《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 3 Forge Hold - Chapter 30 – Bats and Bones.


That night and well into the morning they slept like logs, it was the first time in several days that they had a slept in a bed. They were like logs, paranoid logs encased in armour but logs none the less. Martin was the first to rise, followed by the mercenaries and finally Alice. If she didn’t need to eat breakfast they would have required some sort of pry bar to get her out of bed.

They ate a hearty breakfast of porridge, Alice had used a lot of magic. Despite her small body that used up a lot of energy processing all the mana. She looked around the table, “I can’t believe we did that, three days outside the walls and we survived, it’s got to be extremely dangerous to be outside a settlement at night”. David had a certain arrogances to his voice, “maybe for those below level 20, apart from lexicon. We are likely to be the most dangerous things in the area, at least the four of us together”.

Martin carefully considered his words, “that might be true, the only other high level creature we have herd of is Islington. I don’t think Islington would have recovered significantly in the short space of time since we wounded him. Even then we are getting to the point where we can handle something of his level between us, even if he was at full strength and had a few underlings for support”.

Vivian wondered, “What do you think has happened to Islington, he has to be out of this fight with his injuries weakening him”. Martin thought for a moment chewing his porridge, “he would have been disciplined by his father, probably nothing too harsh. But he is probably in a far less important support role at the moment. Organising supplies or martialling low level troops, something in the background where he will not be a problem”.

“He was due to lead the attack now he has been put in the background”. David added his own ideas, “you don’t consider the arrogance of the vampire, bastard son or not he was a noble. Even if he is put on the back lines babysitting thrall bats or rats he will come for us again. He will not anticipate the difference in equipment levels or his weakened state, his wounded pride will make him force a confrontation”.

Vivian had to wonder, as they tucked into a second course of Breakfast, “Lexicon must be low on troops, we have killed quite a few of his minions and allies. Wouldn’t he call this assault off rather than waste troops”. Martin shrugged, “I suspect he is calling in a few favours to bulk up his ranks. Other elder vampires that serve the empress of shadows, independent contractors. He will have a few surprises for us”. Alice asked simply, “Why push on when this has already cost him hundreds of gold and almost cost him the life of his son”.

Martin was adamant, “he has to attempt this attack, and I believe that he has promised much to the vampire ancient he works for. Or even to the empress of shadows herself, if they took this settlement a boost of 1000 to 2000 survivors as slave’s thralls fledgling vampires. It would be a big boost to her numbers in this area. So I believe that unless we do a lot of damage to his ranks very soon, we will have a siege on our hands. This settlement has thick walls and several artillery pieces I don’t like lexicons odds”.

They ate the rest of the meal quickly, thinking about more battles to come. There was a commotion and a knock on the door to the hunter’s house. An apprentice hunter dashed into the room soon after, he had a key clutched tightly in his hand. He turned to the adventurers, “the confessor will see you now it is urgent”. They bolted down the last few spoonful’s of their meal grabbed all there equipment and left for the church as quickly as they could.


Simon had posted a few of the settlements guards outside the confessor’s office, a good idea considering the attack from the thieves’ guild a few days ago. Attempting to assassinate key figures in the local area. They knocked on the door and were admitted, the confessor put down his paperwork and eyed the group with some interest. “Greetings my friends, good news on your hunt with the serpents. Even if we were provoked into a rash action by the vampire lexicon, he underestimated you. All he did was give us more land and put coin in your pocket, he is gathering forces but we have known that for a few days”.

Martin was serious in his tone zealous in his look, “What foes need to be broken”? The confessor took a deep breath. “Two days ago I felt a strange sense as I prayed, I used the blessing thy will be done for insight. I was granted a tiny look at a fragment of lexicons plans. I found that the vampire is gathering his servants. Despite our efforts he is still trying to raise an army, this much we guessed. He is gathering an army to attack us marshalling his lieutenants.”

The confessor pulled out a local map, “Something is coming from the east, along the road to the east of the village of Ecrin. I want you to find and destroy whatever is coming. It’s probably a major element of lexicons forces, probably lead by a lieutenant a powerful creature or elite vampire. The easiest way to defeat a vampire attack is to stop them building up the forces necessary to overwhelm our walls. I don’t relish the thought of fighting in the streets.”

He pointed to three marks on the map, “There are some ancient tombs of the nobility out there, supposedly the nobles cremated all their ancestors after the vampires became a problem. Back when we started to cremate all remains. It is possible that they just sealed the crypts as a cheap option. Back then the nobles traditionally liked to venerate their ancestors and didn’t like to cremate the remains. It may be a necromancer or vampire with necromancy spells, there are no monster nests or powerful creatures that they could be trying to recruit. East Ecrin has a population of nine hundred and the walls of that little cheese making village are surprisingly strong, so I think that they will not be attempting to attack that as a target straight away”.

Vivian spoke to the confessor looking at David’s battered armour, “we will depart shortly we need to make a few arrangements and then we will head out”. The priest gave them a quick blessing and they left. They went to the trade guild and went looking for a blacksmith, to make some quick repairs to David’s plate armour. Martin had the necessary skills but not the tools or materials, with a quick bit of debating they got the tools and assistance needed.

Martin and Luther hammer David’s equipment back in shape over several metal forms, they didn’t have much time so they did the very basic work to repair it. To make sure the armour would deflect and block any blow. It cost them two silver for material and labour, it was around four times the regular cost. But it was an urgent job so the trade guild had an excuse, some items for the towns defence were delayed but they would catch up soon.

Luther was also helpful in grabbing a cart driver waiting around the trade guild. He was going to take a day or two for a shipment to be ready, he had little to do until then. Luther recruited him to give them a lift so that they would be able to respond to the confessor’s mission as quickly as they could, time might be of the essence. The cart driver used a pair of cattle to pull the heavy cart, one of the more competent militia went with them as extra security.


The journey was a quiet one down a fairly unremarkable track, several thick warm blankets made it a comfortable journey in the cold weather. The cart was only going to take them half of the way along the trail then drop them off and return to town. The cart driver and the militia man were no going to be able to face whatever was heading down the track. The stomp of the cattle and the rattling of the cart would raise more attention than the party on foot. The cart driver had no desire to put his own life in any more danger than it usual. It was late in the day when they got close to the old burial sites.

With the dwindling light Vivian was the first to see movement along the trail. Then Martin started to look, he could see the approaching enemy the faint purple glow of magic. They found a spot close to the side of the road. The party had enough light to see they moved behind a crumbled pile of rocks from a cleared landslide, and waited.

David looked through his monocle. 50 skeletons surrounded by a faint purple glow were matching four abreast down the track. They were between level 25 to 30, they were an undead knight class. They carried both spears and swords, most had a shield over their shoulders. They carried what was once thick armour. A purple glow surrounded there weapons and armour holding the damaged and decayed equipment together. They would be a little bit tougher to fight physically, the adventures had plenty of equalizers.

It was almost a certainty that these remains had been raided from the old noble burial grounds. The coffins must have been well sealed stone affairs as recognisable pieces of heraldry and banners could be seen. As the confessor had mentioned, some of the banners looked like the house of Kain others like the current lord of forge hold. Most banners belonged to minor houses that had ceased to exist or been absorbed into one of the larger houses through marriage.

They were carrying something at the back, it almost looked like an eight man litter. Something left in one of the old tombs, dating back to a time before the vampire’s prominence. When the biggest threat to the peasantry had been the whims of the local barons. They could see the necromancer riding in it as pompous as any natural born lord. This lord of the dead was around level 45 he had probably expelled almost all of his magic creating the small army around him. Arriving on the battel field with these 50 undead might be a problem. Especially if he had a chance to reinforce them with additional magic. They would be a potent unit that the defenders of forge hold would have great difficulty dealing with.

It was a pity for the necromancer that he was in close proximity to a high level group of adventures. Martin grinned as he uses two large thermite grenades lighting them and fling them forwards. There were two big bangs and white hot flames. The front fifteen skeleton knights were heavily damaged, bits of their armour were gone, chunks of their equipment were missing and they were not standing in such a regimented way.

The other members of the party were not idle in attacking the necromancer and his charges. Alice used a duel cooked fire ball aimed at the front ranks, twenty of the undead constructs were bathed in the mages fire. They looked about ready to fall down there and then, David charged forwards and delivered a regular attack that sent an undead knight crashing to the ground one leg gone it tried to prop itself up on its spear.

Vivian let loose with one of her iron arrows straight at the source of the problem. The Necromancers defensive barrier spell was quite weak, the arrow bounced off it like it was hitting a stone wall. But the impact almost destroyed the simple barrier spell. The necromancer probably relied on ducking behind the cover of his minions, rather than his own personal defensive magic so he had never bothered to improve this spell. The litter was lowered a skeleton knight put his bones between Vivian and the necromancer, a mithril arrow smashed through the skeleton knight almost destroying it in one shot.

Martin got closer, he used his blessing “circle of consecration” creating a circle around him that started to wear away at the spells animating the skeleton’s. The purple light holding there weapons and armour began to fade even further. A second skeleton took an arrow for his master and the necromancer had enough. One look at the vampire hunter's blessings eating through his magic and the necromancer was certain he had made the best choice available.

Two skeleton knights threw there great shields over the front of the litter covering the necromancer. He poured his reserves of mana into a spell. Eight of the skeleton’s turned around and placed the litter on their armoured shoulders. They began to move as quickly as they could, ten more joined them to act as a screen against the adventures. The skeletons in the middle of the group spread out to block off the pathway to stop the adventures pursuing. The necromancer was getting away with 20 knights keeping him safe inside the litter. He was using his final reserves of mana to empower them to run. The spell caused some damage to his creations, but it was doing its job of distancing him form the adventures.

The necromancer was sweating, those particular adventures were meant to be chasing lamia. Not popping up to demolish his forces before he had even had a chance to join lexicon yet. The spell he was using was designed to help necromantic constructs to cross distances quickly. So that their time in a killing field would be reduced. He was now using it to retreat with all his might. Various expletives followed after the necromancer as Martin was swearing to help him permanently join his creations. The necromancer thought it out perhaps he should have created a smaller number of more powerful bone golems. But then he didn’t want his creations to be such an easy target for the defensive ballistas.

The un-lead undead already softened up with thermite and fire balls were quickly crumbling to dust under the groups assault. Martin activated his “shield of faith” blessing them another “circle of consecration”. The holy energy slowly unravelled the deteriorating suits of rusted metal and crumbling bones that formed there opposition.

David lets lose a few power attacks into the ranks on the right flank, his improved abilities demolished the skeletons. Without a spell casters support he was so resistant to their attacks in his layers of heavy armour it would take a massive weight of numbers to affect him. Vivian shot silver mithril and bodkin arrows into the back ranks of skeletons, some folded easily others were simply badly damaged, the skeletons fell one by one.

Alice used her shield spell as she came out of hiding behind a rock. It lasted for fifteen seconds and gave her plenty of time to plan her next move. A few knights had spears to throw, they were no specialist unit so the spears bounced off the protective spell. She carefully sent a fire ball into the middle of the opposition ranks avoiding Martin and David. It destroyed five damaged skeletons.

The group worked well as they demolished the knights with the minimum of effort. Martin tried something tapping a skeleton knight on the shield with his holy symbol “purify”. It split apart and fell to pieces, the purify blessing could remove magical influence, it probably would not work on an undamaged skeleton knight but there were few of them. Martin used his blessing, “hallowed earth” five more of the skeletons collapsed on the spot the rest looked like they would follow shortly.

Alice finished off a straggler with an acid strike and the battle was over. They had fought such engagements a few times. Softening up an enemy with offensive magic blessings and explosives. Vivian picking off key targets Alice continuing to softening up the group with fire balls with Martin and David bogging down the group in a spot that would bottle neck there opponents. It was a strategy that played to their strengths, with each member’s slowly expanding repertoire added to their groups fighting strength they could handle larger and more numerous opponents.

The enemy had suffered heavy losses, they would not easily find a bounty of high level corpses to make more undead from. Lexicon had lost 30 servants, destroying 60% of the fighting potential of that unit. The necromancer had hidden behind cover then retreated, without mana to fuel his spells his presence was more of a liability than a benefit. He had caused the party to grow more powerful as they destroyed his creations they levelled up further as he got out of range.

Martin felt his eyes glow he levelled up to level 42, as he started to stack the undead’s remains up. He learned a fourth level in blade coating allowing him to mix up an enduring burning fire coating that would make the damage from his throwing blades a little more potent and could be added to a sword later on.

David hit level 34, he gained the 4th level in his skill defence against hordes. A skill that allowed a soldier to make better use of their armour defensively when facing a line of attacking targets. It allowed David a much better chance of survival against the waves of attackers, like the hoard of skeleton knights. Vivian hit level 35 taking a class level she gained the ability to train up a superior version of the guard class, a town guard who benefitted with access to a better class of equipment and the skill to fully use it. Alice almost blacked out again then levelled up, gaining a stronger version of her defensive shield spell.

David and Martin piled up the bodies and there fragments of weapons, Vivian recovered her arrows. After a few minutes she had all her arrows and began to help pile up bones. Alice had a look through the skeletons remains just in case any of them were buried with any magical equipment. They were not, so the nobles were at least sensible enough not to allow grave robbers the chance at anything good. They had most of the bones back together in a pile, Vivian threw oil over it Martin said a little prayer then set the pile on fire. They gave it a few minutes to make sure that the pile was burning. Alice had one good question as they brought out the torches, “Who was the necromancer due to meet up with”?

David shrugged “I don’t know but they would be along this way, the direction that the necromancer was originally heading, if we go back with our eyes open we might find something else to smash up”. David and Martin lead Alice in the middle with Vivian at the rear, Martin and David had torches Vivian had her magic ring, activating it with a tap.

Alice kept looking for magic holding her hand out to sense it. Martin held onto his holy symbol waiting for any sense, Vivian had her keen senses. This time it would be David who found it with shear dumb luck about 40 minutes later. “What’s hidden behind that brush”? Vivian looked over at the side of the track, a number of bushes had been cut down and arranged at the side of the road to conceal something. Martin moved them back, there was a set of cart tracks and foot prints. Vivian looked at the rest of the group. “This looks like a trail lets follow it”. Martin looked back, “is this the same tactic used in vine garden by the bandits”? Vivian nodded, “I think so we walked past it once without noticing”.

There was a crunching noise as David stepped on something, he looked down at his foot there was some sort of spiked piece of metal wedged in his boot. “What now”? he wondered, Martin examined it, pulling it out of David’s boot. “It’s a poisoned caltrops you were lucky you got me to thicken up the soles of your boots”. They looked around finding another dozen of the things scattered around the trail. Moving further they found a second line of caltrops and finally a cave entrance disappearing into the side of a sheer cliff.

Vivian looked round, “what if we encounter lexicon again”? Martin held out his bundle of dynamite, “we stand a better chance but it is unlikely we will meet him”. They moved into the cave there were a few crates of provisions and a cart. There were two beds that would constitute cots and one fairly pleasant one, plus a very well-padded coffin, there had to be one vampire and a few servants, they were about somewhere waiting.

Alice began to freak out when they came into a very large chamber, it looked like it was a natural cave. “Fucking bats freaking fucking bats it's always fucking bats”. Islington was back, he had two human thralls attending him, along with several metric tones of thrall bats. Massive flocks of them and several big ones leading the flocks. There were eight terror thrall bats, two matriarchs and six alphas, very tough creatures with their wings unfurled they were the size of carts.

The bats formed a screen between the adventures and Islington the two thralls stood either side of them, they held pikes and wore a bit of leather armour. Islington tried to begin a grand speech “I have risen like a”, “fire ball” Alice had no intention of being in the presence of all of these bats for very long, rather than run she had the perfect way to get rid of them on mass. It was shear overkill for a single bat, but there were so many. She was not aiming the spell it just happened, and it got Islington worried, he ducked behind the two thralls protecting him and sent the swarm of bats forward keeping a large number back as a screening shield to save his own ass.

David marched forwards towards the terror bat alphas, he would deal with the threats that he could land solid blows on. Two of the alphas moved forwards, the rest of the alpha’s and the matriarchs hung back. Islington was meant to stay out of the fighting, he was just babysitting these thrall bats. They would be used in the upcoming attack on forge hold, to screen the vampire’s forces and harass the ballista crews to stop them targeting more important assets.

Vivian decided to deal with what she could, she didn’t have enogh arrows to make a dent in the flock of bats, but then there were there priority targets for her. She fired an iron arrow using an adrenalin power shot into the mass of bats, with the power behind it the bats could not easily divert it. One of the thralls guarding Islington stepped into the shot and died saving his master, she shrugged it was a pity.

Alice duel cast her fire ball spell into the centre of the mass of bats, before they could get any closer. Then she realised something in her panic. Islington would always have the thickest mass of bats between him and the party, she just needed to fire there. She screamed “fuck the bats fire ball”. Martin ran forwards until he was surrounded by bats weakly attacking him. He used his blessing “sphere of consecration”, smoke came off the bats inside the sphere and the ones that entered it they died quickly as the thrall taint was burnt from inside them. Islington set two more of the alphas onto Martin hoping he could overwhelm the party before he ran out of bats, he was in no condition to put up much of a fight himself.

David focused on one of the alphas and didn’t notice the second taking flight, it knocked him to one side, it didn’t hurt but it was distracting. Vivian noticed this and put two of her good bodkin arrows into the bats centre of mass, its wing muscles were damaged and it crashed back to the ground. Martin ended up rolling around on the floor with a giant terror bat alpha on top of him, he held it at arm’s length and pressed his holy symbol to its twisted flesh, “Purge smite divine retribution” the creature was looking worse for wear.

Martin noticed that Alice was trying to help him with a fire ball spell, he managed to activate a blessing “resist igna”. The fire resistance blessing soaked up some of the damage and the smoking carcase of the bat a little more, he still needed to use divine favour twice on himself to heal the damage from the friendly fire incident.

David was able to land two adrenalin power attacks, to the thrall bat alpha Vivian had wounded. It went down with its skull smashed open bleeding out on the cave floor. He had enough time to turn and use an adrenalin block on the second alpha that was closing in on him, knocking it off course and into the cave wall. Vivian started to focus on the giant bat matriarchs, they were slowly peppered with iron broad heads but they remained in place, waiting for orders form Islington who was keeping them in reserve.

Alice was slightly horrified by the friendly fire incident leaving Martin slightly crispy, the shock of it hit home and she started to focus more. The fire balls she was flinging were decimating the bat swarm but she had to be careful not to wipe out her own allies. Martin drew his triple pistol he unloaded all three barrels into the attacking giant bat alpha, it fell back wounded. Islington could see he was running out of bats, he sent his reserves the last two alphas and the matriarchs into the fight.

Martin took the opportunity to throw one of his remaining thermite grenades into the mix, one matriarch and two of the alphas were engulfed in white molten metal. They were busy writhing around chittering and screaming. Martin jumped onto the neck of the last remaining uninjured matriarch and activated his blessing “chain smite”. The bat started to twist and buck around as the holy symbol delivered jolt after jolt of electrical power into its twisted diseased flesh. Vivian put an injured alpha bat down with a few well-placed power shots into its head.

David charged into the second wounded matriarch, it was still smouldering when he started to unleash a series of power attacks into its side, cutting through its wing membrane and into muscle, it shrieked and howled as he chopped and cut. Alice was finally surrounded by bats she threw up her shield spell avoiding any harm, it was the big ones she had to worry about and the rest of the group had them in hand.

The giant bat that Martin was gripping shook him around, it smashed him into a wall but he held on with dogged determination. The bat shook and screamed then collapsed it tried to move away but it was not going anywhere after four more seconds it cut out. One injured alpha targeted Martin he had enough time to activate a defensive blessing, “fortress of faith” before it barrelled into him. David focused on the matriarch taking out the second one. Vivian reached for her mithril arrows, the matriarchs were very tough, even a power shot that could pierce its skull was not enough to outright kill one, that arrow would be a problem to recover wedged all the way inside the bats skull.

Alice used her staff to get rid of the bats surrounding her, beating them down one at a time and stamping on them. There numbers were few now thermite fire balls and divine blessings had destroyed most of the foul creatures. Islington watched as his last defences were cut down. Martin killed off the last alpha bat with a focus shot and two applications of the, “wrath of the almighty” blessing. David cut into the last matriarch with two adrenalin strikes, almost severing its head and stopping it form flapping around. The remaining bats started to flee for a second with their leadership gone. But Islington exerted what power he had remaining, the bats stuck around to harass the adventures as they advanced.

Vivian picked off one or two of the remaining bats with her speed shooting ability. David ignored them and moved towards Islington, the bats dive bombing him bounced off his plate armour. Martin activated his ability “holy aura”, it caused the bats to avoid him as he closed in on the vampire. Islington's last line of defence fell, as Vivian hit the remaining thrall in the foot with an arrow dropping the man to the ground. Alice threw an acid strike at Islington, the corrosive conjured substance burnt right into his flesh breaking his concentration. Allowing the rest of the thrall bats to regain their tiny minds, sense just how many of their comrades were dead and flee in terror.

Islington took a deep breath, “you think that” Martin shot him in the chest with his last pistol. Vivian got him in the shoulder with a silver arrow, David walked up and punched him hard enough in the face for something to crack. Alice nailed him in the groin with an acid strike. Islington was trying to fling one last insult at them, but the words would not form. He could just manage a gasp of pain as a silver arrow hit him in the knee.

Martin pulled a hammer and stake out from his coat. Islington was a shadow of his former self he could barely stand on his injured leg, there was a grin on Martin’s face he looked to Alice nodding. She hit the vampire with another acid strike to the knee and he went down. Vivian and David tackled him holding him down. The vampire tried to speak “not like...” Martin felt a moment of bliss as he hammered the stake home, then followed up with a second blow from his mallet. Islington managed to get out two soul rending screams of agony filled with fear and regret. “Father I tried...” He stopped struggling, the stake did its work unwinding the spells that kept him in a state of un-death.

The small amounts of skin that had regrown pealed back and evaporated into dust. His body desiccated his regrown hair becoming powder. His flesh and muscles pealed and twisted finally withering away. His bones cracked blackened and then fell apart, leaving dust a skull and fangs.

The injured thrall was crying “master I failed you … I am so sorry” Marin held out his holy symbol “purify”. The man stared blankly “where am I and ouch my fucking foot”?

Martins eyes glowed brightly as he levelled up it was euphoria his purpose fulfilled if only for a second. Martin grinned as power flooded his body he gained four levels from killing that vampire, he had two more levels of combat medic which unlocked the focus stitch skill. Allowing him to rapidly stitch wounds shut if he needed to perform some sort of triage. He gained one level of grenadier specialisation, so he now had the plans for an acid flask grenade floating about his mind. He also gained a class level as he went past level 45.

Martin felt a strange itching then burning through his body, an agony as every cell in his body burned with pain. It was as if he was being poisoned on the inside, like serpents venom was invading every cell. He was clutching the wall almost keeling over his mind was numb exhausted. His body felt different it was greater poison resistance effectively an immunity from poison. Something that higher level hunters enjoyed, he would find even a glass of 95% proof IP to be little more than flavoured water.

He gained access to four new blessings one called litany of blessings that would activate every defensive ability he had in one go, perfect for an emergency. He gained the blessing bastion of faith that made him much tougher in a fight. It was effectively 250 extra health and 30 extra armour. About twice as powerful as fortress of faith. He gained the blessing pillar of salt which was twice as strong as smite and a ranged ability to boot. His last blessing was field of wrath, which would have been excellent against the bats. It was designed to deal with hordes of smaller weaker enemies.

David gained a class level upgrading his comprehensive training ability, Vivian reached level 36 now she now got level 5 of her better criticals skill, she could really do heavy damage. Alice hit level 36 and mastered her shield spell. She now had a formidable barrier allowing her twenty five seconds of shielding to protect herself. Vivian pulled the arrow out Martin checked the wound then they healed up the former thrall. Vivian collected her arrows and Martin reloaded his pistols. David set about piling up handfuls of dead bats in a pile in the centre of the cave.

Vivian and David dragged the giant bat alpha and matriarchs together, Martin Alice and the bemused former thrall helped to pile up all the bats. Some oil and a light and the pile was on fire. They had no intention of facing giant zombie bats. They also had no intention of sticking around as lexicon might be back to check on his son and they were almost out of everything. Martin carried the dead thrall after purifying his remains, at the very least they could bring him back and give his body the last rights. David dragged the confused man with them as they moved to towards town as quickly as they could.

Martin grinned as they went, “I do get a big bonus from a vampire kill even one like him that was already wounded, that was worth four levels”. He paused thinking, “his father will be mad”. Vivian grinned, “Good we can use the contingency that we have been planning to use”. David grinned “we got the bastard, four gold for his head that’s four hundred silver, 40000 brass penny’s”. Alice looked back at him “if you insist in payment in pennies you can carry them”.

It took them most of the night to walk back, they were tired and hungry when they finally arrived. The gate guards checked them and the former thrall who seemed to be remembering he was a cobbler form good ford. They made a bee line for the church, waking up the deacon who got the confessor. He had a mug of hot tea and met them in his office.

Vivian reported to the confessor, “There was a necromancer above veteran status, possibly a master leading a group of fifty knight class undead, until the noble’s crypts are inspected we presume they were raised locally as you guessed. He was meeting with the vampire's lieutenant Islington, who was leading a large flock of thrall giant bats, centred around eight matriarchs and alpha bats”.

The confessor looked disappointed, “so they are marshalling there forces I presume you did more than observe the meeting”?

Vivian gestured to Martin who dropped a skull with two fangs onto Calvin’s desk. Vivian continued “we prevented them from meeting up, initially we engaged the necromancers unit. He sacrificed around 30 of the skeleton knights to act as a rear guard while he fled. The other group was local we found and engaged them destroying the majority of the giant bats the matriarchs and the alpha's then we destroyed Islington”.

Calvin placed a holy symbol on the desk. “This is an important matter I must confirm, place your hand on the symbol”. Martin placed his hand there Calvin looked at the rest David and Vivian placed their hands next to his Alice reluctantly placed her hand there. Calvin spoke “repeat after me, I swear it is the truth before the creator god that we have killed the vampire Islington and this is his remains”. They spoke as the priest spoke there was a glow from the holy symbol and on their hands. The priest nodded in satisfaction. “You can take your hand back”, He held out a hand placing it on the skull, “insight” he nodded “purify” the skull crumbled to dust. He looked around to them “there was a four hundred silver bounty on his head I assume you plan to collect”.

David looked around the rest of the group. There was no dissent “we plan to collect, high level equipment is expensive and lexicon is very tough”. The confessor nodded, “that is often the case, use the reward to help you eliminate the vampire menace, I will pay you from our funds then collect from Lord Fortest Bradbury-Cain afterwards”. The group made some plans then dropped back round to the hunter’s house finding some well-earned sleep.

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