《True Monsters》True Monsters – Chapter 9 – What Lies Buried.
True Monsters – Chapter 9 – What Lies Buried.
The group of adventures had a relatively relaxed morning. Sleeping away exhaustion, having gotten back very late from there impromptu fishing trip. They had a bit of a lie in, Martin was the first up. Having so much endurance probably helped him recover the quickest. Vivian and David, were the next to stir from there slumber. David was suffering from a bit of a sore head, from the night before. Slowly his memory came back to him in abject horror, he remembered as he checked his coin purse. He had gotten drunk, then the gambler in the corner had invited him to as he put it, a friendly little game.
Vivian had eventually dragged him away, before his losses got too bad. His hand gripped the table in their main room, “I will ring that cheating gamblers neck.” his purse was about a third lighter, he gritted his teeth, “that dam bastard”. Vivian looked at him, “don't do anything that will get us in trouble, we are not above the law”. Martin interrupted them, adding his two bronze worth on the issue, “if he is cheating, then the sheriff has grounds to get your money back. If we can catch him cheating, then we can go to the authorities. Otherwise it is best to wait, that old man is a parasite, who has been cheating the villagers hear for years. However he is low on our priority list at the moment”. David grimaced, “I suppose he isn't going anywhere”.
Vivian was now sure, that David was not going to do anything stupid. She set about busily sharpening, the iron arrows she had left, with a wet stone and a bit of oil. When she was finished, she passed the wet stone to David. Who sharpened his sword, it had a small nick on it and the blade was ever so slightly bent. But it was holding up to the combat quite well, his shield was not. Martin had a look at the shield, he was quick and processional. “It’s close to falling apart, I can put a band of leather round the edge to hold it together for now. Plus a few more iron bands on the surface. But you need to get something sturdier, very soon.” David nodded, “when we next get to a good sized town, I am getting a better shield, if I don't lose all my money”.
Alice emerged from her room, “let’s go see what that thing tasted like”. David handed the sharpening stone to Martin, who began to put a fine edge on his throwing knives. “I will join you in a minute, after the food I will fix up your shield, David nodded ok. Vivian examined her bow string with a frown, she sighed. Give me a few minutes, I need to change the string over. Alice and David left there companions to their equipment, they went down to the breakfast table.
There was fish soup, fried stakes of fish and a kind of fish paste. All of it was quite edible, and proved to be a pleasant change, from the rest of the local cuisine. Vivian slowly walked over to the table, “the fish smells good”. She sat down and started to eat, “I might get Martin to make me a new quiver. The one I have, from the free company quarter masters, is a bit small. Thirty or forty arrows might be better. I can have it in sections, some silver ones for the supernatural, some bodkin heads for anything with a thick hide and some broad heads for anything else”. Martin joined them, picking up a bowl of soup and a large spoon. Trying to perform an act of magic, by making as much fish disappear as fast as possible.
Martin got up from the table, nodded to everyone else and went off, to repair David's shield as best as he could. He went to the local blacksmith, for want of a better word. The man was incredibly badly equipped. He could scrounge up a few bits of iron, to reinforce the shield for David. Not for free, but at a reasonable discount. Alice went upstairs and started to go through her books, she had a mind with a greater aptitude for magic now. The levelling up process, forced her consciousness to expand. The texts in front of her were far easier to understand, it was with far greater clarity that she now understood, exactly how little she really knew.
Vivian went to look over the map in there room. David stretched and did a little practice fighting with his sword, two handed techniques. Martin returned with the shield, noting David practising outside, “this is the best I could do with the tools and materials available. Vivian had me add this loop to it, so that if it gets knocked away, it will still remain in your hand” David picked up the shield and examined it, slipping it onto his arm, “good that will help”.
As Vivian was studying the map there was a knock on the door. She turned round hand on her bow, “enter”. One of the village guards a man named hob walked in. “excuse me, after your success yesterday, sending the wolves packing. We went out to get some more lumber. Two of the guards and a dozen of the militia. We got a bit of timber but we also saw some tracks real big ones. One eye I think you called him. But it seemed to have been digging out a den”. The guard pointed to a spot on the map, quite close to the village. Vivian nodded, “the wolf was hear”, she pointed to the map, “what about it?” the guard explained, “the sheriff wants you to check it out. If the beast has made a den close to the village, you can corner it and kill it today”.
The guard left, Vivian knocked on Alice's door. “Gear up we have a hunt, hopefully we finish one eye off today”. Alice sighed and put down her book, “I will be with you in a minute”. Alice bundled herself up, mittens scarf heavy woollen cloak padded cap and armour. She grabbed her staff and joined Vivian, who had her bow and arrows ready, with a spare string on hand if one snapped. They went downstairs not seeing Martin or David, they went outside. The group met up, Martin had all his equipment already. Vivian had some oil and torches in her back pack.”
Vivian turned to them all, “they did a bit more wood cutting, when we left to take care of the big fish. The group saw one eye digging outside of town, he might have been preparing some sort of den. The sheriff wants us to check it out.” David grinned, “I can already feel the reward money in my hands”. Alice gripped her staff, “it will be good to get this over with”. Martin nodded, “I agree on that point”. The group left town and skirted around the fields. Until they came to part of the forest, it looked like there was a hill or mound that had been covered in tree growth. Two small trees and a lot of earth had been disturbed. The group was on high alert, tightly packed ready for more thrall wolves to burst out from the hole or from the forest.
Martin felt an odd sensation, he gripped his holy symbol. “I think it’s a burial mound, an old one”. Vivian looked unsure, “what's going on”? David positioned himself, with his shield raised in-front of the open hole. Martin and David got closer, with Vivian and Alice prepared to offer supporting fire. Martin had a pistol in one hand, his holy symbol in the other. “I can see paw marks, something dug this up. The thrall wolf alpha most likely”. Alice looked about, “it’s smart it prepared some sort of trap for us”. David looked at the hole, “more thrall wolves, perhaps it woke up another monster?” Vivian looked at the mound, “how old could that thrall wolf be”? Martin shrugged, “It could have been around when the town was invaded by vampires. The thrall taint can slow down animals ageing process, why”.
David sighed and took a step towards the hole, “you think the wolf might have woken one of its masters up right. We have a hunter with us for this reason, give me the light”. Vivian nodded and handed him a torch, he hung from his shield. Martin looked about, “if it is a vampire, then now is the best time to fight it. When it is trapped inside, we can still retreat if things go wrong”. Nervously they went inside. Alice had a second light, suspended from her staff. There was a short earthen tunnel, which changed to a stone tunnel. Then it opened into a round chamber with nothing in it but a second corridor, leading off into a square room about ten foot by ten foot.
There were roots growing in through the ceiling, the entire place was quite damp. A stone slab was placed at the far end of the room. A sheet covered the slab, it was mouldy and paper thin, a shroud. There was a box by the end of the slab, as David and Martin entered, the shroud moved.
Martin steeled the grip on his pistol, the sheet revealed an emaciated white body. With strands of oily hair, it had fangs bared and hungry hollow eyes, long nails. It looked to be about five foot eight inches tall. Its eyes were vacant animalistic, without comprehension. David took a step back, as the creature hissed. David could feel his pulse raise and his neck muscles tightened. He was going to drop his sword and reach for the silver dagger, “is that a fucking vampire”? Martin shot it in the face with his pistol. It took a step forwards, not flinching looking more puzzled than hurt. Martin shrugged drawing his second pistol, “close a failed vampire”.
The beast stepped forwards, aiming for David rather than Martin. A power strike from his steel blade did little, an adrenalin block from his shield smashing the creature in the face. It was sent staggering back two steps. Martin knew that a vampire and certain related creatures, often had a certain level of supernatural durability. Called a blood aura, around then this would need to be worn away, before they could actually take damage. Martin raised his holy symbol, “circle of concentration”. A white glow spread out around him, fifteen feet on the floor. The creature started to hiss in pain, as the soles of its feet burnt Martin. He shouted at the rest of the group, “It’s old over a century. It’s been hear but it’s very weak, as long as it doesn't get the opportunity to feed, attack and don't hold back”.
Alice sent three improved fire bites at the Wight's head. The creature screamed in pain and advanced. Vivian sent an adrenalin power shot, with a silver arrow into its chest. Sending it staggering backwards. Martin held out his holy symbol, “smite” a bolt of lightning seemed to arc from the metal symbol and struck the wight. Sending it staggering back, with a two inch deep burn wound in its chest. The monster became serious, it knocked Martin flying. He got back up, “fortress of faith” a white shield glowed translucently over him. Its front looked like it had a picture of a castle on it.
Vivian let lose another adrenalin strike, with her second silver arrow into the wight. It staggered back but didn't stop. Alice sent four more fire bite spells over David, to land on the beast. Martin reloaded and shot his second pistol. Causing a little damage as hot lead hit ancient emaciated flesh. The glowing shield around him took two hits and cracked. He received another blow staggering back, Martin used his focus reload ability and the blessing “shield of faith” the wight landed another blow, cracking the defensive blessing in one strike.
David stepped in with another adrenalin block, interrupting the wight and allowing Martin to reload. Vivian hit the creature with three more power shots. Using normal iron arrows, they did little damage. Alice hit the creature with two more fire bite spells. The monster was resistant to magic but still suffered damage. The fire was leaving deep burn marks on its flesh. Martin prepared his next attack, “divine retribution”. He hit the monster in the face with a focus aimed overload shot, with two silver bullets. The beast grabbed the top of its skull and howled in pain, as a chunk of its flesh and bone was blown away.
The creature was quite mindless, it went for David again. Only to be knocked back again with another adrenalin block. Martin gripped his holy symbol added a blessing to his next attack, “wrath” a focus throw with the knife struck the wight in the leg causing it to stagger. Vivian hit it with two more adrenalin power shots, Alice added two more fire bites. Martin activated another blessing, “holy aura”. The monster was taking damage, just being too close to Martin and his holy symbol. It tried to move towards the exit. David stopped it with another adrenalin block, this time the monster was sent staggering backwards six feet.
The wight tried to move forwards, Martin held his holy symbol out, “wrath”. The heavy steel symbol collided with what was left of the monsters face, in a glow of holy light. The creature dropped to its hands and knees. The smoking ruin of the creatures face looked up at them. Martin held his holy symbol again, “wrath”. He brought it down again into the creature’s face, the monsters skull cracked. It fell to the floor moving slowly. Martin reached into his coat and pulled out a stake, he let his holy symbol dangle from his wrist by a leather strap. He pulled his mallet from the folds of his coat. The rest of the group stood by, in case the creature required further pacification.
The stake skewered its chest and the monster began to struggle. Martin hit it in the face twice more with the wooden mallet, before hitting it in the chest once more. The beast convulsed then lay still, its flesh shrank back exposing its skeleton. The flesh desiccated and cracked like old parchment, then crumbled into dust. The bones twitched blackened and then fell apart. Martin got up and grinned, “Our first vampire, well not technically a vampire but close enough”.
Martin’s eyes glowed as he felt himself level, he reached for his pistols and started to reload. A good solid kill, one less monster in the world he felt a real moment of true elation. David lent against the side of the tomb, his eyes glowed and his body shook. He twitched and spasmed as the change occurred, but the pain was starting to dull. The new strength of his body was always welcome. Vivian took a deep breath and it began. She started to see the world with clarity she reached out, it was as if she had undergone weeks or maybe even more time training. She had acquired the speed shooting skill, allowing her to be much quicker. Then the pain and spasms came, as her body and mind were forcefully expanded, she was getting better at handling the pressure.
Alice felt the level up overtake her. She was sitting down holding her staff, then Martin was gently shaking her awake. She had finally gotten to level ten, her body had changed it was a more efficient vessel. Allowing her to use spells with a bit less mana, allowing her to cast five or six more spells per day. Martin picked up his throwing knives, Vivian recovered her arrows. Martin pulled a pair of pliers out of his jacket and poked about the remains of the vampire/wight. He pulled out a single fang. He looked quizzically, then checked his mallet one fang was wedged into the wooden surface. He pulled it free and pocketed the fangs. “We can get a reward for this kill, at a hunter’s outpost or large church”. David seemed enthusiastic, “how much?” Martin waved his hand, “it might be as good as five silver each.” Alice looked at Martin, “you took a battering from that thing, let me heal you”. Martin nodded and two healing spells later, his ribs didn't feel quits so lose. They doused the remains in oil and set it on fire for good measure.
Alice looked about the room, “I won't be surprised if old one eye turns up and tries to kill us now”. David nodded, “It would fit, I will take point, and hopefully we can end him this time”. They advanced out of the tomb, the dread thrall wolf alpha appeared almost as battered, as the last time they had left him. Martin grinned, “Cleaver beast waited for us to kill the wight, so we would use up our resources hoped to catch us weak”, the alpha wolf charged, David had his shield ready. “You woke that thing up”, Martin spoke to Vivian, “go for its legs, cripple it so it can’t get away”.
Before the dread thrall wolf could close the distance, three other thrall wolves burst out of the bushes and attacked Alice and Vivian. Alice couldn't even manage a spell, before a wolf sunk its fangs into her leg, with a sickening crunching sound. Vivian managed to hit one with a power shot, before the second one grabbed onto her arm.
Alice let lose a series of seven fire bite spells, hitting herself and the thrall wolf with the first one. Then the beast again and again, until it was dead the last two spells might not have been necessary. Vivian launched herself sideways, slamming the wolf against a tree. Forcing the beast to let go of her. Vivian let lose another power shot into the downed beast, then quickly followed up with more shots ending both wolves.
Meanwhile Martin had used his guardian angel blessing, to protect himself as he emptied both pistols into the thrall wolfs head, with focus shots. David went all out hitting the beast with four adrenalin strikes to its front leg, finally it collapsed on its side. Vivian checked that Alice was ok, then started to pepper the alpha wolf with bow shots. Martin threw his knives into the beast, finally claiming its second eye. The thrall wolf alpha let out a mournful howl, it tried to crawl away back into the wood. Martin used his focus reload ability then carefully aimed a shot. Striking the alpha and piercing its brain one last time, dropping it dead. Its feet pawed at the air as if it was trying to take one final step, then it stopped falling limp. David looked at it, “not so good for you this time”.
There was a scream from Alice, she was hysteric, “I used my healing magic, but it didn't work I can’t stand!!” Martin got close, “I have the combat medic skill, let me look at it”. Nervously Alice pulled up her clothing showing Martin her leg, he reached out and firmly gripped the kneecap. He tried to explain calmly, “when the wolf bit you it twisted the leg round. When you healed it the leg was out of alignment, this is going to hurt do you want a drink”? There were tears in Alice's eye she nodded.
Martin gave her a sip from his flask, she felt her senses dull. He looked at her, “on the count of 5 4” Then her senses sharply came back into focus, with the wave of pain. He hadn't counted all the way distracting her. There was a cracking and twisting pop, the leg was correctly lined up. Martin held it in place and nodded, Alice used her healing magic again. She was able to bend the leg correctly, a few seconds later. “Dam wolves I need some light armour or something”. She walked over to the charred remains of the wolf. She cried then kicked it, hit it with her staff and spat on it.
The level up kicked in, Martin was stunned as his eyes glowed twice. The thrall wolf must have been quite close to level 20 as he had gotten enough xp to level up twice. Now at level 18 it was a shock, he grinned at the sensation. Everyone else got a single level for it. But then Martin did get bonus exp for vampires and there servants. David and Vivian hit level 12, improving their respective skills. Alice now at level 11 had now upgraded her fire bite spell, to the grand version. It now packed a reasonable punch.
David struck his head with his palm pointing to the tomb, “Let’s check out what was left behind”. They found some silver 5 about 57 bronze coins. Some mouldy documents that were completely illegible. Martin looked about, “whatever vampire this wight called master is long dead, this stash was pitiful”. David looked at him, “you called it a failed vampire why, it looked like a vampire”. Martin explained, “It was a human that was turned by a vampire. The body made it across from the grave, the mind didn't, it was an animal really no intelligence to speak of. Plenty dangerous though, about one in 20-30 vampires turned, end up as one of these things and it was old to. If it had the opportunity to feed we would be dead”.
They looked for any secret stashes then gave up. Vivian turned gesturing, “what about that dread thrall wolf”, Martin turned to David, “would you do the honours we need its head”. Lots of chopping later and the beast’s massive head, was severed from its body. Martin checked Vivian and Alice “purify purify just to be certain you were bitten”. He walked over to the severed head, “purify just to make it safe.” he looked at David who was a little worried.
Martin held out his holy symbol, “you’re clean this time”. They burnt the rest of the remains. Martin carried the head and they returned to the village. The head of the dread thrall wolf was hung above the inn, the mayor made a speech and handed out the 40 silver bounty. They split it evenly, more money than each of them had seen in their lives, not that any of them had seen much money before then.
There was a celebration, that creature had been a plague on the community for decades going back as far as living memory. Everybody had lost one friend or relative to it over the years. They sat in the inn and drank ale after ale. A farmer came up to them, he was skinny but looked happy. He shook their hands, “I'm John Dunn” a 23 year old level 4 farmer level, 4 militia man. He had an infectious charm, “you might have herd it a few times or maybe this is the first time. But thank you, you saved our lives that dread wolf killed my dad now I have peace, I will remember this. I will use your example to live by. But in a more material compensation, I am buying you a round of the good stuff”. David slapped him on the back, he liked this man.
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