《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 3 Forge Hold - Chapter 29 – Snakes and Ladders 3.


Martin took the first shift watching over the small clearing, they had broken the back of their task the previous day. The serpent men and lamia were gone from the area, a few stragglers and elite units were all that would be left. They were probably the best and the worst of the nest left. Vivian took over the watch she didn't have Martins eye piece to help detect danger, but she did have the ring of the eagle which dramatically sharpened her normal senses.

David took the last watch, he was attentive enough but still glad that it would be light soon. He almost raised the entire group a few times, when there was the creak of timber or the rattle of the wind off in the night. They killed an hour in the morning waiting for the sun to rise, they had made a fire to warm up. Martin repaired some equipment stitching up Alice's padded armour. Alice read some of her books she had two with her. Vivian sharpened up her arrow heads while David cleaned a few bits from his armour. Vivian and Martin helped David put every piece of his iron plate armour on and they were off.

The valley that the lamia nested in was quite well sheltered from the wind. It had several of the hot-springs that the snake men could use to maintain high body temperatures to keep active. It also had a good amount of sun, there were several large rocks that the snakes liked to sun themselves on. Spots where the geothermal energy kept the place warm. The vegetation was a little sparse in places, but they had enough prey animals to maintain even grow their numbers.

At one time there were only a few dozen snake men, a group had headed far north from a larger lamia nest to start their own. They had found the hot springs to their liking and stayed there. In the past it was much easier for good ford to monitor them, when their numbers were lower and they were less bold.

There was a crude watch tower along the path, a single very wizened serpent man equipped as an archer kept watch. It was more like a pile of stone and logs than an actual watch tower, but it still gave the serpent man a good view. This serpent man chewed some sort of black root. He had a hollowed rams horn around his neck he could blow it to alert the rest of the nest. He had seen the big column of smoke, he worried for his tribe his family. The news was not likely to be good, the humans stopped them from growing every time and the vampires were little better. A single blast on the horn was an alert, two blasts would be the nests forces returning.

His eyes were not as keen as years ago, he thought that he saw something glint. Then the iron broad head sunk into his chest. The power shot travelled right through him and embedded behind him in the lookout towers wooden structure. He held a hand up seeing the blood, he reached for the horn he tried to draw a breath in but it hurt. As a second arrow aimed higher and struck, stopping him from raising an alert as the horn fell from his lifeless hands.

The lamia had built a nest around the hot-springs around one of the larger pools. There was an outer defensive wall apparently made from mud and stone, not very formidable or strong. Instead of a gate there was a barricade made from wood with spikes and logs attached to it. It would temporarily seal off the entrance to the place but not do much more. The lamia were industrious for monsters, they had planted a few gardens of thin weak black herbs, a few gourds and dense fragrant bushes. They were spices narcotics and healing herbs, not very much but enough to give them serpent men some basic healing and a way to alleviate the boredom.


The settlement seemed to be mostly deserted, there were many small pens and huts all made from stone and mud thatched with straw. The numbers of enemies that the party had slain would mostly populate this settlement. There were lumber piles and crudely made stone tools left about. There was a large building in the centre of the settlement, it would be built around the queen and her eggs. In this case the hot spring providing the heat necessary to incubate them, there was a thick irregularly thatched roof. There were a few racks where some sort of meat was being smoked, as they were occasionally cannibals, it could have been simply weaker members of the tribe.

The party expected a handful of more powerful elite lamia to be guarding the nest, so far they had only found one weak old serpent man on watch duty. The element of surprise would be good but it was not integral to their plans. They passed a few racks out in the air something was being dried and stretch out. It was the skins from various sheading's, where they had grown longer. They used the sturdy material for clothing bags and bindings.

As they moved through the snake men's home the first real sign of resistance emerged. There were several hidden pits, a few dread giant serpents acted as guard dogs. They were led by a dread giant snake alpha. The footsteps of the intruders woke them up and the sound and vibration didn't feel familiar, so they attacked. There were ten of them in all, it was still not a tough ambush. The first lunging beast went up against David. Its fangs practically snapped as it tried to bite through the iron plate protecting his leg.

Alice used her shield spell, there was a dull flicker as a transparent bubble formed around her. She could throw a fire bite sitting safely behind this spell. She burnt one snake away and used an acid strike to deal with a second. One snake tried to strike her but the magic force shield easily withstood its physical attacks. David cut down the attacking beasts, using a power attack to slice the alpha in half, it was considerably bulkier than the rest he didn’t want any surprises. Vivian killed a few with her bow and Martin flattened the last couple with his mallet.

There was one hut that was larger than the rest but still not as large as the central building, they moved inside as they could hear some rustling. Entering it revealed a sick ward or hospital of sorts, a lone snake woman was busy tending the wounded. There were three lamia with deep wounds a snake man with crude bandages over his eyes, a snake man with a wound on his chest and a snake man that looked like a troll had sat on him.

The snake woman would eventually grow to become a queen, if she lived long enough. A woman was rare, she was not very high level by comparison so she was set duties to heal what she could. If the nest grew large enough she would set off to start another, if the queen died she would grow to take on the role. She could see her death and the death of her patients in the eyes of the humans. She pulled a sharp steel knife and faced off against them, her hand shook as her eyes darted around looking for a way out.

She hissed one word “mercy”? Vivian shook her head, “you would not grant it to us, we will not grant it to you”. She tried to attack, David cut her down without hesitation, and she was left broken on the floor trying to hold her stomach together with her hands. One of the lamia tried to rise from his sick bed, he was struck by an arrow and expired there and then. Martin picked up the knife, the snake woman was still alive. Martin walked round the room and slit the wounded serpent men and lamia’s throats one by one ending with the snake woman's.


Alice watched from the back, she felt queasy for a second, killing them like this was a little disturbing. Seeing Martin slit the snake woman's patients throats before killing her was quite sadistic. Alice knew that if the serpents found her injured that they would just think lunch, but it still didn't feel so good inside, they left the seven dead bodies.

The place had very few defenders, the main force they had encountered must have been almost every able bodied fighter. The vampires would not gain any additional support. Slowly the group moved forwards, there was an outer chamber to the main structure. It had a couple of torches burning. Martin and David went in first with Vivian and Alice behind.

The room was quite large, it was occupied by some more senior serpent men. They were obviously the crafters of their tribe, its back bone. One was shaving down spear shafts with a flint blade, a second was napping flint arrow heads. Two seemed to be splitting wood to make shields and the remainder were busy weaving some sort of basket from strips of bark. The serpent men must have been around level 25 or higher they froze. The adventures froze, the standoff seemed to go on for about two seconds before one of them picked up a crude hand axe and charged at the adventurers.

Martin drew a pistol and shot the serpent man in the centre of the chest, it faltered and slowed the rest of the serpent men tried to attack the party with anything to hand. Alice let lose a series of acid strikes dissolving two of the attackers. A power strike from David with his Damascus falchion cut one of them almost cleanly in half. Vivian hit the remaining two with arrows leaving them dying on the floor. Martin finished off the one in front of him and reloaded his pistol. Vivian used her dagger to slit two throats, cleaned off her blade and retrieved her arrows. The main chamber was sealed off with a curtain made from snake skin whatever was inside would have heard the sound of the fight.

The party pushed the curtain roughly aside and ventured in. The room was quite large dominated by a large pool where steam rose and the water gently bubbled. There were a couple of crude stone fireplaces that had logs burning away in them, plus a few windows giving the place a little light. Around the perimeter were vast numbers of eggs, in the centre of the pool was a crudely made wooden bench, the lamia queen was curled upon it. Her upper half was quite human even if the size was exaggerated. If she had been human she would have been over eight foot tall, with her massive tail she easily weighted two tons she greeted the party with a snarl.

She was like the lamia but instead of a dark green arrow pattern she had a dark green diamond pattern to her scales. Her upper body and facial features were very human, very refined her eyes were intelligent. Her tong darted out it was narrow and forked she could taste the air as a way of reading what she faced. She had hair it was dark green and thick hanging down to her shoulders it had an oily quality to it. She wore a loose fitting robe made from her own shed skin, stitched into a dress of sorts. She had a few trinkets and adornments a necklace that appeared to be magical.

Beside her were two greater lamia they both wielded massive clubs, which had all manner of flint spikes embedded in them. They made crude but effective bludgeoning instruments. They wore similar clothes made from their own shed skins. The one on the right had a red belt that was probably a trophy from a battle with some previous adventures it may have been magic. There were a few elements in the room that spoke of these monsters not being quite so simple, there was a crude desk with a few raggedy looking books a comb and brass lamp. The greater lamia were similar to the regular lamia but bulkier, with a diamond pattern to their scales similar to the queens.

Martin looked at her, “She is tough high hit point’s high armour, at least level 40 she has a poison bite attack a limited venom spit, it can blind but not kill. She is a melee power house including a constrictors abilities, same for the greater lamia but they have very minor regeneration as well, they are about the same level, I would guess from the same brood”.

The lamia queen picked up a large halberd, it was rusty and bent but would still be an extremely effective weapon. She clicked her fingers forty smaller snakes seemed to emerge from various openings in the room. They were new hatchlings barely level 1 but she would throw them at the adventures attacking her, she had very little else. She hissed at the adventurers, “you have killed my sons and my daughter, we kept out of your way, but could you keep out of mine. I was not your enemy until you shed our blood”.

Martin hurled two pots of the black powder, the burning pepper at the queen and her entourage. He followed it up with two silver canisters that detonated in a blue puff of smoke. The greater lamia and the queen had no idea what was going on there senses were overloaded. Alice was able to land a duel cast fire ball into the middle of their group. The hatchlings died on the spot. The queen was wounded and the greater lamia were certainly in a great deal of pain.

Vivian put her three mithral tipped arrows into the queen’s chest, even with power shots, they didn't sink in that deep even if they were mithral her hide was tough. David charged towards the queen, determined to carve her into pieces. Martin activated a string of defensive blessings “guardian seraphim angel, fortress of faith, armour of faith”. He then attacked one of the greater lamia with chain smite. Bolts of lightning hit the monster again and again at first it mealy slowed its advance but with each bolt that hit the damage increased and so the burden of its existing wounds affected it more and more.

The greater lamia dropped its weapon then then collapsed barely holding itself off the ground, more bolts struck it. Then it collapsed and twitched dead the attacking chain smite, ended as there was not a legitimate target just a corpse, the queens face twisted into a knot of rage and anger.

Alice threw acid strikes and fire bite spells at the second greater lamia. It was able to block some of the spells with its wooden club preventing damage to its eyes. Its chest neck and forearms still took a lot of damage. It was able to close in on Alice, but she activated her shield spell blocking its overhead swing. Fully committed to the attack it could not offer a defence as Alice aimed a corrosive acid strike at its face. The greater lamia fell back, dropping its club hissing in agony clutching its face it writhed around on the floor. Alice struck it with fire bite spells again and again, until its charred burned corpse stopped twitching.

David and Vivian handled the lamia queen she gained ten bodkin arrows sticking out of her chest neck and shoulders. She still kept fighting relentlessly trying to hammer David flat. He blocked a few poison spits, she did some damage physically with the halberd. But he had so much armour that he was an infuriatingly tough nut to crack. He learnt her attack pattern he started to use an adrenaline block to disrupt her attacks, leaving her open to his counter attacks. Even with his adrenalin strike the queen was taking minimal damage.

The two attendants dealt with Martin and Alice started to focus on her. Martin unloaded all three of his pistols into her at close range then he used his, “wrath of the almighty” blessing causing a bit of damage. Martin used a few focus throws getting two poisoned blades wedged in her hide. Alice alternated between fire bites and acid strikes. The queen didn't seem to be particularly susceptible to anything Alice had. Vivian used her bleed arrows and the silver ones. The mountain of serpentine muscle swung at David one more time. He side stepped and brought his sword down on the middle section of the weapon shattering the queen’s halberd it into two pieces.

The lamia queen tackled David, desperate to constrict the life out of him and kill one of the group attacking her. He was quite strong and she found his blade in her side. He let go of his sword and drew his silver dagger, he continued to stab away, before she could finish her job crushing him. The queen was hit by Vivian and Martin. She got the right eye with an arrow he got the left eye with a pistol shot.

The lamia queen gave up the fight there and then she had only one desire to flee. She pulled the arrow out of her eye socket uncurled from David's crushed form and tried to make a run for the exit. Martin activated his “martyrs sacrifice” blessing picked up David's sword and started to hack away at the retreating monster, Vivian kept shooting it with arrows Alice went to heal David, in seconds he was back up. He picked up one of the massive clubs that the greater lamia had drooped and went after the queen. He brought the club down on her neck, there was a crack and down she went her neck cracked broken. Lots of blood and bone were splattered over the club the lamia was dead.

There was one bit of grisly work left, most of the lamia eggs around the room were intact, that was not going to be the case for very long. Martin pulled out his trusty mallet and started to smash one egg after another. There were about 300 eggs in incubation around the room, ten eggs were destroyed before the level up hit.

Martin gained two levels the first was a class level, his mind was reformatted in such a way that it became easier to use his blessings with a use of 4 focus not 5 to use them. His mind burned like he was experiencing a migraine it started at the top of his skull and worked its way back then faded just as quickly. He gained several additional blessings that could be activated to resist cold fire and electrical energy. Good for countering an area of effect spells that did damage over time. He also gained a second use of the “wrath of the almighty” blessing. Finally he improved his blade coating skill giving him access to a much stronger consecrated silver blade coating, that would wreak havoc with vampire’s demons thralls etc.

David hit level 33 raising his duellist skill up to level 3. Vivian hit level 34 gaining rank 4 of the better critical skill. Alice was a little shaken from the level up being hit by two levels of change to her mind and body in one go. Alice upgraded her shield spell to the grand version, giving her a shield about twice as strong that would last three times longer than the most basic version.

David looked at his shield and armour, “even with this heavy armour, its bent up no wonder this quest was worth so much money, Martin can you get the dents out”. “Probably I have a lot of eggs to squish first”. Alice looked about moving some baskets out of the way “Martin there are another 40 eggs hidden hear, let me get out of the way before you squish them”. Vivian looked over the queen’s papers it looked like someone had taught her to read. There were a few common books folk tales saga's poems, a brief guide to planting a garden. Even a flute and a few scrolls of music. There was one very official looking letter in the pile of reading materials. It was sealed in a black lacquered wooden case, it was very light, the sort of thing that a giant bat would deliver.

Vivian unrolled it

'To the Lamia queen of the boiling pits tribe.

With the authority of the empress of shadows the true sovereign of snakes it is demanded that you re-join her ranks and comply with the order to marshal your forces. Defy me and I will destroy you.

Signed lexicon.'

Vivian sighed, “We have been had, the vampires wanted these snakes dead for not following orders”. Martin shrugged, “that is unusual, the snakes normally toe the line, still they have a survival instinct. If lexicon appeared weak they would not follow. The lord was tricked, seeing the lamia move to counter act the vampires made him think they were preparing to fight us. Still one less monster in the area is good especially an organised one like this”.

Vivian looked about, “in the end we are out played by this elder, we have now defeated one of his rivals not his allies. Still we burn this place down so that there is nothing he can use.” Alice looked about, “would we ever ally with something like this against the vampires”? David shook his head “they can’t be trusted and can’t be relied on”. Martin continued his zealous smashing, “the moment a stronger vampire took the field they would fall in line. From the time of the blood alchemists it’s a matter of either extermination or open hostility between us and creatures of blood alchemy, regardless of how much human blood was put into their creation”.

Martin looked around there was a basket on the floor, pulling it away revealed a giant egg about three feet tall Martin drew his hammer back. David was there in an instant, “Hang on that's a hydra egg, a non-sentient siege beast. It would be worth a fortune to a tamer,” Martin nodded, “there is an irony to raising one of these creatures to fight against its own kind. We can make some arrangement to carry it all the way back”.

They lashed two poles to the basket and then stuffed the egg inside. Martin could quite easily drag it along behind him. They found two magic items, one on the dead queen an amulet of striking, it added a chance of stunning an opponent from a basic attack. The chance seemed fairly low 10% per hit but it would help David it had not been very effective against his armour. The Greater lamia was wearing a red belt of minor health, basically it added 20 health to the wearer. Vivian had not got a magic belt so they passed it to her the extra Hit points would not hurt. Alice grabbed a couple of the well-thumbed poetry books from the lamia queen’s desk.

They made sure to burn the bodies and the entire settlement to the ground, the thatch burnt well, nothing would be left for the vampires to use or harvest. Alice spoke her mind, “It seems a shame to have to destroy the snake people utterly”. “It is a necessity, they may be able to read a book to tend to the wounds of each other to hold a conversation plant a few crops, but so can a bandit and a vampire. Stronger monsters often have human elements, because they were often once humans or they were created by humans. You have to push such thoughts down”, Martin gently scolded her.

Vivian put a hand on Alice's shoulder, “if you hesitate for a moment seeing them as anything other than a target they will kill you. You were wounded you know that they would not hesitate to kill us”. David spoke, “the central plains have fifty large human majority city states able to provide for their populations with plenty of food and a common pantheon of nine little gods. Yet they spend most of their spare resources fighting each other over where the borders on a map are drawn.” Alice sighed they were right, but it didn't feel good that they were right.

It took then many hours to get back to forge hold, the guards on the gate met them. Simon met them as they entered the guard house, “you have been gone three days we were starting to worry that you were defeated. But then we kept seeing the pillars of smoke so we assumed fighting was going on”. Vivian shrugged “we are finished”. He looked puzzled, “finished the vanguard off after three days that's good you can get more supplies and head out again”.

Vivian shook her head, “no we are finished”. Simon looked disappointed, “so you gave up on the quest as to hard”? David pulled the lamia queens severed head out of a bag, “no we have finished it completely”. He looked at them, “you gained a few levels”. Martin looked about, “around six levels each”. Simons eyes opened wide he had a little jealousy in his voice, “you must be well on your way to being masters”.

They went back to Milroy and left there heavier equipment at the hunters house. They went to the local lord’s hall. Graham looked at them after they were let in, “why are you back so early”? He eyed the bag that they were carrying. Vivian grinned, “We have come to collect the reward of 100 silver for the cull.” Martin held open the bag of various alchemical components to show Graham the sheer number of snakes serpent men and lamia that they had killed.

Vivian continued, “also we have come to collect 50 silver for killing the queen”. She nudged David “show him her head”, David held open a bag showing the lamia queens head. David was about to ask for more money but Vivian kicked him in the shins. The lord looked at it, “a bit damaged but I will add it to my collection, I can have the eyes replaced with glass”. Vivian spoke up, “we also want to collect 100 silver for the extermination.”

Martin held out his holy symbol his hand on it, “I can swear I smashed every egg”. Graham nodded “that's fine the total payment of 250 silver will be passed to you in a few minutes. I just need to ask my wife for the key”. He paused doing a little mental audit in his head, “now we have much better hunting grounds. We can extend the farm land a little bit, and I understand there are some alchemical stuff by the hot-springs, we can make the money back in year or two. And there is the peace of mind that those things are gone”.

Lord Graham returned with the money, he looked at David and Vivian then handed it to her. She thanked him, then they headed over to the merchants hall. They found the chemist that had been experimenting with the hair growth formula, he had shaved most of the excess hair off. He looked quite human and was not going to be mistaken for a small troll. They sold the alchemical bits and pieces to the guild for an extra 30 silver. The chemist nodded, “a bit mangled, I can use most of it, is suppose quantity has a quality all of its own”.

They met Luther in an office to debate the sale of a specialist item. Martin brought out the hydra egg. He examined it, “A lamia queen can produce these, and I understand it takes a lot of effort and several years for them to grow up. It takes as much effort as two or three regular spawns”. They debated the Hydra egg with Luther. He rubbed his hands together sure that its contents was alive and intact, “nice prize there good for alchemical research 30 silver”.

Vivian was not born yesterday, “no, you can get four times that selling to monster tamer, we want 90 silver” David chirped in, “and a replacement potion of adrenalin”. Luther pushed his hands away in a dismissive gesture, “those sorts of buyers are rare let’s say 40 silver”. Vivian looked at David eyebrows raised, “what about 75 silver and an adrenalin potion”?

He paused, “say 45 silver and an adrenalin potion”. Vivian countered, “how about 65 and an adrenalin potion”. Vivian reached out a hand, “we can say meet in the middle 55 and an adrenalin potion” Luther grasped her hand, “deal”. The hydra egg was put in a warm padded cabinet with some holes in the wood for air flow.

Alice held out the apprentice’s magic staff, “can we trade this mages staff in for a piece of ring-mail armour a chest piece for me”? Luther looked at it, then flipped through a book. He put one hand on the book one hand on the staff, “appraise” the book glowed a dull blue. It allowed a person who was not magical to appraise magical items. “It’s old and warn another 10 silver, you recharge the magic in my appraisal grimoire and you have a deal OK”.

Alice felt the ring-mail weighing her down, but it would be worth it for the extra protection. She had a chest piece David had a replacement potion they had a 3 more magic items and a total of 325 silver to add to their treasury, it cost her a little time and a lot of mana to fully recharge the magic item for the merchant. It was not bad for three days’ worth of effort and a few close calls. They had a quick drink at the tavern then a large meal at the hunter’s house. For the first time in several days of they went of to sleep in something resembling a comfortable bed.

Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 34 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 205/205 Adrenalin 170/170 Efficiency 4 Strength 40 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 34 Level Defence Bonus 34 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 106 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L5 Layered Armour Perk L2 Adrenalin Power Shot L2 Bow Proficiency L8 Speed Shooting L8 Critical Strikes L8 better criticals L4 Perks Intensive Training + 1 Endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 33 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 200/200 Adrenalin 165/165 Efficiency 4 Strength 39 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 33 Level Defence Bonus 33 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 102 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L4 Layered Armour Perk L1 Adrenalin Power Strike L2 Sword Proficiency L8 Shield Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Block L2 Defend Against Missiles L4 Duelist vs single target L4 Defence Against Horde L3 Flaws Gambling Addiction Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mage Level 34 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 117/117 Mana 250/250 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 39 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 34 Level Defence Bonus 34 Number of Simultaneous Spells 2 Base Mage Spell Cost 3 Mana Magical Defence 50 Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L2 Analyse Magic L2 Recharge Enchantment L2 Spell List Fire Bite (5 Damage + 2 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Fire Bite Master (16 Damage + 5 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Touch Heal Master (15 Heal + 6 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Ranged Heal (5 Heal + 1 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Fire Ball Master (30 Damage +12 per Level 10 foot Area ) 4 x Base Mana Cost Touch Poison Cure – 5 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Acid Strike Master (16 damage +5 per level ) 1x base mana cost Aura of Healing Master (15 heal + 5 per level per second 10 seconds) alies 10 foot 10x base mana cost Physical Shield Grand (4 x level reistance to pysical damage) 3x base mana 15 seconds Flaws Fear of Bats Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 41 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 488/488 Focus 260/260 Focus efficiency 4 focus Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 48 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 52 Level Defence Bonus 52 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Holy Symbol usage L2 Resist Poison Blade Coatings L3 Focus Shot L2 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L9 Overload Shot L1 Focus re-load L2 Throwing knife Proficiency L3 Focus throw L2 Focus Multi Throw L2 General Melee Weapons L7 Focus strike L2 Grenadier L8 Focus Parry L2 Duel Wield Focus Attack L2 Combat Medic L2 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Guardian Seraphim angel – blocks first four attacks that would penetrate armour x 1 Armor of Faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 7 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second x 3 1 x sphere of consecration – twenty five feet area twenty points holy damage per second Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armor x 1 Smite – 200 points lighting damage x 1 Divine Favor – 20 hit point Regeneration for 5 seconds x 7 Hallowed Earth – 250 points holy damage in 10 meters x 1 Martyrs Sacrifice – minus 4 hit point per second + 20 attack + 10 strength + 10 agility + 10 dexterity. - (really painful) consumes focus per sec x 1 Chain Smite – 200 points lighting damage + 50 points per second of ability stacks x 1 consumes focus per second Thy Will be Done – can see location of enemy directed to them Wrath of the Almighty – (300 holy 100 fire 100 freezing 100 electrical) damage x 2 resist igna – resistance to 35 points of fire damage x 1 resist lightning – resistance to 35 points of electricity damage x 1 resist cold – resistance to 35 points of cold damage x 1 Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Leather Working L3 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 45 points Long ranger rank 2 Flaws Alcoholism Zealot Survivors Guilt Sadist

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