《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 9: Goodbye Amazon


After relaxing in the Medusa village, I remembered that I am here in the Amazon with a job to do. All that's left is shooting a flare up to the sky in the reconquered branch office.

I decided to do that the next morning. For now, I'll be enjoying the village more, and being pampered by Carla even more. I know that I have a wife, but… I'm a healthy young man, okay?

Ahem.. Did you know that there's an open air bath in the village? The bath is built in a hot water source, so you could really feel the nature there. I am currently in the bath, alone, with Carla. Which, she somehow snuggled up to me. And need I remind you that we're naked?


She's asleep though. Good.

Meanwhile, I am just relaxing in the bath, cleansing my body from the filth that is sweat and dirt.

The bath is also facing the setting sun, this makes a very romantic situation, unfortunately, I am not with my wife, instead, I am with a half human half snake girl who looks no more than 17 years old, of course.. When I asked her for her age, she said that she's 41… As expected, the concept of time and age is different for Humans and non humans.

"Carla, wake up. I'm going out" I said to the sleeping Carla while poking her cheeks with my finger.


"Well, I'm leaving you then" I said before getting up and getting out of the bath.

I got out of the bath and started to walk towards the exit. Before Carla suddenly woke up and tackled me to the ground.

"Ow! What the hell?"

When I opened my eyes, I could see a beautiful woman sitting on top of me, and pinning me to the ground, and wrapping her snake lower half on my body. My entire body feels hot, and her breathing doesn't help but aggravate my manhood.

"C-can Khalif take care of Carla longer? ❤" She whispers in my ears. What the hell is this situation? I'm married for god's sake!

As she does that, her lower half transforms into human legs. An I could very well see her womanhood. She raised he body, exposing everything to me.

"I want Khalif to explore me more❤" She said as her face moves closer to mine. And wrapping her arms on my neck.


"HEEEEYAAA I'M COMING INNN" A loud and cheerful voice from outside the exit can be heard.

"Oh shit! Carla we need to hide!" As I said this, I immediately got up, pushing Carla from me, and picked her up to go hide in the locker nearby.


".. This is a problem"

I am now stuck in a cramped locker with a naked woman. She is still wrapping her arms around my neck, and making a ridiculously cute face! I might not last long here.

"Ehheh, I like strong men ❤" She said while stroking my body.

"How about you wake up from your trance, Carla?" I said while resisting the urge to pounce her.

Then, out of nowhere, she kissed me in the lips! My immediate reaction is to make her unconscious, which I did almost instantly.

"What the fuck Carla??"

Her unconscious body is now leaning towards me. And I got to endure this until the other person leaves.


"Hnn.. Where am I?"

I opened my eyes and realized that I am not in my room. Looking around, I could see that this might be Khalif's temporary residence.

"When did I get here?"

I tried to rackmy brain as to why I am currently in Khalif's room, when something touched me from beside me. I was a bit suprised, but when I looked to my side, I could see Khalif sleeping without his clothes on.


Wait… I'm in Khalif's room, sleeping, without wearing any clothes… eeehhhhhhhhh???

As I thinked about it more and more, my face became redder and redder.

"YOU RAPIST!" I yelled as I kicked Khalif out of his bed.

"Huh what??" He said as he stood up naked.

"Idiot wear some clothes!" I yelled at him as I used the blanket to cover my body.

He looked around and took his boxer and wore it.

"You! What did you do to me?"

"Relax, relax. Now let me explain"

"Explain?! Explain what?! You clearly took advantage of me! "

"Actually, I think it's quite the opposite"


Khalif started explaining why I was in his bedroom. My face got redder and redder as his explanation continues. I couldn't help but covering my face with the blankets too.

"..and so, I sneaked out of the bath house and went straight into my room. However, I was very tired and just fell asleep after lying you down" He finished his explanation.

"I-i'm so sorry! I didn't know I was like that!" I apologized to him.

"Yeah, I was wondering too. You also have a lewd side huh?" He said while rubbing his chin.

I threw a pillow at him.

"You better shut up or I'll throw a glass shard at you" I angrily said while my face is still beet red.


"Okay okay!" He held his arms in the air.

We then started to wear our clothes again. I wore my clothes in the other side of the bed, while Khalif wore them on the other side. When I looked back, he was wearing a very formal suit. Black and white suit with a tie that has a white background and small blue circles.

"Oh by the way, Carla" He said to me, as I was wondering why he was wearing those clothes.


"Today I'm gonna finish my mission and return to base"

"Then.. That means.. You're leaving?" I sheepishly asked.

"Yeah… but don't worry, if I have the time, I'll visit you from time to time" He said while smilling, revealing shining white teeth and revealing his handsome side. He has a wife though… this could be a problem.

"Yes! You are welcomed anytime!" I happily answered him. While also smilling.

After some time, we greeted the locals and and they blessed him with prayers for his journey home. I will miss him, but he promised that he will come from time to time!

In mid day, we stood at the village entrance.

"Well.. I guess this is my farewell, thank you Carla for everything" He said with his arms behind his back.

"Yes, you're welcome" I said to him.

"Well then, i-"

"Oh wait!" I cutted him.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Come here for a minute" I asked him to come closer to me.

He came to me and now he stood in front of me, the height difference is clearly seen.

I reached out my hands.

"Kiss my hands" I asked him.

".. Why?"

"Just do it" I persuade him.

After a while, he finally grabbed my hands and kissed them. What a gentlemen this man is!

"Ahem" I said, "can you hear me Khalif?" I said through my mind.

"What the hell?! You didn't move your mouth, how did you talk to me?" He startled.

"Fu fu~ I made you do a binding ritual, that's why I wanted you to kiss my hands" I answered, "this way, we'll be connected regardless of our distance from each other" I continued.

"But why?" He asked me.

"Simple, I cannot stand being separated with you for so long" I answered with a smile.

"Well then… I have to leave to the branch office now" He sighed.

"I know, be careful"


I trekked to the branch office, after the recent events I became tired.. Mentally, as Carla uses her telepathic magic to talk to me every minute. It's a mentally challenging task just to answer her, as I am not used to telepathy.

After several hours of walking through the forest, I arrived at the branch office. It's already evening now and I shot the flare immediately after coming to the location. I'm not gonna spend another night in the woods again!

The pickup will be a little while, so I set up a camp in the branch office and waited there for a while. Occasionally scavanging the dead bodies of the cultists for gems and other valuable stuff. Of course I took Ramesses too, the sword I mean. He had transformed into his sword form again.

We occasionally make small talk, about the weather, personal life and making jokes about each other. Carla also joins in sometimes.

I waited until about 7pm for the extraction team to arrive. A person who is geared to the max came to me.

"Agent Hendrawan I presume?" He asked

"Correct, and you might be?"

"I'm captain Murlock of the ZCorp special forces. We're here to get you out" Captain Murlock said.

"Thank fuck.. I'm not spending another night in here" I said as we walked towards the helicopter.

"Yes sir, however there is a slight change of plans from the brass" The captain told me.

"A change of plans?" I curiously asked.

"Yes, after you sent a message to HQ that you met a high ranking person in the cult of Aldane, HQ decided to prioritize on hunting down the cult all over the world" The captain explained to me.

"So… the branch office isn't gonna be fixed?"

"Nah, the Brazilian civil war is becoming more intense. And the director wanted to stay out of it"

"... What a world wrong live in… " I sighed.

As the helicopter doors are closed, I said goodbye to the Amazon rainforest and the Medusa people. Maybe I wouldn't tell the GIDO about them..

I sighed.

Hmm, maybe this agent job is not so bad after all.. Sure it might be life threatening, but I can't wait to go to another mission abroad. Perhaps I changed a bit.

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