《Nekana, One in Billions, Lost.》Chapter 25 - The Mornings of a School Day


The door creaks open with the slightest of noise but Nekana paid awareness to even the slightest of occurrence in her domain. Numbing chills drive up her feet, knees and gradually the whole of her body. She didn’t catch a fever. Her covers that were as soft as silk, but was obviously not (they were cotton); warmed her body. By each and every movement made underneath, her skin felt warmth.

Light made its way through and then came the sound of clicks of switches. The cold escapes from the very cracks in the opened wooden door that light presented itself. Shining brightly, the artificial light provided no warmth unlike her covers. Nekana moaned and groaned but nothing changed, not the fact that she had to go school or the fact that she just wanted to hibernate till summer came (which was very quickly). The brunette’s eyes squint leaving traces of lines on her forehead. She was cold, irritated and her hair wasn’t helping by spreading out all over her face.

She got up at the slowest speed possible as far as her muscles allowed. Silent steps touch the wooden floor till they arrived to the point of toilet tiles. Stripping, the brunette wished to drop dead on the chilly floor to die for all she cared. It was cold, cold, COLD. Clearly and so the tiny window that was high up and in her bathroom showcased, the sun had not risen so no natural warmth for her.

Nonetheless, sooner later the sound of showers turned on. The steam that exit those waters could only be achieved through 2 minutes of waiting and the skin to test it. Every morning, the girl would feel somewhat accomplished to get through that routine as ridiculous as it sounded. The sighs of an exhausted brunette that was as soaked as a drenched cat stood shivering in an unknown house toilet. The showers had a glass door in order to prevent the surroundings to get wet so it was like a smaller compartment of sorts. On every school day, after a shower, the brunette had a challenge to face. To avoid long exposure to any remaining cold air to be intact with her skin she would wait. Behind the glass door to calculate the time needed to open that door and grab a towel that hung nearby. As efficiently as possible and not out of her comfort zone. It opens, but from that speed winds were blown and it made the situation worse. Much to her dismay. Silent shrieks could be heard on rare occasions.


Nekana then changed into her school uniform, brushed her teeth, ate some breakfast and set off as it were any other day; which it was. The journey took place from home, to a car. Seating herself in a comfortable position she leaned unto the seat of her comfort zone. Her claim over the front seat was genuine and one she held much love over. The images of still trees and their array of green pass leaving a lingering of blurred images. Buildings, a variety of heights and designs stood upright and tall. Beneath the rising sun, they were beautiful. As the golden rays sent glittering dust and over bearing light, it hit her through the window and Nekana cringed.

Her eyes could not make contact directly and there was nothing to lessen the light but a transparent window that came attached to the car. The brunette held up her hand, her palm shielding her eyes instead. Through the thin visible gaps from her fingers were lines of orange. They glowed strongly wanting to invade through, pierce and make eyes burn with light. Pulling down the shade that was normally attached with a mirror, that didn’t help. What was the brunette thinking? The light came from the side and not the front. She then pulled the board to the right where the sunlight came. No help either as the angle weren’t right. Right then a truck came by and it’d shade Nekana for very few and brief seconds before it too could not offer protection because of an unspecified destination.

The traffic light signalled green that meant ‘go’ and the car did. It travelled leisurely; turning right and moving forward to turn to the left again, heading into the school’s compound. Take a last minute action of slipping her socks then shoes on, in few minutes the deed was done and Nekana could only wait till she arrived the drop off area. Music played through the radio and announcers did their jobs in talking and announcing the local or more globally known news as well. Cars forward and they lined up in an orderly manner. The brunette took every opportunity in terms of time (left) to recall of any undid homework that she would clearly be in trouble if busted.


‘Math… History… Oops.’ Yep, she was in trouble alright.

Silent screeches form. The tires turned and they’d arrived. She took her a step off the car and then a bag pack slung over her shoulder. No winds blew nor were there the heavy fall of rain. The sun was bright, giving her hair an almost otherworldly glow of a shade lighter of brown. The palms of her hands lightly smacked her cheeks and as usual, ‘Homework.’

She thought had to complete.

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