《True Monsters》True Monsters – Chapter 8 - Forestry and Fishing
True Monsters – Chapter 8 - Forestry and Fishing
Alice explained at the breakfast table, to David and Vivian. “You said that you wanted, some sort of warning, if you ever faced a mage in combat. Different sorts of magic and energy have different properties. Holy or divine power typically glows white and generally really hurts anything demonic or undead, most people know this its common knowledge. Healing magic casts a visible blue aura, ice magic will also generate a blue aura, but it will be very light in colour. Fire magic glows a light red, lightning a dark blue white colour.”
She paused recounting a lesson from years ago, “Poisons and corrosive spells produce a dark green colour. Now I have only herd about it. Necromantic magic is meant to be purple with demonic magic being a deep red, finally with vampire magic being a combination of the two.” Vivian nodded, “so if we can see the colour of the spell being prepared, we can have some sort of warning right”?
She nodded, “That's the theory I have only seen a few practice duels at the tower. Some mages go rogue, they join up with bandit’s brigands or pirates. A few rouge mages have lived long enough, to pass their teaching onto others. It’s possible to meet a few mages, who have never been in the tower system. If caught they are executed, have their magic sealed or join the tower depending on what they have been doing”.
“Mages have horribly low health, so in combat they will use minions, or join a group that will compensate by having people with defensive abilities to screen them. A more prepared mage, will find or commission some sort of artefact to negate most physical damage. There are some barrier spells, but unless the mage is a high level they won’t be very effective. You don't want to be fighting a mage that high level anyway, unless you’re a high level Witch Finder. The best way to deal with a mage is probably an arrow or pistol shot before they can do anything. “
Vivian stared intently, “There can be two exceptions when it is probably very dangerous to take on a mage in any circumstance. The first is if they have a large number of enchanted items. Enchantments can stack quite high, to boost their defences.”
“The other example is only available to higher level mages. If they get a perk called dormant spells. For a good portion of their mana, they can maintain three to five defensive spell that are dormant until they are attacked. It is a good general rule if a mage can lay down several defensive spells before starting a fight they are a very high level and should be avoided or treated carefully.”
Martin joined them, grabbing a bowel full of porridge. “I have spoken to the sheriff, they are planning to do some repairs to the gate house. They need some lumber, so today we are overseeing a group of four wood cutters. They will get a few good sized trees from the edge of the forest. We will probably see a few stragglers, from the thrall wolf pack. But you never know something more powerful might be about”.
David shrugged, “there is a small bounty on each, so it will be worth our time”. Vivian nodded in agreement, “most mercenary work is assignments like this. Protection for people doing a job in a dangerous areas. Moving something from one place to another. It is our bread and butter, standard guild work protecting mines caravans and logging camps”.
There were four men and one rather battered sled. They would be able to fell a tree, put it on the sled and drag it back to the village fairly quickly. Three or four trees would be needed, to fix up the gate house. The woodsmen had a practised fairly efficient method. One cut at the back of the tree, one at the front. Half way through they switched to the other two cutting. A wedge forced into the cut, a few taps of the back of the axe. They could accurately force the tree to fall where they wanted it to. They would trim the trunk, removing all branched very quickly from one site. Then working together they would roll it over and finish the other side. It was done this way to get it over and done with as quick as possible. An iron chain with a hook was used to drag the lumber onto a sled. They removed the wedges from under sled, Martin David lent a hand to move it. The sled groaned and protest, as it was dragged back to the village very fast.
The second log was just cut down, when a group of thrall wolves burst out of the tree line. Martin shouted to the wood cutters, “keep close to the cart. We can’t protect you if you run, the wolves run faster”! Invariably someone tried to run, David grabbed them by the shirt. With his strength he pulled them back with ease, “stay together” he advised them. The wolves surround them they looked at the wood cutters, who were weak by comparison. Alice sat at the centre of the group with the sled, she had her healing magic on hand if anyone was injured. Three of the woodcutters had axes, the fourth had a mattock a carpentry tool ready to use against the wolves.
Vivian was the first to respond, nailing a wolf with an adrenalin power shot. It didn't quite go down but it was stunned. Leaving the creature open to further attacks. A pistol ball from Martin smashed into the creatures head. It let out a garbled grow and then collapsed, the shot had finished it off. The wood cutters looked a bit more reassured. The wolf lay dead at their feet, however it was only one creature. The wolves went for the group as one. Martin pulled a dagger from his belt and struck an oncoming thrall wolf. He activated the divine ability, “wrath” using a focus throw to hit the beast in the head. The glow of holy light struck the beast for a second, sending it reeling to the ground. It tried to dislodge the throwing knife embedded in its face, twisting around on the floor.
Vivian hit an approaching thrall wolf with two regular arrows, they lodged into the beasts hide but didn't fully stop it. David squared off against two wolves, he jumped forwards. He released an adrenalin strike at one wolf. The wolf tried to dodge to the side, but it miscalculated. The blow landed on one of its legs crippling it. David followed up with a second power strike, finishing off the first wolf. The second wolf took the opportunity, to dive in under his guard and strike his armoured torso. It did some damage but not much. One of the woodcutters next to Alice had his leg seized in the jaws of a wolf, it started to drag him back.
Alice was ready she used fire bite precisely, hitting the wolf in the face. Boiling one of its eyes out, burning its nose off, charring its cheek and jaws. This left the wolf growling in agony, thrashing about on the floor. It also gave the wood cutter 1st degree burns on his leg. “For fucks sake get the wolf not me”. Alice turned to them, “Drag him back hear so I can heal him”. One of the wood cutters dragged the man back to them. Alice easily healed his leg with a touch, “there all better”. The man grumbled very quietly, “what about the burn holes in my trousers?”
Vivian let lose a power shot, into the nearest wolf that was circling them. It skewered the beast, disappearing almost all the way inside it. Yet the creature was still standing, though making an unpleasant gurgling bark, its lungs were probably pierced. It didn't move very quickly a second arrow nailed it. Alice picked off the wolf Martin had heavily injured, with a fire bite to the neck. It stopped then collapsed dead.
David charged into the wolves, suffering a couple of bites. He struck back with two successive power strikes, he practically cut another wolf in half. Martin unloaded his other pistol into a wolfs flanks, causing the creature to cry out in pain. The creature tried to retreat, a throwing knife empowered by “wrath” struck it down. The woodcutters tried to do their best to help, two of them waved their axes about. To keep the wolves at bay, while the other two hurled chunks of wood at the wolves to distract them.
A wolf charged into Vivian she let off an adrenalin power strike, wounding the beast. It was not enough to stop its progress. The wolf grabbed her by the leg and shook her off balance. The beast got her on the floor, Vivian was far from helpless. She still possessed strength far in excess of a normal human. Her boot landed on the wolfs muzzle, with enough force to knock several of its fangs out. Alice had learnt that her fire bite spells, were not powerful enough to overwhelm an opponent. Except when used in numbers that depleted her mana, so she had to learn to aim for weak spots. The thrall wolf attacking Vivian was suddenly neutered, as the area between its legs was engulfed in fire.
The beast gave up on trying to turn Vivian into lunch. Vivian got up picked up one of the thicker cut branches, she beat the injured wolf to death. David charged towards one of the remaining wolves. He used the same strategy of overwhelming the beast, with two consecutive power strikes to kill it. Another wolf fell to a series of three focus throws from Martin, knife after knife hit it. The last wolf injured and on its own turned tail and ran. Martin quickly reloaded his pistol, he used the blessing “wrath” to end the creature before it got out of range.
Martin checked over everyone that had been injured, the wolfs were infected with the thrall taint. David looked at him nervously as Martin checked him over, his words were blunt “it’s the thrall taint”. David felt a bit of anxiety as Martin reached for his holy symbol, “you have the purge blessing right”. David hoped to avoid the pain, of having the corruption burnt out of him. Martin was not playing ball, “I only have one use of that blessing. I want to keep it as a standby, there is quite a lot to do, and you know the drill”.
David held out his hand taking his glove off and gripping the offered object. “Ow for fuck sake that hurts ouch”, the holy symbol stopped smoking as the taint was manually purified from his body. He turned round “Alice can you heal me thanks”, Alice used her healing spell on Vivian's leg. Then went over and healed David, who was grumbling to himself, “I have to get some plate armour”.
Martin’s eyes glowed white and his body twitched, he level up. He continued dragging the dead thrall wolves into a pile to burn. He grinned when the others looked at him, “Level 13” they nodded. David and Vivian exchanged a knowing look with Alice, they watched there companion out-level them. They were sure if they were facing bandits or marauders or tribal monsters, they would have the advantage.
Against adversaries that they were more suited to dealing with, the mercenaries could bring their specific training to bare. Alice would have thought something similar, if they had a magical issue to deal with. Then she would be the one going up in levels, her train of thought was interrupted as Alice's eyes glowed. “Oh for fuc.......” and then she collapsed shaking, she was levelling up as well thankfully someone had caught her.
The wood cutter that Alice had saved looked at her concerned, “is she alright, and is that what happens when you use magic?” David patted him on the shoulder, “she just ranked up, it’s harder more painful for magic users. Their bodies are frail so they need a few minutes to recover”. Vivian looked at David, “you screamed like a child when you levelled up”. Martin shrugged “I guess it’s a natural reaction to black out so you can’t feel the pain. You only level when you are out of immediate danger”. Vivian took Alice out from the woodcutters grasp and gave her a gentle shake, Alice woke up and grinned sheepishly, “level 8 I’m catching up with you guys”.
The rest of the morning went without incident, another two trees were felled. Then striped of their limbs and dragged back to the village without much trouble. When the thrall wolves were more thoroughly decimated, the village would be able to do this sort of thing without the presence of a team of adventures. They would be able to repair the place, the local carpenters would probably go up several levels quite quickly.
David stretched out at the inn “hauling wood like that gives me quite the appetite. In fact I have been feeling hungry quite a lot”. Martin nodded, “I have heard about this, as people's level goes up there body gets stronger. As a result of that they need more food to sustain themselves. A veteran can eat twice as much as a raw recruit, there body needs the energy. Even a skinny mage like Alice is packing away the stew”. Alice mouth filled with stew shot an accusing look across the table, but she had to admit that it was more than the cold air making her hungry.
David grinned, “Let’s get a tray of ales and enjoy ourselves.” Vivian gave him a look, David looked down. “We don't get to spend the rest of the day in the tavern, there's more to do right”? She nodded.
Vivian unfolded a piece of paper, “I was updating the map upstairs when I grabbed this request. The food hear is very much the same. They used to supplement it with a bit of fishing, two fishermen disappeared about six months ago. We go to the lake they were fishing in, we check it out try to find what attacked them and check there fish traps. It’s a three mile walk there and back, we get some rations and we go for a walk. We kill whatever monster set its self-up in the fishing hole, so hopefully fish will be back on the menu”.
Martin scratched his head, “six months is a long time, and any lead might well be cold by now. It doesn’t hurt to have a look around, monsters supernatural or mundane could be living in this spot. We have options, but if we do find remains is there anything that would identify either of them?”
Vivian looked through the notes, “one of them Jacob has a bronze belt buckle in the shape of a horse. The other Rooney has a copper and tin archery medallion, his grandfather won. The families will offer a few bronze for the return of these items. The village will pay a few bronze each, if we bring back there traps and there boat”. Alice looked thoughtful, “it could have been something as simple as the fishermen drowning or freezing. After all it was just a side job not their main one.”
“To confirm anything we need to be able to search the water, I would freeze to death and the three of you would sink with your armour. We should get a hook and some chain or rope, preferably sturdy if we have to drag a boat off the bottom of this lake. Also the fishing traps and boat are probably quite bulky. If we can get a cart or something, it might help us out moving everything.” They all agreed to go, they would need torches a cart a sturdy hook and rope.
Fifteen minutes later they set out from the village. David lamented that he had to leave a whole silver, as a deposit on the cart. After what happened to the hunters traps, it was no surprise. He was reassured by Vivian, that it was a worthwhile investment. Vivian had a backpack with oil torches and some rations. Alice barely had enough stamina to carry her padded clothing. She walked behind the cart and kept watch. Vivian David and Martin took turns pulling the cart.
The trail would not have been very well maintained to begin with, it has been neglected for six months. They had to move a fallen tree out of the way. A small bolder had to be rolled of the trail. A few patches of overgrown bushes had to be cut back, they still made good progress. The lake was quite deep and quite long, it was also fairly narrow. The group left the cart at one end, they took the hook and a length of rope. They started to work along the north bank of the lake.
Vivian spied something in the water, “I thought that I saw something move, about two feet down four or five yards long. It could have been a log could have been something else, we should be careful”. The four of them kept a wary eye out, the first sign that something had gone wrong was the remains of the first fish trap. It was really a big woven wicker basket, shaped in such a way that fish could get into it easy enough. If they looking for food or shelter, but would have a lot of difficulty getting out the basket. It was pegged in place in the shallows with a stick, it was also torn in half useless. Two hundred yards down the lake a second trap was discovered, it was more accurate to say a third of the trap remained. Moving further down, Martin thought that he saw some movement. He had his pistol pointed over the water, but nothing seemed to be there.
They moved on, at the fourth shallow spot along the bank. There was the remains of the stick and a bit of material, it may have been a net. There seemed to be something in the water, David went fishing with the hook and rope. Vivian, Martina and Alice had their weapons pointed at the water, expecting something to make its entrance very soon. On his third attempt David managed to snag the item. With a good deal of twisting and pulling, he managed to get it off the bottom of the lake. There was resistance, he looked nervous his companions gripped there weapons expectantly.
The sunken mass slowly emerged covered in mud and weeds, but still inert and unrecognisable. With more pulling and a few curses, he got it to the lake shore. They hauled it onto the bank and flipped it over. It was about two thirds of the fishermen's boat. It was charitable calling it a boat, having been very poorly build in the first place. The timber didn't fit right, it seemingly irregular on its keel. It looked like it had been cracked by a heavy impact, there was a bite mark on one side of the wood. The Mark was about 2 foot across maybe more. There were the remains of a boot or shoe, wedged between two splintered boards from the hull. Gingerly David pulled it free he looked inside, nothing was there.
Something broke the surface of the water, it was large easily twice as long as man was tall. Vivian let an arrow lose, Martin let a pistol shot go. The arrow hit, the pistol shot seemed to barely penetrate the water. The creature splashed about thrashing dislodging the arrow, then swam deeper into the water.
They hastily checked around the edge of the lake. They found a small camp with little more than a fire place made with rocks. The fire burnt out long ago, a wind break made from wood and mud. Further investigation found another four smashed up fish traps. David looked at the others “whatever is in the lake got them, some sort of ranked up catfish. One of the old drill instructors told me. He used to fish along the rivers, when he was security for the barges. Big fish would grow large enough to take people, kids first then adults. He said they were some wear around level 13-19, when they start going for people. I thought he was full of shit but now, I saw it so did you”.
David looked exasperated, “Is there anything in this world that won't grow to gigantic proportions and try to eat us”? Martin scratched his head, “god knows how old that thing is? It’s not natural some sort of blood alchemy. Long ago the creature was probably designed by some magic user to grow fast as food. Then like so many things it got out of hand, now it’s great, great whatever is eating people”. Alice wondered, “How do we get that thing, my fire bite spells can’t penetrate water?” Vivian looked at it objectively, “arrows can pierce the water, but it would just dive again same with a power shot”. David toyed with the handle to his sword, “I don't think that I could wade in and get it. I am not sure of the shallows, in this much equipment I can’t swim”.
Martin looked about, “we need to lure it to the edge of the water. To uses our self as bait is fucking stupid, we get a rabbit or a mountain goat. We use what we catch with the hook as bait, we can tie it off to a tree. Then when the monster goes for the bait we kill it.” Martin scanned around the lake there was a target. At the limit of his pistols he used a focus shot, he wounded a mountain goat.
It was hit in the left hind leg at the joint. The animal bleated and screeched in agony, as it tried to hobble away. Martin casually walked over and grabbed it by the leg, dragging it to the water. The animal panicked and tried to butt him with its horns to no avail. Martin didn't even register as the goat screamed in pain. He put the hook through its other good leg, the goat tried to pull away but it was crippled completely now. David looked queasy, “oh for fucks sake!” Alice looked like she was going to throw up. Vivian looked at them “grow up neither or you did kitchen duty before?” Alice shook her head, “not in years we have servants for that sort of thing at the tower”. David shook his head, “you know I only peeled vegetables”.
Martin pointed out a spot, “We tie the rope to that tree. Then we loop the rope around the other trunk, me Vivian and David pull it out of the water as soon as it hooks itself.” None of the others had a better idea. The goat was unceremoniously thrown in the water a few minutes later. It did an excellent job of attracting the massive fish, splashing around and bleeding into the water. First there was a shadow, then the tip of a fin. The beast burst from the water, it was quick as a flash and the goat was swallowed in its large round jaws.
The fish dived back into the water, turning to head out of the shallow lake edge. It was hooked, the rope creaked ominously, the three of them pulled. The water seemed to boil, as the aquatic beast had a very nasty surprise. It tried to expel, the iron hook lodged in the side of its mouth. The three of them pulled harder, they had the mechanical advantage with the rope and tree. They had the equivalent strength of seven or eight regular people. The beast was slowly dragged to the shore, due to the adventures determination. It was like a cross between and eel and a catfish, a blotchy dark green black complexion. It had a certain, almost intelligent look in its eyes.
As soon as its head was above water, Alice hit it with a precisely aimed fire bite, burning its left eye out. The creature went ballistic as it writhed about in pain. It was soon dragged onto the shore of the lake. Martin let the two mercenary's keep it busy pulling on the rope, he unloaded both his pistols into the beast. Then they switched round, Vivian got her bow she put an adrenalin power shot into its skull. They wanted to make sure that everyone got some credit for the kill.
David approached the creature with his shield held high. The beast’s throat spasmed, it hurled a glob of caustic brown green goo at David. He stopped it with shield in an easy block, allowing the mass to slide down and hit the mud. He stepped over it, he managed to stun the beast with an adrenalin strike to its head. He followed up by two more regular cuts. The beast finally succumbed to the onslaught, leaving it twitching on the ground dead. Martin and Vivian let go of the rope and breathed a sigh of relief.
Martin eyes glowed his body shifted and contorted, it forcibly grew and his capabilities expanded. His overall level was now 25, a level 14 vampire hunter and a level 11 craftsman. The change was barely affecting him now. He looked around waiting for any of the others to level up, nothing happened. The bonus exp the blessing on his equipment was giving him must be immense. “I levelled up there can’t have been anything else around here, otherwise it wouldn't have kicked in. We must have got the creature that killed those people”
David looked at the beast, “that fish must be one and a half tones maybe two. We won’t get paid for the fishing boat and traps. That much meat has to be worth something. Even if we get a brass penny for every pound, it would be worth the effort of hauling it back.” Vivian grinned, “yes we have the cart it will be awkward, but I guess we will be eating fish for a while”, Alice observed “how do you preserve something that big?” Martin held his hand out, “purify” a glow briefly surrounded the catch of the day.
“I think that there was a smoking shed in the village, its cold enough to keep anyway. They will probably cut it into strips then smoke it. They dry out and preserve some of the meat plus it improves the flavour.” David looked at him accusingly, “I just had to be sure no taint or disease affected the population, so I used purify on it. I guess it’s enough meat for a month”.
Alice's tummy rumbled, “These people don’t get much meat on average do they”. Martin shrugged, “until the thrall wolf population grew too large they hunted raised some livestock and fished. So they would have been able to supplement the farming quite well”. Vivian added “this area supported a town over five times the size at one point. With the monster population under control, things will get better for them”.
David banged his sword on his shield, to get everyone’s attention. “Thrall wolves, talking about culling the monster population, we are about to get a chance”. The dread thrall wolf and five of the more mundane thrall wolves, were racing out of the tree line straight towards them. The dread thrall wolf howled and charged forwards. It recognised them and it was pissed. Martin cursed, “oh shit” he should have been reloading his pistol, not been talking. He used his focus reload ability, his fingers blurred as he rapidly reloaded his weapon. He expended focus so it took a fifth of the time, to reload the weapon, he was prepared.
The dread Thrall wolf had certainly seen better days, its wounds were far from closed. It was covered with burn marks, punctures and broken arrow heads in its side. Still it moved without any restriction. For all the damage they had done, the creature was still a great danger. It had five of its lesser brethren with it. The creature was more than ready for round 2, gnashing its jaws and growling. Martin had his pistol ready, a confident expression on his face. Prepared he used his focus shot ability to make a pin point attack.
The dread thrall wolf alpha collapsed and writhed in pain. One of its eye sockets was a bloody mess, the beast was stopped in its tracks. Martin grinned having taken its eye, “that was silver it won’t grow back any time soon you bastard”. The beast seemed to understand him as the silver burnt the great wolfs tainted flesh. Its other eye was clear and full of cold hate. The alpha fought through the pain, it got up charging forwards. David met the creature using an adrenalin block technique, he interrupted its attack. By smacking it in the face hard enough to bend the iron plate in the centre of his shield.
The stunned beast had to twist its head away. Alice tried to burn its other eye out with a fire bite spell. It barely reacted in time, getting away with some singed fur. Vivian hit the beast centre of mass with an adrenalin shot. Her bow moved in a blur, the wood creaked and the string twanged, she was already reaching for a second arrow.
The rest of its pack caught up to the dread thrall wolf, they closed to attack. Alice aimed for the nearest wolf and sent two fire bite spells towards it. One hit it in the jaw the second in the neck, sending the beast into a panicked frenzy. Martin hit the nearest thrall wolf with a series of three focus throws. Striking the beast in the neck, severing an artery. The wolf started bleeding out, it fell down twitching about in a pool of blood. The next thrall wolf got far closer and managed to jump at him. It clamped its jaws around his neck biting down hard. Vivian sent two power shots into one of the thrall wolves, killing it with the second strike. David warded off one thrall wolf with his sword. He was at the point of exhaustion and out of flashy moves. He used the terrain keeping the wolf between himself and the dread thrall wolf. Stopping one eye from attacking for the moment.
Martin as a vampire hunter had a very thick neck guard. However the wolf was still doing damage, its jaws were cutting into his cheeks. Martin didn't stand there and let it happen. He still had three throwing knives, one by one he pushed them into the wolfs flesh. It still held on, trying to rip his throat out. Stubbornly trying to chew its way through his armour. A wooden stake emerged from the folds of Martins jacket. He cursed and shoved the wood into the wolf’s throat. The beast let go and fell to the floor. Martin drew his wooden mall back, using a focus strike to hit the creature precisely on the skull. It lay there twitching on the floor, Martin used his focus re-lode ability to get his pistol ready. Alice hit the downed wolf in the face with two more fire bites. The beast seemed to be trying to cough or choke, its airway had been burnt shut leaving it to suffocate. Alice turned her attention to the main event.
Vivian pulled her bow back and let an adrenalin shot slam into the dread wolfs shoulder. The arrow buried itself into the creature’s unnatural flesh. Vivian had almost nothing left to power her abilities, she drew back the bow with her regular strength and took aim. She still had over a dozen arrows to lose at the beast. Martin closed with the wolf in-front of him, stabbing it twice in the side. The beast howled and backed off. One eye got fed up with this game and knocked the other wolf out of the way. David could barely bring his shield up to block the wolfs charge. He was knocked on his ass, the second strike sent his shield flying. This left him exposed, he brought up his sword to try and block. The third strike from the wolf dealt massive damage to David, it bit down on his chain-mail covered torso.
Martin used his blessings, “divine retribution” he unloaded a focus shot into the beast’s side to get its attention. The holy damage caused it to glow for a second and shudder. It quickly switched its attention to Martin. Vivian screamed, “No” she rushed over grabbed David and dragged him backwards towards Alice, while Martin distracted one eye. Alice quickly used her powerful master healing spell three times, for good measure. David's back straightened out and his shoulder popped back into place. Vivian hugged him with enough strength to crush bone. Then handed his sword back to him, “Don't drop your shield again”. Martin used the rest of his blessings, gripping his holy symbol “guardian angel, armour of faith, shield of faith, holy aura”.
One eye considered its chances, it could feel the holy aura sapping its health. The number of defensive blessings around the other two legged prey made it quite hard to hurt, it knew this from experience. Vivian and Alice started to pelt the creature with arrows and magic, three fire bite spells and two arrows, nailed its hide. It made up its mind turning tail and running towards the tree line, two more fire bite spells trailing behind it.
Martins various defensive blessings slowly faded. He began to re-lode his first pistol. “Well I can see why old one eye lived long enough to become an alpha and a dread wolf. He's smart enough to let us wear ourselves out on other monsters. Smart enough to retreat when things went bad. He’s probably been watching us waiting for an opportunity, quite intelligent”. Vivian slapped David hard enough to cause damage, “Basic training keep your shield strapped to your arm got it”. David rubbed his head, “alright I get it thanks for saving my life”. Alice shrugged, “we all saved you we worked as a team. Martin distracted it Vivian got you out of the way and I healed you”. He nodded “your right thanks everyone”.
The last injured thrall wolf twitched and died. Martin felt his eyes glow and the familiar process of his body growing stronger. His hands continued to re-lode his pistol as he levelled up. He smiled at level 15 he could now access the next group of blessings. Well after a long rest, he would have another use of the wrath blessing. Making four in total, two more purify blessings. In the future he could remove most mundane afflictions from the rest of the party. He had fortress of faith, a defensive blessing twice as strong as shield of faith, a single use per day but still very potent. He had circle of consecration an ability that could make an area very temporarily clean from the undead a useful rest bite.
The best addition to his arsenal was the blessing of smite. A massive electrical attack twice as powerful as divine retribution. He had also picked over his last few level ups the combat medic skill. In case a member of the group suffered a complex wound. One that could not easily be treated with an application of magic. Removing an arrow or some sort of fracture, where bones had to be put in place.
David felt his eyes glow then his body spasmed. He grunted in pain as he levelled up and grew stronger. He had four levels in sword and shield he was a balanced front line fighter. Now his comprehensive training ability went up to level 2. He could train up militia's, turning a group of villagers into an effective shield wall. A single high level mercenary, given time could train an army. David turned to Martin, “tip” Martin tossed the flask to David who took a little sip coughed and threw it back. Vivian collapsed going through her level up, she had pushed her bow proficiency up to level 8 the maximum skill level for a mercenary. She could still get complementary skills, her proficiency with her primary weapon was maxed out.
Martin held out the flask, Vivian shook her head “no thanks”. Alice's eyes glowed and she slipped into unconsciousness. Her mind expanded to accommodate the improved fire bite spell. Now she had mastered the healing spell she was going to slowly improve her offensive abilities. When she got to level 10, her casting efficiency would go up by 20 percent. Effectively giving her another six spell uses, as she would be using 4 mana a time rather than 5.
They gathered there spent arrows and throwing knives. They set about burning the remains of the dead thrall wolves. They relaxed slightly as they had some rations and looked at the fish. David looked at Vivian, “about the reward those items could still be somewhere inside it?” Vivian looked at him, “you want the reward you check inside it”. He looked back, “no you”. Martin shrugged he took off his jacket and folded it up. Underneath his jacket was a complex harness of leather straps connected to his armour, containing stakes a mallet various tools and equipment.
Martin removed his gloves and bracer's, first he checked inside the creatures jaw. Then he pulled a throwing knife from its sheath and felt the edge. Martin paused, he sharpened it against a stone. He set about gutting the giant fish. His first cut was a little too shallow but on the second the fish started to open. He spend a quarter of an hour going through its guts. There were lots of stones some bones, finally he found the two items, the belt buckle and an archery medallion. They were pulled out a little bent up, wrapped in a fragment of netting and a few scraps of cloth. Alice nodded, “at least their families get a bit of closure”. David half grinned, “And we get a few extra coin.” Vivian cleaned the items up while Martin cleaned himself up, with the cold water of the lake.
It was getting dark when they finally got back to the village. They explained the situation and handed the personal effects over to the sheriff. He handed them 30 brass coins. The apothecary roused a few of the villagers, the inn staff to butcher the fish and store it. The fish was agreed at a price of 90 brass coins and the party was paid. David looked very relieved when he got his 1 silver deposit back for the cart etc. They would get a good night’s sleep, after a few ales. Then maybe see the apothecary in the morning. For something to cover up the fishy smell, that Martin had acquired while rooting about.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 10 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 80/80 Adrenalin 50/50 Strength 16 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level attack bonus 10 Level Defence Bonus 10 Bonus base weapon damage 30 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L2 Layered Armour Perk L1 Bow Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Shot L1 Perks Intensive Training +1 endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 10 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 80/80 Adrenalin 40/40 Strength 16 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 10 Level Defence Bonus 10 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 30 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L2 Layered Armour Perk L1 Sword proficiency L4 Adrenalin Power Strike L1 Shield proficiency L4 Adrenalin power block L1 Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Primary Occupation Mage Level 9 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 42/42 Mana 125/125 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 14 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 9 Level Defence Bonus 9 Number of Spells can Maintain 1 Base Spell Cost 5 Mana Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L1 Analyse Magic L1 Recharge Enchantment L1 Spell List Fire Bite (5 damage + 2 per level ) 1x base mana cost Tracking fire bite improved (7 damage + 2 per level ) 1x base mana cost Touch heal master (15 heal + 6 per level ) 1x base mana cost Ranged Heal (5 heal +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost Flaws Fear of Bats Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 15 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 233/233 Focus 130/130 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 25 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 26 Level Defence Bonus 26 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Resist Poison Holy Symbol usage L1 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L4 Overload Shot L1 Focus Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Throwing knife Proficiency L3 Focus throw L1 General Melee Weapons L2 Focus strike L1 Focus Parry L1 Focus Multi Throw L1 Combat Medic support skill L2 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Armor of faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 3 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 1 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armour Smite – 200 points lighting damage Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Leather Working L3 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 15 points Flaws Alcoholism Survivors Guilt
- In Serial54 Chapters
Solo Stream
Out of food. Out of money. Struggling to build an audience. Pick your VR gear, select his stream and follow him as he struggles to win his first Continental Final. The chat is pure chaos, the commentator is extra picky, the opponents are legendary. He’ll optimize his build, complete quests, collect loot, fight other players and, unfortunately, interact with NPCs. Twenty-four days of compressed time in a randomly generated world. Will he make it to the end? Dare he dream being the last one left standing? Written by a true gamer and a former DM.
8 79 - In Serial26 Chapters
Aurora: Apocalypse
Currently participating in the April 2022 Royal Road Writeathon. This fiction will resume in May 2022 When Methuselah’s star explodes, the world burns under the impact of an extinction level event. Emmett Carter just wants one thing - to gather his family at the farm and keep them safe. Rated [M] for Mature Audiences. Contains Alcohol use, Drug use, Gore, Profanity, Smoking, Violence.Rated [D] for Drama. Contains emotional themes, interpersonal relationships, and character development. Author's note: You are reading a first draft, written mostly while drinking cheap whiskey. Expect it to read like hot garbage and I guarantee that it’ll meet your expectations. I’m a storyteller, not a writer - there’s a huge difference between the two professions. IMPORTANT! This story is told in a first-person limited, conversational style, with Emmett occasionally breaking the 4th wall and addressing the reader directly. This means that YOU and Emmett may have absolutely no idea why stuff is happening, because there will be little or no exposition or other POV's. Read the comments for spoilers, ask questions if you want to know something.This work incorporates blended aspects of Xianxia, Wuxia, Super powers, and Western Magic into a post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure. It is none of those things and all those things, mashed together. The MC is Over Powered, but so are many, many others. He just hasn't met them yet. Dear Student, What follows is an adaption of the diary of Emmett Carter before his Ascension. While the decades during and after the Aurora Apocalypse are lost to us, the Ascended himself has allowed us to publish this work so long as we warn the reader that it may not be entirely accurate or present an unbiased viewpoint of the events. One should also note that the Aurora was in flux during that time and some things that were possible in the early days are no longer possible, especially with the advent of the Akashic record. Editors have included footnotes when possible to explain pre-aurora technologies or concepts and how they relate to current magical technologies. The contents of this work may upset readers. If you’ve ever been in a natural disaster, had a house fire, witnessed a murder, lost a loved one to violence, or have a strong opinion on the sanctity of life, please do not read this. It contains dramatic scenes of a world in the throes of an apocalyptic event. There are no rainbows and unicorns, only loss, uncertainty, and death while the survivors struggle to rebuild their lives. Updates Thursdays and Sundays for now. Word count is about 2000 ~ 4000ish per chappie.
8 187 - In Serial16 Chapters
Kingdom Come
Thiara is a planet ruled by four great Kingdoms. These Kingdoms share the monopoly on all production and control their citizens' lives with an iron rule that has prevailed through millennia. The last bastion of freedom are the last two "free" continents - the archipelago chain of Namaria that is home to pirates and raiders, and the continent of Zeshan. Aroha and Rylan are two residents of a small port town in Zeshan, but when the Kingdom of Camar raid the town for slaves for their fields, the two are thrust headlong into an adventure that will take them further from home than they could ever have imagined possible. They will encounter all manner of new challenges, allies and dangerous magic as they try to save the people they love from slavery. All the while, a lonely king on a powerful throne is plotting something sinister himself and the world will feel the full force of his machinations.
8 187 - In Serial70 Chapters
𝙒𝙍𝙄𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙋. i get by with a little help from my friends! lowercase intended.
8 154 - In Serial12 Chapters
8 75 - In Serial22 Chapters
The LOVE of a BETA
His Alpha asked him to come back to the pack...back to the home where his mate was killed and he was left to raise three young pups on his own. Little did Caleb know what the Moon Goddess had in store for him...*This is the first book in a series...each book does contain spoilers.
8 58