《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 11: Escape attempt



I opened my eyes, and I was greeted by blinding lights in a white ceiling. Or, what I can assume is a ceiling. I looked around and just then I realized that I am in a human experimentation room. The white tone of the room reminded me of it, and the nightmares that came along with that memory.

I’ve got to get out of here..

I slowly got up, and got out of bed. Though I have to admit, the bed is much more comfortable than the beds from back then. Is this the Humans new strategy to make me submit?

“They never give up, do they?” I muttered under my breath as I struggled to walk.

As I looked more closely at my surroundings, I noticed that this room, although having experimentation equipment, has a lot of vanity furnishings, one where you could not find in any experimentation room, even for royalty.

I noticed a cute looking clock on the wall, and some absurd paintings. A couch facing a flat black glass and a small coffee table. What alarmed me though was the warm coffee that was placed on the coffee table, ‘that means someone was here!’ I concluded.

Finally, I noticed the door, an odd one for sure. It is made out of wood, a high quality one strangely enough, why would laboratories have such high quality wooden door?

I planned an escape plan, it’s simple enough, i’ll just run and take as many of them as possible before i either escape, get caught or killed. I breathed in, and opened the door… only to be met by the face of a surprised human, who was previously opening the doorknob.

We blinked, and after a short while of staring at each other, my senses returned and I immediately punched him in the face. I sent him flying and made my way out of the room. I noticed that the guards were drawing their weapons on me, ‘Shit.. I should’ve known they posted guards in the laboratory,’ I created water blades and absolutely tore through the guards armor, creating a hole in their chest.


I keep launching my water blades at them, but they keep appearing! Everytime i kill one of the guards, another two appear!

Slowly, I felt my energy gradually weaken. I needed to escape, fast. Or else I'll end up killed or restrained.

While launching my water blades, I looked up and noticed a vent. ‘That could be my ticket to escape’. As I become more and more weaker, more and more guards arrive. I cast a huge water blade spell, decapitating the guards, and launched myself upwards into the vent using a big splash of water.

After entering the vent, I quickly sealed the vent with ice and crawled away.

I must’ve been too tired as I fell asleep after a couple of distances of crawling in the vents, as I woke up I groaned. ‘How big is the ventilation system in this place?! How big is this god forsaken lab?!’I screamed internally. I continued crawling the vents, and eavesdropped on someone talking beneath me.

“God fucking damnit Khalif, what did you do this time? Cheating on your wife with a PNG of a femboy? Using the ZCorp issued business credit card to purchase Minecoins? Buy NFTs? Cheating on your wife with-”

“Shut the fuck up Johann, i’m loyal to my wife, i’ll never cheat on her. Never EVER! Plus it’s not MY fault that the girl escaped, you told me yourself too and i quote ‘she’s too cute, don’t put her behind bars! Put her in the medical room and ten to her’ end quote”

“Who wouldn't tend to a girl's wounds? Scratch that! A human's wounds? Would you let her die?”

“Well I would tend to her wounds AND lock her up! So that she couldn't escape! Like what happened”

“You’re so bad with women, why are you married?”


“Why are you divorced?”

“Why you!!”

I heard the sounds of glass breaking, meat beating, and shouts. I assume the men below me are fighting each other. ‘Humans, always so…inefficient’. I continued to crawl from there as the sounds of two people beating each other slowly became mere echoes through the ventilation system.

Before I had realized it though, my hands went through the vent and I fell down to a room of some sort, the ventilation probably has bad maintenance. I landed on a thick table and broke it, I felt some electric sting in my back. I looked around and found out that it was a mechanical thing that was causing it.

“The hell are you?” a voice called out.

I looked towards the voice, and there stood a woman, who just entered the room, in shock. I instantly shot water bolts at her, but she dogged and pulled out her gun. She took cover behind a sofa and fired shots at me. I made a water shield in front of me and continued firing my water bolts at her. My bolts penetrated the sofa, but she has managed to dodge them so far.

She continued firing at me until my shield went down, I'll have to dodge for the remainder of this fight… if I could go on.


The pistol sounded. “Cih” she spat. Then she dropped her pistol and charged at me, catching me off guard due to her sudden move. She smashed me to the wall, and punched me repeatedly. At this point, I'm already weak, and I'm losing my consciousness. After a while I blacked out.


“Sarah?” asked the man in black, “who or what are you carrying on your back?”

“My trophy..” She growled at him, ”where is the director?” she asked the man.

“He’s uhhh… Having a disagreement… yeah.. he ‘s having a disagreement with Khalif in the Director’s office,” he answered.

“Great, men these days..” she sighed, before she started moving.

“Wait Sarah!” the man called to her before she went too far.

“What?” she turned around.

“I was wondering if you’re free to-”

“No.. for the thousandth time, NO! Stop bothering me, Althov…” before she started to move again and eventually taking a right turn to head to the Director’s office.

The man, now known as Althov, stood there in silence. Before he shakes his head and went towards his office, which is right next to Sarah’s office. Only to find it riddled with bullet holes and his belongings were damaged.

‘...They really need to upgrade these paper thin walls’

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