《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 8: the battle at the Bermuda


"Well, that is a surprising turn of events.."

In an office, located in the middle of the Bermuda triangle, sat Adwi Von Koolako, the founder and CEO of Balden Technologies Inc.

The office is cold and silent, just how Von Koolako likes his woman to do during their nighttime activities. From inside the office, loud sounds from ocean waves and men screaming as they do their job can be heard.

In the office, two other people are standing beside Von Koolako, a tall, blond-haired man, Lloyd, Von Koolako's most loyal and trusted butler, and a white-haired elven maid, Zestari.

"The Director of ZCorp got sniped, apparently," Von Koolako sighed.

".. Did you order it, sir?"

"Of course not Lloyd, there's no way I would assassinate the people who buy the weapons this company produces. Unless if I have to"

The only ones who are buying the state-of-the-art weapons are militaries from various nations, and most importantly, the two defense organizations. Even if one of them decides to cut ties with Balden Technologies, the profits will surely suffer. The company cannot afford to lose one of its major backers.

Though he did bomb a house belonging to one of ZCorp's agents. It's just a prank bro.

"Anyways, Zestari, what is my schedule for the next 6 hours?"

"A meeting with the companies shareholders at 12 PM, golfing at 2 PM, overseeing project Ilulu at 5 PM, and scheming for 4 hours, from 5 to 9 PM," said Zestari in a neutral tone.

"Hmm," Von Koolako said in a coarse tone whilst resting his chin with his hands.

"Cancel the meeting with the shareholders and golfing. We're going to be here for a while"

Von Koolako stands up and walks to the door. Where screams of men working can be heard clearly. Where the sounds of waves and intense wind can be heard causing structural damage.


Von Koolako took his black raincoat and went outside, his two loyal servants following behind.

There is currently an especially violent storm in the seas, rain is pouring down rapidly and causing the sounds of intense *tick tick tick*.

Where is the current location of Von Koolako?

Of course, he is currently in the Bermuda anomaly, and to be exact, he is in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. In a research/military platform code-named, CANCER SAVIOR.

This platform stores the research documents and important facilities for project Ilulu.

Why is it placed in one of the dangerous places on earth?

Who knows. Von Koolako is that type of person after all.


(Von Koolako POV)

While overseeing the facility my guards alerted me of something, the waters surrounding this platform glowed, and suddenly a shadow appeared and is currently lurking under the water, encircling this facility.

"Master! I advise you on getting away from the rails!" shouted Llyod.

Lloyd warned me as I walked closer to the railings and looked below.

Just before I had the chance to look, a serpentine creature jumped out of the water and revealed its large size. Just by looking at it, using my super-genius brain, I could tell that it is more than 60 meters. Its scales are colored in an aqua color, about what you'd expect from a sea creature.

I staggered back and yelled, "KILL THAT THING".

I ran back towards the group of private soldiers that I hired.

They all start firing their rifles into the serpent. The Railgun rifles are not so effective against the serpent, though it did manage to hurt it somewhat.

"Sir! We should use this chance to test the experimental weapons that you are always itching to try!"

"... that'd be a great idea!"

One of the scientists that worked on project Ilulu suggested that I test an experimental weapon on the serpent, and I couldn't agree more. I always wanted to obliterate a massive monster, never mind an aquatic one. Unfortunately, the defense organizations have a monopoly on that, and I have to resort to....other means, to satisfy my frustration.


The serpent ate dozens of my personnel and damaged expensive pieces of equipment. The bullets fired from the railgun rifle are doing little damage to it. Therefore I am testing the latest experimental weapon straight from Balden Technologies labs.

The first to be tested is the EX-11148 or code-named "god's arrogance".

It is the first weapon made from extra-dimensional materials. Materials that do not exist on earth at all, and to obtain those materials, the company needed to make some bribes here and there. And of course, collecting them is no easy task either, as an average of 300 personnel are required to cross this dimension and obtain them.

"Hurry up and ready that thing up! I didn't pay you for rubbing metals for nothing!"

The downside is, that the weapon is incredibly heavy, and it requires to be stationed first.

"Sir! God's arrogance is ready to fire!"

"Fire goddamnit!"

I ordered to fire.

And in an instant, streaks of light fired rapidly from God's arrogance. It exploded on impact with the serpent and caused a bright explosion.

The serpent roared.

It's in pain.

It's unsurprisingly effective, well, it is an extra-dimensional weapon, so it obviously counters earth stuff. It's like rock, paper, scissors. The basic of the basic rule of nature.

"Continue to fire! Aim for its head!"

God's arrogance continued its barrage and the serpent fought back by shooting blue energy balls from its mouth, causing further casualties and damage to the platform.

The storm intensified as the battle against the serpent dragged on. This battle is taking too long, if it drags out too much, we'll be the ones who'll get exhausted. As there is not enough personnel and supplies. Thus I ordered that "God's arrogance" be fired using the highest setting.

"Sir are you sure?! This will potentially cause it to explode and therefore killing us all!", objected the soldier manning the experimental weapon.

"It's us or the serpent! And I'd rather take down down that thing with me! Zestari, Lloyd, man the weapon!"

As both Zestari and Lloyd took control of "God's arrogance", the serpent looked down and stared at us all. Possibly preparing for its final attack.

"Ready to fire, master!" Zestari shouted.


"God's arrogance" fired, but unlike last time, it only fired a single bright straight line. The serpent also fired its blue energy attack, and our attacks collided. It shook the surrounding waters and intensified the storm. The serpent's attack was intense, but the power of nature will always be beaten by the will of man and machine.

What I last saw was a blinding explosion and the deafening roar of the sea serpent

Before I fell unconscious.

I woke up 4 hours later in my office, with Zestari tending my wounds. Unfortunately for Lloyd, he was knocked out cold, still unconscious in the infirmary.

Later I learned from Zestari, a tsunami with a magnitude of 13 struck the east coast of America, the Caribbean, Europe, and West Africa. It might be because of that explosion.

Speaking of the experimental weapon, it is severely damaged, but repairable, although it will take some time and requires some more extra-dimensional materials.

That battle against the serpent is a victory for me, the company, and Humanity as a whole.

There's no way that serpent survived, right?

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