《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 3 Forge Hold - Chapter 31 – Lexicons Bain



They were raised by a banging on the door announcing breakfast, they had not had much sleep that night. But they needed to eat more having only had a little bread. They ate and debated between spoonfuls of porridge. “Lexicon will attack now no matter what”, David was confident. “Are you sure”? Vivian not so much, she looked at it tactically not emotionally. “This is personal this is revenge for him”. Martin was sure, “an older vampire would have enough clout to abandon this, but in the end lexicon is not that old”.

David nodded, “he has to follow through with what he is doing, or any respect and rank he has amongst the vampires will disappear right”. Vivian had to admit the point “it’s a political manoeuvre I guess now. Even if he lost a lot of constructs creatures and thralls he could say he gave it his all and then spend a few years in the shadows building back up, he is penalised less for failure than for not fighting”.

David's thoughts turned to more pressing matters, “we have quite a bit of cash now”. Vivian eyed him up she spoke, “do we have anything that we could spend it on”? He nodded, “a spare adrenalin potion for me, heck one for you as well”. He pointed to Martin, “you could use one that restores focus potions, a few extra arrows for Vivian a few minor health potions each. This could be the biggest fight of our lives”. Martin sighed, “They don't really have any more grenades or explosives worth a dam”. Alice sighed, “We have been over to the trade guild a few times, I don't think that we have anything else local that we can get. We cleaned out everything we can use, each one of us has several pieces of equipment now”.

David looked at Vivian, “you remember the master battle alchemist Tony”. She nodded “yes what about him?” David was focused on one part of his equipment. “He had mithral chain mail, no double thickness king’s mail, it was heavy and very sturdy. Only a master who invested a lot of time, could afford to get gear of that high a level”. She had to remember that, “yes he might have even survived a swipe from that troll”. David grinned, “We might want to focus on getting some to help ourselves and it can be enchanted heavily.

He looked around the group, “Martin would need to have a set blessed to give him the same advantage. Alice has no way to take the extra weight without some extra strength training, another strength boosting enchantment or some steroid potion, but us mercenaries we would be fine”. Marin nodded, “when we get to one of the bigger settlements a proper town we can enquire about some Damascus chain-mail or even some mithral. But that is far into the future there are other ways to get equipment, a master that disappeared around a monster lair, a retired adventurer or a noble family selling heirlooms we might get lucky”.

Martin managed to catch Milroy after they had finished breakfast. “We are going to be facing lexicon or his lieutenants soon, do you have any little contingency's that could help to even things out in our favour”. Milroy pulled a map aside and opened a little compartment in a wall, he pulled out a cloth unwrapping two objects fashioned from copper wires lead steel and various chemical solutions held in copper cylinders. “One of our founders preferred designs, I have kept these in reserve for a rainy day. It will be a drop in the ocean against a vampire elder, but it will still hurt like a son of a bitch and give you a few precious seconds. I will part with them for ten silver, I know you are fully funded don't forget they are reusable”.


Martin now had two Tesla grenades from the local vampire hunter. They were a battle alchemists speciality, but hunters still had the know how to use them and recharge them. It was a special weapon that would bypass a lot of a vampire’s natural armour doing 75 points of electrical damage within three meters for 3 seconds. It was not that much damage but it was perfect for softening up or distracting vampires especially when they were grouped together.

It was also excellent for dealing with a human in heavy armour. They could be recharged but it normally required electrolytic materials. A special alchemical product to replace the battery fluids that reacted to release the electrical charge. It could be a bit difficult to find the necessary materials but possibly a long term addition to his arsenal. It cost him ten silver for the expense.

They went to the trade guild hall, it was not an unexpected surprise the gate guards led them in without question. An assistant took them over to Luther, he looked them up and down. “Need some more ammo some repairs, what to look over the special stock again”? Vivian looked over to him “we mostly came for more potions, but if I could have ten more iron broad-heads to replace damaged and broken arrows it would be good”. He nodded sending the assistant to get the arrows. He escorted the group over to one of the chemists. “You’re preparing for the big fight, when it all comes to a head”.

Luther saw the chemist who opened up a strong box. Vivian put in her order, “two more adrenalin potions, another mana potion a focus potion and eight more healing potions”. The chemist nodded carefully wrapping up each of the delicate glass bottles. It cost them eight silver, they got a bit of a discount considering the situation. The chemist was nervous as he handed them over, each of his brews could mean the difference between his customers returning and not. Luther observed “you are getting well prepared, its sensible considering what’s out there”.

The group headed off to the church, they had a few things to set in motion. They very briefly spoke with confessor Calvin. Martin addressed him, “we are as ready as we can be to deal with lexicon. We will prompt him to come to us, to a place we have prepared. For a fight on our terms. We have killed his son, we will use this as bait for trap. We will behead this attacking force before it can begin to lay siege”. Calvin looked at them all, “using yourselves as bait you’re confident, Oswald will deliver the message. Forge Hold is as prepared as it ever will be for an attack. We await the vampires to move, if you can deliver a debilitating strike first. It will be better than having to repel his forces across the entire length of the wall”.

They finalised some arrangement then went to see Oswald. They had debated for some time what to tell the spy. In the end Vivian was given the duty to relay the final agreement. He stood up, “I guess it’s time, what do you want me to do”? Vivian handed him a map, “your brother will be free very soon. Lexicon wants us dead more than he wants to take this town, we killed his son and he truly loved his son. You will tell him that there will be an exchange. He gives you your brother back and you hand us to him on a plate, in the cave marked hear”.


Oswald frowned, “that seems like suicide why would you go through with it?” Vivian grinned, “We are now better prepared armed and closer to level fifty. We might not have been a match for lexicon before but we are now. He does not know that we have grown, so he will underestimate us and whatever he brings with him, then they will not be enough”. Oswald nodded, “I don't have a better idea, you might win you might lose but it’s the best chance I have of getting him back”.

They would use the spy to bring the vampire to a place they knew, before the attack was going to happen the leadership would be culled. She grinned again, “You tell them that you arrange for us to be here”. She looked at him closely, “the trick is we are a lot higher level and much better armed, don’t tell the vampires we are prepared. You tell them that you have told us that the cave is the hideout for the necromancer we saw last night, it is plausible it’s simple”.

Vivian turned to the party when Oswald had left, “Because we killed his son lexicon wants nothing more than to kill us”. Alice nodded, “Oswald is sure of this, he is certain that his brothers use as a hostage is worth less to lexicon than his desire for vengeance, he believes that the vampire will go for it, he will not deviate from our plan.” Martin looked around the group, “we may as well get to know this vampire”.

They returned to the hunters house, Milroy was there, “I have dug up some history on the vampire go see lord Graham, the name Alexis was mentioned several times I suggest you check that out”. They went over the lord Graham's tower, there was a brief greeting then a servant got a book from the family library.

There was once an ambitious noble called Alexis. He was a knight of small military skill, never going beyond level 25. He was however a competent archaeologist, that was fascinated with the past. With the faded glory of the old times, when the Barron's were still there, when they ruled from there towers and there word was undisputed. He had a head for books and languages and became somewhat of an expert on translating texts. layer after layer of history opened up to him.

He had two legitimate sons, one became a knight one became a beast rider a trainer. Both fell in battle, so Alexis made his illegitimate infant son his heir. The boy was called Ishmael, the lord swore that he would gain great power, he left with a few loyal men but he didn't return. There was a sketch of this Alexis khan, he was definitely the vampire lexicon. His knowledge must have been useful to the vampires, so he was turned and over time promoted as he became an elder.

What about his son Ishmael, they wondered. The records showed he was born in a house down from the hill. That was his birth place, the name Islington is a word play from an old tongue meaning downhill or downs. They guessed he renamed his son when he turned him into a vampire. It is a play on words, lexicon would probably be the only one that would know why. The local elder he might be, but he is still pretty young by vampire standards. Either he had really impressed the ancient he works for, or they are simply short of vampires. Lexicon was just over a hundred. He used to be a local noble a century ago, Alexis Kahn. He would know the area, details like the grave sites that the necromancer raided.

They had quite a bit of time to wait for it to turn into night fall. Martin crudely make up some potion holders for them. Martin had three healing potions and one focus potion. David had two adrenalin potions and three healing potions Vivian had three healing potions and one adrenaline potion. Alice had three healing potions and two mana potions, all of them were ready. They set out from the hunter’s house. They met Oswald who nodded to them, he confirmed that he had met a thrall and send the message that they would rely on.

Hours passed, Lexicon smiled with a wide grin on his face. He had his enemy's cornered in the back of a cave while they had been looking for his necromancer lieutenant. The man was far too valuable with his magic and far too physically weak to risk in such a confrontation. Lexicon had his sword drawn his servants at his back. They would be victorious he was sure of it. They had the `hostage` obediently standing behind them. Lexicon had one elite vampire fifty years younger than him next to him a dagger in each hand. The hostage was an obedient thrall with a hidden dagger, he could use it if he got the chance to get close to them.

The party were in his trap, four full vampires were behind him. They were divided into two teams of one spear wielder and one sword and axe. They were trained to fight in pairs as battle brothers. There were eight second generation blood thralls, a personal guard four with bows at the back and four with halberds at the front. They had thick iron scale male armour they would all be tough to kill.

The party was not exactly unprepared, they were at the back of the cave, behind a dip in the floor of the cave. Martin had his defensive blessing guardian angel already up and active. David was in a defensive stance his shield wedged into the floor of the cave, Vivian was behind him. Alice had a shield spell already cast, she was hiding behind a rock outcrop. They were ready for the engagement to begin. Hunkered down behind his shield David looked about and let out a small smile

Lexicon planned to take them alive, he might lose a few people but he would have a satisfying revenge. There was one way in and one way out of this cave. He could feel no magic or blessing, there was not the life force of a large group of humans waiting to ambush him. Just the four adventures that had been ruining his plans and killing his servants.

They didn't start slinging spells and arrows at him, despite it being there best chance. Perhaps they were going to try to talk their way out of it, Alexis was far less merciful now. He didn't care, he stood in the middle of the room, his people in a lose formation ready to react to the adventures attacks. If they threw fire balls or grenades they could scatter. If they tried to charge into melee they could group up, they had room to react and the training to react fast.

What they didn't expect was what happened next. Vivian and Alice dived to the ground, Martin held out his holy symbol “smite”. The elder used the blood in his veins to empower his body. He could see with extreme clarity and move with great speed. His lieutenant the elite vampire armed with daggers dived out of the way, but they were not the intended target. The ground had been disturbed, dust covered in bat guano covering a bulge in the floor, the bolt of electrical energy struck a fuse.

Lexicon watched in horror was the earth and rock expanded out wards. As a wave of explosive force expanded into the cave, he was thrown backwards and something hit into him. Pain radiated out through his body. The explosive was powerful, he had lost several fractions of a second as he was throw around the room. He had slammed into the ceiling then against one wall, his senses reached out. In that moment the thralls were dead, the vampires were dead even his elite lieutenant was dead, he was badly wounded.

The group was coming out from behind the dip in the stone, the natural fortification of the cave. They had Alice's ring of light working, Martin had his pistol in one hand his holy symbol in the other. Vivian had a mithral arrow notched in her bow, Alice recast her shield spell then stepped out from behind cover. David had his shield and sword up. The vampire elder laughed, his voice full of spite and regret, “that was the demolition charge from Vine Garden”? Martin nodded.

Lexicon tried to stand up the, vampire failed realising how badly wounded he was. The explosion had removed his right leg. His armour had been held together with necromantic magic as a reinforcement, it was now gone. Not even fragments of metal were left it, had been more spell than steel. His fingers formed claws and he pulled himself across the floor as the adventures moved to cut him off.

He spat blood at them hitting David's shield, “in my rage and grief I let you trick me, you used that device the alchemist made, it was strong enough to have breach fortifications”. He looked at his leg, “still it seems to have a bit more punch to it”. Vivian nodded, “we surrounded it with wood soaked in holy oil, very good against vampires”.

Lexicon could see why his fellow vampires had been shredded. Martin holstered his pistol and pulled a stake out. He was now running towards lexicon, he had no intention of giving the vampire any time to pull one last tick. The vampire grinned, a red purple haze surrounded him in an instant. There was something like a translucent door made out of lines around him, his body was covered in the glow. Martin almost staked the vampire but he was gone, another far younger and more surprised vampire had taken his place. David looked around expecting the vampire to be on the ceiling or in some corner of the room.

The new vampire looked about, “not again... oh shit I am fu...”. Martin held out his hold symbol “pillar of salt” the vampire's flesh and bone glowed white then turned to salt. It fell down into a pile of grit leaving a set of common clothes and a set of fangs. Alice held out her hand “that was vampire magic, that was really powerful. Lexicon swapped places with one of the vampires that he sired or was blood bonded with”. Martin hit a wall in frustration, “slippery as fucking hell, no wonder ancient vampires take so much to kill, next time less talking more staking”.

Martin felt the level up hit his eyes glowed, he hit level 48 he was getting very close to 50. He had gained two levels, he put a skill point into throwing knives and one into grenades. Next time he would follow up with a few thrown weapons, another vampire would not get away from him. David hit level 37, he put two skill points into a skill called shield knock-down. The next time something got to close he would be able to flaw it. Vivian hit level 38 she put two skill points into her better criticals skill bringing it up to level 7. Alice hit level 38 as well, she was still not use to being hit by multiple level ups but didn’t black out. She put two levels into the elemental shield spell, if she was facing an elemental enemy or spell slinger she would be able to summon protection. It was an excellent counter to a spell attack, she could hide behind David for physical attacks and he could hide behind her for magical attacks.

They checked over the room and recovered the fangs that they could from the six dead vampires. Vivian looked at them, “I believe that the battle has been won, but our payday has escaped”. David looked about, “if this vampire lexicon had this power all along, then he probably used it to exchange places with a lesser vampire checking on the ghouls. It would explain where he came from”. Martin nodded “that would make sense you saw his regular entourage”.

David looked at Martin, “do vampires typically have powers like that”? He shrugged, “it’s the sort of thing that goes into myth and rumour. Vampires can use magic, but they have something called a supreme skill once they reach level 100. It’s not uniform some are more powerful than others, some are less powerful but they can use them more frequently”. Alice looked thoughtful, “it must be high level magic to flee by exchanging place with vampire under his command. Spatial magic is very difficult someone warded the entire country against it heavily almost no spell from that school works. He was definitely over level 100 to have access to a supreme skill, such a portal is very complex.” Martin looked about, “he had a sacrificial vampire a new fledgling ready, he probably has to prepare. We now know he has this skill that is useful knowledge. He has lost a lot of followers and equipment, I guess I would have hit level 50 if we had gotten him”.

They gathered up the remains of the 'hostage' Oswald's Brother Martin purified it. “At least we will give him last rights”. There was not enough left of the blood thralls to give them last rights, Martin would have a prayer said for the repose of their souls. David had to wonder idly, “if a vampire gets a supreme skill at level 100 do they get another one at level 200”. Martin wondered, “It would make sense to a degree. That would then suggest that the strongest vampire masters were walking around with seven or eight supreme skills”.

Vivian raised another good question, “would an exalted master, a human that had raised their job level to 100 have a supreme skill”? Martin had to wonder, “It maybe that anyone or anything that has reached level 100 gains a supreme skill. Such people if they had some sort of all powerful ace in the hole would keep very quiet about possessing it. Heck they might even hide the fact that they reached such a level of power”.

Martin continued to wonder, “I know a few of the bishops are level 100 and a knight or two. Supposedly with the defence of the nine major cities like grey forge. They each have at least one resident exulted master. So perhaps such things do exist, it would be a state secret if it did”. Alice looked about the rest, “if we broke through twice more and became exulted masters would we wield such power”? David took a deep breath, “if we had such power vampires like lexicon would run from us”.

Martin pointed out the obvious, “a vampire like lexicon already ran from us”. David sighed “without us having to blow one of his limbs off first”. Martin nodded, “fair point, if we get to master status and some better equipment then the monsters will be running like that anyway”. Vivian looked at him, “don't count your level before you actually have it”, he nodded. They moved back to the town with a degree of confidence, the most powerful monster in the local region had narrowly escaped there blades. The irony was that they had used a weapon that he had commissioned against him, it was enough for the moment.

Simon was at the gate waiting for them, he observed them touching the holy symbol and the body that they carried. The gates opened Oswald ran over to them. He looked at the body they carried, “you swore to me you would get my brother back, you failed you failed you fucking filth you failed”. Martin placed the body on the ground then he hit Oswald, “coward traitor degenerate heretic”. Each word was punctuated with a blow that broke bone, leaving Oswald on the floor gasping for breath from six broken ribs. Martin reached forwards and gripped him by the collar. “We freed your brother form the vampire’s influence, we saved his soul. he will get last rights and his ashes will be interned in the church”.

Oswald spat back, “what does he care about that, he is dead my brother is dead you righteous ass hole”. Martins next punch knocked several of his teeth out, “how many have been killed or taken because you submitted to the vampires will, because of the information you fed them, one person two dozen fifty? I don't know the number but you are guilty. If it was up to me you would die now but an example has to be made”. Vivian and David shared a look, if it was one of them taken by the vampires then the other might bend to such requests. Alice knew in her heart her resolve was not that strong she had family that was a weakness. Martin had no family no friends from his old life, they were already dead, it was so much easier for him to talk that way.

Simon locked Oswald up shackled him hand and foot, the man would suffer greatly for his sins. They went to the confessor and gave him a detailed description of the night’s events, ignoring Oswald's immediate condition when he was incarcerated. Confessor Calvin looked at them with relief, “we appear to have been reprieved from an attack, but I am sorry to say that twenty gold has slipped out of your grasp. He will not be back for quite some time, even after he has physically recovered. If your report is accurate he has lost a second lieutenant in the fight, he will not be able to threaten us for some time until he has recruited new vampires”.

Alice interjected, “if he lost a second lieutenant then we should have gotten a few more levels right”? The confessor had a brief explanation, “this other vampire was probably something even younger than Islington. Or perhaps by using an explosive prepared by someone else it reduced the experience points that you got. Especially if it was a battle alchemist, they would have claimed some of the benefit” The confessor looked around the room, “we might still get the necromancer or any other stragglers, then you can finally rest for a few weeks”.

They ate a meal and got a few drinks in, not that it was affecting Martin. He looked round the room, towards the apprentice hunters, “we have business to discuss” they left. He looked at the rest of the party, “we are colleagues friends allies” Vivian nodded. “We have survived a lot and we work well together”, David and Alice nodded.

He had trouble with the words, eventually he found ones that seemed right, “we will soon be masters if we continue to work together we need to come to an understanding”. Alice looked about “what sort of understanding”? Martin looked at them all, “how do we conduct ourselves what do we do, it will get to the point where we are acting not reacting. We will be the other side of the table giving orders”.

David grinned, “We form a brother hood” Alice looked at him “there are as many women we could call it a sisterhood?” Vivian looked at them both “a fellow ship”. David caught on, “OK let’s start we want to go all the way become exalted masters, reach the top of our respective professions right. Gain supreme skills, if that's a thing”. The other three answered as one “Yes”.

Martin slapped his palms together, “we might as well aim high, and kill every vampire master in this country”. He paused “and collect the bounties on their heads”. David could see the king’s ransom on those monsters heads, “yes we take the fight to them”. The others agreed if they ever got that far then they would take out the monsters plaguing there country. If they ever gained the power to do so.

Alice took a swallow of ale, “we reform the mages tower, and get rid of the stupid rules. Like I can’t see my family”. The others nodded unaware of the political implications, “yes” they banged there mugs and plates in unison. David grinned, “If we are going with our list of impossible dreams then I will sit on the throne”. Vivian swallowed her ale, “yes and I will lead the merchant’s guild”. Alice slurred in agreement, “haaa sure why not”. They spoke for half an hour or so.

They retreated to their room, they moved a small table between two of the beds. Martin put his holy symbol down on the table. They placed their hands on it and spoke as one, “We swear an oath before the creator god, we are a fellow ship dedicated to gaining the power to put the world right, by our own hand. We will become exalted masters, we will wipe the vampires from the face of the earth. We will reform the mages tower and become leaders to the noble classes and the merchant’s guild”.

Martin found himself changed an anchor to hold him to the world, he handed round his flask of tip. A new perk had been unlocked, bound by oath, he meditated focusing on it, “as a team your combat effectiveness is improved when working together, regardless of how impossible the goal is”. Martin had to grin. Any goal was only a quarter as impossible with four of them working together at something. One by one they fell asleep.

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