《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 10: Volume 1 Epilogue


The director of ZCorp is in his office, sitting on his chair. Reading files about recent world events, and the intelligence division's insights on them. In the past month, so much has happened on the world stage.

"EU votes to create the European Security Organization (EUSO). Tension in Parliament, vote succeeds 51-49."

"Brazilian civil war intensifies as non-humans launches attacks"

"Investor Akhiru Ramadhan walks out of investor meeting, in opposition to CEO Von Koolako's future economic policies"

The director puts down the files, and picks up his mug reading 'Best student 2022' and drinks the hot americano coffee. Although it felt bitter, he felt energized and reinvigorated.

Things have been busy lately, a new portal manifested in Indonesia, the backroom dealings with many governments, and the 'cold war' between ZCorp, GIDO, and ADWI Corp. Although the three of them are representing humanity's defiance against the extra dimensional invaders, there's a lot of rivalry between them.

It's a difference in Ideologies, the Company wants to unify humanity under a corporatist government, while the GIDO wants humanity to take a stronger stance against non humans. ZCorp prioritizes earth and humanity first, and they will work with anyone to make sure that earth doesn't get obliterated. Or that humanity doesn't get wiped out.

The director sighs, remembering that the world was much simpler back then. He's also been reaching out to non-human countries to try and get their support, offering recognition. So far, only the elves in Africa and the atlanteans have agreed to support him. At least we're getting somewhere.

Then, the door knocks.

"Come in." The director said to the person.

"Good evening, director," Said a feminine voice.

"Sarah? I assume that there's a new report?“ the director furrows his eyebrows, he was not expecting her to have finished her mission over at Tibet this quickly.

Sarah Rose. A highly skilled spy and assassin of the intelligence division. She was a terror to the enemies of ZCorp, often torturing victims with many illegal tools. She is also a sadistic woman. Feared by even her own colleagues. Well, most of her colleagues. With her scarlet hair, she is nicknamed the bloody rose.


"Yes, director" She hands out two files. One of them is top secret information.

The director took the two files and began to briefly skim through them.

"Wait," The director said, "this one's about the operation on the Amazons, why do you have this?"

"While on my way to the director's office, his Excellency Viktor told me to deliver it to the director too," Sarah answered.

The director looks at Sarah, without breaking eye contact.

"Well then, what do you want Sarah? You never came to my office without a demand" The director said whilst still keeping eye contact with her.

A smile can be seen on her face.



Khalif spread his arms as he went down the plane. He has arrived at the ZCorp headquarters, and is about to take a day off, maybe two.

"Sir agent, you have been summoned by the director. Report to the director's office at once" A soldier said to him.

"Great.. My luck isn't it?" Khalif mumbles.

Before going to the director's office, he would need to drop off his stuff first. And after that, getting a drink from the vending machine. A cold coffee preferably.

Khalif walks in the hallways of the ZCorp headquarters. It is unusually empty, though, it is understandable as the current time is 01:23 AM. His footsteps can be heard echoing through the hallways.

He puts his stuff in his office, and proceeds to get to the nearest vending machine. It is only a right turn from his position. Khalif is still wearing his suit which he wore during his mission over at the Amazon. It's still a bit dirty, but it gives an intimidating aura.

He walks through the long hallways of the building, his footsteps echoing. The dim lights makes the atmosphere somewhat tense.

He arrives at the vending machine. It is red, and the only source of bright light. There's a lot of beverage options to choose from. For 3 dollars each, of course.


"Damn capitalist organization" Khalif mumbles, clearly annoyed.

He notices someone else near the vending machine. A woman with long scarlet hair and an ample bosom, she is drinking a cold coffee whilst leaning against the wall. She is wearing her plain white office suit, with a red tie. And is wearing beige colored jeans.

Khalif realizes that he has never met her before. Granted, he's only been in the organization for a year and 5 months. He's been super social and Befriended many of his coworkers.

This is the first time that he saw her. He decided to strike a conversation using his godly social skills.

"Excuse me miss, but I've never seen you here before?" He said.

The woman looks at him, not expecting someone to use the vending machine at this time.

"What?" She asked khalif, still displaying a cool, confident look.

"I was wondering why I never saw you before? My name's Khalif, a field agent" Khalif introduced himself as he extended his arms.

However, the other party didn't shake his hands. Instead, she became suspicious of him.

"An agent?" She said as she eyes Khalif. Crossing her arms. "Are you new?", she asks.

Khalif retracts his arms, "well, I've been an agent for a year and five months now, so-" Khalif explained before being interrupted.

"Look, newbie," She sternly said. "Don't come near me or talk to me ever again." She warned. Before walking away into the dim hallways.

Khalif stood there dumbfounded, he's never been in this situation until now. His mental health is deteriorating fast, and he is on the brink of collapse. However, he remembers that he has a beautiful wife that he loves dearly, that kept him motivated to do his job. He wants to protect her.

Snapping back to reality, he orders a coffee from the vending machine and heads to the director's office. Now 7 minutes late.

After some time, he arrived at the director's office. Khalif opens the door to find one director wahab with a complicated expression. Clearly dissatisfied with something. Khalif hopes that his performance in the Amazon was acceptable.

"Sir" Khalif saluted.

"Hmm? Oh, you. Sit down" The director responded, gesturing at the chair in front of the office desk.

Khalif sits down.

"Agent Khalif. Your performance on Amazon has exceeded my expectations, and many others" The director told Khalif. "I honestly didn't think that you prevented an ancient God from being revived. Then again, I also didn't expect you to fight against Moses and survive" Wahab continued.

"And that's why.. " The director took a file from his desk and gave it to khalif. "I'm assigning you to a diplomatic mission over in Africa, you are to escort an ambassador there" The director explains.

"What?! But I just got back!" Khalif protested, clearly displeased with this order.

"Relax, the mission is in 2 months. Until then, rest well and train harder"

".. I got it sir" Khalif weakly responded.

"Oh, before I forget to tell you. You'll be partnered with another agent. She's a bit of a psycho, but I'm sure you could handle her." The director informed him.

"Well then" The director stands up, and claps his hands. "You are dismissed" The director said.

Unbeknownst to khalif, he would soon meet his first and second partners. In the distant land of the dark continent which in recent years, has become much darker and much more sinister.

Speaking of which, he hasn't seen his beloved wife in this headquarters, she hasn't met him since Khalif landed. Well, she's probably busy with work, right?

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