《True Monsters》True Monsters – Chapter 10 – Scavengers
True Monsters – Chapter 10 – Scavengers
Alice was walking through the Forrest. She had lost the rest of the group, it was dark and growing darker. She had her staff by her side, there was a howl then another. She turned something lashed out from the shadow. She screamed out in pain as her right leg broke. She tried to crawl back, as a set of jaws darted out of the darkness. They clamped on her other leg, she heard rather than felt the snap as her bones broke. She screamed, “No not like this no”, trying to summon her magic. But the jaws sank into her wrist, before the spell was fully formed. She screamed again and again, as the jaws clamped on her leg, she was dragged into the darkness.
Alice woke up in a cold sweat, she was half wrapped in the covers. It was cold her breathing was rapid, her mind was unfocused. She pulled the covers close, she reached out and grabbed her magic staff. There was something comforting, in having the lump of well-worn oak in her hand. Its weight its solidity. Maybe she would get Vivian, to show her. How to swing a staff about, as a weapon. Certain haunting images filled her mind, she needed to check. She felt with her hands, her leg was fine. It felt fine, she pulled up her clothing, examining her legs.
The one that had been healed and the one that was originally uninjured. They looked the same, she was certain that she could tell, a slight discrepancy. Where her leg, was a fraction of a degree off straight, it wouldn't stop her in any physical way, but she would be more cautious.
Alice went down to breakfast. She found some more fish stew, it was served with a few vegetables. Looking round the inn, the fire was higher. The villagers were starting to rebuild, their stocks of fire wood. Now that the wolves were mostly dead, and didn't present such a threat to wood cutters.
Alice finished her stew, then went shopping. She had some of the reward money with her. She went to the apothecaries’ general store, she looked to the merchant. “I need some basic armour, for my arms and legs. I keep getting hurt and I need a better defence”. “I have a pair of leather bracer's, they can be of some use to you, 15 bronze. You might want to get Martin, to fix them up a bit”. Alice handed the money over and nodded, “what about some leg guards”? “The sheriff runs the militia, they probably have some old light equipment going surplus. Some boiled leather greaves, might suit you, fairly light and they won’t impede your movement”.
Alice nervously went over to the town hall, round to the area of the sheriff. She was tempted, to get one of the others to do it. But she felt that she needed to learn, to be more reliant on herself. She was not in a tower, with servants. She had colleges she should be able to move alone, to grow up a bit. “You’re the mage Alice, what do you want with me?” Alice breathed in, then met the man's gaze “The last fight got a bit close for comfort, I want a bit more armour. I am told that you might have some surplus armour, from the town militia”. The sheriff nodded, “yes, I don't have much, there are a few bits, two small or two battered, you can have a look. The store room is across the corridor, in the boxes on the left. Anything you want, bring it hear and we can negotiate a price”.
Alice rummaged around, she found a few bits of leather armour. Some of it was practically falling apart in her hand. There was some splint leg guards, they would be awkward. A bit too heavy to move in, on top of providing little protection to some areas. The padded armour was in various states, form chewed to burnt. One set had a few odd blue stains on it. There was a set of leather armour, which fitted reasonably well. It was a little bit lose, it was light. One strap was damaged, it was the only thing Alice could find. She took them and moved back to the sheriff, a price was agreed on, 30 brass penny's, Alice walked triumphantly back to the inn.
David and Vivian were busy stuffing their faces. Martin had finished the meal, he was busy. He had three small corked jars on the table. He was intently applying the content of them, to his throwing knives. One a pair of blades were drying, having been coated in a silvery substance, along there edges. Martin was busy using a brush, to dab a sickly green mixture onto a second set of blades.
David turned round to him, “what are you doing”? Martin turned back, “I unlocked an ability, called blade coatings, and it allows me to add coats of silver poison or thick flammable oil to my blades. So that I can do extra damage”. Martin finished with the green gunk, he set his daggers to dry then moved onto the third pair. He spooned a thick black tar like substance over them. “The silver coating is a mixture of blessed salt, silver and adhesive. It gets driven into a wound, even if you pull the blade out some of the silver remains, causing damage and irritation to the supernatural creature. It’s better than a silver plated blade and cheaper. You do have to keep re-coating the blades every so often though.”
“The poison is a derivative of a common mushroom, you don't want to get it in an open wound. Unless you possess a substantial poison resistance. The oil coated blades, you have to use a really thick oil. Also you have to coat the inside of your sheaths with wax. So it does not soak into the leather, they only burn for ten seconds, but they can be surprisingly intimidating and effective”. David grinned, “what about setting the coating on fire?” Martin pointe to the throwing knifes hilt. “There is a grove where a match can be wedged. You strike the match with your fingernail and it burns. Alternatively I could use the mechanism on my flint lock pistols, or my tinder box.”
Alice held out her hands, showing Martin her purchases. “After I got wounded yesterday, I was thinking of how I could protect myself. I got these bits and pieces, what do you think”? Martin carefully went through the pile, inspecting each piece and putting them to one side. “It’s probably the best you could find out hear. I can make a few small patches and improvements. I gather the legs are a bit lose”? Alice nodded, “yes I couldn't get them to fit that well”. Martin shrugged, “give me an hour or so. I can do something with them, I have a bit of scrap fabric as well. I can pad them out or make some leg wraps.”
An hour later Martin came downstairs. He handed several bundles of leather to Alice, “I understand that was a nasty bite yesterday. You don't have any defensive magic yet, so I did my best. With the bracer's I re-stitched the edges of them. I renewed the ratty laces with some strong leather thong. It’s easy to lace them up, over your padded jacket. It should provide good protection, without impeding your hand movements. The leather Greaves were a little bit too big, I cut them down to fit you. I re-strapped the upper hold. The buckles go on the outside, so that they don't catch. These linen wraps go over the bottom of your trousers, and the top of your boots. They will help you keep warm and stop the greaves chafing. Is that all ok”? Alice nodded, hugging him, “thanks Martin”.
One of the village guard’s, Hob walked quickly into the inn. He turned to David, “get your stuff together, we have a situation. Come with me to the church as quick as you can, some new monster”. He disappeared, Alice had her equipment as did Martin. David disappeared up the stairs for his shield and sword, with Vivian in hot pursuit. A minute later they jogged round to the church, half expecting to have to fight something. The priest had a man laid on a large table, the man was pale and sweating profusely. The priest was holding out a bronze holy symbol and rapidly praying.
The man on the table, was stripped to the waist. His shirt to the side, it looked like it had one sleeve torn off discarded. The man seemed to be delirious, “My hand my hand fuck my hand”. The apothecary was there as well, examining the man flipping through a little book. On close inspection, the man on the table, was missing his hand. The sheriff had his hand on his sword, looking at the man anticipating. Brother Bartholomew shook his head, “no taint no curse, he has not been infected by whatever took his hand. Even if he was the hunter has access to the purify blessing”.
The sheriff took his hand away from the blade, “The mayor decided to lift certain restrictions, when you killed that beast. As there is no dread wolf prowling the woods, groups of people went out gathering. One group decided to have a pick through the old town ruins, not sure what they were after but they found something”. David looked at the man, “what did they find”. The sheriff paused for a moment, “that's the thing, they found a cellar door that had been recently excavated. Something dug the soil and debris out from around it, so they decided to poke their noses in. They caught one look at it, and managed to slam the door shut. Not before it took a chunk out of this fool, his friends wedged a branch to keep it shut and ran away”.
Vivian gestured to the sheriff, “what about the others with him, do they have more information”? The sheriff turned to the door, “Tom I know your listening, come in and tell them as much as you can”. A straggly man in his early twenties opened the door. He gazed at his friend, “Frank look at his hand, you couldn't save it”. The priest turned to him, “we saved his life for now, tell us what you can so we can limit the damage hear”. The man swallowed, they looked on and listened. “Right we had the idea, which we might be able to dig up some iron ingots. From the remains of the old town, near the west side was an old foundry. They got a good amount of pig iron from there fifteen years ago, got a good price for it”.
“So we see tracks, something's been digging. We know the big wolfs dead, so we thinks it’s safe. We saw the cellar door and decided to have a look. Frank was the first one, he pulled at the door and pried at it with a big branch. Then the door creaks open, he looks inside and shines a lit torch. Then this thing came, it was human shaped but bulkier. Very pale long arm, face full of needle like teeth. Bit into franks hand, he dropped the torch. The rest of us bundled on top of the door, forcing it shut. We wedged the branch in the door, carried frank back hear. We used his belt to tie of the arm, so he didn't bleed to death”.
The sheriff turned to the group, “did that description match any creature your familiar with?” Vivian and Alice looked blank. David had a question, but waited. Martin shook his head, “could be any number of tribal monsters, or undead too little to go on”. The apothecary held a cloth, with a yellow substance on it, next to Frank’s face. The man stopped thrashing about and slowly seemed to calm down. He blinked and looked at his hand, “shit”. The sheriff looked at him in the eye, “be glad whatever it is, and didn’t get the rest of you”.
Frank looked at his missing hand, he turned to the priest, “you can’t heal it can you”? The priest shook his head, the apothecary chimed in. “With an alchemy potion you can, but it’s a really expensive one”. The man didn't look like he had any money. Martin remembered something, “I believe a bishop around level 70 would be able to perform such a feat of healing. If you go to one of the big cathedral cities, they would offer you this mercy”. The man shrugged, “It will take a long time to get there, how would I pay my way there?”
The sheriff continued, “We can arrange something later. Firstly let’s make sure the creature or creatures that did this, don't attack the village”. He looked at the adventures, “you killed that dread wolf, the Wight vampire thing and scores of other lesser monsters. Go and deal with these things, before they make a meal out of some other group.” David hesitated, “how much are we looking at for this job”? The sheriff looked at him, “seriously go kill the creature, bring me proof and we will work out a reward later”. David was about to say something else, Vivian smacked him over the back of the head. Alice gave him a sharp look. Martin nodded to the priest, the sheriff and the merchant guilds representative, “we will investigate immediately”, a diplomatic response.
They left, David turned to Vivian, “Please grab your backpack, it’s got rope a sack oil and torches”. “Right” she nodded, “it can’t hurt to be well prepared, but don't push it with the sheriff”. David Martin and Alice waited at the town gates, until Vivian, back pack in place, caught up with them. They headed out of the gates, there were several levies, town militia and guards holding spears and staves. Ready should the latest terror decide to attack the village. The group headed round the perimeter of the fields, towards the remains of the old town. Alice looked at the group, “I wonder if it could be a tribal monsters they apparently, have shaman with very basic offensive and defensive magic”. David shook his head, “they are tool users, and they have basic skirmishing tactics. They stab you with a knife or beat you over the heat with a club, they don't bite your hand off”.
They moved closer to the remains of the old town, Martin had a guess. “From what he described it sounded like one of the undead. Maybe not something fully living or dead, whatever it is has been dormant for 100 years, since the old town was demolished, so I am betting undead I don't think we will find a subterranean civilisation.” They got to the spot, the barred door had been forced open, none to gently. They looked around, but nothing was above ground. Alice pulled two torches out of Vivian's backpack. She made sure that the oil was full, Martin light them with his tinder box. Martin held his holy symbol in one hand, the torch hanging from a strap. David wrapped his shield grip with a strap, so he would not lose it. He had a torch in his fingers.
Vivian looked around, it looked like more paw prints. On the freshly disturbed earth, around what was left of the heavy cellar door. She spat, “the dam dread wolf, it might be dead. But it’s been going round, disturbing every other monster out there, trying to make trouble for us.” Martin nodded, “it was smart and lived a long time, but we got it eventually.” Alice paused, “what's in there”, Martin stared thoughtfully, “whatever is in there, they can’t be that high a level, if the scavenging farmers got away”. Alice had to agree with this. David was the first in, with Martin close behind. Vivian had and arrow knocked, Alice had a spell on her lips ready to cast.
They entered a large basement, the ceiling made from cut beams. The floor rock and dirt. Nine creatures inhabited the area, with a few scraps of bone on the floor. Six of the creatures were curled up into balls on the floor. The other three were gathered in one corner, which included the largest one. The beasts were the size of a fully grown man, with white skin. They had elongated arms, with thick muscular shoulders. The first two fingers and thumbs, on each hand had elongated to twice there normal length and sprouted claws.
The beasts had extended lower jaws, filled with needle like teeth. They had not hair no ears. Their spines had begun to shift, with bony spikes protruding through their backs. Their leader was a grey colour, six inches taller and quite alert. It hissed loudly, the rest of the hibernating creatures began to rise. David was about to charge in, Martin pulled him back. “We bottle neck them by the door, they can only attack us a few at a time”.
Vivian shouted form the back, “What are they”? Martin sounded confident, “ghouls, bone chewers, they have short range caustic vomit. A chance to paralyse if they bite you, don't let them. They have limited regeneration, focus on them one at a time, so they don't recover”. A ghoul hissed and charged at David, he hit it with a power block to stun it. Then smacked it with two adrenalin power strikes, cleaving the hissing monster in half. The top half was still moving, Vivian hit it with an adrenalin power shot, Martin used a focus shot, to hit it with his pistol in the head. Alice finished it off with a grand fire bite spell. The beast stopped moving none of its wounds healed.
The other eight ghouls charged forwards as one. Getting in each other’s way, as they closed in on the adventures. Martin softened them up with his area of effect blessings, “circle of concentration”, “holy aura”. The ghouls didn't like the holy damage, they hissed and screamed as steam started to come off there flesh. It was not enough to kill them, but they were temporarily distracted. David hit a ghoul with a power strike, the ghoul hit him back causing him to stagger, from the bone crushing force. Martin had a second pistol ready, “wrath”. The holy glow enveloped the ghoul, as it was shot point blank. Vivian had her silver arrows ready, she followed up with an adrenalin power shot. The silver arrow did a lot more damage than the iron, dropping the creature, a fire bite finished it off.
Now injured, David went on the defensive. Hitting the next ghoul with an adrenalin block, flattening its face. Just as it tried to use its caustic vomit on him. Martin had his silver coated daggers ready “wrath”, “wrath”. Two focus shots into the ghouls head and it staggered back further. Vivian nailed it through the chest, with her final silver arrow, using another adrenalin strike. Alice added two fire bite spells to the barrage, insuring that the ghoul would not get back up.
The next ghoul was quicker, landing two strikes onto Martin. Before he could use a blessing, “shield of faith”. Blocking the next attack, he drew a poisoned dagger and using a focus throw wedging it into the beast’s maw. David struck it with an adrenalin strike, then an adrenalin block to send the hissing monster staggering backwards. Vivian nailed it with two adrenalin shots to send it staggering back further. Alice finished the creature off with three fire bite spells, which burned half its head away.
The ghoul Champion at the back hissed long and loud. The ghouls all stopped, they moved like they were taking a deep breath. They all spewed caustic bile at the group, Alice ignited one attack with her fire bite spell. One missed, one was blocked by David’s shield. Two hit Martin, his armoured jacket smoked producing a horrible smell. But the actual damage was fairly minimal, as it hit his garment rather than his flesh. Though a little splattered on his cheek, burning a small mark there, he didn't seem to have noticed.
Martin retaliated quickly bolstering his protection, “armour of faith”. He unleashed his main trump card, to thin the attacking ranks, “smite”. A ghoul was struck by lightning burning away its chest and dropping it dead. Alice moved forwards, she used her heal on Martin and David twice. Then backed off, Vivian let off an adrenalin power shot. Into the chest of the next nearest ghoul, sending it backwards. Alice nailed the wounded ghoul, with a barrage of four fire bite spells. David tensed up expecting the ghouls to rush them, as their numbers thinned. Martin pulled his last poisoned dagger, “divine retribution” the ghoul staggered backwards. It was hit by Vivian’s power shot, killing it dead.
The ghoul champion was more aware of the others, it pointed and screeched. Both remaining normal ghouls charged recklessly forwards. Martin countered with defensive blessings, “shield of faith, fortress of faith”. David went all out, delivering three consecutive power attacks on the ghoul attacking him. Vivian hit it with an adrenalin power shot and Alice overwhelmed it with five fire bite spells. The last remaining regular ghoul, chewed through the temporary defences that Martin had erected. He drew his last two throwing knives, flicking his thumbnail over the sulphate match. Igniting the flammable blade coating, he hit the ghoul with two focus throws. To the left eye socket and the heart. It was badly wounded but not down. Vivian clipped it with a couple of normal arrows, Alice finished it off, with a few fire bite spells.
The ghoul champion eyed up the party, with vicious intent. It howled then charged, Martin used his “guardian angel”, blessing and his focus reload ability, to prepare for the oncoming ghoul. At the last minute the ghoul switched targets and jumped for David. It griped round his sword, with its right hand, got a hold of his shield with its left. Then delivered a devastating bite to his shoulder, through armour and padding.
David fought for his life, using the last reserves of his adrenalin to slice at the ghoul champion. Using a power attack, that served its fingers and cut into its skull. Exhaustion hit David, as he pushed the ghoul back with his shield. Vivian skewered the beast through the eye, with an iron broad-head arrow. Alice poured magic fire on it and Martin unloaded two silver bullets into its skull, from and overload shot. The ghoul champion let out one more, hissing rattle as it died. David remember his silver dagger, cursed from his exhausted state, “should have used the dagger”.
Alice ran over and hit David, with a couple of healing spells. Martin reloaded his pistols, scanning the room, looking for signs of a ghoul playing dead. Vivian checked David was ok, patted him on the head, and then set about recovering her arrows. They were hit with a level up first. Martin then David and Vivian, there body’s twitching and spasming as they grew stronger. There consensuses were assaulted, as new skills were integrate into their minds. Alice had enough time to sit down. She was hit with the level up, causing her to black out again as her body and mind took the easy way out.
Martin was level 19, he expanded his arsenal adding the grenadier specialisation. Giving him access to flash bang canister grenades and small thermite charges. If he used anything else more substantial, he would be liable to remove a finger or his face. He had more options, even though in the grand scheme, they were little more than irritating fireworks. Vivian at level 13, continued to build up her speed shooting skill to level 3. David was still building up his sword and shield proficiency. Alice had her fire bite spell upgraded to the greater version. Already she could deal 60 points of fire damage, with a single use of the spell. Though higher level creatures, would have a degree of fire resistance.
Alice was gently shaken awake by Vivian “up and at em there’s more to deal with” Alice seemed to jump in the air “where, where” she panicked then saw the grin on Vivian’s face “not funny”. Martin collect his fallen knives and cleaned them David sat down and cleaned his blade. Vivian grabbed it from his hand, he looked at her “what's the idea I just cleaned that” “I need it to collect the heads or we don’t get paid.” David looked glum as Vivian collected the head or what was left of the head of each ghoul. Alice held out the bag as Vivian added the heads to it one by one. David grumbled as his sword was returned. They piled the ghouls up in one corner Alice splashed the pile with oil as Vivian pulled David out of the old cellar. Martin lit it with his tinderbox and let it burn.
They had dealt with the hibernating ghouls, and the ghoul champion. Martin looked at David’s chainmail, the armour could be riveted back together. The padding below could be stitched. David did look a bit worse for wear, Martin gripped his holy symbol and held out a hand “purify”. David looked at him, “was I infected”? Martin nodded, “And partially paralysed, the ghoul taint can turn anyone without a religious job into one of those creatures. It can progress rapidly if untreated, low level ghouls can’t pass it on, but that ghoul champion must have been a reasonably high level.”
He continues as he helped David to stand, “the ghoul taint only affects humans. If we get to level 25 or over, it’s much harder for it to take hold, even if the ghoul is high level”. Alice looked surprised, “that seemed easy compared to the Wight”. Martin shrugged, “ghouls hibernating don’t level up by living longer, only vampires.” Alice nodded “I believe only because they absorb so much of the ambient mana around them, it was how it was explained to me.” Martin was curious, “anything else can do the same?” Alice nodded, “I read that creatures like litch’s and vampires could do that, but also magical beasts like dragons”, Martin nodded Vivian had a sack of ghoul heads. “We were lucky, if I remember high level ghouls over 20 have explosive bile, that’s apparently quite bad”. Vivian asked with morbid curiosity, “How bad do ghouls get?”
As they walked back to town, Martin educated them. “Ghouls start level 1-9, then become dread ghouls level 11-19. Then terror ghouls level 20-29, then nightmare ghouls level 30-39. At high levels they have, immolating breath, which will eat through steel. Apparently you get packs lead by, ghoul champions, lords and overlords. Fancy names for their servants, if one gets to level 40-50 it can become a siege ghoul. Massive and powerful a living battering ram. Vampires try to raise ghouls for this purpose”.
The group got back to the village, showed the gate guard that they were unaffected. With a holy symbol and entered into the village. They went to the sheriff and reported there kills. He looked visibly shaken, seeing the ghoul’s heads. “Are you sure none got away?” Vivian nodded, “there were nine indentations in the ground. Where the creatures had hibernated and no tracks lead away from the cellar.” A guard roused the apothecary and the priest. The apothecary had a small battered book, he flipped through it. Looking at the heads of the ghouls and the ghoul champion. “Based on the length of the teeth, they were about level 8. With the champion being around level 13 or 14, very tough monsters with their regeneration you want to kill them fast” He spoke with the priest and the sheriff. The sheriff looked at them, “we will pay you fifty bronze a piece for the ghouls, and a silver for the champion”.
David didn’t look happy, “that thing almost killed me, hell I ended up infected. Its only because we have a hunter with purify that I survived.” They talked for a bit more, “ok to cover armour repairs etc. We will raise it to 60 bronze a piece, for the ghouls and a silver and 50 bronze for the champion ok”. David was about to say something else, Vivian batted him over the back of the head. Martin looked around at Vivian and Alice then turned back to the sheriff, “we thank you and accept this reward for our service”.
They divided the reward, so that they got about 1 silver 50 bronze each. Giving a little contribution towards frank, getting a coach ticket to one of the large cities. They went back to the inn, for their evening meal and a drink. Alice was very slowly sipping, a very small mug of ale, “I must admit I have a morbid fascination Martin, we faced the undead today what can you tell us? Are there any tips that can help us?” Martin downed his ale tankard, “well what is the most basic defence against a vampire”?
David slammed his tankard down, “that’s easy garlic also a fine seasoning”. Martin grinned, “It is and it isn’t, only a very young vampire will be bothered by garlic. A freshly turned fledgling will have a fit, they rapidly lose any weakness to it. I understand that garlic flowers, were an ingredient in the blood alchemy, which went into making the first vampire. That’s why it disrupts them, but not for long”. He grinned, “Sunlight kills vampire’s right?” Everyone on the table nodded, Martin grinned again, “It will kill a fledgling dead in seconds. But something older than 25 years will be able to move, duck back inside find shelter or at least try to. It’s no guarantee, but it will hurt the fanged bastard, like you wouldn’t believe.”
Martin continued, “a mirror will not show up a very young vampire, but an older vampire will appear in a mirror there natural age. Which can be quite horrific according to our texts.” David sipped his ale and listened, Martin continued, “its is a small myth, that submersion in water will kill them. Unless its holy water, some vampires have successfully avoided sunlight by hiding in water. They need to go fairly deep, to be able to pull this off, murky water helps them. More than one drainage ditch has held a monster hiding from the sun.” Vivian order some cheese and another round of ale. “A steak in the chest is not a grantee. The younger the vampire the better the chance, either way it will do massive amounts of damage to a vampire. A young one a fledgling will be left almost helpless and soon expire.”
“Fledglings vampires have a slightly denser body than a human. They have almost none of the supernatural durability, which an older vampire possesses. Unless the human was quite a high level, when they were turned. Vampires don’t do that much, they want servants that they can control.” “Back to new vampires, they can be cocky, most conventional weapons will hurt them. They can take much more damage than a human. Removing the head, cutting out the heart or simply hacking them to pieces are all viable strategies. The way I hear it, in small numbers a basic group of militia men, armed with ordinary steel weapons, have cornered and killed many a fresh vampire that was too confident. Of course a bigger vampire like a warrior, is normally not far behind”. They continued into the night, talking about monsters and mercenaries and cheese and ale long into the night.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 13 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 95/95 Adrenalin 65/65 Strength 19 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level attack bonus 13 Level Defence Bonus 13 Bonus base weapon damage 39 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L2 Layered Armour Perk L1 Bow Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Shot L1 Speed Shooting L3 Perks Intensive Training +1 endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 13 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 95/95 Adrenalin 65/65 Strength 19 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 13 Level Defence Bonus 13 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 39 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L2 Layered Armour Perk L1 Sword proficiency L6 Adrenalin Power Strike L1 Shield proficiency L5 Adrenalin power block L1 Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mage Level 12 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 51/51 Mana 140/140 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 17 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 12 Level Defence Bonus 12 Number of Spells can Maintain 1 Base Spell Cost 4 Mana Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L1 Analyse Magic L1 Recharge Enchantment L1 Spell List Fire Bite (5 damage + 2 per level ) 1x base mana cost Tracking fire bite greater (12 damage +4 per level ) 1x base mana cost Touch heal master (15 heal + 6 per level ) 1x base mana cost Ranged Heal (5 heal +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost Flaws Fear of Bats Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 19 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 273/273 Focus 150/150 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 29 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 30 Level Defence Bonus 30 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Resist Poison Holy Symbol usage L1 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L5 Overload Shot L1 Focus Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Throwing knife Proficiency L3 Focus throw L1 General Melee Weapons L2 Focus strike L1 Focus Parry L1 Focus Multi Throw L1 Combat Medic support skill L2 Grenadier L1 Blade Coatings L2 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Armor of faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 3 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 1 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armour Smite – 200 points lighting damage Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Leather Working L3 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 15 points Flaws Alcoholism Zealot Survivors Guilt
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The Runaway Wolf
Noah is a werewolf who has always wanted a mate but discovers that his mate is someone he doesn't have a good history with and gets rejected. This makes him impulsively leave his pack together with his best friends in search for something fulfilling with the help of a strange girl he just met. Little did he know that something has been waiting for him beyond the outskirts of town. New Chapter every Friday Also available to read in Tapas and Wattpad
8 131 - In Serial20 Chapters
A Bit of Everything
A collection of short stories/ poems made by me. Updates are sporadic.
8 92 - In Serial14 Chapters
y/n x the invisble man x alvin
y/n is cheating on a;lvin with the invisible man....
8 97 - In Serial100 Chapters
Over 98K views and 1K votes, y'all! TYSM!! >;3*DISCLAIMER*These aren't mine. I found most of them online. :)The pic belongs to yandere-woman on DeviantArt.Enjoy, peeps!!'Shortie :P'
8 168