《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 7: a relief and an attempt



When I woke up...

I was lying in bed, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.

It's definitely made out of wood, it kinda feels similar to a tribal hut ceiling I watched in documentaries.

Beside me, I could hear someone breathing, it was Carla.

Her breath smells nice.

"Thank god you woke up! I was so worried about you!"

Carla dramatically said, as she hugged me tight, now humans and demihumans are two different species. They have different biologies and different traits. But one trait that every demihumans share, is that they are physically stronger, no exceptions. A kid demihuman depending on what race it is, can take down an average adult human easily.

In other words, Carla is currently breaking my bones due to her hugging me.

...and when did you become so affectionate to me?

Looking around I could see a man made out of metal, no not metal, gold, and he is holding Grave digger. Could this man actually be Grave digger itself?

"Umm... who are you?"

"Hmm? Ah! Pardon the late introduction. I am what you named me, Grave digger, but i also have another name until recently. Let me introduce myself, i am Pharaoh Ramesses III, the Arch Nemesis of Moses"


It's a title for egyptian kings if i remember. Back in ancient times. Shouldn't the Pharaoh be dead for centuries now?

"Now I know what you're thinking. Why am I made out of gold? Why did I grow out of your sword? Well it is because during the demon incursion on egypt, the demonic horde used the mutant locusts to overwhelm the defenses in what you now call Cairo"

Hmm? Demons?

"Anyways, Moses, who is supposed to be my ally. Got murdered by a skinwalker at night, and that skinwalker betrayed the alliance army. I didn't know that he was killed by a skinwalker, so I thought that he had betrayed me. So I ordered the alliance army to attack his fortress, which has now been occupied by demon forces. Unfortunately the skinwalker moses had tricked me well and i along with the Alliance army ended up being swallowed by the ocean"


Ok so, my limited knowledge on history has been shattered. If what Ramesses say is true, then how many important figures identities have the skinwalkers taken?

"As for why I became a sword... Well, I survived being swallowed by the sea. But my higher ups made me into a robot with biological components. And they accidentally merged my soul with a sword"


"Accidentally huh..." I muttered.

"Hey now, people make mistakes y'know, plus they're probably high on something, by the looks of their face. They're probably not human, but regardless!"

..right, to me, you just look like someone who got scammed by some indians or nigerians. Has humanity stayed the same for all these millenia?

Anyways, where the heck am i?

"Umm, Carla, where are we anyways?"

"Ah right! We are at Cranum Village!"

"C-Cranum Village?"

"Yes! It is my village! The village of the Medusas! Let's go look around!"

Saying this, Carla took my hand and ran toward the door. Her grip is tight and i think she almost broke my bones (again).


Afterwards, Carla showed me around the village, the Amazon river that goes through this village is pure and untouched by humanity, just humanity, it has been touched by the Medusas. Carla also showed me a ravine that is for some odd reason or another, is apparently, a kids playground.

There are swings that are installed in the middle of the ravine, using some magic or some shit. And various other tribal playground equipment. Many Medusa Children are seen playing.

At night, there is a Ceremony of welcoming foreigners into their village, tribal dances, tribal music, and a wine that is actually better than most Human made ones.

.. you know, maybe this sort of lifestyle isn't that bad every once in a while. And I definitely won't report the village's location to the GIDO, god... if one actually exists.. Knows what they will do.


I think I'll just relax until tomorrow when I shoot the flare near the branch office.

**** European Parliament Building ****

Amidst the rambling of the MPs on the EUNP (European National Parliament), there are two men standing in a podium, overlooking the seated MPs.

"Man.. look at all those people, and you tell me they're elected MPs?"

"I should've known that Aysia was just making an excuse.."

They are Malim Malikke, the Director of GIDO. And Johann Wahab.

They are here to address the EU Parliament of the recent extra dimensional invasion on Siberia.

Malim, who was known for his dislike of politicians and bureaucrats reluctantly came to parliament, due to pressure from his butler.

Johann on the other hand, was tricked by a certain subordinate to come here.

Needless to say, both of them had a depressing mood.

2 of them are one of the most powerful people in the world, controlling an interdimensional organization. Yet just by looking at their gloomy atmosphere right now, anyone could tell that they are not in the mood to do anything right now. Humanity is fucked.

Earth has 10 people that have a major influence on Earth and the solar system right now. It's difficult to rank them because each of them has their own speciality. Like the literal manifestation of Capitalism, Adwi Von Koolako, the Media Baron, Waldo Miguard and the defense organizations like Malim of the GIDO and Johann of the ZCorp.

"Why can't I spend 500 gems to speed up you people??"

"What? You want some builder to hit them with their hammer and hope they speed up?"

Malim's prayers were answered and the Parliament is opening up.

Just then, the windows shattered and a stray bullet Struck Johann's Chest. The bullet penetrated Johann's body, leaving a hole in his chest.

The Parliament was in uproar, security came rushing in and the MPs were escorted to an underground bunker. Medics brought Malim and Johann to the ambulance, heading straight to a GIDO Hospital.

"Damn it!"

In the building near the Parliament, someone cursed his poor aim. No, not his poor aim, he trained for 5 years for this moment, and all of a sudden, the Director of ZCorp suddenly stepped forwards and unknowingly took the bullet.

The police is now searching all building in a 10 km radius, starting with this building.

"Well, at least one of them will not be alive the next time we meet... i hope"

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