated myself from.

I walked the streets before coming across a small hut next to a pyramid-like temple. The temple was grand by all accounts. It held many entrances with more windows than stars in the sky and for some reason was completely gold. So why would a small shack that was made of but wood and with holes on it? I slowly snuck up to the window and looked inside, only to see the one that had brought me here sleeping. It was the naga that had attempted to interrogate me then tried to kill me. In the moonlight, her scales gleamed like gold and she looked like a serpentine angel. I could feel anger flow through myself but it was quickly doused by the endless ocean of curiosity that was bubbling inside of me. What is a naga doing in troll territory? Why hasn't she been killed yet? Who is she? But i managed to put a stop to that before it got out of hand. I backed away from the window and went behind the shack before I began to look at what was prioritized in my list of what to do.

I needed to find weapons and armor. Preferably something darker and light so it will be difficult to see me at night.I need to study the surroundings quickly so in case someone does find that i'm missing, i can make a quick getaway.I needed more general information about what has been happening in Zul'gurub lately, so I should probably find someone to take said information from. The easiest one would probably be the naga.

With a four-step plan in place, I went on my way to process through it. I immediately began to run around different areas, looking to see what areas held some sort of weapon that I could use. I ran past the buildings and shops as I checked them one by one. I then finally came across a small smithy where there were weapons on a rack, but they were put under lock and key. Nothing I can't take care of. I quickly broke into it without damaging the glass as I wanted to make as little noise as possible. I then looked at my selection. There were many different swords and axes of varying sizes but what really drew my attention were two smaller swords. I could tell just by looking at them that whoever made them, put both extreme care, and love into the craft. They looked somewhat simple, but I knew that they were stronger than almost all of the other weapons in the shop. And with a bit of extra forging with different materials, I could make them even better. I was quick to get rid of the smile that had worked it's way onto my face as I focused on picking the lock with the bones again.

Though the lock proved to be a harder challenge than I thought, as one of the bones broke before falling out. I immediately threw the rest of the bones away before looking around for small pieces of metal that I could use. Though my luck seemed to have run out as there were only metal bars, far too large and thick to be used in this. Time to do this the old fashioned way. I immediately put both of my hands on the bars and I began my assault of pulling them apart from each other. My veins rippled underneath my skin and my face began to go red as the metal let out small creaks, signaling it's bending. Soon, a clank was heard as one of the swords was released from its iron prison. I then went on to do the same for the other sword as well.

I picked up the sword and began to weigh it in my hands, trying to find out the secrets held behind its simple mask, testing their weight Though, for now, it would remain a mystery as I had other things to do. I looked around to see an area of the store directly responsible for armor management, and I immediately rushed over. There were many different vibrant colors of reds, blues, and greens, but there were also some monochromatic colors as well such as white, grey, and black. I rapidly went through the black section of armor and came across one that caught my eye. It was a labyrinth of interlocking leather and metal that managed to come together and form a beautiful piece of art. There were large pauldrons but in favor of stealth, I abandoned them. I quickly fitted myself with the armor and strapped the weapons to my back before leaving towards the shack. I had already gotten a good idea of how large the city was by this point with all my rushing around to find weaponry.

I found myself in front of the door to the nagas shack once more. I was wondering how to get into the shack when I simply decided on the oldest fashioned way about it. I started knocking on the door, repeatedly and loudly, but not loudly enough to wake anyone else in the city up. Soon after a few rounds of knocking, I heard the lock clicking as she opened the door, only to be met in the face with my newly armored fist. Let's hear you sing. I thought to myself as I grabbed her and pulled her into her own house, a sinister smile dangling from my lips.

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