《World of Warcraft- New beginnings》The Journey Towards Power
Continent/Zone/Area: Eastern Kingdom: Stanglethorne Vale: Southern Cape.
*Vai POV*
I saw the lights flashing on my eyelids and I briefly opened them, much to my regret, for as soon as I did, blinding rays of light entered my unprepared eyes and temporarily blinded me, leaving me grunting in frustration for a bit and resolving myself to roll around to try to make the light leave.
"Finally awake? Good, I been wonderin if ya was dead." I froze as I heard the words, before promptly leaping up and trying to identify the threat that had snuck up on me, only to land on my hand in a three-point stance, at which I collapsed as a wave of pain flew through me and I remembered what happened. at which point, I looked around me and noticed that I was back in my bed. I looked around and noticed that I was now flat on the floor in front of Shi'Mer. she just smirked as I felt my face flush with embarrassment and I quickly got up to try to dignify myself. and though it did hurt, I managed to push myself off the ground and got up to greet the woman who, for the first time since I had met her, was wearing something other than a thong and bra. not that her clothing was much better.
she was wearing not more than a black crop top with some black short shorts, though they did little to hide her thong which somehow managed to keep up above them. she still kept on the gloves along with the bicep brace. I looked up at her before asking, "How long was I asleep?" I was worried that somehow I had slept for years on end, though she simply answered, "Just a few hours." she seemed to know exactly what I was thinking about, and she managed to put my worries to rest. "Why?" I couldnt help but ask. I had seen her simply watching me as I writhed around in pain and for some reason had been almost happy with the fact that I was going through it.
She dropped her smirk at the question before answering seriously, "I be testin ya, ta see if ya be wordy." I was confused by her answer because as far as I knew, I wasn't about to fulfill some ancient prophecy. though I must have shown it on my face as she quickly added, "Testin ta see if ya wordy to be a warria." I couldnt help but wonder at that moment, as I tried to recover from the pain, whether or not I had passed. at that moment, nothing but passing mattered, though i don't know why. It just took precedence over all else. Shi'Mer simply burst out into laughter at my face, and said, "Ya made it, no warries" she held a small smile on her face as she said that and all the tension in my body seemed to flow away from me. I simply smiled and got up before looking towards her. I was happy that I had passed the test but part of me couldnt help but wonder what was next, so I simply made my questions known. "wat now? I cant be usin my hand any time soon." I asked with a small hint of excitement at the prospect of getting stronger, but at the same time.
I felt sad that my way as a warrior would be put on hold for a while so I could have my hand heal. while trolls have quick regeneration, it does take a while. however, there have been feats of insane regeneration by trolls, though they were almost all blessed by different loa. and as far as I knew, I wasn't so lucky this early in life. the wound, should take about maybe a week to fully close and be good as new, though maybe it will take a few days. it's unpredictable.
"Ave' ya checked it yet? Or do ya tink dat it will be burnt foeva?" I couldnt help but feel confused at her words but as I looked down at my bandaged hand, I decided to take her advice on it. and to my utter disbelief, my had was almost fully healed by now. with only the top layer of the skin still regenerating. though I could slightly make out the small pieces of skin coming together. "Ya will be me, apprentice. I will train ya, and make a fine warria out of ya. Now den lets go. We ave' work ta do." I watched as she walked out the door to my room before I decided to follow her. Whether she is an angel or a devil, I shall follow her. for she is my guiding light in this world of strong and weak. I thought as I resolved myself to follow what she tells me to become stronger.
(Year 14)
its been almost ten years since I was taken on by Shi'Mer as her apprentice and while I have gotten stronger, and I am glad I took it on, that is because I am now better for it. I always regretted going with her in the beginning. I was angry at myself day in and day out at the fact that I had decided to follow her. But i stayed. Some part of me kept telling me to stay. to not leave. that if I left, then I would miss out on something big. and even to this day, as she had no more to teach me, I still felt that same urge. the urge that tells me where strength shall be shown. the urge that tells me where to get stronger. But, as time passed, I felt that urge begin to fade as her teaching became known to me and her wisdom on the many things that I needed, dried out like a well. I had become knowledgeable to equally stand against her in both fighting and blacksmithing. eye to eye, fist for fist, and blow for blow. I was her equal in all ways, except for age. I only had one more test, to pass my training. And I would be a warrior.
Knowledge and strength. they had become my two pursuits after her teachings. for they taught me what I needed to know, and they gave me the power to hold onto what I know. I knew that I would have a time come when I would need to defend my home. to defend my family, and to defend my honor. and while my people do not know about this, I can feel it in the air. war comes, and war conquers. it matters not to whom it does conquer. it simply does. My well of knowledge about the timeline of the world that I live in also helps. I mapped out all that I knew and from what I can tell, I was born about 1500 years before the first war, and 1500 years before the construction of the dark portal. there is much to do in my time, and I shall be the one who is known as one of the greats. one of those who stood toe to toe with the most powerful. I shall become legend. I shall become invincible, and I shall become all there is at the top. For there shall be no gods, But I.
I opened my eyes and I returned to the reality that I was in once more. the reality of where I was. While strong in my village, there is little here, and always shall be little here. i came upon many different books on the world that I live in and it has done naught but give me information that I had already guessed after my frequent trips around the village and island. My village is off the coast of the cape of the strangle throne vale. It is a decent-sized island with a village around the size of the dark spear one. First, there is a wall around the entire island. Tall with spikes protruding out of it. It is made of what I assume is stone but with dried mud surrounding and binding the wall. The spikes are made out of wood but that doesn't mean they aren't deadly. There are two entrances and exits in the village. One to the north and one to the south, each is guarded by four guards. Two towers line the walls for each entrance/exit. With two trolls on the ground and one troll in each tower, it makes for a decent defense.
Second. I found out the reasoning for my rapid regeneration. I had, unfortunately (Or fortunately) attracted the attention of a Loa. though I don't know how I did so. normally loa choose someone who makes multiple sacrifices or offerings to them frequently, someone who prays to them, or someone who shows the loa how strong they are. So how one of them became attracted to me is a question that I would love to have answered. However, which one I attracted, it seemed to like me a lot. I had tried many times to figure out what exactly had gotten their attention, to no avail. so I forced myself to stop trying, and focus on learning. however, with the island becoming too small for me, and the world outside it much larger, I found myself wondering how I could leave, again, and again. I felt myself wanting to get to the next area, but part of me told me to stay, as something would happen. So for the time being, I've managed to hold against the pull and have stayed, biding my time, but just as any dam, I cannot stay forever. I've yet to find out which loa is watching me, though I have the gut instinct that they will reveal themselves sooner or later.
On top of training me with fighting and with blacksmithing, she also taught me a variety of skills, ranging from how to gather different herbs, and how to mix them to get potent poisons, to how to resist torture, both physical and mental. she showed me which herbs cause what effects, such as paralysis, sleep inducement, or just death. she then showed me which ones to mix to achieve the maximum effect before she used them on a variety of different beings. for the most part, she used murlocs however. they were similar in organ structure to that of other sentients and held many of the same weaknesses. I can say, that without a doubt, because of her, I know more about Murloc anatomy than I know about basic skills like cooking.
For the torture, she first taught me about the body of most sentients, seeing as though torture is mostly used for information gathering. there weren't many different corpses around, so she simply drew them up. she showed me a great many different drawings of them, some not even on the eastern kingdoms. she had seen ancient pictures made of great beasts that walked on two legs, and that if they walked on all fours, could pass for a cow. I knew she was talking about taurens, but I didn't care about them. she then taught me how exactly to Resist Torture. she did this by flaying me. along with a few other ways that I would prefer not to think about. She showed me multiple different rituals as well, for when it comes time to make a sacrifice to the loa. And while I might not be as religion crazy as most trolls, I know that there are gods that can And Will curse me if I don't make the right ones. So I have more than enough reason to listen to her on those.
Onto mental torture, she liked to use different hallucinogenic drugs on me and would then inflict physical torture as well for the cherry on top. she could make scarves look like snakes, corpses look like a family, and women look like hags. it was the closest one to breaking me of all the skills she taught me. the closest to making me speak of who and what I used to be. the closest to seeing me for what I once was. She also helped me overcome my mental barriers that held me back during the fighting, though she did that by drilling it into me.
I still don't know exactly how she managed to gather all of this information on different skills, and while some part of me wants to know, I simply assume that it was put in place by the people who wanted her running the test. and I simply accepted that.
Training under Shi'Mer was easily one of the most horrifying things that I had to go through, and I feel like it would almost always remain at my number one spot. Though I can easily say that it was worth it. The pain helped define me, the work helped built me, and the willpower to go through with it cut away the innocence from my mind. If I could go choose whether or not to go through with it again I would be pretty damn conflicted as to whether or not I would go through it. On one hand, It hurt like hell and it was simple torture, on the other hand, it has helped build up my strength and knowledge about this world which will inevitably help me with becoming stronger.
I've grown to say the least. I'm taller than a human would be by a little bit, standing straight at the height of seven foot one. I have gotten a lot more muscle compared to back when I was younger. I got an eight pack, softball-sized biceps, and legs that could knock a head off their shoulders with a kick. To say that I'm muscular is an understatement. My hair has grown out more, along with my tusks which now are about half a foot long. I became tall and lanky, built like a large cat. My muscles were unlike that of a professional bodybuilder but rather a body belonging to a world star athlete. Long, lean and like metal cords. My hair looked like it would belong on a spinosaurus rather than as a hairstyle as it shone silver in the light.
I have three markings upon my face to show my advancement towards that of a warrior. I have three black marks upon each cheek like that of a claw mark and one running down my throat, along with the final diamond-shaped marking upon my forehead.
I finished thinking about the past eleven years of my life under that woman, and I couldnt help but feel proud of myself at what I had to go through, and how I came out from it, still sane, and still able. though it didn't last long as a shoe came and *WHACK* me in the head. "Ya tink ya is done? Not yet." I couldnt help but sigh at my teacher's antics once more. But, I knew that this would be the final lesson. the final mission, and then I would finally be able to leave.
I walked into the small house once more, just as I had done for years before now, but this time it was different. it felt like the walls surrounding me were sad to see me go, were sad to no longer be filled by others. I ignored the feeling that they were giving me and I simply walked through. reminiscing over the time that I once had here. I almost smiled. but I finally felt myself be able to pull away, and I followed my teacher's tracks into the house and headed into the one area that I had never been in. I walked into the room and immediately I started to take in the surroundings, looking towards the walls, finding windows and trying to see what was going to happen. but my eyes froze as I was looking around, at the body of my teacher. she was lying down in her bed, stark naked and smirking at me.
I could see her body top to bottom from where I stood, though I already knew the vast majority, there were a few outliers. her toned stomach and her beautiful muscles were there as always, though the large bouncing breasts along with her darker nipples just begging to be flicked, licked, sucked on, and pulled were new. her body was slender but condensed. I could tell that behind that small appearance, was a being who could kill you in a fraction of a second. and to be honest, it kinda turned me on. she wore a smirk as she shamelessly showed off every square inch of her body to me, trying to get a rise out of me. I could see the beginnings of the abs that she had always wanted, and I could see which muscles were more defined than others, but they were overshadowed by one simple fact. she shaves her snatch. I don't know why, but I found that little fact to be more interesting than almost her whole body put together. How does she even do it? does she just grab a knife? I thought to myself, but I digress.
She let out a happy laugh and simply said, "What? neva seen a woman before?" and before I could even really understand the question, I replied, "Neva one as beautiful as you." though I quickly realized what I had said and I could only feel my face flush as Shi'Mer simply looked stunned before bursting out into laughter. though soon enough she simply relented with her laughter till it was but a pleasant humming noise she made while looking at me. "Vai." She said my name, however, with such seriousness, i couldnt help but straighten up a bit as I looked her dead in the eye. "Dis is ya last test. It be simple. Beat me." She said it with a cold gleam in her eye, but it was only surface level. I could see beyond that by now, and I could see that there was much underneath it, but it was hard to differentiate because of the heat. I could see the passion in her eyes, the absolute love in them, and I realized exactly what she meant by it now. For some time now, she hadn't been seeing me as a student, but rather someone to love. and the pieces all started to come together.
when she trained me, it hurt but she was always there, never pushing me too far to truly hurt me. when she did, she always had something lying around that could help me get back. I could always see the slight unease in her eyes as she worked with me, and as she trained me. She had always been looking after me, and she had always seemed to love me. I couldnt help but shift a grin to my face as I realized something. I suppose since she has always looked out for me, I have to show it back. At this point, I was grinning like a mad man with a manic glint in my eye as I looked Shi'Mer up and down.
As soon as she saw that, she began to frown and her eyebrows scrunched together, though she still said nothing. I simply let down my grin and put on a smile, before I began to take off my clothing. I immediately unbuttoned my shirt and pants before letting them drop off of me. I smirked as I watched my Shi'Mer simply freeze when she saw the anaconda that I was packing. She didn't scream, she didn't shout, she simply froze in time and space. I started to walk towards her as she kept her eyes on me the whole time, letting her jaw hang as she looked at it as if she was finally realizing that it wasn't a figment of her imagination. I simply let my smile grow as I grabbed her hand, and pulled her up to me. "Ya done blankin out? or am I gonna be da one doin da work today." I mocked her slightly, causing her face to go red a moment before she managed to snap completely back in. "I... I just be shocked." I laughed at her embarrassment, though I understood it somewhat. I pulled her away from the bed and completely into me, hugging her while I stroked her hair, careful not to pull at any knots, and trying to not poke her eye out with my tusks. "Dis is my test. but you be my specimen. and I always be careful wit my specimens." She hid her face in my chest, but from her ears, I could tell that she was blushing heavily.
I simply let out a deep chuckle as I let go of her before I stooped a little lower to give her a sweet kiss on the lips. her mouth froze for a moment, most likely not expecting me to go at this so quickly, but they soon regained their life and they began to wage war with my own. now naturally, I think of myself as an equal to her, so I couldnt help but give it my all as we stood there, basking in the presence of each other and tasting each other. I could only continue as she gently moved her hand across my face and held onto me. needless to say, it was a huge turn on, and she soon realized that as my member brushed up on her thigh. she took one of her hands from my face and slowly traced it down my back, moving towards my prick and slowly but surely, she started giving him some love too. though I soon got my fill of this and I broke the kiss away, letting the saliva drip between us and form a small bridge, till I rose to my full height. I easily dwarfing her with my presence alone. I held my fingers across her cheeks as she gently nuzzled against them before I swiftly wrapped my hands around her and brought her cherry to my lips. I dug my tongue in deep into her and wriggled it a little to get a bit of room to work with.
It took only a second but I quickly got to sucking a bit at her clit. just a little, however, before I backed off. I then sat down on her bed, and I placed her on my legs, right in front of my prick. her face held a bit of heat from it, but she looked quite stable mentally. she held naught but a kind smile on her face and her eyes were just slightly crinkled. and as I looked at her, the sunshine seemed to be directed onto her from god up above. I felt myself freeze if only to just watch for a moment longer. though it was a moment that she noticed as she asked, "Ya ok?" to which I responded, "Breathtakin" She backed up a bit as we both blushed at the same time before I got back to her. I took my hands and simply fondled her breasts. I didn't go for the nipple immediately, but I simply felt around on them a little, cupping them in my hand, or simply pulling my finger along around them. I enjoyed the feeling that they held, though she seemed to be enjoying it as well as a small moan escaped her mouth.
I however stopped and moved onto her neck, a sweet and supple thing it was. I gave it a small nibble, to try it out, before I began to trace my tongue from her ears, to down her back where her shoulder and neck met. I then quickly gave a small blow of air onto the area and simply watched as she shivered from it. though when I looked at her, she was pouting a little. Most likely because she wanted me to do the test instead of simple foreplay, though I held out for a little longer as the more I did it, the redder she became. I simply kissed her a few more times, before I decided that it would be a good time to start. I placed my hand on her stomach and simply rubbed while looking her in the eye. her eyes were a little hazy, but clarity soon came back to them as she understood my intent. after a few moments, she nodded her head. I grinned and kissed her again while I lied down on my back, pulling her down with me. though she soon broke off and began to man my member. she stood high above before she lowered herself onto me. slowly but surely pushing downwards.
I was impressed, but I soon noticed the blood that began to flow down, and I quickly tried to stop her as small twitches showed on her face, signifying the pain that it was to have my dick inside her. though she stopped my attempts to stop her with a firm hand in place before she resumed her arduous task. While I do admit that it felt great, I couldnt truly love it as I watched her in pain simply so I could be pleasured. it was a mental vs physical battle of my own body. She eventually reached three fourths down, but by that point, my dick was poking the entrance to her womb. and while it sounds like a good idea to go past it for guys, I know how bad it can hurt most women. Shi'Mer looked like she had just gone through giving birth, with her forehead wrapped in sweat, but part of me knew, I would never see her anywhere nearly as beautiful as I do now. I waited a few minutes before I started to move. just gentle movements, up and down. slowly but surely. and as time passed, she stopped grimacing at the feeling and a small smile bloomed on her face. it was at this point that I decided that the rust was too far built and I would need to get rid of it. so with a small evil smile, I quickly sat up and got on top.
With her back on the bed and me on top, she could only bite her bottom lip. and so it began. I quickly started to push harder than I had before. moving her insides as I went about it. she even started making cute little moans as I rummaged through her. I slowly inched my way towards climax as I continued inside her. slowly but surely, I felt myself. but I also kept an eye on Shi'Mer, as she was my primary concern for the evening. I was moving as fast as I could without accidentally hurting her. And she was loving it, the harder I moved, the harder she reacted. the deeper I went, the louder the moans that escaped from her mouth. it was a give and take time, and I would give my all to her. However, I soon began to feel that my limit was being reached and as I slowed down, I pushed farther. If I was poking her entrance, at this point I was almost halfway through with the tip. and as soon as I reached the sweet spot, I unleashed hell. Shi'Mer froze up. her face a painting lost in ecstasy as I came inside her. I couldnt help but smile as I slowly pulled myself out of her, and with each inch, she let out small gasps. and as my member came out with a *POP*, so did the river of cum.
"Ready for da second test?" I asked her with a smile and I could only laugh at her attempt to speak, as all that came out was a small groan that somewhat sounded like yes. And so went the rest of our night, spent in the bedroom, trying, again and again, to give birth to an heir that would eventually bear my long and dark heritage.
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